a set of common tools for node, which are pretty trivial to bring into a new repo.
This project has moved to https://github.com/wh-iterabb-it/sst,
This repo will no longer be updated.
You can install this in any node or javascript project.
npm install --save https://github.com/wh-iterabb-it/server-side-tools
convert usage
- kelvinToFahrenheit
- celsiusToFahrenheit
- kelvinToCelsius
- fahrenheitToCelsius
- toNumber
detect usage
- detectURL - uses regex to detect if a string contains a url
- isURL - alias for detectURL
- detectHostName - given a url string, it will return the hostname
- detectRootDomain - given a url string, it will return the hostname
- isBoolean - true for boolean
- isFinite - true for finite int
- isInteger - true for integer
- isNull - true for null value
- isString - true for string value
format usage
- toHHMMSS - turns an amount of seconds into
- toHHMMSS - turns an amount of seconds into
- formatMoney - this will return a string, formatted
for a given int
- toHHMMSS - turns an amount of seconds into
logger - all of winston logger functions usage
sanitize - removes any white space or html/xml tags. usage
const { celsiusToFahrenheit, fahrenheitToCelsius } = require('server-side-tools').convert;
const { logger } = require('server-side-tools');
const freezing_celsius = 0;
const freezing_fahrenheit = celsiusToFahrenheit(freezing_celsius);
// 32
const { kelvinToFahrenheit, kelvinToCelsius } = require('server-side-tools').convert;
const freezingKelvin = 273.15;
const boilingKelvin = 373.15;
const boilingFahrenheit = kelvinToFahrenheit(boilingKelvin); // 212
const freezingFahrenheit = kelvinToFahrenheit(freezingKelvin); // 32
const boilingCelsius = kelvinToCelsius(boilingKelvin); // 100
const freezingCelsius = kelvinToCelsius(freezingKelvin); // 0
const { toNumber } = require('server-side-tools').convert;
const { isNumber } = require('server-side-tools').detect;
let number = "123";
console.log(isNumber(number)); // false
number = toNumber(number);
// number === 123
console.log(isNumber(number)); // true
const { toHHMMSS, toDDHHMMSS, formatMoney } = require('server-side-tools').format;
// the application uptime in seconds
const time = process.uptime();
// lets just say its 90066
// 01:01:01:06
// 25:01:06
const ethereumPrice = 705726246.26999999;
// $705,726,246.27
const { logger } = require('server-side-tools');
// or
import { logger } from 'server-side-tools';
// all of winston logger functions
const { sanitize } = require('server-side-tools');
const clean = sanitize('<br/> tacobell <br/>');
// tacobell