tested in ubuntu 10.04 and ubuntu 10.10
in your /etc/rsyslog.conf, together with other modules: $ModLoad ommongodb # provides mongodb support
then in your /etc/rsyslog.d (check your distribution way to organize the configuration..) you create a file 10-mongodb.conf with the following content:
#the format for the driver is :ommongodb:ip:db:collection;StdMongoDBFmt #if you want to change what is logged in the db, the template, you must change the source code since the keys are hardcoded $template StdMongoDBFmt,"%msg%%syslogfacility%%HOSTNAME%%syslogpriority%" . :ommongodb:,syslog,logs;StdMongoDBFmt
TODO we must ensure that the collection is a capped collection refactor my code :-)
email Victor Pereira victor.pereira@bigrails.com twitter twitter.com/vpereira