Implemented dictionary and auto suggestion system, As soon as a character is input by the user all the words stored starting with that letter or group of letters input by the user till now are be displayed on the screen and the meaning of the word selected by the user from the word recommendation on the screen is displayed
Exaplanation with example- Take a character input and print all the possible words from the custom dictionary u have made as a text file, For example input is 'a' Then output may be
- A
- Aa
- Aab
- Arab
- Abcd Now take second character as input as 'c' now the first two character of the word I want to search in dictionary become 'ac' So output may be
- ac
- acb
- accd Now the third character input be 't' so the prefix for the word user is searching in dictionary become 'act' Output may come as
- act
- active
- action And take the input till a -1 is encountered as input And search the final word in dictionary and return it's meaning and if the word is not present in dictionary print not found And in between after writing first few letters of the word user might be searching in ur dictionary he found it in auto suggestions Like after user have input first three letters 'act' and autosuggestion output is
- act
- action
- active User is searching for 'active' he can enter 3 and directly get the meaning of the word
The implementation is done with the help of trie data-structure.