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WelterReedL edited this page Apr 8, 2021 · 4 revisions

Results appear in the 'Results' tab when a search is complete. If no results are found, a popup will be shown instead.

If a result is present in the 'Results' tab, it will be present on the map.

If you click a result once, the map will pan to that result. If you double-click a result, you will pan and zoom into that result. If you click 'Highlight Result', the result will be highlighted on the map with an arrow at the end for linear features. This is more useful for searches that result in multiple segments.

If you click the 'X' in the top right corner of a result, that result will be removed from the map and the 'Results' tab.

To clear all results, click the trash can icon in the top right corner of the 'Results' tab. A popup will appear to verify this action, but can be prevented from appearing on further occasions.

To export results, click the cloud icon in the top right corner of the 'Results' tab.

A popup will appear to allow the user to configure export options. The user can then enter a filename along with the output format. Results can be exported to CSV, GeoJSON, and Shapefile. This is all done client-side. The output files are separated by each network layer and attribute set.

Results exported to CSV contain only data attributes, no spatial data. Results exported to GeoJSON contain data attributes and spatial data, M and Z geometry is not kept intact. Results exported to Shapefile contain data attributes, spatial data, as well as M and Z geometry. M and Z geometry is useful in desktop applications because of the ability to derive measures from existing features.

Results are converted to Shapefile with a modified version of shp-write.

For example, if I have a route that is 200 miles long, I can search for that route with LRS Locator and export it to Shapefile. I have 300 point features that are mapped along this route. I can take both the exported Shapefile and my existing point features into a desktop GIS software and add M geometry to the existing point features based on where they are located in relation to the route that was exported. Those point features are the referenced to a network in the linear referencing system and can be used for planning, reporting, etc.

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