This is the npm command line interface for the vocality-discord-bot ecosystem. It can be used for generating new bots which are build on top of our plugin based solution.
- Generate new plugins.
- Adding new commands with boilerplate code.
- Choose between JavaScript or TypeScript.
For our cli to work you need Node.js and the npm package manager. You can get both here: Node.js and npm
Once you have everything set up just type
npm install -g @vocality-org/cli
or if you have npm > 5.2.0
you can use npx
npx @vocality-org/cli bootstrap
After installing the cli you can use the executables vocality-cli or vc to trigger different commands.
vocality-cli [command] [optional parameters]
- bootstrap Sets up a boilerplate project to develop a new plugin for a bot.
- generate Generates a new command in an existing vocality plugin project.
- docs Generates a commands.json file, is mandatory for generating documentation for your plugin on our landing page
- -v, --version Displays the current version of the cli.
- -h, --help Displays usage information.
- -r, --route Optional parameter for bootstrap, generate and docs. Used for entering a custom path relative to where the command is executed.
- -t, --typescript Optional parameter for generate. When set, a command with typescript support is generated.