This document is the starting point for the apache fortress demo web app. It provides directions to download the source package from github, and generate a java document that contains the actual installation instructions.
- Debian or Redhat Liunx machine with OpenSSL installed.
- Java 7++
- Apache Maven 3++
- Apache Tomcat 7++
- Firefox Web Browser
- Completed either section in Apache Fortress Core Quickstart:
- SECTION 3. Apache Fortress Core Integration Test in
- SECTION 4. Apache Fortress Core Integration Test in
Extract the contents to your local machine.
cd apache-fortress-demo-master
Set java and maven home env variables.
Generate the java document that contains the demo installation instructions:
mvn javadoc:javadoc
note: if using java 8, add this param to the pom.xml:
- Perform these steps:
- Heartbleed Bug
- Managing PKI Keys
- Set Hostname Entry
- Apache Directory SSL
- Apache Fortress Core SSL
- Install MySQL
- Apache Tomcat SSL
- Apache Fortress Demo
[links are relative to target/site/apidocs/doc-files/ on local machine]