Async++ is a framework written in c++ for developing async operations. Features supported
- Async operation
- Advance Logger
- Event Notifers
- Thread Pool
- Stl and Lock Free Queues
- Timers
Async::Task([]() // Task 1
/* Funtion with return type
Return value will be captured in the next block */
return -100;
[](int x)
/*Return type captured here */
// X will be -100
.add([]() //Task 2
/*Function without a return type */
.execute_async(); /* Tasks will be executed asynchronously/parallel */
Async::Task([]() // Task 1
/* Funtion with return type
Return value will be captured in the next block */
return -100;
[](int x)
/*Return type captured here */
// X will be -100
.add([]() //Task 2
/*Function without a return type */
.execute_sync(); /* Tasks will be executed syncronously */
std::shared_ptr<Async::CancellationToken> Token = make_shared<Async::CancellationToken>();
Async::Task([]() // Task 1
/* Funtion with return type
Return value will be captured in the next block */
return -100;
[](int x)
/*Return type captured here */
// X will be -100
.add([]() //Task 2
/*Function without a return type */
Token->cancel(); /* All the pending tasks will be cancelled, executing tasks cannot be cancelled */
Async::EventListener *pEvent = new Async::EventListener();
pEvent->addEvent("event1",[](int x,int y)
pEvent->addEvent("event1",[](int x,int y)
pEvent->addEvent("event2",[](int x,int y)
class TimerExample : public Async::ITimer
shared_ptr<Async::TimerTicks> mTicks;
this->mTicks->setInterval(1); //Timer set for 1 sec
this->mTicks->start(); //Starting timer
void onTimerExpired(Async::TimerTicks *pTicks)
//Callback after the timer expiry...
IPC::MessageQueue myQ(/* Q name */,/* Q size */, /* message size */,/* is to create or not */);
myQ.recv([](shared_ptr<char> ptr,size_t size) //Asynchronous receive
});* buffer ptr */,/* size */); //Synchronous receive
myQ.send(/* buffer ptr */,/* size */); //Synchronous send
Core::Channel<int> c; // Creating a channel
c << 10; // Send to channel
int x;
x << c; //Receving from channel
c.close(); //Closing the channel
Core::WaitGroup wg; // Creating a wait group
wg.add() // adding to waitgroup adding 1 to counter
wg.add(10) // adding to waitgroup adding 10 to counter
wg.done() // wait group is done and decrease counter by 1
wg.wait() // wait for wait group to complete , ie counter becomes 0