Quick, dirty convert between IEEE754 hex and f32/f64.
If the number contains a decimal point, convert float -> hex. Else, convert hex -> float.
Hex values are automatically padded to 8/16 characters (appended zeroes) before processing.
Warning: hardly any input validation.
-i : Use interactive console.
-a : Autodetect and show one result.
- If detected as hex:
numbers of length <= 8 will be treated as 32b, else 64b.
- If detected as float:
use the 'f' suffix to treat as single, else treated as double.
-p : Print float values with guaranteed precision
- 9 sig figs printed for float
- 17 sig figs printed for double
Examples: flot 3f8
flot 0x4200000000000000
flot 1.2
flot -a 3f8 (treated as 32b)
flot -a 4014000000 (treated as 64b)
flot -a 3.5f (treated as single)
flot -a 1.2 (treated as double)