This is my website. It's a static site built with React. I use it for personal details and blogging.
yarn dev
is a fully static app. It's deployed via this GitHub Action to GitHub Pages.
contains the posts themselves. I prefer for them to live outside the code in a separate top-level folder, and to be as close to standard markdown as possible, for a distraction-free writing environment.
As for the JavaScript, the code is split into several packages using Yarn workspaces.
contains the Next.js app for the site../packages/viriditas
contains (the bones of) Viriditas, the design system I am assembling to structure this site../packages/mdx
contains a small library of prebuilt MDX components using the Viriditas styles.
I wanted
but that proved annoying, so I settled for
. Read it like: "vivshaw's", as in "vivshaw's webbed sight".
A few reasons, both related to the requirements for GitHub user pages
- I used to host my blog at that URL, and I would like it to continue working, with a redirect to my new URL.
- I'd prefer all my GitHub Pages to live under
The easiest way to accomplish these things is by setting a custom domain for my user site.