A fully asynchronous scripting framework for the build process in agile testing, serving as a platform for development and testing, all based on coroutines. That is (Asyncio).
这是一个全异步的脚本框架,用于敏捷测试中的造数过程,服务于开发和测试的一个平台,全部基于协程完成。 即(asyncio)。
docker build -t atdp .
pip3 install -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple --default-timeout=100 -r ./requirements.txt
➜ agile-test-data-platform git:(main) ✗ python3 cli.py
Usage: cli.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
execute 执行造数
init-db 初始化数据库
show-data 终端展示表
➜ agile-test-data-platform git:(main) ✗ python3 cli.py init-db --help
Usage: cli.py init-db [OPTIONS]
--log_level INTEGER log-level [default: 40]
--target_mysql_host TEXT Mysql[target] connect host [default:]
--target_mysql_port INTEGER Mysql[target] connect port [default: 3306]
--target_mysql_user TEXT Mysql[target] connect user [default: root]
--target_mysql_passwd TEXT Mysql[target] connect passwd [default: 123456]
--help Show this message and exit.
➜ agile-test-data-platform git:(main) ✗ python3 cli.py execute --help
Usage: cli.py execute [OPTIONS]
--log_level INTEGER log-level [default: 40]
--source_mysql_host TEXT Mysql[source] connect host [default:]
--source_mysql_port INTEGER Mysql[source] connect port [default: 3306]
--source_mysql_user TEXT Mysql[source] connect user [default: root]
--source_mysql_passwd TEXT Mysql[source] connect passwd [default: 123456]
--target_mysql_host TEXT Mysql[target] connect host [default:]
--target_mysql_port INTEGER Mysql[target] connect port [default: 3306]
--target_mysql_user TEXT Mysql[target] connect user [default: root]
--target_mysql_passwd TEXT Mysql[target] connect passwd [default: 123456]
--table TEXT The table name of the work. [required]
--uniq_key TEXT A unique index of the data, use commas to
separate fields. [required]
--task_name TEXT Remark the nickname of the mission. [required]
--help Show this message and exit.
➜ agile-test-data-platform git:(main) ✗ python3 cli.py show-data --help
Usage: cli.py show-data [OPTIONS]
--log_level INTEGER log-level [default: 40]
--target_mysql_host TEXT Mysql[target] connect host [default:]
--target_mysql_port INTEGER Mysql[target] connect port [default: 3306]
--target_mysql_user TEXT Mysql[target] connect user [default: root]
--target_mysql_passwd TEXT Mysql[target] connect passwd [default: 123456]
--fields TEXT Task's fields,table alias in [task,entry]
[default: *]
--name TEXT Task's.name
--id INTEGER Task's.id
--offset TEXT offset stat
--limit TEXT limit stat
--order_by TEXT order_by stat
--group_by TEXT group_by stat
--having TEXT having stat
--help Show this message and exit.
➜ agile-test-data-platform git:(main) ✗ python3 cli.py show-data --fields 'task.*' --limit 2
| id | identify | name | identify_ref | created_time |
| 39 | 9c67a77b8d0a0872a0180654cd331bf4 | 开发测试 | my.runoob_tbltype=1mysql | 1613488755 |
| 40 | 92d10464281cba8f3bd3a7c903402865 | 开发测试 | my.runoob_tblrunoob_id=1mysql | 1613493140 |
➜ agile-test-data-platform git:(main) ✗ python3 cli.py show-data
| id | identify | name | identify_ref | created_time | task_id | sql |
| 39 | 9c67a77b8d0a0872a0180654cd331bf4 | 开发测试 | my.runoob_tbltype=1mysql | 1613488755 | 39 | INSERT INTO my.runoob_tbl (`runoob_id`,`runoob_title`,`runoob_author`,`submission_date`,`type`,`ddd`) VALUES (1," PHP","","2021-02-14",1,NULL),(2," MySQL","","2021-02-14",1,NULL) |
| 40 | 92d10464281cba8f3bd3a7c903402865 | 开发测试 | my.runoob_tblrunoob_id=1mysql | 1613493140 | 40 | INSERT INTO my.runoob_tbl (`runoob_id`,`runoob_title`,`runoob_author`,`submission_date`,`type`,`ddd`) VALUES (1," PHP","","2021-02-14",1,NULL) |
mysql> show create table my.runoob_tbl\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Table: runoob_tbl
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `runoob_tbl` (
`runoob_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`runoob_title` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`runoob_author` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
`submission_date` date DEFAULT NULL,
`type` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`runoob_id`)
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from my.runoob_tbl;
| runoob_id | runoob_title | runoob_author | submission_date | type |
| 1 | PHP | | 2021-02-14 | 1 |
| 2 | MySQL | | 2021-02-14 | 1 |
| 3 | JAVA | RUNOOB.COM | 2016-05-06 | 2 |
mysql> select * from `atdp`.`tasks`;
Empty set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from `atdp`.`entries`;
Empty set (0.00 sec)
➜ agile-test-data-platform git:(main) ✗ python3 cli.py execute --table "my.runoob_tbl" --uniq_key "type=1" --task_name "开发测试"
2021-02-16 18:44:16,641[INFO]root:{config_manager.py:78}:Initialize [dev] config successfully
2021-02-16 18:44:16,641[INFO]root:{config_manager.py:30}:Set MYSQL infomation successfully : {'host': '', 'port': 3306, 'user': 'root', 'password': '123456'}
2021-02-16 18:44:16,641[INFO]cmd:{execute.py:7}:Created Task(meta=Meta(table=my.runoob_tbl,uniq_key=['type=1']),scenario=Scenario(name=开发测试,identify=9c67a77b8d0a0872a0180654cd331bf4),sink_type=mysql,entries=[])
2021-02-16 18:44:16,645[DEBUG]domain:{context.py:35}:Initialize Context(mysql_pool={'min_size': 1, 'max_size': 10, 'loop': <_UnixSelectorEventLoop running=False closed=False debug=False>, 'echo': True, 'host': '', 'port': 3306, 'user': 'root', 'password': '123456'}) successfully
2021-02-16 18:44:16,646[DEBUG]domain:{sinker.py:86}:[ SELECT * FROM atdp.tasks WHERE `identify` = '9c67a77b8d0a0872a0180654cd331bf4' ]
2021-02-16 18:44:16,650[DEBUG]domain:{sinker.py:114}:[ SELECT * FROM my.runoob_tbl WHERE type=1 ]
2021-02-16 18:44:16,652[DEBUG]domain:{sinker.py:143}:[ INSERT INTO my.runoob_tbl (`runoob_id`,`runoob_title`,`runoob_author`,`submission_date`,`type`) VALUES (1," PHP","","2021-02-14",1),(2," MySQL","","2021-02-14",1) ]
mysql> select * from `atdp`.`tasks`;
| id | identify | name | identify_ref | created_time |
| 36 | 9c67a77b8d0a0872a0180654cd331bf4 | 开发测试 | my.runoob_tbltype=1mysql | 1613472256 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from `atdp`.`entries`;
| id | task_id | sql |
| 4 | 36 | INSERT INTO my.runoob_tbl (`runoob_id`,`runoob_title`,`runoob_author`,`submission_date`,`type`) VALUES (1," PHP","","2021-02-14",1),(2," MySQL","","2021-02-14",1) |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)