Considering different attributes of housing predicting its price.
- Define Objective: What you want to do ?
- Gist of a datasets:
- Datatypes of attributes.
- Wether continuous or decrete.
- finding stats such as min, max, std, median and so on.
- Visulize the dataset.
- Datatypes of attributes
- Define training and testing datasets per usecase e.g. random vs stratified.
- Correlation analysis(pairwise and attribute correlation).
- Data quality: clean the dataset (Missing values, errors, duplication, outliers etc.).
- Data trasnformation (Like normalizing, standardization, onehot code enoder etc.).
- Quickly define a model and see how it permorms: Base Model.
- Define model accorindig to application (ML models, DNN, CNN, RNN, etc.).
- Hyperparmaneters tuning on the validation set.
- Carry-out different test scores(Prcision, Recall, ROC, PR, etc.) on the test set.
- Deploy the model and use it to predict real life scenarios.