Module to ease development of the Webino modules.
- Utility functions
- Smart dependency injection definition generator (deprecated)
- DOM testing
- Mail testing
- Selenium abstract tests testing
- Base classes for Selenium WebDriver tests
- Authentication testing
- Forms testing
- Ajax testing
- Browser screenshots
- Video debug notifications support
- Fixed Assetic\Cache\FilesystemCache file permissions with umask
- PHP 7.1
- ZendFramework 2
Open terminal and go to your application directory
- Use this module only in your development environment
- Run
php composer.phar require webino/webino-dev:dev-develop
- Add
to the enabled modules list
NOTE: Considering a zf2-skeleton or very similar application.
d(); // var_dump();
dd(); // var_dump();exit;
p(); // print_r();
pd(); // print_r();exit;
pr(); // return print_r();
e(); // throw new \WebinoDev\Exception\DevelopmentException;
Create file bin/definition_generator
in your module, with following code:
#!/usr/bin/env php
namespace WebinoExample;
use WebinoDev\Di\Definition\Generator;
// Autoloader
$loader = require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$loader->add(__NAMESPACE__, __DIR__ . '/../src');
// Dump DI definition
(new Generator(__DIR__))->compile()->dump();
NOTE: Assuming WebinoExample/bin/
and WebinoExample/vendor/
NOTE: Use your namespace instead of WebinoExample.
With custom paths, relative to vendor directory:
(new Generator(__DIR__))->compile(['custom/path/1', 'custom/path/2'])->dump();
With ignored paths:
(new Generator(__DIR__))->setIgnore(['regex1', 'regex2', 'etc.'])->compile()->dump();
use WebinoDev\Test\Selenium\AbstractTestCase;
class HomeTest extends AbstractTestCase
public function testHome()
$this->clickLink('Link example');
* Use following methods to get a page element
* It's possible to use $this->elementsBy... to get array of elements also.
$this->elementByCssSelector('.class-name tagname');
$this->elementByLinkText('Test link');
$this->elementByPartialLinkText('Link text too long');
* Screenshots
$data = $this->screenshot();
// or
$this->attachScreenshot('Example caption');
use WebinoDev\Test\DomTrait;
* Concrete test trait
class DomTestCase extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
use DomTrait;
public function testDom()
$xhtml = '<html/>';
$dom = $this->createDom($xhtml);
$elm = $dom->xpath->query('//html')->item(0);
use WebinoDev\Test\Selenium\AbstractAuthenticationTestCase;
class AuthenticationTest extends AbstractAuthenticationTestCase
public function testAuthentication()
or use trait
use WebinoDev\Test\Selenium\AbstractTestCase;
class AuthenticationTest extends AbstractTestCase
use AuthenticationTrait;
use WebinoDev\Test\Selenium\AbstractTestCase;
class HomeTest extends AbstractTestCase
public function testHome()
$this->submitImput('email', '');
// or
$this->enterInput('email', '', function ($elm) {
$this->assertInput('email', '');
function () {
return $this->elementByClassName('example-success');
function ($elm) {
$this->assertSame('example', $elm->text());
use WebinoDev\Test\Selenium\AbstractTestCase;
class HomeTest extends AbstractTestCase
public function testHome()
// or
// or with delay 2 seconds
$result = $this->elementByClassName('ajax-result')->text();
$this->assertSame('expected ajax result', $result);
Supports functional and selenium mail testing.
Assumed that mail messages are saved as files to the virtual filesystem tmp/mail
NOTE: Use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStream::url('root/tmp/mail')
for virtual filesystem directory path.
use WebinoDev\Test\Functional\AbstractMailTestCase;
class MailTest extends AbstractMailTestCase
public function testMail()
// ...
$mail = $this->readMail();
$this->assertSame($expectedSubject, $mail->getSubject());
or use trait
use WebinoDev\Test\Functional\AbstractTestCase;
use WebinoDev\Test\Functional\MailTrait;
class MailTest extends AbstractTestCase
use MailTrait;
* {@inheritDoc}
protected function setUp()
Assumed that mail messages are saved as files to the tmp/mail
directory, relative to the application.
use WebinoDev\Test\Selenium\AbstractMailTestCase;
class MailTest extends AbstractMailTestCase
public function testMail()
// ...
$mail = $this->readMail();
$this->assertSame($expectedSubject, $mail->getSubject());
or use trait
use WebinoDev\Test\Selenium\AbstractTestCase;
use WebinoDev\Test\Selenium\MailTrait;
class MailTest extends AbstractTestCase
use MailTrait;
* {@inheritDoc}
protected function setUp()
* {@inheritDoc}
protected function tearDown()
use WebinoDev\Test\Functional\SeleniumTestTrait;
class AbstractSeleniumTestCaseTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
use SeleniumTestTrait;
protected $object;
protected function setUp()
$this->object = new SeleniumTestCase;
$this->object->session = $this->getWebDriverSession();
- Use Facebook WebDriver instead of Element34
- Use Nette\Tester instead of PHPUnit as tests runner
- Docs debug notifies support
- Upgrade Zend MVC
- Upgrade Zend Mail
Please, if you are interested in this Zend Framework module report any issues and don't hesitate to contribute. We will appreciate any contributions on development of this module.