This is a Takahashi-style (Japanese: 高橋メソッド) slides generator written in pure native JavaScript, which let you use Markdown-like syntax to make slides.
Please see DEMO
- A modern HTML5 compatible web browser.
- download/clone this repository.
- Edit
- If need any style customization, please free free to edit
by your self.
The parser of Takahashi.js
accepts a Markdown-like syntax:
# This is Title
: Only one level title is accepted. Don't forget add a space after#
.- This is subtitle
: placed under title.# 
: Fullscreen image
: Image + Title (+ Subtitle)\\
: A new line.*italic*
**colored emphasis**
: this syntax is inspired by Org-mode.```lisp
: The same as Github-flavored Markdown -- code block with syntax highlight.
npm i express
node server.js
Open http://localhost:3001