A tool for remotely creating Sense HAT 8x8 pixel drawings using Anvil, used as a tool in Code Next's Raspberry Pi curriculum.
This tool is meant to be used with a client Anvil app. Copy the app from Anvil here: PixelPaint
On your Raspberry Pi, install the anvil.server package first.
$ pip install anvil-uplink
Clone this app on your Pi.
On your Anvil app, enable Uplink.
Get your Uplink key.
On your pixel_paint_server.py file, replace the anvil uplink key
anvil.server.connect("<your key goes here>")
On the client side, Click Run to launch the app, on the Pi, run the app from Thonny or the command line:
$ python3 /your/path/pixel_paint_server.py
Saved designs are in a raw Python list, with RGB values and a timestamp and are appended to a .txt file. To use these, copy and paste them into other Sense HAT scripts as needed.
That's it!