Repository of scripts from R user dicussion group (PE&RC graduate school)
This repository belong to the R user discussion group of PE&RC graduate school of Wageningen University. It gives access to R scripts presented during its meetings and links to R learning resources.
The Wageningen R user group is meant for all R users connected to graduate school PE&RC, and/or Wageningen University and Research, and anybody else interested in working with R. It’s focus is the language R itself, rather than statistics in general. Most of our members are PhD candidates, but also Bachelor and Master students, and everybody else is welcome. Any questions, suggestions, or do you want te be informed about our monthly meetings? Contact us by
The maintainers of the repository are Benjamin Brede and Luc Steinbuch, but it is willing that any member of this group suggests and/or edits the content of this page.
We ran a survey about the most interesting topics in our group. Here you can see the results.
Would you like to become a contributor? edit the Contributors file here and we will add you to this list.
For those that are not familiar with GitHub, check the GitHub guide
This text is written in Markdown format.
Happy coding!
Wageningen RUser group.
Contact us at
FYI - other R-related groups in Wageningen:
- R-Ladies Wageningen, also on FB, started from a gender- and minority perspective.
- R Academy Wageningen, also on FB, started from a commercial perspective.