Build a HPC Cluster using the following infrastructure components:
Component | Description | Cf. |
CentOS 7 | Operating system | |
SaltStack | Infrastructure orchestration | |
EPEL | Fedora community packages | |
OpenHPC | Community HPC packages | |
MariaDB | Relational database | |
Slurm | Workload management system | |
Prometheus | Time-series database | |
Grafana | Monitoring dashboard | |
This example uses virtual machines setup with vm-tools:
The shell script ↴ adds the tool-chain in this repository to your shell environment:
# load the environment
>>> source
List of required virtual machines and services:
Node | Description |
lxcm01 | SaltStack master |
lxrepo01 | CentOS 7 package mirror & site repo |
lxrm0[1,2] | Slurm master/slave |
lxfs01 | NFS Slurm configuration server |
lxdb01 | MySQL database |
lxmon01 | Prometheus monitoring server |
lxb00[1-4] | Slurm execution nodes |
Make sure that the SaltStack package repository is included in the CentOS virtual machine image:
>>> cat /etc/yum.repos.d/salt.repo
name=SaltStack repo for Red Hat Enterprise Linux $releasever
Alternatively copy the repo configuration to all VMs after start:
vn sy -r $SALTSTACK_EXAMPLE/etc/yum.repos.d/salt.repo :/etc/yum.repos.d/salt.repo
Provision all required virtual machine instances
# start new VM instances using `centos7` as source image
>>> vn s centos7
# clean up everything and start from scratch
>>> vn r
Install Saltstack on all nodes (cf. Salt configuration):
# install the SaltStack master
>>> vm ex lxcm01 -r '
yum install -y salt-master;
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=4505-4506/tcp;
firewall-cmd --reload;
systemctl enable --now salt-master && systemctl status salt-master
# install the SaltStack minions on all nodes
>>> vn ex -r '
yum install -y salt-minion;
echo "master:" > /etc/salt/minion;
systemctl enable --now salt-minion && systemctl status salt-minion
Sync the Salt configuration to the master:
- srv/salt/ - The state tree includes all SLS (SaLt State file) representing the state in which all nodes should be
- etc/salt/master - Salt master configuration (
defines to location of the state tree) - srv/salt/top.sls - Maps nodes to SLS configuration files (cf. top file)
# upload the salt-master service configuration files
vm sy lxcm01 -r $SALTSTACK_EXAMPLE/etc/salt/master :/etc/salt/
# upload the salt configuration reposiotry
vm sy lxcm01 -r $SALTSTACK_EXAMPLE/srv/salt :/srv/
# accept all Salt minions
vm ex lxcm01 -r 'systemctl restart salt-master ; salt-key -A -y'
Commands use on the master:
systemctl restart salt-master # restart the master
/var/log/salt/master # master log-file
salt-key -A -y # accept all (unaccpeted) Salt minions
salt-key -d <minion> # remove a minion key
salt-key -a <minion> # add a single minion key
salt <target> # check if a minion repsonds
salt <target> state.apply # configure a node
salt <target> state.apply <sls> # limit configuration to a single SLS file
salt <target> <command> ... # execute a shell command on nodes
salt-run # list active jobs
salt-run jobs.exit_success <jid> # check if a job has finished
Commands used on a minion:
systemctl restart salt-minion # restart minion
journalctl -f -u salt-minion # read the minion log
salt-minion -l debug # start minion in forground
salt-call state.apply <sls> # limit configuration to a single SLS file
salt-call -l debug state.apply # debug minion states
Nodes | SLS | Description |
lxrepo01 | yum-mirror.sls | Configure a CentOS 7 package mirror |
lxrepo01 | yum-repo.sls | Configure a package repository for custom RPMs |
* | yum.sls | Nodes using the local mirror & repo |
# configure the node
vm ex lxcm01 -r 'salt lxrepo01.devops.test state.apply'
# download release packages for EPEL & OpenHPC
wget -P /tmp
wget -P /tmp
# upload the release package to the package repository
vm sy lxrepo01 -r -D /tmp/{ohpc,epel}*.rpm :/var/www/html/repo/
# rebuild the package repository
vm ex lxrepo01 -r 'createrepo /var/www/html/repo'
# show the local package mirror & repo with your default web-browser
for url in centos repo ; do $BROWSER http://$(virsh-nat-bridge lo lxrepo01 | cut -d' ' -f2)/$url ; done
Configure lxdb01
Node | SLS | Description |
lxdb01 | mariadb.sls | Configure the MariaDB database server |
slurm-db-access.sls | Grant access to the database for Slurm |
# configure the database server
>>> vm ex lxcm01 -r 'salt lxdb01* state.apply'
# query the database configuration
>>> vm ex lxcm01 -r 'salt lxdb01* mysql.user_grants slurm lxrm01'
- GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'slurm'@'lxrm01'
- GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `slurm_acct_db`.`*` TO 'slurm'@'lxrm01' WITH GRANT OPTION
Cf. mysql execution module
Unfortunately slurm-db-access.sls
is not working as expected, you may need to grant access or the slurm user manually:
>>> vm ex lxdb01 -r mysql
# ..configure ...
grant all on slurm_acct_db.* TO 'slurm'@'localhost' identified by '12345678' with grant option;
grant all on slurm_acct_db.* TO 'slurm'@'lxrm01' identified by '12345678' with grant option;
grant all on slurm_acct_db.* TO 'slurm'@'lxrm01.devops.test' identified by '12345678' with grant option;
grant all on slurm_acct_db.* TO 'slurm'@'lxrm02' identified by '12345678' with grant option;
grant all on slurm_acct_db.* TO 'slurm'@'lxrm02.devops.test' identified by '12345678' with grant option;
NFS server configuration:
Nodes | SLS | Description |
lxfs01 | nfsd.sls | NFS server for the Slurm configuration & state |
# configure the NFS server
>>> vm ex lxcm01 -r -- salt -t 120 lxfs01\* state.apply
# check the exports
>>> vm ex lxcm01 -r salt lxfs\* exportfs
/etc/slurm lxrm*
/etc/slurm lx*
/nfs lx*
# or using a Salt execution module
>>> vm ex lxcm01 -r salt 'lxfs*' nfs3.list_exports
Slurm cluster configuration files in etc/slurm
# upload the common Slurm configuration to the NFS server
vm sy lxfs01 -r $SALTSTACK_EXAMPLE/etc/slurm/ :/etc/slurm
NFS client configuration:
Node | SLS | Path | Description |
lxb00[1-4],lxrm0[1,2] | slurm-nfs.sls | /etc/slurm | Slurm configuration |
lxrm0[1,2] | /var/spool/slurm | Slurm controller state (master/slave) | |
lxb00[1-4] | nfs.sls | /nfs | Shared cluster storage |
# list all required mounts in the infrastructure
vm ex lxcm01 -r -- salt "'*'" | grep -e lx -e slurm -e nfs
Slurm Controller (master/slave) configuration;
Node | SLS | Description |
lxrm0[1,2] | slurmctld.sls | Slurm Controller daemon |
slurmdbd.sls | Slurm Database daemon |
# configure the Slurm master and slave
vm ex lxcm01 -r -- salt -t 300 'lxrm*' state.apply
# check the service daemons with expression matching
vm ex lxcm01 -r -- salt -E "'lx(rm|b)'" service.status 'slurm*'
Configure the Slurm accounting database:
# register the new cluster
vm ex lxrm01 -r -- sacctmgr -i add cluster vega
# restart the SLURM cluster controllers
vm ex lxcm01 -r salt 'lxrm*' service.restart slurmctld
# check the Slurm parition state
vm ex lxrm01 -r sinfo
Manage the account DB configuration with the file etc/slurm/accounts.conf:
# load the account configuration
vm sy lxrm01 -r $SALTSTACK_EXAMPLE/etc/slurm/accounts.conf :/tmp
vm ex lxrm01 -r -- sacctmgr --immediate load /tmp/accounts.conf
Slurm executuion nodes configuration:
Node | SLS | Description |
lxb0[1-4] | slurmd.sls | Slurm execution node daemon |
# configure all Slurm execution nodes
vm ex lxcm01 -r -- salt -t 300 -E lxb state.apply
Install user application software (cf. Salt Job Management):
# login to the salt master
vm lo lxcm01 -r
# span a job to install packages required for user applications
jid=$(salt --async 'lxb*' state.apply users-packages | cut -d: -f2) && echo $jid
# list running jobs
# show the corresponding job
salt-run jobs.print_job $jid
# check if the job has finished successful
salt-run jobs.exit_success $jid
# kill the job on the nodes...
salt 'lxb*' saltutil.kill_job $jid
RPM packages are provided by Packagecloud:
# download the packages from packagecloud
wget --content-disposition -P /tmp
wget --content-disposition -P /tmp
wget --content-disposition -P /tmp
# upload the packages to the local repository
vm sy lxrepo01 -r -D /tmp/{prom,node,graf}*.rpm :/var/www/html/repo/
vm ex lxrepo01 -r createrepo /var/www/html/repo
Prometheus configuration:
Node | SLS | Description |
lxmon01 | prometheus.sls | Prometheus server configuration |
~ | prometheus-node-exporter.sls | Nodes expose monitoring metrics with node-expoerter |
# configure the Prometheus server
vm ex lxcm01 -r salt 'lxmon*' state.apply
# open the Prometheus metrics page in your default browser
$BROWSER http://$(vm ip lxmon01):9090/metrics
# check the state of nodes defined in for scraping metrics
$BROWSER http://$(vm ip lxmon01):9090/targets
The Prometheus server configuration: prometheus.yml (cf. Prometheus Configuration)
# deploy the node-exporter on all nodes
vm ex lxcm01 -r -- salt -t 120 -C "'* and not L@lxcm01.devops.test'" state.apply prometheus-node-exporter
Grafana configuration:
Node | SLS | Description |
lxmon01 | grafana.sls | Prometheus server configuration |
# open the Grafana web-interface in your default browser
$BROWSER http://$(vm ip lxmon01):3000
# default user/password: admin/admin
- Prometheus is configured as data-source with prometheus.yml
- Import one of the node exporter dashboards, i.e. ID:1860
Depending on the test the virtual machine resource can be adjusted
# reconfigure the libvirt VM instance configuration, i.e. 2GB RAM, 2 CPUs and VNC support
NODES='lxb00[1-4]' vn co -M 2 -c 2 -vO
# shutdown, undefine, define, start VM instances
NODES='lxb00[1-4]' vn rd
Configuring OpenMPI with a firewall is still an issue:
# switch of the firewall on execution nodes
>>> vm ex lxcm01 -r -- salt -E lxb service.stop firewalld
# Slurm port range Configuration
>>> vm ex lxrm01 -- scontrol show config | grep -i srun
SrunEpilog = (null)
SrunPortRange = 35000-45000
SrunProlog = (null)
Run an example MPI application
# login as a user to an execution node
vm lo lxb001 -r -- su - sulu
# list MPI environments
srun --mpi=list
# compile a sample MPI program
mpicc -O3 /opt/ohpc/pub/examples/mpi/hello.c -o hello
# allocate two nodes
salloc -N 2 /bin/bash
# run the MPI application
srun --mpi pmix hello
# or
prun hello