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Plugin API

Cezarijus Kivylius edited this page May 21, 2024 · 23 revisions

Plugin API

Here all the functionality of the plugin api, all params are displayed


App = ({ config, setConfig }) => JSX

The App component is renderd on the screen when the plugin is selected, this should have all your config and setting the user can control.

name Type Description
config object The config you set by the setConfig function
setConfig fn(Object) Set any user config, merge the old config via ...config to prevent overwrites

Here a basic example

const App = ({ config, setConfig }) => {
  return (
      <label htmlFor="link">link: </label>
        onChange={(e) => setConfig({ ...config, myLink: }) } 
        value={config.myLink|| ""} 
export default App;


manifest = Object

The manifest file will have all you plugin settings, used to tell webdeck how to consume this plugin.

name Type Description
version number (optional) The manifest version, current only 1 is available. If no value is provided, falls back to 1
icons Object (optional) Setup for you icons that will be used. "default" is required and is the default icon set
bespoke boolean (optional) If you plan to create a bespoke experience. Default drawing to key of icon/text/etc is disabled.

The basic manifest:

export const manifest = {
  version: 1,
  icons: {
    ["default"]: {
      icon: ".....svg path string....",

To add more icons, for example when user interacts with the plugin (e.g in this case turn on and off) you can provide additional icons.

export const manifest = {
  version: 1,
  icons: {
    ["default"]: {
      icon: ".....svg path string....",
    ["on"]: {
      icon: ".....svg path string....",,
    ["off"]: {
      icon: ".....svg path string....",,


init = (params) => function<destructor>

The init function is called when the plugin is initialized. The definition of initialized is "plugin is loaded AND used on a key". The function is called once per initialization, and a return function can be provided as a destruction. This pattern is very common in react-hooks.

export const init = (params) => {
    const interval = setInterval(() => {
        console.log("hello world every 1 second";
    }, 1000);

    return () => clearInterval(interval )


params: Object

name Type Description
drawkey function<callback> see draw function bellow
config string The configration
keyIndex number The current index of key this plugin is assigned


drawkey : fn({ ctx, canvas}) => void

This function allows you to draw directly to the canvas:

export const init = ({ drawKey, config }) => {
    drawKey(({ ctx, canvas }) => {
         ctx.arc(15, 15, 10, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
         ctx.strokeStyle = "yellow";


onPress = (params) => void

This function fire when user click the button, this is the main piece of code to trigger something to happen, you can put anything here to trigger. The most basic hello world example:

export const onPress = () => {
    else alert("hello world");


params: Object

name Type Description
config object see config example bellow
icon string Icon string e.g "on" or "default"
keyIndex number The current index of key this plugin is assigned
plugin string Your plugin name as seen by webdeck
setIcon fn(string) see setIcon example bellow.
title string Subtitle given to you plugin.


config: Object

The config is an object, and value can be set via the App controller. Example:

export const onPress = ({ config }) => {
    if(config.myText) alert(config.myText);
    else alert("no text provided");

export const App = ({ config, setConfig }) => {
   return <input onChange={(e) => setConfig({ myText: }) } value={config.myText|| ""} />


setIcon: fn(string) => void

🟡 INFO- This requires icons to be configured in manifest first.

This function set an icon to display, usually based on a condition:

export const onPress = ({ setIcon }) => {
    if(true) setIcon("on");


onPressDown = (config) => void



onPressUp = (config) => void


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