This is a collection website built with Vue 3 and Vite that experiments with various front-end libraries, currently featuring image conversion, QR code generation, and an emoji collection.
這是一個基於 Vue 3 和 Vite 開發並嘗試使用不同前端庫的合集網站,目前有圖片轉檔、QR code、表情符號合集。
- Image compression implemented with Compressor.js
- QR Code generation using node-qrcode
- Comprehensive Emoji collection organized by categories using EmojiAPI
- File operations powered by JSZip and FileSaver.js
You can fork this project and modify it according to your needs, but please credit the original author wenyanlin in your project. Give a ⭐ if you like this website! Thanks!
您可以 fork 此專案並根據自己的需求進行修改,但請在您的專案中標示wenyanlin。如果您喜歡這個專案,歡迎給個 star ⭐!感謝!
This project was built using these technologies.
- Vue 3
- Vue Router
- Tailwind CSS
- Vite
- VsCode
Installation / 安裝
npm install
Start the development server / 啟動開發服務器
npm run dev
Open in browser / 在瀏覽器中打開