Weather Scrapper is a GUI application to scrap/fetch weather data from google cards and display it on your GUI app.
- Fahrenhite and Celsius Switch.
- Next 7 days predictions.
- Static google-weather icons.
- Missing weather icons name and link to download gets added to the missing_icons.txt in .\images\weather icons\missing_icons.txt
Project is created with:
- Python 3.9
- OOPS Concept.
- Tkinter(tk) module for GUI.
- Beautifulsoup4 and Requests external modules for Fetching/Scrapping data from google.
Download the project to your Device using one of the ways listed below
- Clone the repo: git clone
- Download Zip using : Download
(Optional) If want to use virtual environment:
Use the package manager pip to download the necessary modules using one of the ways listed below.
To install all necessary modules
pip install -r requirements.txt
To install individually
pip install beautifulsoup4==4.9.3 pip install requests==2.24.0
(Optional) Use virtual Environment.
Run file.
for more screenshots visit Screenshots folder in the main branch.
Some icons missing for some uncommon weather events. Weather condition name and link of icon automatically gets added to the missing_icons.txt in .\images\weather icons\missing_icons.txt So please open an issue uploading missing_icons.txt file to fix those icons in future updates. You can manually add that icons to ./images/weather icons folder yourself too to fix this bug.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.