A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by starred.
- Astro
- AutoHotkey
- Awk
- C
- C#
- C++
- Clojure
- Crystal
- Dart
- Dockerfile
- Elixir
- Elm
- Emacs Lisp
- Fortran
- GDScript
- Go
- Handlebars
- Haskell
- Java
- JavaScript
- Jinja
- Julia
- Jupyter Notebook
- Kotlin
- Lua
- Makefile
- Markdown
- Mermaid
- Objective-C
- Objective-C++
- Others
- Pascal
- Perl
- PowerShell
- Processing
- Python
- R
- Reason
- Ruby
- Rust
- Scala
- Shell
- Svelte
- Swift
- TeX
- TypeScript
- Vala
- Vim Script
- Visual Basic
- Visual Basic .NET
- Vue
- Zig
- gBasil/anise - โญ A simplistic alternative to Obsidian Publish and Quartz.
- hilmanski/freeStuffDev - list of free stuff for developer
- aryankashyap7/CheatSheets-for-Developers - This Cheat sheet list has been made to enhance the workflow and efficiency. This well curated list will save you time when you just can't remember the code.
- lintalist/lintalist - Searchable interactive texts to copy & paste text, run scripts, using easily exchangeable bundles
- Gewerd-Strauss/ObsidianKnittr - Autohotkey Script for automating the use of ObsidianHTML and Quarto/RMarkdown to generate pandoc-rendered files from Obsidian.MD's markdown-flavour
- g-l-i-t-c-h-o-r-s-e/PromptWizard - Randomize the order of StableDiffusion Prompts & More
- 0dB/dayone-json-to-obsidian - Update Obsidian vault from Day One (โDayOneโ) JSON using command line scripts.
- kingToolbox/WindTerm - A professional cross-platform SSH/Sftp/Shell/Telnet/Serial terminal.
- chirlu/sox - SoX, Swiss Army knife of sound processing
- libAudioFlux/audioFlux - A library for audio and music analysis, feature extraction.
- RocketGod-git/HackRF-Treasure-Chest - HackRF software and captures by everyone and for everyone. Argh matey.
- UberGuidoZ/Flipper - Playground (and dump) of stuff I make or modify for the Flipper Zero
- RocketGod-git/ChatGPT-Creations - A compilation of anonymous user ChatGPT prompt responses
- curl/curl - A command line tool and library for transferring data with URL syntax, supporting DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, GOPHER, GOPHERS, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, IMAPS, LDAP, LDAPS, MQTT, POP3, POP3S, RTMP, RTMPS, RTSP, S
- koekeishiya/yabai - A tiling window manager for macOS based on binary space partitioning
- jiacai2050/oh-my-github - Oh My GitHub is a delightful, open source tool for managing your GitHub repositories
- mjolnirapp/mjolnir - Lightweight automation and productivity app for OS X
- CamHenlin/MessagesForMacintosh - An Apple iMessage client for classic Macintosh (System 2.0 - MacOS 9.2.2)
- henrik4433/cylinder-master -
- theiostream/utilities - My own open-source replacements for popular command-line tools from the jailbreaking community.
- ap4y/iSAP - Implementation of the RSAP protocol fo the iphone. Based on the BTStack(http://code.google.com/p/btstack/)
- grp/pyrecovery - Python library for low-level USB communications. Incomplete; do not use.
- comex/spirit -
- posixninja/spirit-linux - Linux port of the "Spirit" jailbreak using libimobiledevice
- coolstar/RecordMyScreen - Record the display even on non-jailbroken iPhones.
- tcurdt/iProxy - Let's you connect your laptop to the iPhone to surf the web.
- gravemind1753/GBA4iOS-master -
- sethkontny/iphone-dataprotection.keychainviewer - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/iphone-dataprotection.keychainviewer
- OptimistTeam/OptimistTeam.github.io -
- Dave1482/iRepoMakerServer - Just the server used for iRepoMaker in Cydia
- kohaku-/Koharu-Repository - http://cydia.kohaku.repo
- jack-archive/Cydia_Apps -
- dotar/InformativeLite2.0 - Pebble watchface using Smartwatch+ on Cydia
- jzplusplus/OkSiri -
- linusyang/ChineseConv - Action Menu Plugin for converting texts into Traditional Chinese
- LongAppleC/iphone-dataprotection.keychainviewer - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/iphone-dataprotection.keychainviewer
- carbamide/vMacForiOS -
- stonesam92/Furlough - An attempt to create a Cydia Substrate API compatibility shim which can be used to inject extensions on jailed devices
- efrederickson/Link2App - Open links in their native apps Obsolete, use LinkOpener
- GotoHack/iphone-dataprotection.keychainviewer - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/iphone-dataprotection.keychainviewer
- theiostream/bozocache - Get dsc through AFC
- codyd51/VeloxLite - Source code to the free Velox Lite
- prapin/lua-iphone - Distribution of Lua for jailbroken iPhones
- comex/substitute - A free runtime modification library.
- planetbeing/xpwn - A cross-platform custom NOR firmware loader and custom IPSW generator for the iPhone
- ebrasha/abdal-duplicate-remover - Find and delete duplicates in text files
- codeconscious/audiotagger - Various ID3 tagโrelated operations on local audio files
- mganss/CueGen - Create Rekordbox cue points from Mixed in Key
- AlexanderDotH/OpenLyricsClient - A lyrics synchronization tool for everyone
- copilot-us/chatgpt-plugins - Official ChatGPT Plugins๐งฉ
- morning4coffe-dev/storylines - A modern text editor for writing stories divided into chapters.
- Ruzzie/Textorizer - Sanitize and 'clean' html for safe consumption in a plain text format.
- SeanErvinson/TextFormatter - Formats texts into programmer specific format
- mikeduglas/Multiline-strings-formatter - Multiline strings formatter converts raw multiline text (html, xml, json...) into multiline Clarion string constant. It cares about special symbols like a left angle bracket <, a left curly brace {
- TechNobre/PowerUtils.Text - Helpers, extensions and utilities for manipulating strings
- karisigurd4/DocumentLab - OCR using tesseract, ImageMagick, EmguCV, an advanced query language and a fluent query interface for C#
- hmol/LinkCrawler - Find broken links in webpage
- msioen/ai-tagger - A small mac utility to watch folders and automatically classify image documents.
- AddictedCS/soundfingerprinting - Open source audio fingerprinting in .NET. An efficient algorithm for acoustic fingerprinting written purely in C#.
- Computr1x/ExNihilo - ExNihilo - modern, powerfull and flexible image creation library.
- cavecafe/chat-gpt-console - ChatGPT as a terminal app
- slskd/slskd - A modern client-server application for the Soulseek file sharing network.
- LeeReid1/MarkdownToSiteGenerator - An example of my code style, for C# 11 and .NET Core 7.0. Written from scratch using test-driven-development. The solution builds a static multiple-HTML-page site from a directory of markdown files, h
- Nodsoft/MoltenObsidian - Obsidian-flavoured Markdown parsing library for .NET 6+, with support for Obsidian Vaults navigation.
- nazuke/SEOMacroscope - SEO Macroscope is a website scanning tool, to check your website for broken links; including some technical SEO functionality, site scraping, Excel reporting, and more.
- erlange/wbm-dl - Wayback Machine Downloader. ๐ฅ Download your entire archived websites from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
- jellyfin/jellyfin - The Free Software Media System
- kekyo/MarkTheRipper - Fantastic faster generates static site comes from simply Markdowns.
- Flow-Launcher/Flow.Launcher - ๐ Quick file search & app launcher for Windows with community-made plugins
- przemsen/BookmarksBase - Searching through all bookmarked web sites
- eviabs/downtify-premium - Downtify is an open source Spofity downloader which makes it possible to download all your favourite songs and/or playlists directly from spotify. A Spotify Premium account is required.
- vdetstvepil/plugin-manager - Plugin Manager for Cakewalk
- brunobritodev/awesome-github-stats - ๐ Show everyone how amazing you are! Stay motivated and display your total contributions and level on your GitHub profile README
- Otiel/BandcampDownloader - A Windows app used to download albums from Bandcamp.
- erwinkramer/SoundCloud-Playlist-Sync - Improvement fork
- Arlodotexe/strix-music - Combine any music sources into a single library. It's your music. Play it your way.
- runerasmussen/google-photos-upload - Upload a local image directory into an Album in Google Photos (works on mac/pc/linux). Coded in C# .NET Core 3.0
- silnshadow/InstagramMessages - This project is an attempt to make Instagram backup messages from Json to readable format.
- Sungchul/DayOne.NET - Day One Journal for Windows(based on .net framework)
- misterfoo/DayOneWin - Windows client for DayOne journal
- stephenhebert/iphonemessageexport - iPhone Backup Message Export Tool using C# and SQLite
- Tyrrrz/DiscordChatExporter - Exports Discord chat logs to a file
- smklancher/ExistExportToSQL - Import Exist.io data into SQL Server
- bencooper222/Facebook-Messenger-Export - Converting Messenger's export into something useful
- KoalaBear84/OpenDirectoryDownloader - Indexes open directories
- ohhsodead/FileMasta - A search application to explore, discover and share online files
- yyoon/Journaley - A simple and elegant open-source journal keeping software for Windows
- mudler/LocalAI - ๐ค The free, Open Source alternative to OpenAI, Claude and others. Self-hosted and local-first. Drop-in replacement for OpenAI, running on consumer-grade hardware. No GPU required. Runs gguf, tr
- mixxxdj/mixxx - Mixxx is Free DJ software that gives you everything you need to perform live mixes.
- jamiebullock/LibXtract - LibXtract is a simple, portable, lightweight library of audio feature extraction functions.
- MTG/essentia - C++ library for audio and music analysis, description and synthesis, including Python bindings
- HaikuArchives/ArmyKnife - ArmyKnife is an application that lets you edit the metadata of audio files
- LostRuins/koboldcpp - Run GGUF models easily with a KoboldAI UI. One File. Zero Install.
- strizhov/super-simple-file-indexer - A multi-threaded text file indexing command line application that prints 10 most repeated words and their counts.
- nomic-ai/gpt4all - GPT4All: Run Local LLMs on Any Device. Open-source and available for commercial use.
- martinic/DrMixAISynth - Doctor Mix AI Synth CLAP/VST2/AU synthesizer plugin.
- kmatheussen/radium - A graphical music editor. A next generation tracker.
- LMMS/lmms - Cross-platform music production software
- DBraun/DawDreamer - Digital Audio Workstation with Python; VST instruments/effects, parameter automation, FAUST, JAX, Warp Markers, and JUCE processors
- NVIDIA/DALI - A GPU-accelerated library containing highly optimized building blocks and an execution engine for data processing to accelerate deep learning training and inference applications.
- monocasual/giada - Your Hardcore Loop Machine.
- spotify/pedalboard - ๐ ๐ A Python library for audio.
- typesense/typesense - Open Source alternative to Algolia + Pinecone and an Easier-to-Use alternative to ElasticSearch โก ๐ โจ Fast, typo tolerant, in-memory fuzzy Search Engine for building delightful search experiences
- filecxx/FileCentipede - Cross-platform internet upload/download manager for HTTP(S), FTP(S), SSH, magnet-link, BitTorrent, m3u8, ed2k, and online videos. WebDAV client, FTP client, SSH client.
- sonic-pi-net/sonic-pi - Code. Music. Live.
- tim-gromeyer/html2md - Transform your HTML into clean, easy-to-read markdown with html2md.
- osquery/osquery - SQL powered operating system instrumentation, monitoring, and analytics.
- trapexit/mergerfs - a featureful union filesystem
- fastogt/fastocloud - FastoCloud COMMUNITY version
- pisa-engine/pisa - PISA: Performant Indexes and Search for Academia
- pedrolcl/wrk2mid - Cakewalk to Standard MIDI Files Command Line Utility Translator (mirror)
- swl-x/MystiQ - Qt5/C++ FFmpeg Media Converter
- giuspen/cherrytree - cherrytree
- dvorka/mindforger - Thinking notebook and Markdown editor.
- openhoangnc/taskbar-stats - Display live system stats on Windows's taskbar
- mariuz/fbexport - FBExport is a tool for importing/exporting data and executing SQL statements on Firebird , FBCopy is a tool to copy and compare data accross Firebird databases.
- tesseract-ocr/tesseract - Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine (main repository)
- tihmstar/futurerestore - A hacked up idevicerestore wrapper, which allows specifying SEP and Baseband for restoring
- JohnCoatesOSS/Limitless - Fork of Cydia. Different name to avoid confusion. Goal: Refactor Cydia to make contributions easier. Backport features to Cydia's coding style so they can be submitted for consideration.
- iSECPartners/jailbreak - Jailbreak
- lpcdma/lua_dump - hook luaL_loadbuffer dump lua files.You need to choose the loading method you like, inject or path elf.
- tmcw/obsidian-freeform - An Obsidian plugin for freeform visualization and JavaScript code
- Bonnie39/voyage - Simple frontend for Google Custom Search Engine
- andersmmg/sciui - An easy-to-use CSS framework for building Sci-Fi and futuristic UI for your web app
- KuiyueRO/Obsidian-Miner - Personal Obsidian Enhanced CSS snippet
- PurpleGuitar/obsidian-snippets - CSS snippets for use with Obsidian
- Samani-Humaira/Fetch-Data-From-URL - This web help us fetch data (photos , description and many more) from URL.
- daviddavo/jgmd - A directory of direct links to get your personal data from web services.
- ashish-makes/text-tools - TextNinja is a versatile text editing tool with a modern and user-friendly design.
- subrotokumar/enhanced-chatgpt - Enhanced ChatGPT is OpenAI powered project that uses natural language processing (NLP) to simulate a conversation between a user and a computer.
- wchorski/PyWrite-Publisher - alternative to Obsidian Publish
- lvwzhen/ChatGPT-Matrix-Style - Make ChatGPT like the Matrix.
- zremboldt/obsidian-media-grid - Add more meaning and visual interest to your markdown documents by grouping sets of images, videos, or even audio tracks into grid layouts in Obsidian.
- chetachiezikeuzor/Obsidian-Snippets - A repo full of my snippets for Obsidian.md. Use them to customize your workspace and/or add to a theme! ๐ช
- symkat/MarkdownSite - Create a website from a git repository in one click
- nWODT-Cobalt/markown-utilities - Markdown stylesheets and other minutiae
- efemkay/obsidian-modular-css-layout - CSS Layout hack for Obsidian.md
- bxrlin/blossom-night-startpage - Aesthetic Startpage with Essential Bookmarks
- vijayyprajapati/Share-Your-Bookmarks - A platform where anyone can make their profile, share their Twitter and LinkedIn bookmarks, see other shared bookmarks, and contribute to the community. This repository is participating in Hacktoberfe
- ZizhengYang/Collection-Obsidian-Templates-Snippets - This is a document collecting or different
snippets, how to write, how to use and how to expand - cuigh/obelisk - A markdown document publishing tool
- SaraVieira/obsidian-notes-publish-plugin - An Obsidian plugin to publish your notes
- hrshainik/bookmark-manager - Here you can bookmark your favourite website links and this links stored in local storage that's why you find this bookmarks any time it's won't vanish.
- Super-Coding-Ninja-TM/markdown-cv - a simple template to write your CV in a readable markdown file and use CSS to publish/print it.
- supercodingninja/markdown-cv - This is a simple template to help you write your CV, in a readable markdown file; and use CSS to publish/print it. I got a lot of positive responses, concerning this format I chose to use for my CV.
- sanvishal/Exoplanet-Explore - An Interactive data visualization of Exoplanets
- kaustubhai/portfolio-template - An Open-Sourced Template for developers to show-off there skills. Made with ReactJS
- elipapa/markdown-cv - a simple template to write your CV in a readable markdown file and use CSS to publish/print it.
- Tanuj-tj/PortfolioGenerator - DevSearch is a Professional Portfolio generator web application where users are allowed to maintain their profiles, add projects, and also can interact with one another.
- MichaelCurrin/html-timeline-generator - Browser tool to create pretty HTML timelines
- suddi/suddi.github.io - A static single-page application resume-builder developed using React.js and JSON Resume schema (https://suddi.io/)
- kamranahmedse/github-pages-blog-action - Create good looking blog from your markdown files in a GitHub repository
- 1998code/isitdownorjustme-API - An API for 'is it down or just me' monitor.
- AllToMP3/alltomp3-app - Download and Convert YouTube, SoundCloud & Spotify in MP3 with full tags (title, artist, genre, cover, lyrics ๐ฅ)
- TheUltimateC0der/Deemixrr - deemixrr manages your artists and playlists completely automated. You add your favorite artists and playlists, and deemixrr does the rest for you.
- jimbrig/KaaS - KaaS - Knowledge as a Service
- Mara-Li/Obsidian-Snippet-collection - A collection of snippet to customize obsidian
- secure-77/Perlite - A web-based markdown viewer optimized for Obsidian
- gis-ops/md-github-wordpress - โฟ WordPress plugin to add markdown content from Github to a WP blog; based on https://github.com/ghandic/nbconvert
- Jekyll-Garden/jekyll-garden.github.io - A Digital Garden Theme for Jekyll. Jekyll Garden lets you create a static HTML version of your markdown notes and publish via Github pages. Made for Obsidian users!
- danielhusar/ghost-timeline - Ghost.js theme
- kirbyt/timeline-jekyll-theme - A multipurpose, single page Jekyll theme.
- Paul-Houser/StartTree - A terminal-style home page replicating the tree command .
- kmaasrud/awesome-obsidian - ๐ถ๏ธ Awesome stuff for Obsidian
- Birdie0/userstyles - Small collection of "css patches"
- obsidian-community/obsidian-hub - Resource hub for Obsidian resources.
- docschina/GFM-docs - ๅฐ่ฎฐไธญๆ - GitHub ้ฃๆ ผ Markdown ่ง่(GitHub Flavored Markdown Spec)
- mil/markdown-tree - A Sinatra script to serve a hierarchy / tree directory of markdown files. Use intended for small sites built in markdown.
- ravatsindhav/Instagram-Backup-Data-Viewer-Latest-Format - To view the download backup data(message) of instagram for the new format
- mainigautam/instagram_backup_manager - This Is A Simple Web Based Application which makes your Instagram Backup Data readable to a great extent. Call it "Instagram Backup Manager" or "Instagram Backup Data Viewer"
- sipspatidar/Instagram-Backup-Data-Viewer - To view the download backup data(message) of instagram
- alienlebarge/dayone-export-template - Custom template for exporting and printing dayone journal as a book
- ChristopherAlan/DayOneJournal - Built a page using iframe and pull-out menu to collect all my journal post since its not built into the Day One App yet.
- jerico/dayone-web-js - Day One journal web view
- Volmarg/personal-management-system - Your web application for managing personal data. personal.management.system.inbox@gmail.com
- athensresearch/athens - Athens is no longer maintainted. Athens was an open-source, collaborative knowledge graph, backed by YC W21
- cooperhammond/irs - ๐ธ ๐ถ A music downloader that understands your metadata needs.
- KRTirtho/spotube - ๐ง Open source Spotify client that doesn't require Premium nor uses Electron! Available for both desktop & mobile!
- simc/logger - Small, easy to use and extensible logger which prints beautiful logs.
- KRTirtho/wives - A beautiful, modern & feature-rich Terminal Emulator
- harmonoid/harmonoid - ๐ต Plays & manages your music library. Looks beautiful & juicy. Playlists, visuals, synced lyrics, pitch shift, volume boost & more.
- TheLastGimbus/GooglePhotosTakeoutHelper - Script that organizes the Google Takeout archive into one big chronological folder
- GitJournal/GitJournal - Mobile first Note Taking integrated with Git
- wardsquid/journal - Inkling is your journaling partner. It utilizes the latent data your phone collects throughout your day to build a journal entry that you can easily edit, save, and share with loved ones.
- vincnttt/SimpleTimeline - Simple Timeline for Flutter Android Application
- happy-mammal/timeliner - A simple interest tracking app which tries/aims to provide real-time history feed of interests you like e.g. (iPhone13, Tesla, Covid-19). It similar to a customized RSS feed but a mixture of news and
- bitsofinfo/comms-analyzer-toolbox - Tool for OSINT forensic analysis, search and graphing of communications content such as email MBOX files and CSV text message data using Elasticsearch and Kibana
- oxsecurity/megalinter - ๐ฆ MegaLinter analyzes 50 languages, 22 formats, 21 tooling formats, excessive copy-pastes, spelling mistakes and security issues in your repository sources with a GitHub Action, other CI tools or loca
- github-actions-x/hugo - Build you site with Hugo
- GuillaumeFalourd/useful-actions - Curated list of useful Github actions with workflows examples ๐ก
- adri/memex - Search of my personal data
- lubien/bookmarker - Export Google Chrome bookmarks into markdown files
- digitalbias/journal_converter - An elixir program created to convert simple markdown journal files into something that can be imported into Day One
- harehare/textusm - TextUSM is Online tool for Generate a User Story Map from indented text.
- infertux/lifechart - Spend your time wisely
- mori-dev/emacs-dayone - Utilitiy script for dayone
- emacsmirror/dayone - Utility script for Day One
- meedstrom/eva - Emacs-based Virtual Assistant
- syl20bnr/spacemacs - A community-driven Emacs distribution - The best editor is neither Emacs nor Vim, it's Emacs and Vim!
- org-roam/org-roam - Rudimentary Roam replica with Org-mode
- janberges/Tonbandfetzen - Audio from plain text
- g023/The-NoteBloke-LLM-Text-Editor - An advanced Ai assisted text editing experience. The NoteBloke LLM Text Editor is packed with a ton of LLM Ai agent features to superpower your text editing. Connect using a local openai-like api, or
- Suno-API/Suno-API - This is an unofficial Suno AI API based on Golang. It currently supports generating songs, lyrics, and OpenAI Chat
- plandex-ai/plandex - AI driven development in your terminal. Designed for large, real-world tasks.
- Aviksaikat/httpRex - 'httpRex' is a command-line tool for checking the status code of one or multiple URLs. It can also save the output to a file.
- coder/coder - Provision remote development environments via Terraform
- chrisdothtml/gpt-cmd - Sit back and let ChatGPT run your commands for you.
- aakashshankar/llm-cli - Use LLMs from the command line!
- charmbracelet/mods - AI on the command line
- sozercan/aikit - ๐๏ธ Fine-tune, build, and deploy open-source LLMs easily!
- liamg/tml - ๐๐ป๐จ A tiny markup language for terminal output. Makes formatting output in CLI apps easier!
- micheam/ai-assistant-console - An intuitive CLI client and Vim9 plugin for the OpenAI API, enabling seamless AI-powered text generation directly from your command line or within Vim. Simple to use, yet powerful.
- Yakitrak/obsidian-cli - Interact with Obsidian in the terminal. Open, search, create, update, move and delete notes!
- abhimanyu003/sttr - cross-platform, cli app to perform various operations on string
- ekkinox/yai - Your AI powered terminal assistant.
- mperkins808/lyrical -
- adityanuar/clai - AI powered cli suggestion and auto complete. You don't have to remember cli commands & options, this AI tool is here to help you.
- kimtore/rex - Rekordbox exporter
- sebm253/ISRCLookup - Lookup the ISRC of Spotify tracks and find their autogenerated ("- Topic") version on YouTube within Discord.
- Malwarize/webpalm - ๐ธ๏ธ Crawl in the web network
- TheBigRoomXXL/tinyfeed - Generate a static HTML page from a collection of feeds wtih a simple CLI tool
- tomnomnom/anew - A tool for adding new lines to files, skipping duplicates
- lorenzo-stoakes/mark - markdown analysis tool
- go-air/dupi - A tool to find all duplicates in large sets of text documents.
- bionic/bionic - Convert data exports from various services to a single SQLite database
- balacode/cmdx - A command line tool to process files and source code. Delete duplicate files. Make hundreds of simultaneous text replacements.
- daddyingrave/md-from-notion - Cleaner for markdown imported from Notion
- robinmin/xally - X-Ally is an elegant command line client and relay server for ChatGPT.
- dwisiswant0/chatgptui - ChatGPT ๐ค with Textual User Interface (TUI) mode written in Go.
- szpnygo/VecTextSearch - ไธไธช99%็ฑOpenAI ChatGPTๅผๅ็้กน็ฎใA project that is 99% developed by OpenAI ChatGPT.
- yuin/goldmark - ๐ A markdown parser written in Go. Easy to extend, standard(CommonMark) compliant, well structured.
- shurcooL/markdownfmt - Like gofmt, but for Markdown.
- YaoApp/yao - ๐ A performance app engine to create web services and applications in minutes.Suitable for AI, IoT, Industrial Internet, Connected Vehicles, DevOps, Energy, Finance and many other use-cases.
- xyproto/orbiton - Configuration-free text editor and IDE limited to VT100. Suitable for writing git commit messages, editing Markdown, config files, source code, viewing man pages and for quick edit-compile cycles when
- appleboy/CodeGPT - A CLI written in Go language that writes git commit messages or do a code review brief for you using ChatGPT AI (gpt-4o, gpt-4-turbo, gpt-3.5-turbo model) and automatically installs a git prepare-comm
- gofireflyio/aiac - Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure-as-Code Generator.
- m1guelpf/chatgpt-telegram - Run your own GPTChat Telegram bot, with a single command!
- TypicalAM/Small-Note-App - Web place to view your notes - powered by Go
- antonnagorniy/raindrop-io-api-client -
- docuowl/docuowl - ๐ฆ A documentation generator
- suntong/html2md - HTML to Markdown converter
- edoardottt/scilla - Information Gathering tool - DNS / Subdomains / Ports / Directories enumeration
- ellisonleao/vl - CLI tool that helps verify current status of URIs in text files
- mhmdiaa/chronos - Wayback Machine OSINT Framework
- hueristiq/xurlfind3r - A command-line utility designed to help you discover URLs for a given domain in a simple, efficient way. It works by gathering information from a variety of passive sources, meaning it doesn't interac
- po3rin/github_link_creator - GitHub Link Card Creator lets you generate GitHub images has links to repositories.
- mvdan/xurls - Extract urls from text
- dwisiswant0/galer - A fast tool to fetch URLs from HTML attributes by crawl-in.
- JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh - The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer
- cryptix/gombrella - extract bookmarks from raindrop.io
- orsinium-labs/awesome-generator - Generate awesome list over Github API
- charmbracelet/vhs - Your CLI home video recorder ๐ผ
- JohannesKaufmann/html-to-markdown - โ๏ธ Convert HTML to Markdown. Even works with entire websites and can be extended through rules.
- mattn/docx2md - Convert Microsoft Word Document to Markdown
- chuhlomin/genblog - Generates static site (blog) from Markdown files
- bbkane/starghaze - Save information about your GitHub starred repos into Google Sheets, Zinc, and SQLite!
- spencerkimball/stargazers - Analyze GitHub stars
- dimonomid/geekmarks - API-Driven, Geeky Bookmarking Service
- easegress-io/easegress - A Cloud Native traffic orchestration system
- teler-sh/teler - Real-time HTTP Intrusion Detection
- six-ddc/plow - A high-performance HTTP benchmarking tool that includes a real-time web UI and terminal display
- jackyzha0/hugo-obsidian - simple GitHub action to parse Markdown Links into a .json file for Hugo
- caian-org/list-github-stars - list all your starred repositories into a single, markdown-formatted page
- msa-ali/google-photo-downloader - Go Application to download Google Photo Album Content
- charmbracelet/gum - A tool for glamorous shell scripts ๐
- iLLeniumStudios/awesome-list-generator - A tool that automatically populates a list of awesome repositories from a config that contains a list of users and some other configuration options
- wailsapp/wails - Create beautiful applications using Go
- xperimental/nextcloud-exporter - Prometheus exporter for Nextcloud servers.
- sentriz/gonic - music streaming server / free-software subsonic server API implementation
- lima-vm/lima - Linux virtual machines, with a focus on running containers
- muesli/duf - Disk Usage/Free Utility - a better 'df' alternative
- charmbracelet/lipgloss - Style definitions for nice terminal layouts ๐
- junegunn/fzf - ๐ธ A command-line fuzzy finder
- charmbracelet/glow - Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz! ๐ ๐ป
- sourcegraph/sourcegraph-public-snapshot - Code AI platform with Code Search & Cody
- sheepla/pingu - ๐งping command but with pingu
- thanos-io/thanos - Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities. A CNCF Incubating project.
- navidrome/navidrome - ๐งโ๏ธ Modern Music Server and Streamer compatible with Subsonic/Airsonic
- MergenStudios/memento - Command line tool written in Go for sorting and categorizing personal files like screenshots, recordings, logs and more.
- jastribl/photosync - Util to do things with Google Photos
- simonedegiacomi/gphotosuploader - Unofficial Google Photos uploader and Go library
- mholt/timeliner - All your digital life on a single timeline, stored locally -- DEPRECATED, SEE TIMELINIZE (link below)
- amirgamil/apollo - A Unix-style personal search engine and web crawler for your digital footprint.
- heedy/heedy - An aggregator for personal metrics, and an extensible analysis engine
- tmthrgd/booked - A Facebook data export visualizer tool.
- tagatac/bagoup - Mac OS Messages export
- jpoehls/go-dayone - Go package for reading Day One journal files (http://dayoneapp.com)
- michenriksen/gitrob - Reconnaissance tool for GitHub organizations
- hyper-expanse/dayone-to-joplin - Import a Day One JSON export into the Joplin note-taking application with all journal entries and photos.
- sarifsystems/sarif - A distributed system serving as a personal assistant
- CorentinB/DeepSort - ๐ง AI powered image tagger backed by DeepDetect
- sundowndev/phoneinfoga - Information gathering framework for phone numbers
- Igglybuff/awesome-piracy-bot - Set of bots for scraping URLs from Discord, Telegram, Reddit, and IRC.
- tdh8316/Investigo - ๐ Find usernames and download their data across social media.
- Unstructured-IO/unstructured - Open source libraries and APIs to build custom preprocessing pipelines for labeling, training, or production machine learning pipelines.
- 0xeb/TheBigPromptLibrary - A collection of prompts, system prompts and LLM instructions
- hihumanzone/Gemini-Pro-Chat-Interface - A Chat Interface For Gemini Pro
- polifonia-project/music-meta-ontology - A flexible ontology for the interoperability of music metadata
- LouisShark/chatgpt_system_prompt - A collection of GPT system prompts and various prompt injection/leaking knowledge.
- 1999AZZAR/gpt-advance-prompt-library - promt collection for special use case, tested on chatGPT and Bard
- giovanni-cutri/lyrics-text-mining - Text mining techniques conducted on lyrics of some popular songs.
- Chuabacca/song-slides - A markdown-based lyric slide creation and presentation tool using Remark.js and Middleman.
- VintageGold/SpotifyExplore_MusicSongNames - Connecting Spotify songs to MusicBrainz to find new music based on song titles
- cvzi/genius-lyrics-userscript - A userscript library to show lyrics from genius.com on other websites
- WalberMota/osintlinks - OSINT Links
- rokibulroni/osint - OSINT TOOLS and Repo, Bookmark - TF
- Soulsender/hacking-osint-bookmarks - A collection of bookmarks for web tools, references, information, and other resources.
- marknakamura/osint-bookmarks - OSINT bookmarks
- Extravi/araa-search - A privacy-respecting, ad-free, self-hosted Google metasearch engine with strong security that offers full API support and utilizes Qwant for images, and DuckDuckGo for auto-complete.
- KLB7/IntraMine - Fast search and real autolinking for your Windows local and NAS storage
- jsmsj/sa-drive - An alternative of Shared drive/teamdrives. Utilises the 15gb storage of each service account. The more service accounts you have, the more storage you will get. With 100 service accounts you can get a
- timostrating/MEGA - MEGA is my attempt to collect and analyze as much of my personal information as possible for a year. All scripts i write to automate actions will be stored in this repo.
- spech66/lifelogbb - Lifelog - All your life related things in one place.
- nyaahilism/BOOKMRKS-MTHRFCKR - The Internet's Biggest and Best Collection of Bookmarks, Resources, Hidden Gems and Everything Else, MTHRFCKR!
- deanmalmgren/textract - extract text from any document. no muss. no fuss.
- ocdevel/gnothi - Gnothi is an open-source AI journal and toolkit for self-discovery. If you're interested in getting involved, we'd love to hear from you.
- Instruction-Tuning-with-GPT-4/GPT-4-LLM - Instruction Tuning with GPT-4
- narenaryan/Vidura - A beautiful and elegant chat GPT prompt management system
- 360macky/webrewind - ๐คโ๏ธ ChatGPT plugin that allows you to see how websites looked like in the past.
- nando-rifky/GPT - GPT Prompt
- ilyasseda/loopgpt - Create infinite loops with using one prompt. one .html file
- tg12/gpt_jailbreak_status - This is a repository that aims to provide updates on the status of jailbreaking the OpenAI GPT language model.
- DonAurelio/text-analyzer - This projects is dedicated to an University Assignment about Natural Language Processing With Freeling and Python
- alterae/text-replacer - A simple find-and-replace utility, built in vanilla html, css, and typescript.
- VivekChoudhary77/Textify-text-Preprocessing - A text preprocessing web application
- johnjago/deformat - Remove extra whitespace from text.
- felixbade/transcribe - Web UI for OpenAI Whisper API
- gabor-farkas/photo-duplicates - Remove photos uploaded multiple times to Google Photos
- KasRoudra/repository-readme-generator - Repository readme generator is a website/web-application to generate beautiful README.md for your repository. You can copy or download that. Enjoy!
- swyxio/ai-notes - notes for software engineers getting up to speed on new AI developments. Serves as datastore for https://latent.space writing, and product brainstorming, but has cleaned up canonical references under
- serkannpolatt/CHATGPT-APPLICATIONS - This repo contains apps with chat gpt
- aihubgg/MidJourney-Wiki - MidJourney Community Wiki
- osvik/prompt-generators - Prompt generator for Midjourney and maybe other AIs in the future.
- akaalias/getstreamline - Streamline is a stream-of-consciousness writer for Obsidian
- Shakil-Shahadat/awesome-piracy - A curated list of awesome warez and piracy links.
- mixu/markdown-styles - Markdown to static HTML generator and multiple CSS themes for Markdown
- tokenshift/obsidian-page-gallery - Generates a gallery based on selected page contents.
- f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts - This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT better.
- jjuliano/markdown-ui - Write UI in Markdown Syntax
- OhShINT/ohshint.gitbook.io - So what is this all about? Yep, its an OSINT blog and a collection of OSINT resources and tools. Suggestions for new OSINT resources is always welcomed.
- pjamar/htmls-to-datasette - Tool to index and serve HTML files. Powered by Datasette.
- IliasHad/Developer-Tools-and-Resources - The Best Tools and Resources for developers
- maple3142/GDIndex - A Google Drive Index built with Vue Running on CloudFlare Workers
- dustinknopoff/obsidian-snippets - a communal collection of obsidian snippets for theming, plugin development, and power usage.
- conwaymd/conwaymd.github.io - GitHub pages documentation for Conway-Markdown (conwaymd, CMD).
- nasa8x/markdown-parser - HTML-to-Markdown converter
- mdnice/sitdown - turn html to nice markdown
- island205/h2m - Tool for converting HTML to Markdown, like html2markdown.
- MarketingPipeline/Awesome-Repo-Template - An awesome repo template packed with tons of tools & more to kick-start your next project / repo!
- ripienaar/free-for-dev - A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
- mixmark-io/turndown - ๐ An HTML to Markdown converter written in JavaScript
- dotcli/memex - Simple bookmarks and notes
- hackershare/hackershare - Hackershare is a powerful social bookmarking service and a knowledge-sharing community, with advanced search and tag management feature
- AnzenKodo/awesome-ak - Awesome list of awesome website from my bookmarks. Download bookmarks also.
- wyattharrell/linkbook - Linkbook is a powerful link-saving web app that can store your favorite links, keep you organized, and much more.
- Newdevprojects/publish - Obsidian notes
- yoursamlan/pubsidian - An Obsidian-Publish alternative but it's FREE
- SyedAbuTalib/Github-Stars - Saves time by listing all starred repos in one page
- frutik/awesome-search - Awesome Search - this is all about the (e-commerce, but not only) search and its awesomeness
- inspurer/ChromeBookmarkVisual - a visaul project for chrome browser bookmark; which can make access to muti-depth bookmark more easily.
- hold-baby/bookmark-file-parser - Parse Firefox/Chrome/IE/Safari HTML bookmarks files
- bookmarks-tools/bookmarks-parser - ๐ Parses Firefox/Chrome HTML bookmarks files
- calibr/node-bookmarks-parser - Parses Firefox/Chrome HTML bookmarks files
- darekkay/static-marks - Shareable bookmarks
- viperadnan-git/gdtot-bypasser - A web scraper to convert GDToT links to Google Drive and direct download links
- dreamingechoes/awesome-mental-health - A curated list of awesome articles, websites and resources about mental health in the software industry.
- microlinkhq/sdk - Make any URL embeddable. Turn any URL into a beautiful link preview.
- cure53/HTTPLeaks - HTTPLeaks - All possible ways, a website can leak HTTP requests
- exentrich/free-for-dev - A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
- JastinXyz/withcoding.me - Free subdomain for everyone.
- thedev-id/thedev.id - Identity for developers on the web.
- temidayoxyz/vCard - My portfolio website built with HTML, CSS, and Javascript
- themefisher/phantom-bootstrap - Phantom is an exciting professional Bootstrap resume template. Itโs exclusively crafted to convince employers in an impressive way.
- izzydoesizzy/resumetemplate - Creative: Personal website/landing page template.
- bedimcode/responsive-resume-cv-smith - Responsive Resume Cv Website Using HTML CSS And JavaScript
- jsonresume/resume-website - Website for JSON Resume. ๐ก DEPRECATED - SEE MONO
- jglovier/resume-template - ๐๐ผ๐ฉ A simple Jekyll + GitHub Pages powered resume template.
- gogsbread/ResumeParser - Resume Parser using rule based approach. Developed using framework provided by GATE
- 0xAliRaza/0xfolio - A free HTML portfolio template for developers.
- codewithsadee/vcard-personal-portfolio - vCard is a fully responsive personal portfolio website, responsive for all devices.
- actions/jekyll-build-pages - A simple GitHub Action for producing Jekyll build artifacts compatible with GitHub Pages.
- ishandeveloper/Portfolio - A fully responsive progressive web app that I'm currently working on which will contain an about section, showcase, contact etc.
- mayhemantt/Portfolio-Website - Free to use portfolio website. Dont forget to start. Thank you.
- sproogen/modern-resume-theme - A modern static resume template and theme. Powered by Jekyll and GitHub pages.
- DiptoChakrabarty/Resume-Generator - A Resume builder which allows users to build their own custom resumes with details like experience,projects , skills ,education etc. Users can also have the feature to download their resumes . To c
- tbaltrushaitis/cv - ๐ Best in Class modern CV, Resume and Portfolio website template. All-in-One-Page site with simply customizable builder.
- Biswajee/CV-Generator - A web app that generates resume for free and is developed using Django and Jinja2. The project has an API that returns user's resume data as JSON.
- durgeshsamariya/awesome-github-profile-readme-templates - This repository contains best profile readme's for your reference.
- khalby786/REHeader - Generate beautiful header images for your GitHub profile READMEs.
- arnaudsm/raito - Mini Markdown Wiki/CMS in 8kb of JavaScript
- bearlike/my-popos-setup - A list of boring installations and configurations that I have to do every time I flush my PC.
- pokiiio/GooglePhotoMarkdowner - GooglePhotoใซใขใใใญใผใใใๅ็ใใใใญใฐใชใฉใง่ฒผใไปใใใใๅฝขๅผใซๅคๆใใใขใใชใงใใ
- dan-smith-tech/shelf - A fully customisable, open-source browser startpage.
- DevonHess/FreshRSS-Extensions -
- Tikam02/DevOps-Guide - DevOps Guide - Development to Production all configurations with basic notes to debug efficiently.
- AjGaht/Weboasis - Oasis of web addresses
- Mara-Li/yet-another-free-publish-alternative - A Jekyll digital garden template, optimized for integration with Obsidian. It aims to enhance discoverability and help you build a personal knowledge base that can scale with time.
- yogeshojha/rengine - reNgine is an automated reconnaissance framework for web applications with a focus on highly configurable streamlined recon process via Engines, recon data correlation and organization, continuous mon
- cipher387/osint_stuff_tool_collection - A collection of several hundred online tools for OSINT
- atkinsio/bookmarks-html-generator - A tool which allows you to convert a list of URLs into Bookmarks for use with all major browsers.
- smartdevcode/awesome-wordpress -
- miziomon/awesome-wordpress - A curated list of amazingly awesome WordPress resources, themes, plugins and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-php.
- longpdo/neumorphism - Neumorphism designed Jekyll theme for personal websites, portfolios and resumes.
- Swivro/weboasis-continued - An attempt to recreate and continue the now defunct Weboasis (was accessible via weboas.is, but is now down). RIP Webby 1992-2022.
- markodenic/web-development-resources - Awesome Web Development Resources.
- mark-when/markwhen - Make a cascading timeline from markdown-like text. Supports simple American/European date styles, ISO8601, images, links, locations, and more.
- rogerdudler/git-guide - git - the simple guide
- shahednasser/awesome-resources - ๐ List of helpful resources added by the community for the community!
- Enveloppe/mkdocs-publisher-template - The template for Obsidian Mkdocs Publisher, a free obsidian publish alternative throught Mkdocs.
- RyanFitzgerald/vertical-timeline - Responsive, jQuery-based vertical timeline generator
- nat-davydova/timeline - HTML/CSS/JS (ES6) Timeline experiment
- mattcone/markdown-guide - The comprehensive Markdown reference guide.
- lukekarrys/metalsmith-dayone-example - An example Metalsmith site built from Day One data.
- synox/dayone-convert -
- vmogilev/dop - Day One Parser
- Jailbreak-Update-zz/jailbreak-update.github.io - This is a dedicated repository for jailbreak and other iPhone related projects.
- michael-danello/iMessageWrappedRelease - Data and Visualizations on all your 2020 iMessages
- michael-danello/iMessageWrapped - Visualizing and Exploring iMessage data
- terkelg/awesome-creative-coding - Creative Coding: Generative Art, Data visualization, Interaction Design, Resources.
- ran88dom99/QS-data-flow-network-graph -
- syahravi/me - syahravi timeline - a timeline of important events in my life.
- FranciscaOrtizRuiz/timelines - Personal collection of examples to do different timelines in R, for social science researchers.
- gmhafiz/timeline - Your Personal Timeline written in golang and javascript (vis.js)
- Maumagnaguagno/Timeline - โ Convert Markdown timeline to Graphviz DOT
- DistrictDataLabs/cultivar - Multidimensional data explorer and visualization tool.
- kennbroorg/iKy - OSINT Project. Collect information from a mail. Gather. Profile. Timeline.
- cheeaun/life - Life - a timeline of important events in my life
- EdwardRutz/music-timeline-bullet-journal - Create your life's soundtrack by making a music timeline with the timeline-bullet-journal.
- The-SamminAter/repo - My (The-SamminAter's) repo for jailbroken devices - also apparently a good template
- nicho1asdev/repo - A repository for nicho1asdev's jailbreak tweaks!
- sbhnkhrmn/sbhnkhrmn.github.io - Jailbreak Repo
- P3run/otwartezrodla - Polskie rozszerzenie OSINT framework - Polish extension of OSINT framework
- aviranzerioniac/awesome-piracy - This is oftentimes a clone of the original awesome piracy repo. At times, i just go along editing a little too many links from the collection, and it becomes something else.
- Igglybuff/awesome-piracy - A curated list of awesome warez and piracy links
- sole/snippets - Code snippets. Miscellaneous purposes and languages.
- raucao/webmarks - remoteStorage-enabled bookmarking app
- DavidJKTofan/CyberSec-resources - A repo of useful CyberSec tools/urls, OSINT, Linux security resources, and more.
- smallhadroncollider/brok - Find broken links in text documents
- simonmichael/hledger - Robust, fast, intuitive plain text accounting tool with CLI, TUI and web interfaces.
- upptime/upptime - โฌ๏ธ GitHub Actions uptime monitor & status page by @AnandChowdhary
- sudip-mondal-2002/MusicRemixer - It's a music remix generator
- jopereira/dude - DuDe is a duplication detector for text files
- ICIJ/datashare - A self-hosted search engine for documents.
- Osipo/FileComparator - Compares two files word by word. Ignores spaces, tab symbols and etc.
- forTEXT/catma - Computer Assisted Text Markup and Analysis
- EtienneAb3d/karaok-AI - Karaoke Player / Editor with automatic clip creation from any song file using vocals and lyrics extraction (Speech-to-Text)
- opensearch-project/OpenSearch - ๐ Open source distributed and RESTful search engine.
- Fanping/iveely.search - Pure java realize search engine, try to directly hit the user's search for answers.
- matthewgrosman/messenger-analytics - Project that ingests Facebook Messenger conversations and generates analytics.
- MaLeLabTs/RegexGenerator - This project contains the source code of a tool for generating regular expressions for text extraction: 1. automatically, 2. based only on examples of the desired behavior, 3. without any external hi
- IvoLimmen/mystart - Google Bookmarks clone with extra's
- kermitt2/grobid - A machine learning software for extracting information from scholarly documents
- raad1masum/SpotiStats - ๐ต A website to get stats about your Spotify playlists.
- OpenRefine/OpenRefine - OpenRefine is a free, open source power tool for working with messy data and improving it
- runsidekick/sidekick - Sidekick is no longer in service
- drewnoakes/metadata-extractor - Extracts Exif, IPTC, XMP, ICC and other metadata from image, video and audio files
- mpatric/mp3agic - A java library for reading mp3 files and reading / manipulating the ID3 tags (ID3v1 and ID3v2.2 through ID3v2.4).
- mpfthprblmtq/moose - A music management system that reads and modifies id3 tags and stuff
- internetarchive/heritrix3 - Heritrix is the Internet Archive's open-source, extensible, web-scale, archival-quality web crawler project.
- TheLQ/forum-scraper - Mass Forum Archiving Project
- Wisser/Jailer - Database Subsetting and Relational Data Browsing Tool.
- kevin1/OhLife2DayOne - Migrate your OhLife entries to Day One without messing up the line endings.
- gregryork/DayOneViewer - A Viewer for Day One Journal Entries in Java
- thingsboard/thingsboard - Open-source IoT Platform - Device management, data collection, processing and visualization.
- ugilio/keen - The Knowledge Engineering ENvironment for Timeline-based Planning
- Repsly/TimelineView -
- horrorho/InflatableDonkey - iOS9+ iCloud backup retrieval proof of concept
- utkarshjaiswal/DayOne - First git project
- Loszii/lyric-analyzer - An application to get lyrics via currently playing Spotify song and analyze them using AI.
- gouveags/ai-music-video-generator - AI Music Video Generator automates music video creation using AI for lyrics, images, music, and video. It integrates OpenAI for lyrics, DALL-E for images, Suno for music, and FFmpeg for video processi
- DarkMistofWoods/lyrical_genius - A tool designed to help songwriters write their lyrics for Suno AI with ease and dependability.
- MedioAI/Chrome-Extension - A chrome extension to enhance experience of Udio.com (A.I. Music App Companion)
- satellitecomponent/Neurite - Fractal Graph-of-Thought. Rhizomatic Mind-Mapping for Ai-Agents, Web-Links, Notes, and Code.
- allanbennatt/AI-Prompt-Generator - AI Prompt Generator: A creative spark at your fingertips! Generate custom AI prompts for effortless writing inspiration. Try it now!
- Priyam-28/Prompt-Lab - The Prompt Sharing Platform is a user-friendly web application enabling creative writers to generate, modify, and exchange writing prompts effortlessly. Integrated with Google authentication via NextA
- adriaorenstein/word-well - A website for generating fun and creative writing prompts.
- pvishalkeerthan/PromptScape - PromptScape is a dynamic platform for discovering, creating, and sharing creative prompts to inspire your writing and brainstorming
- neatsoftware/term-sheets - Create animated terminal presentations. Export as SVG, animated GIF, or HTML+CSS
- pashpashpash/vault-ai - OP Vault ChatGPT: Give ChatGPT long-term memory using the OP Stack (OpenAI + Pinecone Vector Database). Upload your own custom knowledge base files (PDF, txt, epub, etc) using a simple React frontend.
- pop-os/cosmic - GNOME Shell extension. See cosmic-epoch for COSMIC Epoch
- UmbrellaDocs/linkspector - Uncover broken links in your content.
- Rowno/medic - Perform bulk URL status checks and track changes.
- Hugo-COLLIN/SaveMyPhind-conversation-exporter - ๐ Save my Chatbot: Download your Phind, Perplexity, ChatGPT and MaxAI-Google threads and pages into markdown files (unofficial). โฉ Now available in the Chrome Web Store and the Firefox Add-ons Store!
- vincentreynaud/resource-gen - CLI utility to parse webloc & browser-printed pdf files into a comprehensive list of links in markdown
- xtyrrell/undollar - undollar eats the dollar sign in the command you just pasted into your terminal
- lencx/Noi - ๐ Power Your World with AI - Explore, Extend, Empower.
- Aetherinox/obsidian-dataview-snippets - A collection of Obsidian.md scripts which include Tag & Page Clouds, Table of Contents / ToC, Bad / Missing Link reporting, etc.
- faetalize/zodiac - A โกlightweightโก frontend for Google's Gemini Pro.
- jzillmann/pdf-to-markdown - A PDF to Markdown converter
- kokosthief/cue-to-text-converter-rekordbox - Web app to convert cue files from rekordbox DJ software, into a readable text based setlist.
- berkon/track-suggestor - DJ tool for suggesting tracks for harmonic mixing with Traktor Pro (from Native Instruments)
- RvNovae/tracklister - A utility for converting DJ software playlist files into tracklists
- mayphyusinthant/NeuralSymphony - Neural Symphony is a music player application like Spotify integrated with AI Technology - Neural Network Architecture. The aim of this project is to use the advantage of AI - Machine Learning is for
- Pentchaff/obsidian-ai-characters - Integration of OpenAI into Obsidian, allowing user to save own system prompts
- creaktive/pianolizer - An easy-to-use toolkit for music exploration and visualization, an audio spectrum analyzer helping you turn sounds into piano notes
- Mondonno/iLyrics - Get lyrics of songs on your Mac that you play on iTunes, Spotify or QuickTimePlayer with speed of light.
- hhpr98/lyric-app-web - lyric app for web
- freealise/vocalise - Compose song lyrics, poetry or rap and improve your English - understand the grammar of phrases and sentences you read and hear, type or speak, and remember new words from the rhyming dictionary.
- Chirag047/Song-Lyrics-Finder - You can find the lyrics of your fav song using Songs Lyrics Finder
- DBKarman/lyricsync - An lrc file generator/creator online, Simply visit the website or open index.html locally in order to sync your lyrics with your music
- ajmd17/lyric-video-editor - A small app for creating and rendering lyric videos.
- gethomepage/homepage - A highly customizable homepage (or startpage / application dashboard) with Docker and service API integrations.
- Mintplex-Labs/anything-llm - The all-in-one Desktop & Docker AI application with built-in RAG, AI agents, and more.
- barkloaf/MetaGrab - A webapp that grabs Spotify's metadata for any track you'd like!
- openchatai/OpenChat - LLMs custom-chatbots console โก
- arbre-app/browse-gedcom - A modern Gedcom file viewer app built in the browser
- akshaaatt/musicbrainz-web-next - Web Application of MusicBrainz Revamp using Nextjs
- loujine/musicbrainz-scripts - Collection of greasemonkey scripts for MusicBrainz
- murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts - Collection of userscripts for MusicBrainz, by various authors
- atj/userscripts - A collection of userscripts primarily relating to to importing and editing releases on MusicBrainz.
- cvzi/Share-Bandcamp.com-lyrics-and-songtexts-on-Genius.com - Userscript. Adds a link above the lyrics on bandcamp to share lyrics to genius.com. It then automatically copies all the available information (title, artist, release date, ...) to genius.com
- vantage-ola/lyrical - A web app to search for lyrics using the genius API.
- Faanilo/lyrics_finder - Search lyrics from genius lyrics
- shrutiiigupta/LyricsApp - This web application provides a simple yet useful interface for searching and discovering songs and viewing their lyrics. The application uses the Genius API to search for songs based on the provided
- adhamali450/lyrics-card-maker-frontend - Generate a Genius lyrics card for any song you want. Customize and tweak the card based on your preference.
- bhulston/bookmark_plugin - A better alternative to Chrome Bookmarks for Obsidian users. Customize templates on the fly and either append to existing notes, create new notes, or do both!
- sammoreton/ChatGPT-Custom-Instructions-Storage - Store and load custom instructions for ChatGPT through a Chrome Extension.
- spdustin/ChatGPT-AutoExpert - ๐๐ง ๐ฌ Supercharged Custom Instructions for ChatGPT (non-coding) and ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis (coding).
- mbilokonsky/lyrical - a tool for scraping song lyrics
- brahma-dev/metafetch - NodeJS package that fetches a given URL's title, description, images, links etc.
- shukerov/dataforme - A personal data analysis tool.
- austil/datapuller - "Easy" data dump of your activity on various web services
- Nicholas-Lin/vibe - Get insights into your Spotify listening history ๐ถ
- digime/digime-sdk-nodejs-example - DigiMe javascript SDK example
- daneroo/gphotos-googleapis - Get a list of all photos on Google Photos
- ElJaviLuki/MeowGPT - MeowGPT is a set of tools for ChatGPT that allows you to use ChatGPT with minimal coding.
- nicbou/timeline-old - Collects personal data from different sources, displays it as a daily diary.
- konklone/json - A free, in-browser JSON to CSV converter.
- specful-ai/chatreview - Code Review Mode for ChatGPT
- 1History/1History - All your history in one file.
- thesephist/histools - A collection of tools for generating data visualizations from browser history data
- SquitchYT/Tess - Tess is a hackable, simple, rapid and beautiful terminal for the new era of technology.
- DeepGenX/CodeGenX - Code Generation using GPT-J!
- SamurAIGPT/GPT-Agent - ๐ Introducing ๐ช CAMEL: a game-changing role-playing approach for LLMs and auto-agents like BabyAGI & AutoGPT! Watch two agents ๐ค collaborate and solve tasks together, unlocking endless possibilities i
- victorb/metamorph - Self-editing GPT-4 application
- dellermann/obsidian-console - An Obsidian plugin which renders console commands and their output.
- bnvk/text-scrub - This ain't yo grand daddy's find & replace or trim tool
- saeedezzati/superpower-chatgpt - ChatGPT with superpowers! Search chat history, create folders, export all chats, pin messages, access thousands of community prompts, incognito mode, language and tone selection, and many more feature
- retextjs/retext - natural language processor powered by plugins part of the @unifiedjs collective
- AavaGames/obsidian-rename-file-to-selection - Rename your file to the current text selection.
- silviotorre/AgilePrompt - Simplified ChatGPT Agile Prompt Builder
- 0hq/WebGPT - Run GPT model on the browser with WebGPU. An implementation of GPT inference in less than ~1500 lines of vanilla Javascript.
- huisu773/md2notion - Import markdown to notion
- Layjoo/MdToNotion - Parser markdown to Notion
- adamlui/ai-apps - ๐ค Apps that utilize the astounding power of AI or enhance its UX
- giosilvi/GPT-Prompter - Browser extension to get a fast prompt (of the selected text) for OpenAI`s GPT-3, GPT-4 & ChatGPT API . Available in the Chrome web store and Firefox browser add-ons
- iAmmarTahir/KnowledgeGraphGPT - Transform plain text into a visually stunning Knowledge Graph with GPT-4 (latest preview)! It converts text into RDF tuples, and highlights the most frequent connections with a vibrant color-coding sy
- tobiasbueschel/search-gpt - ๐ณ Connecting ChatGPT with the Internet
- excing/chatgpt - Build your own ChatGPT website.
- trinib/weboasis - Mirror
- ruancorrea/manipulating_Text - Responsive website of an online text editor and completely free. Developed with NodeJs, VueJs and Bootstrap.
- regal-rahul/textutils - Text Manipulation
- Ankan-cyber/textutils - TextUtils is a simple and user-friendly text manipulation tool built with React. It allows you to easily convert text to uppercase, lowercase, and remove spaces.
- UtkarshChaurasia/textutils - TextUtils is a text to audio converter and a text utility that can be used to manipulate your text in the way you want.
- Swap-nil-2003/TextUtils-ReactApp01 - TextUtils-A Text Utility App built with React.
- mustan-ali/TextUtils - TextUtils is a web-based text utility tool built using React JS. It offer a user-friendly interface and efficient performance. It allows users to edit, format, manipulate and convert text.
- himanshuchandola-zz/textapp - TextUtils, My First React App which is a text utility app with various features.
- Syed-Zaheer-Hossain/TextUtils - This is a React JS based web app used to manipulate, analyze and modify your text. This website uses React Router setup for displaying the webpages and making it a single page application. React Func
- KevinGutowski/Truncat - A Sketch plugin to truncate text.
- colgatto/Poliparser - The only parser you need
- cutiful/replace-in-html - Replace text in HTML strings without messing up element attributes.
- Shawn91/DocTor - A tabular/list/plain text cleaner
- zuchka/remove-markdown - Strip Markdown stuff from text
- dineshsonachalam/markdown-autodocs - โจ A GitHub Action that automatically generates & updates markdown content (like your README.md) from external or remote files.
- evbacher/gd2md-html - Convert a Google Doc to Markdown or HTML. This Docs add-on converts a Google Doc to simple Markdown and/or HTML.
- jersou/markdown-explorer - Easily explore, view and edit markdown documentation of a file tree
- AI-Prompt-Genius/AI-Prompt-Genius - Curate a custom library of AI Prompts
- puppe1990/useful_chatgpt_prompts - ChatGPT Prompts is a web application that provides prompts generated by the OpenAI GPT-3 language model. The prompts can be used for a variety of purposes, such as inspiration for writing, conversatio
- timqian/openprompt.co - Create. Use. Share. ChatGPT prompts
- juliang22/ObsidianTimestampNotes - This plugin allows side-by-side notetaking with videos. Annotate your notes with timestamps to directly control the video and remember where each note comes from.
- djjoa/Obsidian-System-Commands-Execution-Templates - Tutorial on executing system commands within Obsidian using Templater and user definied functions.
- josStorer/chatGPTBox - Integrating ChatGPT into your browser deeply, everything you need is here
- tokenshift/obsidian-spotify - Embed songs, albums and playlists from Spotify in your Obsidian notes.
- brianpetro/obsidian-smart-connections - Chat with your notes & see links to related content with AI embeddings. Use local models or 100+ via APIs like Claude, Gemini, ChatGPT & Llama 3
- olpapchenko/PhotosDeduplicator - This application enables to remove duplicates from you Google photo library
- schibsted/WAAS - Whisper as a Service (GUI and API with queuing for OpenAI Whisper)
- csansoon/ai-web-designer - An easy way to create and edit static websites powered by OpenAI's API
- hlorenzi/musicode - ๐ถ Markup language for music creation and analysis! -- https://hlorenzi.github.io/musicode/
- pac-dev/AudioMasher - Generative Audio Playground
- davideriboli/Generative-Music - Docs, patches, scripts, tools & utilities mainly related to VCV Rack, Wotjia and Monome Norns. Shield
- ferrufinob/Bookmarkd_Frontend - Pinterest Inspired picture-sharing Web Application with ReactJS/Redux front-end and Rails API back-end.
- anadius/mediafire-bulk-importer - Import mediafire links to your account in bulk
- brianpetro/obsidian-smart-prompts - Prompt templating tools designed for interacting with language interfaces like OpenAI's ChatGPT in Obsidian.
- santinic/how2 - AI for the Command Line
- harish-sethuraman/readme-components - Cards for your readme
- connertennery/Notion-to-Obsidian-Converter - Converts exported Notion notes to work with Obsidian.
- dsymbol/prompts-on-chatgpt - UserScript that adds prompt commands to ChatGPT
- JesseKartabani/chat-gpt-enhanced - ChatGPT but with more features
- TiagoMarinho/Soph - A discord bot for generating images with artificial intelligence
- JesseKartabani/ai-image-gen - AI image generator with Open AI
- SongoMen/SocialMe - App to show stats about your fb page or instagram account.
- kobbled/technical-obsidian-template - Base template for creating a vault for technical/scientific notes
- VMaston/obsidian-scripts - Collection of public obsidian scripts for use with ObsidianMD.
- CorwinDev/Discord-Bot - Discord Bot with over 400 commands and made for large servers
- oguzhaninan/Buka - Buka is a modern software that helps you manage your ebook at ease.
- noonesimg/obsidian-audio-player - audio player plugin with bookmarks for Obsidian.md
- devbean/obsidian-wordpress - An obsidian plugin for publishing docs to WordPress.
- dabblelab/gptanswers-node - Building a GPT-3 Knowledge Base App (NodeJS)
- 1000ch/node-github-markdown - Parse GitHub flavored markdown to static html.
- vimtaai/gumdrop - Script to display Markdown documents as static HTML pages
- mborne/markdown-to-html - An experimental markdown renderer based on marked aiming at providing both a static site generator and a live server
- s-blu/obsidian_dataview_example_vault - A example vault to collect and showcase various dataview queries. Created on behalf of AB1908
- lkrimphove/obsidian-templates - Templates and scripts for obsidian.md
- easydiffusion/easydiffusion - Easiest 1-click way to create beautiful artwork on your PC using AI, with no tech knowledge. Provides a browser UI for generating images from text prompts and images. Just enter your text prompt, and
- vincelwt/chatgpt-mac - ChatGPT for Mac, living in your menubar.
- docpress/docpress - Documentation website generator
- amitmerchant1990/electron-markdownify - ๐ A minimal Markdown editor desktop app
- clmnin/summarize.site - Summarize web pages using OpenAI ChatGPT
- yogeshwaran01/github-stats-terminal-style - Generate
Stats as like Terminal Interface with typing effects dynamically for your profile Readme
- terkelg/prompts - โฏ Lightweight, beautiful and user-friendly interactive prompts
- EuanRiggans/BulkURLOpener - Bulk URL Opener is an application that provides the user with multiple utilities to help with managing and using large amounts of urls
- bokub/github-stats-box - ๐ Update a gist to contain your GitHub stats
- ridaeh/gitbook-plugin-terminull - ๐ฆ Terminull is a gitbook plugin allows you to create a modern terminal for your gitbook pages in order to documente your commands and it gives you a fast way to copy the command .
- aleen42/gitbook-treeview - ๐ฒ A gitbook plugin for generating tree view for ech page
- limit-zero/url-juicer - ๐๐ Squeeze some juice from URLs: A URL crawler/extraction library.
- sindresorhus/urls-md - Convert URLs to Markdown links: Extracts URLs from text โ Gets their article title โ Creates Markdown links
- obsidianforensics/obsidianforensics -
- xyzesteban/selective-link-checker - This program recursively scans a website and outputs all found sub-pages and their broken links to two different CSV files
- code-reaper08/Link-Master - Link-Master is a Web-APP which finds all the Broken-URL's in your Project's README file. It uses Cheerio for scraping the exact Readme file content and present you with status for each link either as
- JS-DevTools/rehype-url-inspector - A rehype plugin to inspect, validate, or rewrite URLs anywhere in an HTML document
- timaschew/link-checker - ๐Superfast link checker for HTML pages
- Malfrats/OSINT-Map - ๐บ A map of OSINT tools.
- TIGMINT/TIGMINT - TIGMINT: OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) GUI software framework
- dessant/web-archives - Browser extension for viewing archived and cached versions of web pages, available for Chrome, Edge and Safari
- gildas-lormeau/SingleFile - Web Extension for saving a faithful copy of a complete web page in a single HTML file
- lowdefy/lowdefy - The config web stack for business apps - build internal tools, client portals, web apps, admin panels, dashboards, web sites, and CRUD apps with YAML or JSON.
- kautukkundan/Awesome-Profile-README-templates - A collection of awesome readme templates to display on your profile
- JohnDeved/megacrypt.js - just a concept for now
- alx-xlx/gdrive-clone - Clone a shared google drive link to your own google drive
- ericyd/gdrive-copy - Web app to copy a Google Drive folder
- Redd-Developer/howurls.work - Learn how URLs work by visually inspecting their structure.
- Just-Moh-it/Pckd - The โก๏ธ analytics-intensive, self-hostable link-shortener with a beautiful UI | AKA free bit.ly alternative ๐
- patternhelloworld/url-knife - Extract and decompose URLs (including emails, which are conceptually a part of URLs) with robust patterns.
- tasti/react-linkify - React component to parse links (urls, emails, etc.) in text into clickable links
- AndrejGajdos/link-preview-generator - Get preview data (a title, description, image, domain name) from a url. Library uses puppeteer headless browser to scrape the web site.
- e-oj/grabity - Generate link previews from pages with Open Graph or Twitter Cards markup. Just grab it! ๐ฃ
- chrisgrieser/shimmering-obsidian - Alfred Workflow with dozens of features for controlling your Obsidian vault.
- insin/control-panel-for-twitter - Browser extension which gives you more control over your Twitter timeline and adds missing features and UI improvements - available for desktop and mobile browsers
- stevenvachon/broken-link-checker - Find broken links, missing images, etc within your HTML.
- marcelscruz/public-apis - A collaborative list of public APIs for developers
- zeus-12/fmhy-ui - Old frontend repo for fmhy
- forwardemail/forwardemail.net - Privacy-focused encrypted email for everyone. All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.
- patheticGeek/gdrive-index - An index server for Google Drive
- alexkim205/G-Desktop-Suite - Google Suite as a desktop app. Made possible with Electron.
- thebrandonc/gdrive-file-auditor - This repo contains a script that turns Google Sheets into a file permissions auditor for Google Drive. The script adds a new menu item to the Sheet with an option to run the file auditing process. Whi
- LeeluPradhan/G-Index - Google Drive Directory Index Running on CloudFlare Workers [Search + DarkMode] [ENGLISH]
- rokibhasansagar/BhadooGDIndex - Customized Mirror for Bhadoo Google Drive Index repo from GitLab
- nfway/gdrive-index - fork from http://github.com/Aicirou/goindex-theme-acrou/ remove the tracking code, for good.
- menukaonline/goindex-extended - A Google Drive Index, which has a lot of extra features, running on Cloudflare Workers.
- tks18/gindex-v4 - A Vue Js Based G Index with Improved Dark Mode, Search and Video Player
- Soham-Chakraborty-8455/Banner-Generator- - An automatic banner generator website
- asrvd/gitbanner - Generate Banner for you Profile Readme on GitHub. GitHub Readme Banner Generator with Name, About section and Profile Picture.
- thomasleplus/google-apps-scripts - A collection of useful Google Apps Scripts.
- Mottie/GitHub-userscripts - Userscripts to add functionality to GitHub
- johackim/obsidian-writing - Write and format your next book directly from Obsidian
- LLazyEmail/markdown-regex - Set of constants that can help you to parse markdown content
- shreyasminocha/regex-for-regular-folk - ๐๐ช Regular Expressions for Regular Folk โ A visual, example-based introduction to RegEx [BETA]
- lukehaas/RegexHub - A collection of useful regex patterns
- viktomas/url-to-markdown - Script that fetches page content fromo URL and turns it into Markdown
- joriewong/html2md - ๐ html2MD
- OS-expected/EzGitDoc - Simple & fast WYSIWYG repo documentation generator with personal enchacements.
- croqaz/clean-mark - Convert an article into clean text
- WebMemex/webmemex-extension - ๐ Your digital memory extension, as a browser extension
- svengreb/tmpl - A collection of template repositories for new projects.
- VishwaGauravIn/github-profile-readme-maker - ๐ Best Profile Generator, Create your perfect GitHub Profile ReadMe in the best possible way. Lots of features and tools included, all for free ! ๐ซ
- arturssmirnovs/github-profile-readme-generator - GitHub profile readme generator allows you to create nice and simple GitHub profile readme files that will be included in your profile previews.
- Akshay090/svg-banners - Styled banners for your Readme made with html/css in SVG !!
- kefranabg/readme-md-generator - ๐ CLI that generates beautiful README.md files
- remarkjs/remark - markdown processor powered by plugins part of the @unifiedjs collective
- Virgile-fr/Raindrop-HomePage - Raindrop HomePage is a minimalist interface to display your Raindrop.io bookmarks marked as favorites. This application is not intended to replicate the interface of Raindrop.io.
- dar5hak/generator-awesome-list - ๐ Yeoman generator for GitHub awesome lists
- hilja/file-batcher - Bulk edit Front Matter Markdown files with ease
- Ajju2211/free-college-id - This application provides free college ID cards for students.
- react-static/react-static - โ๏ธ ๐ A progressive static site generator for React.
- chrisdiana/cms.js - Client-Side JavaScript Site Generator
- Saber2pr/wiki-builder - powered by saber2pr.github.io
- cmbrose/github-docs-to-wiki -
- thlorenz/doctoc - ๐ Generates table of contents for markdown files inside local git repository. Links are compatible with anchors generated by github or other sites.
- amitkaps/visdown - Visualisation Markdown
- elmasse/nextein - A static site generator with markdown + react for Next.js
- geekplux/markvis - make visualization in markdown. ๐๐
- jonschlinkert/gray-matter - Smarter YAML front matter parser, used by metalsmith, Gatsby, Netlify, Assemble, mapbox-gl, phenomic, vuejs vitepress, TinaCMS, Shopify Polaris, Ant Design, Astro, hashicorp, garden, slidev, saber, s
- octokatherine/readme.so - An online drag-and-drop editor to easily build READMEs
- johackim/gatsby-remark-obsidian - Gatsby plugin to support Obsidian markdown syntax
- DavidWells/markdown-magic - ๐ซ โAutomatically format markdown files via comment blocks using source code, external data & custom transforms.
- EshanTrivedi21/Git-CheatSheet - An opensource initiative to which over 37 individuals from all over the world collaborated in order to streamline the process of learning Git and GitHub.
- breck7/scroll - Scroll is a language for scientists of all ages. Scroll includes a command line app that builds static blogs, websites, CSVs, text files, and more.
- manasecurity/mana-security-app - macOS vulnerability management for individuals
- jipegit/OSXAuditor - OS X Auditor is a free Mac OS X computer forensics tool
- kewbish/matter - A RSS feed aggregator with bookmarking and sync support.
- DBDoco/Better-Bookmarks - JavaScript Google Chrome extension that improves default bookmark feature by adding ability to include notes byside given bookmarks.
- manpreeeeeet/bookmarks - web-app to store the bookmarks in a way i like.
- rifkyzena/bookmark-keeper - A mobile-responsive website that allows user to locally save and edit bookmarks of any website links.
- pfcao/abookmark - Advanced bookmark & tab manager
- andreasphil/bookmarks - ๐ฟ A collection of useful and mostly free resources and tools around web development, design, and programming in general
- hundredrabbits/Themes - Simple Theme Framework
- kormyen/memex - Simple bookmarks and notes
- AkashRajpurohit/clipper - ๐ Cross Platform Desktop App to Save history of all information you copy and use them whenever with a solitary snap
- jstrieb/urlpages - Create and view web pages stored entirely in the URL
- notwaldorf/tiny-care-terminal - ๐๐ป A little dashboard that tries to take care of you when you're using your terminal.
- simple-icons/simple-icons - SVG icons for popular brands
- badges/shields - Concise, consistent, and legible badges in SVG and raster format
- pramit-marattha/Fullstack-projects-frontend-with-react-and-backend-with-various-stacks - * W.I.P *๐ Full-on full stack front end and a bit of back end web development challenge. Challenging every day to learn new stuffs about react & its in-depth features and also to explore the taste of
- kunalpanchal/relevant-bookmarks - Chrome extension that gives you relevant bookmarks specific to the page you are in.
- DaniloNovakovic/chrome-dynamic-bookmarks - Chrome extension which dynamically updates bookmarks according to given regular expressions (w/ bookmark manager) ๐
- pushkarydv/devlinks - link of all daily dev tools and a little bit data about them
- siegblink/webdev-resources - Collection of helpful web development resources.
- nthiebes/booky.io - Online bookmark manager with a focus on simplicity, customizability, privacy, and speed.
- JoshSweaterGuy/lava - Lava is a markup generation tool built for obsidian
- wchorski/obsidian-developer - tutorials, set up, self hosted, routing, tooling, home lab, etc
- CommitSans/obsidian-gitbook - A quick tool to publish an Obsidian Vault on GitBook
- isanchop/stuhack - Chrome extension for studocu premium free
- velzie/bookmarkfs - Exploit chrome's profile sync for free cloud storage
- postlight/parser - ๐ Extract meaningful content from the chaos of a web page
- theowenyoung/gatsby-theme-primer-wiki - A Gatsby Theme for Wiki/Docs/Knowledge Base, which using Primer style as the UI theme, can work well with Foam or Obsibian or just markdown files.
- cuken/obsidian-weave - Obsidian Vault Template for Software Developers/Managers working in the corporate world.
- akenofu/HackAllTheThings - Meticulously curated security notes with Emphasis on Application Security, DevSecOps, Cloud Computing, and Penetration Testing.
- tanepiper/obsidian-garden - A knowledge management garden for https://obsidian.md, in which to grow your ideas
- TuanManhCao/digital-garden - Free Obisidian Publish alternative, for publishing your digital garden.
- Vuectron/Astrolabe - [WIP] Manage your GitHub stars with one desktop app.
- ndom91/briefkasten - ๐ฎ Self hosted bookmarking app
- OXOYO/bookmark2md - Convert chrome bookmarks to md files and push them to GitHub repository.
- thlorenz/parse-link-header - Parses a link header and returns paging information for each contained link.
- thiiagoms/mark-parse - ๐ Extract and validate links from markdown files
- ralphtheninja/parse-markdown-links - Get all links from a markdown string.
- CCharlieLi/bookmark-parser - Find and parse Firefox/Chrome bookmark HTML and jsonlz4 file into useable JSON object or export as JSON file.
- vinitshahdeo/github-stars-feed - Get the latest feed of GitHub Stars out there! ๐ โญ โจ
- ryanmcdermott/starmark -
Turn your GitHub stars into Chrome bookmarks
- zerosoul/github-star-stats - awesome GitHub repo star statistics generator
- cadeyrn/bookmarks-organizer - With the Bookmarks Organizer it's easy to put order in your bookmarks. The Bookmarks Organizer finds no longer working bookmarks, redirects, duplicates and more!
- basilioss/obsidian-scrapers - Get information from link for Obsidian
- binnyva/gatsby-garden - A Digital Garden Theme for Gatsby. Gatsby Garden lets you create a static HTML version of your markdown notes
- lrsjng/h5ai - HTTP web server index for Apache httpd, lighttpd and nginx.
- http-party/http-server - a simple zero-configuration command-line http server
- mathieudutour/gatsby-digital-garden - ๐ท ๐ป ๐บ Create a digital garden with Gatsby
- colbyfayock/next-wordpress-starter - ๐ Bring WordPress to the static world with Next.js
- zenje/spotify-visual-app - visualize personal spotify stats, react-based app
- dlccyes/playlastify - A webapp visualizing your Spotify playlist stats with Spotify WebAPI & Last.fm API
- aneeshnema/spotify-stats - A React App to see your listening habits on Spotify.
- anyrange/measurify - Spotify listening stats [Last.fm + Stats.fm clone]
- kimeggler/spotifystatistics - Personalized stats for your Spotify profile.
- cocktail-forensics/macCocktail - Parses forensic artifacts from macOS file systems
- lutzroeder/netron - Visualizer for neural network, deep learning and machine learning models
- WebCrateApp/browser-extension - Add links to WebCrate via a browser extension
- openXapps/web-apps-bookmarker-mui - Updated bookmarker app rebuilt in MUI framework
- dribehub/nord-startpage - Nord-themed startpage written in pure js
- raindropio/app -
- AurelienAubry/Spotlight - Spotlight is a Spotify dashboard that allows user to visualize his listening habits.
- mbaronetti/spotify-dash - Simple and easy to use Spotify dashboard
- shravan20/github-readme-quotes - Dynamic quote generator for your GitHub readmes | Give a poetic touch to readmes
- is-a-dev/register - Grab your own sweet-looking '.is-a.dev' subdomain.
- mmacneil/devfolio - A simple, responsive, single-page portfolio and resume for developers built with Bulma, Sass, Font Awesome and Flickity.
- rszamszur/pdf-resume-builder - Simple, stateless, single-page application for creating neat PDF resume from JSON data.
- nordicgiant2/react-nice-resume - A React.js Nice Resume Template
- welovedevs/react-ultimate-resume - ๐ผ ๐จ A modern software developer resume built with React and JSONResume
- sneas/cv-template - Manage your CV as a web app (HTML, JS, CSS). Automatically generate HTML and PDF versions and deploy them on GitHub Pages on every push.
- sonnysangha/Resume-Portfolio-Starter-pack -
- perminder-klair/resume-parser - A Simple NodeJs library to parse Resume / CV to JSON.
- vimal-verma/Master-Portfolio - A clean, beautiful, responsive and 100% customizable portfolio template for Developers!
- sleepyqadir/TechFolio - An Open Sourced Creative Portfolio for Developer and Tech Geeks ๐
- ant-design/ant-design-landing - ๐ต Landing Pages of Ant Design System
- blopa/Resume-Builder - Resume Builder is a free open-source project that allows anyone to easily maintain and build any kind of resume.
- actions/deploy-pages - GitHub Action to publish artifacts to GitHub Pages for deployments
- amitmishrg/code-resume - Build your own Resume ๐ in seconds
- ecmadao/hacknical - Hacknical, hacker & technical. A website for GitHub user to make a better resume.
- terror/github-timeline - Timeline generator using Github API
- kodestudio/neon - Simple static site generator (not sure) for display the repository's (GitHub) events on a timeline.
- garimasingh128/gitsetgo - A Github Resume generator ๐จโ๐ป๐ฉโ to create your own personalised resume based on your Github profile. ๐ This tool lets you have your resume on a single click.
- molly/static-timeline-generator - Create static timeline webpages.
- Satyam1203/resume-github - Generate a Resume of your Github Profile using your username.
- resume-nation/resume-nation.github.io - An open source progressive resume builder which works offline
- Aliherawi7/resume-builder - build your resume free and easy
- hernanjkd/Resume-Builder - React. Creates a dynamic resume that can be easily modified. Experience and skill cards can be edited.
- JeelGajera/resume-builder - Resume-Builder React Web Application
- navdeepsekhon/portfolio-generator - JS framework to dynamically generate a portfolio site from a JSON resume
- girishgr8/Resume-Builder - Creating a resume is a bit tedious task for any working professional from any industry. One has to keep it short, simple, and with the latest work experience. This Resume Builder project will help to
- resume/resume.github.com - Resumes generated using the GitHub informations
- hacksalot/HackMyResume - Generate polished rรฉsumรฉs and CVs in HTML, Markdown, LaTeX, MS Word, PDF, plain text, JSON, XML, YAML, smoke signal, and carrier pigeon.
- kirtan403/bookmark-github-stars - Generate Bookmarks export file (html) of the github user's starred repos
- iRaul/creative-portfolios - ๐ A curated list of Creative Portfolios
- leviarista/github-profile-header-generator - A header image generator for your Github profile Readme
- jamesgeorge007/github-activity-readme - Updates README with the recent GitHub activity of a user
- anuraghazra/github-readme-stats - โก Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes
- developStorm/simple-badges - Awesome Simple Icons on your favorite Shields.io Badges. Try out on your profile today!
- elangosundar/awesome-README-templates - A collection of awesome readme templates to display on your github profile.
- rahuldkjain/github-profile-readme-generator - ๐ Generate GitHub profile README easily with the latest add-ons like visitors count, GitHub stats, etc using minimal UI.
- TimBroddin/raindrop-to-wpcom - Lambda function to post raindrop.io bookmarks to wpcom
- lonekorean/wordpress-export-to-markdown - Converts a WordPress export XML file into Markdown files.
- varunsridharan/action-hashnode-blog - Fetch & Display Your Hashnode blog posts.
- gautamkrishnar/blog-post-workflow - Show your latest blog posts from any sources or StackOverflow activity or Youtube Videos on your GitHub profile/project readme automatically using the RSS feed
- jplattel/obsidian-clipper - A Chrome extension that easily clips selections to Obsidian
- stefanbuck/awesome-browser-extensions-for-github - A collection of awesome browser extensions for GitHub.
- 2KAbhishek/projects - Showcase All Your Projects ๐๏ธ๐
- azedo/raindrop-io-github-starred-repos - Add all of your starred repos to raindrop.io
- ProfessorKolodziej/idea-generator - An idea generator, powered by a selected set of bookmarks on Raindrop.io.
- sintaxi/harp - Static Web Server/Generator/Bundler
- vuejs/vuepress - ๐ Minimalistic Vue-powered static site generator
- summitech/gitexplorer - Find the right git commands without digging through the web.
- Prashoon123/github-cards - Create beautiful-looking cards for your GitHub profile or GitHub repo!
- ngudbhav/lazyType - A Software to create aliases for commands, applications to type in cmd, terminal.
- abhijithvijayan/stargazed - ๐ Creating your own Awesome List of GitHub stars!
- umaar/export-github-stars - A Node.js webapp to scrape the stars of specified GitHub users
- mattd/google-photos-downloader - Downloads photos from Google Photos.
- makingglitches/GooglePhotoDownload - Connects to Google Photos and downloads all content, keeping track of original data on disk and moving files only on the computer and already on server to respective directories, and tries to downloa
- Alamantus/GooglePhotosExportOrganizer - A (defunct) tool for merging and organizing exported Google Photos backups. Built with React and Electron!
- scottschiller/SoundManager2 - A JavaScript Sound API supporting MP3, MPEG4 and HTML5 audio + RTMP, providing reliable cross-browser/platform audio control in as little as 12 KB. BSD licensed.
- MacKarp/NextcloudAudio_Converter - Audio converter app for nextcloud
- langfeld/FreshRSS-extensions - Add touch gestures to FreshRSS
- pushkarydv/public-apis-api - list of 1400+ apis their documentation, properties and a lot more all divided into 50+ cateogories all this data just a api call away ๐
- Benrobo/baaymax - easily generate unique portfolio from your github profile
- nxshell/nxshell - An easy to use new terminal.
- aadsm/jsmediatags - Media Tags Reader (ID3, MP4, FLAC)
- miraclx/freyr-js - A tool for downloading songs from music streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music.
- anhthii/Echo - ๐ต A music streaming app built with React and Nodejs
- aksakalli/gtop - System monitoring dashboard for terminal
- danburzo/percollate - A command-line tool to turn web pages into readable PDF, EPUB, HTML, or Markdown docs.
- cristianvasquez/obsidian-prettify - A markdown prettifier for obsidian
- showdownjs/showdown - A bidirectional Markdown to HTML to Markdown converter written in Javascript
- aromalanil/markItDown - ๐ฑ A React app to preview and edit Markdownโ. You can also export it as HTML.
- jonschlinkert/remarkable - Markdown parser, done right. Commonmark support, extensions, syntax plugins, high speed - all in one. Gulp and metalsmith plugins available. Used by Facebook, Docusaurus and many others! Use https://g
- hikerpig/foam-template-gatsby-kb - A Foam/Obsidian template using gatsby-theme-kb for publishing your knowledge base
- chenyukang/obweb - ObWeb = Obsidian on Mobile + Flomo + Rss Reader
- marktext/marktext - ๐A simple and elegant markdown editor, available for Linux, macOS and Windows.
- tariqbuilds/linux-dash - A beautiful web dashboard for Linux
- airsonic-advanced/airsonic-advanced -
- guastallaigor/vue-horizontal-timeline - Just a simple horizontal timeline component made with Vue.js (works with Vue 2 & Vue 3)
- makinacorpus/Leaflet.FileLayer - Loads files locally (GeoJSON, KML, GPX) as layers using HTML5 File API
- mickael-kerjean/filestash - ๐ฆ A file manager / web client for SFTP, S3, FTP, WebDAV, Git, Minio, LDAP, CalDAV, CardDAV, Mysql, Backblaze, ...
- ctf0/Laravel-Media-Manager - A "Vuejs & Laravel" Media Manager With Tons of Features
- quilicicf/markdown-formatter - A markdown formatter intended for writing specifications
- jaedb/Iris - Discover, explore and manage your music library across multiple sources with this beautiful web-based interface. Iris is a Mopidy frontend extension.
- devXprite/infoooze - A OSINT tool which helps you to quickly find information effectively. All you need is to input and it will take take care of rest.
- I2rys/SherNode - โก Fast, easily configurable and simplified codes NodeJS version of Sherlock.
- ChmaraX/forensix - Google Chrome forensic tool to process, analyze and visualize browsing artifacts
- colbyfayock/md-to-wp - Upload a directory of markdown files to WordPress
- adobe-webplatform/Snap.svg - The JavaScript library for modern SVG graphics.
- sergey-pimenov/awesome-web-animation - A list of awesome web animation libraries, books, apps etc.
- mohammed-akl/Pinite - Pinite is a Jekyll and Netlify CMS version of theme "Pintereso" developed by WowThemes.net. We integrated Netlify CMS with the theme, fixed bugs and added some more features. "Pinite" is a showcase je
- jekyll/jekyll-admin - A Jekyll plugin that provides users with a traditional CMS-style graphical interface to author content and administer Jekyll sites.
- decaporg/decap-cms - A Git-based CMS for Static Site Generators
- liberodark/ODrive - Google Drive GUI for Windows / Mac / Linux
- viatsko/awesome-vscode - ๐จ A curated list of delightful VS Code packages and resources.
- web0asis/web0asis.github.io - Hi, This is clone of Weboas.is Dev posted about his/her suicide on the forum few days ago, as sad it is I wanted to make sure their legacy stays online for everyone who used this awesome website. I do
- blitzmid123/weboas.is -
- unkn0wn95/weboas.is - All of source code of weboas.is
- szymboro/weboasis - Fork of weboas.is
- shreeshjha/WebOas-is - This is the copy of famous WebOas-is using the resources provided by Webby...
- scriptzteam/weboas.is - In memoriam of Webby (1992-2022). May you rest in peace. Life is sometime strange, you have to keep fighting!
- ndsamuelson/weboas-is - This is a copy of weboas.is using his source code that he released on his death. RIP Webby.
- ronitsinha/homepage - A customized version of weboas.is
- chocolateboy/userscripts - Userscripts for Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey etc.
- alyssaxuu/omni - The all-in-one tool to supercharge your productivity โจ๏ธ
- konhi/obsidian-community-list - ๐ โข updated list of community themes & plugins for obsidian.md!
- oniatsu/Google-Photos-desktop-viewer-app - Google Photos desktop viewer app for macOS and Windows
- simsor/takeout-browser - Web gallery to browse a Google Photos extract using Takeout
- imfunniee/gitfolio -
personal website + blog for every github user
- NidhiiK/Text-Tool - Text-Tool is an app which allows the user to perform multiple text-editing functions, such as making the full-text capital or small case, removing extra spaces between words, copying, and deleting the
- Nitin-Sharma-coder/textry - A very handy online text tool where you can change between lower case and upper case letters, capitalize, uncapitalize and remove extra spaces from your text
- arunghosh/react-time-line - A react component to display event in a vertical timeline format
- AlexW00/StartTreeV2 - ๐ณ A $tree styled start page generator!
- mistermicheels/markdown-notes-tree - Generate Markdown trees that act as a table of contents for a folder structure with Markdown notes
- DanielDe/org-web - org-mode on the web, built with React, optimized for mobile, synced with Dropbox and Google Drive
- andresjpulido/tutorial-timeline - React component built with React
- mxamber/TimelineTool - Simple timeline creator implemented in HTML & JavaScript.
- adam-p/markdown-here - Google Chrome, Firefox, and Thunderbird extension that lets you write email in Markdown and render it before sending.
- dudynets/Instagram-Direct-Stats - An application that counts messages of various types from JSON.
- orglce/instagram-chat-analyzer - Analyzes files from Intagram and Signal direct messaging backup files
- Theblood/open-insta - An autonomous and complete API provider for Instagram Direct Messages
- Elyx0/instagram-inbox-api - ๐ฌ Node.js web API for accessing Instagram private messages to couple with a frontend
- lukekarrys/dayone-templates - DayOne CLI with template support.
- mapbox/csv2geojson - magically convert csv files to geojson files
- azu/dayone-to-quiver - Convert DayOne's Journal.dayone to Quiver notebook file.
- leonspok/TinyDayOne - Tiny Day One client app. Tiny because it offers you less opportunities than you expect.
- ThatGuySam/doesitarm - ๐ฆพ A list of reported app support for Apple Silicon as well as Apple M4 and M3 Ultra Macs
- lukekarrys/metalsmith-dayone - A Metalsmith plugin to create files from a Day One JSON export.
- markwk/mindset_journaling_app - A Smart Journaling App with NLP and Sentiment Analysis
- GitSquared/edex-ui - A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support.
- UDST/vizicities - A framework for 3D geospatial visualization in the browser
- vizzuhq/vizzu-lib - Library for animated data visualizations and data stories.
- itsdanni/MOMO_desktop - Journaling/note-taking app built on electron aspiring to be an open source Evernote/day-one
- cajacko/journal-to-photo - Script to convert Day One journal entries to images
- phillco/journalview - Alternative web-based viewing UI for Day One journals
- pwaldhauer/dayone - NodeJS Module to create, list and remove Day One Journal entries
- matrix-hacks/matrix-puppet-facebook - a puppetted facebook bridge
- matrix-hacks/matrix-puppet-imessage - A two-way puppeted Matrix bridge for Apple iMessage / Messages
- CamHenlin/imessageninja - hosted iMessage service
- CamHenlin/iMessageService - send and receive iMessages on anything with a web browser
- CamHenlin/imessageclient - send and receive iMessages in a terminal or over ssh
- CamHenlin/iMessageModule - A node module for sending iMessages on your Mac
- CamHenlin/imessagegraphqlserver -
- CamHenlin/imessagebot - Who wouldn't want to iMessage a bot?
- CamHenlin/iMessageWebClient - send and receive iMessages on anything with a web browser
- chrisknepper/android-messages-desktop - Android Messages as a Cross-platform Desktop App
- dylan-mitchell/memex - Import data from Google Takeout to search and analyze
- soulintzis/Google-maps-Location-Takeout-Visualizer - Crowdsourcing application using Google Timeline Data
- jlfwong/messenger-to-markdown - Chrome plugin to convert conversations on messenger.com to markdown
- pwaldhauer/elizabeth - Moves.app data exporter
- jaketrent/dayone-plist-to-markdown - convert dayone .doentry to markdown files
- Botffy/Timeline.fm - Chrome extension to display Last.fm scrobbles in the Google Maps Timeline
- jkeen/forever-chat-imessage-export - iMessage export in the forever chat format
- gamma032steam/fbtimestamp - Exports Facebook messenger timestamps for analysis.
- cube-js/awesome-tools - Open-source list of awesome data visualization tools (e.g., charting libraries) for software developers ๐๐
- lockys/Awesome.json - ๐ Awesome lists in JSON format.
- thunlp/WantWords - An open-source online reverse dictionary.
- fonsp/Pluto.jl - ๐ Simple reactive notebooks for Julia
- leso-kn/tineline - Tineline is a file format for describing schedules and rendering them in a horizontal timeline.
- gverni/kairoi - Project Timelines made easy...
- sysrep/time-viz - a timeline visualization using your digital footprint
- mathew-kurian/chrome-timeline-statistics - Compute the statistics from a Chrome timeline
- soujava/historia - Histรณria do SouJava
- memair/apps - App Store for Memair
- reubn/daylight - Your life, on a map.
- octree-gva/Zeitline - A polylinear timeline with clustering, centred on interactions. โ Doc and demo https://octree-gva.github.io/Zeitline/
- visjs/vis-timeline - ๐ Create a fully customizable, interactive timelines and 2d-graphs with items and ranges.
- exceljs/exceljs - Excel Workbook Manager
- shaoxiongji/knowledge-graphs - A collection of research on knowledge graphs
- wells19d/my-timeline-journal -
- ionstage/timeline - Web-based timeline viewer
- C2DH/histograph - Neo4j powered web application for multimedia collections: bring graph-based exploration and crowd-based indexation.
- CVCEeu-dh/histograph - Neo4j powered web application for multimedia collections: bring graph-based exploration and crowd-based indexation.
- zadam/trilium - Build your personal knowledge base with Trilium Notes
- simonwongwong/Facebook-Messenger-JSON-viewer - If you've downloaded your Facebook data in JSON format, this tool lets you read the chats more intuitively
- jaywcjlove/awesome-mac - ๏ฃฟ Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.
- alx-xlx/goindex - Index your Google Drive
- PanJiaChen/awesome-bookmarks - ๐ A curated list of awesome things
- sawankumar/Google-Drive-Index - A Google Drive Index Running on CloudFlare Workers.
- qeeqbox/social-analyzer - API, CLI, and Web App for analyzing and finding a person's profile in 1000 social media \ websites
- WebBreacher/yoga - Your OSINT Graphical Analyzer
- LeCoupa/awesome-cheatsheets - ๐ฉโ๐ป๐จโ๐ป Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
- harvard-lil/perma - Indelible links
- abruzzihraig/DayOneFlow - Journals flow based on DayOne2 for automatically compile&deploy.
- danseethaler/dayone-companion - Expanding on the functionality of the DayOne journal app
- Mikolaj-Mroz/Statsify - A web app to check your spotify statistics.
- nodiscc/xsrv - [mirror] Install and manage self-hosted services/applications, on your own server(s) - ansible collection and utilities
- logankilpatrick/ChatGPT-Plugins-Collection - An unofficial collection of Plugins for ChatGPT, in any programming language!
- queryverse/TextParse.jl - A bunch of fast text parsing tools
- severian42/Vodalus-Expert-LLM-Forge - Dataset Crafting w/ RAG/Wikipedia ground truth and Efficient Fine-Tuning Using MLX and Unsloth. Includes configurable dataset annotation editor Gradio UI.
- verazuo/jailbreak_llms - [CCS'24] A dataset consists of 15,140 ChatGPT prompts from Reddit, Discord, websites, and open-source datasets (including 1,405 jailbreak prompts).
- iyaja/llama-fs - A self-organizing file system with llama 3
- google-gemini/cookbook - Examples and guides for using the Gemini API
- anthropics/prompt-eng-interactive-tutorial - Anthropic's Interactive Prompt Engineering Tutorial
- anthropics/anthropic-cookbook - A collection of notebooks/recipes showcasing some fun and effective ways of using Claude.
- irembyzdm/Most-Streamed-Spotify-Songs-2023 - This dataset contains a comprehensive list of the most famous songs of 2023 as listed on Spotify. The dataset offers a wealth of features beyond what is typically available in similar datasets. It pro
- bmkjn/Spotify-Data-Analysis - This repository hosts a collection of data analysis scripts utilizing popular Python libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn to explore and analyze Spotify's vast collection of track,
- iranroman/musicinformationretrieval.com - Instructional notebooks on music information retrieval.
- google-research/google-research - Google Research
- sakemin/musicgen-remixer - process breakdown of MusicGen Remixer, by calling separate Replicate API calls and processing the outputs of the API calls.
- crlandsc/Music-Genre-Classification-Using-Convolutional-Neural-Networks - Music genre classification system built on a convolutional neural network trained on Mel-spectrograms of 3-second audio samples.
- musikalkemist/generativemusicaicourse - Resources for the Generative Music AI Course on The Sound of AI YouTube channel.
- GoogleCloudPlatform/vertex-ai-samples - Notebooks, code samples, sample apps, and other resources that demonstrate how to use, develop and manage machine learning and generative AI workflows using Google Cloud Vertex AI.
- sian0x0/Roud-Song-Clusters - Lyrics clustering
- ras0k/auto-lyrics - Auto-Lyrics: Lyrics transcription & alignment using Whisper and yt-dlp
- dtobrien23/LyricizeMe - An application that provides random song lyrics and annotations for a chosen artist, powered by the Genius API.
- KR1GOS/Web-Scaping - This is a Python web scraper that extracts information about AI-related tools from "https://topai.tools/browse." The scraper fetches data from the website, including the tool name, URL, description, p
- amaiya/onprem - A tool for running on-premises large language models with non-public data
- spyboy-productions/omnisci3nt - Unveiling the Hidden Layers of the Web โ A Comprehensive Web Reconnaissance Tool
- davidstap/ML4QS - Machine Learning for the Quantified Self
- danielgatis/search_in_files - This is a tool for search text in files.
- facebookresearch/personal-timeline - A public release of TimelineBuilder for building personal digital data timelines.
- suno-ai/bark - ๐ Text-Prompted Generative Audio Model
- Pushkar1853/Cover-Generator - Application of OpenAI tools such as Whisper, DALL-E, and ChatGPT to generate album covers from audio
- usc-isi-i2/kgtk - Knowledge Graph Toolkit
- Mel-iza/The-Natural-Language-Processing-Workshop - Sharing the NLP The Natural Language Processing Workshop book exercises and notes
- citiususc/Smarty-GPT - A wrapper of LLMs that biases its behaviour using prompts and contexts in a transparent manner to the end-users
- dylanmeca/ChatGPT-Python - ChatGPT-Python is a software that allows you to talk to GPT-3 with a web interface using the openai api
- v8hid/infinite-zoom-stable-diffusion - resources for creating Ininite zoom video using Stable Diffiusion, you can use multiple prompts and it is easy to use.
- soliblue/songGPT - songGPT is an experimental open-source project that explores the potential of Language Models, specifically ChatGPT, in generating original and customizable musical compositions. Using Python, the out
- MahmoudAshraf97/whisper-diarization - Automatic Speech Recognition with Speaker Diarization based on OpenAI Whisper
- Carleslc/AudioToText - Transcribe and translate audio to text using Whisper and DeepL.
- olaviinha/MusicWithChatGPT - Tips and tools for writing music with the aid of ChatGPT
- Mahamedm/Riffusion_AI_Image_Music-generator_Gardio - This code includes a collection of tools for processing audio files, specifically for converting spectrogram images to audio waveforms and vice versa.
- mdeff/fma - FMA: A Dataset For Music Analysis
- teticio/audio-diffusion - Apply diffusion models using the new Hugging Face diffusers package to synthesize music instead of images.
- AnshMittal1811/MachineLearning-AI - This repository contains all the work that I regularly did and studied from Medium blogs, several research papers, and other Repos (related/unrelated to the research papers).
- sadiaafsana138/Music-Genre-Classification - Academic Project Using Python and ML (AI-4.1)
- dakshtrehan/AI-Music-Generation - Predicting Music pieces using LSTMs. MIDI files are used to generate and predict musical tones.
- jmpaz/promptlib - A collection of prompts for use with GPT-4 via ChatGPT, OpenAI API w/ Gradio frontend & notebook
- ocademy-ai/machine-learning - Learn AI together, for free. AI learning and teaching resources for everyone.
- neomatrix369/awesome-ai-ml-dl - Awesome Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning as we learn it. Study notes and a curated list of awesome resources of such topics.
- promptslab/Promptify - Prompt Engineering | Prompt Versioning | Use GPT or other prompt based models to get structured output. Join our discord for Prompt-Engineering, LLMs and other latest research
- qunash/stable-diffusion-2-gui - Lightweight Stable Diffusion v 2.1 web UI: txt2img, img2img, depth2img, inpaint and upscale4x.
- JoePenna/Dreambooth-Stable-Diffusion - Implementation of Dreambooth (https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.12242) by way of Textual Inversion (https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.01618) for Stable Diffusion (https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.10752). Tweaks focused o
- mfrashad/text2art - AI-powered Text-to-Art Generator - Text2Art.com
- Baiyuetribe/paper2gui - Convert AI papers to GUI๏ผMake it easy and convenient for everyone to use artificial intelligence technologyใ่ฎฉๆฏไธชไบบ้ฝ็ฎๅๆนไพฟ็ไฝฟ็จๅๆฒฟไบบๅทฅๆบ่ฝๆๆฏ
- comet-ml/kangas - ๐ฆ Explore multimedia datasets at scale
- pinilpypinilpy/sd-webui-colab-simplified - A one-click version of sd-webui-colab
- menukaonline/Mega-to-Google-Drive - This is a Google Colab notebook that helps you to transfer files from Mega to Google Drive
- krrish-v/mark_importer - Provide a category for all the imported bookmarks, makes easy to manage by using a AI model
- firmai/awesome-google-colab - Google Colaboratory Notebooks and Repositories (by @firmai)
- mdezube/sms-analysis - Python/IPython code to analyze one's text messages. Intended to work out of the box, see README for details.
- sejaldua/lyrical-sentiment-analysis - Using Spotify API to obtain audio feature data and lyrics and Tableau to produce sick visualizations.
- rtedwards/spotify-data-visualizations - An app that monitors a user's Spotify account and creates a dashboard to visualize usage over time.
- TheCaduceus/Multi-Cloud-Transfer-Tool - The most advanced yet simple Jupyter Notebook to transfer/manage your data from/to any cloud remotely based on Rclone and other engines.โก
- br3ndonland/udacity-fsnd - Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree program (FSND) course materials
- markwk/qs_ledger - Quantified Self Personal Data Aggregator and Data Analysis
- chingjunetao/medium-article - Repo for articles in my personal blog and Medium
- Essux/Quantified-Self-Visualizations - Compilation of visualizations of data from daily life
- mcwaage1/qs - Quantified Self: A Personal Data Aggregator and Dashboard for Self-Trackers and Quantified Self Enthusiasts
- pleonova/data-diary - My life dashboard - automatically track and visualize your data. Using common tracker APIs to create a minute by minute representation of your day.
- frankwxu/digital-forensics-lab - Free hands-on digital forensics labs for students and faculty
- 5agado/conversation-analyzer - Analyzer and statistics generator for text-based conversations. Includes Facebook scraper and parser
- jlumbroso/text-message-analysis-notebook - Jupyter notebook with examples on how to visualize the dataset of personal texts ๐ฑ, after extracting from an iPhone with PhoneView.
- tyguy-1122/qs-location-dashboard - A quantified-self project that displays charts representing location data from Google Takeout. The user inputs a file path for downloaded JSON Google Takeout location data and the coordinates for plac
- alexattia/Maps-Location-History - Get, Concatenate and Process you location history from Google Maps TimeLine
- cleverhans-lab/cleverhans - An adversarial example library for constructing attacks, building defenses, and benchmarking both
- czyczk/auto-music-info-server - A Kotlin JVM project to make use of both rules and AI power to collect information about music from the Internet. See https://github.com/czyczk/auto_music_info for the Flutter client.
- khaouitiabdelhakim/LyricsAI - LyricsAI is a powerful and easy-to-use library for Android developers that allows you to retrieve song lyrics from various online sources. This library leverages web scraping techniques to find and de
- patxibocos/google-photos-exporter - Google Photos exporter
- skydoves/chatgpt-android - ๐ฒ ChatGPT Android demonstrates a Chatbot application using OpenAI's chat API on Android with Stream Chat SDK for Compose.
- jesperancinha/markdowner - Markdowner is a parser project exclusively made for mardown files.
- darthmachina/obsidian-neural-link - Tool to automate Obsidian data
- akshay2211/NYTimes-Compose - An offline-first application in Jetpack Compose with MVVM architecture, representing a minimalistic implementation of Top Stories API.
- Shabinder/SpotiFlyer - Kotlin Multiplatform Music Downloader, Supports Spotify / Gaana / Youtube Music / Jio Saavn / SoundCloud.
- Heapy/komok - Life and collaboration assistant.
- measuresforjustice/textricator - Textricator is a tool to extract text from documents and generate structured data.
- LordGuccif3r/AwesomeArch - Automatic installation of Arch Linux and custom awesome theme
- neo-sh/neosh - A next-gen shell for modern systems (wip)
- trigaten/Learn_Prompting - Prompt Engineering, Generative AI, and LLM Guide by Learn Prompting | Join our discord for the largest Prompt Engineering learning community
- dair-ai/Prompt-Engineering-Guide - ๐ Guides, papers, lecture, notebooks and resources for prompt engineering
- kyegomez/prompts - The prompts I use daily for building documentation, validating ideas, and other activities.
- Naereen/badges - ๐ Markdown code for lots of small badges ๐ ๐ (shields.io, forthebadge.com etc) ๐. Contributions are welcome! Please add yours!
- HaveAGitGat/Tdarr - Tdarr - Distributed transcode automation using FFmpeg/HandBrake + Audio/Video library analytics + video health checking (Windows, macOS, Linux & Docker)
- aterenin/Photos - A desktop app for the Google Photos website with dark mode support.
- roboyoshi/datacurator-filetree - a standard filetree for /r/datacurator [ and r/datahoarder ]
- trinib/trinib - Don't just be a forker๐ฑ...Hit that ๐ ๐๐ฐ๐โญ...........( อกยฐ อส อกยฐ)-๏ธปใโณโใผ - - - - - - - - - -๐ฅยฆฬตฬฑ ฬตฬฑ ฬตฬฑ ฬตฬฑ ฬตฬฑ(ฬข ฬกฬ อโฬ อโอฬ (โค8ืโโฆMy Profile........ Chessโ๏ธ โโโฌ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::โซธโ โ โ โ โ
- Anmol-Baranwal/Hack-Your-Growth - Make your life easier with these awesome resources: ๐ Interview Preparation, Readme Stats, Online Tools, Chrome Extensions, Portfolio Websites and many more!
- Anmol-Baranwal/Awesome-Illustrations-4Projects - ๐ฅ An awesome list of illustrations to improve your projects, posts & portfolios. Fork & add your own.
- tldr-pages/tldr - ๐ Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands
- alexandresanlim/Badges4-README.md-Profile -
Improve your README.md profile with these amazing badges.
- codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x - Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
- lifeparticle/Markdown-Cheatsheet - ๐ The Ultimate Markdown Cheatsheet
- dsouzarc/iMessageAnalyzer - Analyzes a user's iMessage
- 2ndalpha/gasmask - Hosts file manager for OS X
- matrix-hacks/ichat2json - Reads an .ichat binary plist file and writes newline-separated JSON to STDOUT
- cosm/Data-Logger-for-iPhone - Data Logger for iPhone can be used for storing and sharing various types of data with Pachube.com.
- jrk/scrobbl - Last.fm scrobbler for jailbroken iPhone OS devices
- zipme/RQShineLabel - Secret app like text animation
- gpambrozio/BlockAlertsAnd-ActionSheets - Beautifully done UIAlertView and UIActionSheet replacements inspired by TweetBot
- danielamitay/DAKeyboardControl - DAKeyboardControl adds keyboard awareness and scrolling dismissal (ala iMessages app) to any view with only 1 line of code.
- bitstadium/QuincyKit - HockeyApp was retired and the SDKs are deprecated. Please use App Center instead.
- omz/AppSales-Mobile - App Sales allows iPhone and Mac App Store developers to download and analyze their daily and weekly sales reports from iTunes Connect.
- MengTo/DesignerNewsApp - Build a Swift App as a designer
- romaonthego/REMenu - Dropdown menu inspired by Vine.
- draveness/DKNightVersion - Manage Colors, Integrate Night/Multiple Themes. (Unmaintained)
- boctor/idev-recipes - Open source code for the idevrecipes.com blog
- KnuffApp/Knuff - The debug application for Apple Push Notification Service (APNs).
- fpillet/NSLogger - A modern, flexible logging tool
- SBJson/SBJson - This framework implements a strict JSON parser and generator in Objective-C.
- johnno1962/injectionforxcode - Runtime Code Injection for Objective-C & Swift
- MortimerGoro/MGSwipeTableCell - An easy to use UITableViewCell subclass that allows to display swippable buttons with a variety of transitions.
- ECSlidingViewController/ECSlidingViewController - Customizable sliding view controller container.
- ResearchKit/ResearchKit - ResearchKit is an open source software framework that makes it easy to create apps for medical research or for other research projects.
- BoltsFramework/Bolts-ObjC - Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier.
- CanvasPod/Canvas - Animate in Xcode without code
- Mantle/Mantle - Model framework for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch
- bolencki13/Traverse - Traverse Jailbreak Tweak
- wlighting/DayOne3 - ๆฏๅคฉๆฅ่ฎฐDayOne3
- srolfe/tweaks - Collection of small Cydia tweaks
- Danniez/cydia - Cydia is an alternative to Apple's App Store for "jailbroken" devices, at this time including iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches, specializing in the distribution of all that is not an "app".
- textmate/textmate - TextMate is a graphical text editor for macOS 10.12 or later
- autopear/Cydia - Cydia Installer
- vladimirovertheworld/createlyrics - AI tool to create lyrics of a song .wav using OpenAI API, and the scheme developed by me.
- devv-ai/devv - An AI-powered search engine for developers.
- e2b-dev/awesome-ai-agents - A list of AI autonomous agents
- h4x-host/e-DEX-UI - A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support.
- Az107/eDEXos - eDEXos is an opeating system based in winPE
- debarshibasak/awesome-paas - A curated list of PaaS, developer platforms, Self hosted PaaS, Cloud IDEs and ADNs.
- ikaijua/Awesome-AITools - Collection of AI-related utilities. Welcome to submit issues and pull requests /ๆถ่AI็ธๅ ณ็ๅฎ็จๅทฅๅ ท๏ผๆฌข่ฟๆไบคissues ๆ่ pull requests
- lmmlzn/Awesome-LLMs-Datasets - Summarize existing representative LLMs text datasets.
- mlabonne/llm-datasets - High-quality datasets, tools, and concepts for LLM fine-tuning.
- sanjibnarzary/awesome-llm - Curated list of open source and openly accessible large language models
- snowfort-ai/awesome-llm-webapps - A collection of open source, actively maintained web apps for LLM applications
- vince-lam/awesome-local-llms - Compare open-source local LLM inference projects by their metrics to assess popularity and activeness.
- ntunlp/OpenSource-LLMs-better-than-OpenAI - Listing all reported open-source LLMs achieving a higher score than proprietary, paying OpenAI models (ChatGPT, GPT-4).
- DAMO-NLP-SG/LLM-Zoo - LLM Zoo collects information of various open- and close-sourced LLMs
- MLNLP-World/Awesome-LLM - This project collects awesome resources (e.g., papers, open-source models) for large language model (LLM)
- abilzerian/LLM-Prompt-Library - Advanced Code and Text Manipulation Prompts for Various LLMs. Suitable for Siri, GPT-4o, Claude, Llama3, Gemini, and other high-performance open-source LLMs.
- lks-ai/prompt-library - This is a collection of
scripts which act as modular prompts for use with PrOwl and ProwlStack and Local LLMs - andremoreira73/prompt_collection - This is my personal prompt collection, it is open source and free to use.
- mckaywrigley/prompts - Come join the best place on the internet to learn AI skills. Use code "mckayprompts" for an extra 20% off.
- langgptai/awesome-claude-prompts - This repo includes Claude prompt curation to use Claude better.
- dkhamsing/open-source-ios-apps - ๐ฑ Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
- FrancoOscarBaez/Data-Mining-Spotify-Top-Songs - I employed the J48 decision tree algorithm to analyze the dataset and uncover underlying patterns in the data of the most streamed songs.
- EmulationAI/awesome-large-audio-models - Collection of resources on the applications of Large Language Models (LLMs) in Audio AI.
- fortyTwo102/The-Spotify-Hit-Predictor-Dataset - A dataset of tracks with their various features fetched using Spotify's Web API, and classified as either a 'Hit' or 'Flop' based on a few criteria.
- Adrian-Winter/Ableton-Dj-Booth - A Max for Live plugin that makes DJing with Ableton a pleasure
- mahseema/awesome-ai-tools - A curated list of Artificial Intelligence Top Tools
- jamesmurdza/awesome-ai-devtools - Curated list of AI-powered developer tools.
- MoonWalker440/Music-Megathread - A Comprehensive List For All Music ๐ถ Lovers. It's a treasure trove of music resources to enhance your listening experience and discover new music.
- Curated-Awesome-Lists/Awesome-Google-Gemini-AI - Gemini AI, Google's latest and greatest, surpasses its predecessor, even outshining GPT-4. It's the newest iteration in Google's lineup of AI models, excelling in various tasks. With Nano, Pro, and th
- faroit/awesome-python-scientific-audio - Curated list of python software and packages related to scientific research in audio
- brexhq/prompt-engineering - Tips and tricks for working with Large Language Models like OpenAI's GPT-4.
- Lyrics/lyrics.github.io - Open Lyrics Database website
- linexjlin/GPTs - leaked prompts of GPTs
- CtrlAltNico/ISRC-SongDataEnrichment - This is a very simple unoficcial https://www.soundexchange.com/ and https://isrcsearch.ifpi.org/#!/search API. This is a showcase project, please respect each website's terms of service and do not ru
- Oszust-Industries/Oszust-OS-Music-Tools - Music Tools is an all-in-one solution for music enthusiasts who want to easily search, download, and manage their music.
- irazasyed/awesome-cloudflare - โ ๏ธ Curated list of awesome Cloudflare worker recipes, open-source projects, guides, blogs and other resources.
- cipher387/maltego-transforms-list - A list of tools that handle different data and make it usable in Maltego.
- MachaLvl99/PromptAlchemy-DataDistillation - A prompt-engineering technique for creating personalized custom instructions on ChatGPT
- lubauss/custom_instructions_ENG - Custom instructions for use in ChatGPT
- daturkel/custom-search-engines - Custom search engines for Google Chrome
- The-Osint-Toolbox/Social-Media-OSINT - Social Media OSINT collection containing - tools, techniques & tradecraft.
- getcursor/cursor - The AI Code Editor
- AnandChowdhary/life - ๐งฌ All life data โ location, health, work, play, and more โ open sourced
- daveshap/ChatGPT_Custom_Instructions - Repo of custom instructions that you can use for ChatGPT
- samysberg/marklisma - A Markdown Link Structure Maker, to be used with Obsidian.md.
- ziishaned/learn-regex - Learn regex the easy way
- PhantasticUniverse/CollectiveGenius-AutoGPT-Agent-Hub - A showcase of diverse AI agents, fostering innovation and collaboration across domains.
- mattwilliamson/automator-workflows - Useful automator tools, such as inserting a UUID into a docuement
- Red-Laboratory/Useful-txts - ๐ Collection of top passwords, logins, etc.
- MichaelLepori/ObsiWizy - Tool for Obsidian Users
- dtinth/markdown-report-action - Attachs some Markdown report to the GitHub Actions build
- RyanCotsakis/obsidian-logic - Visualizing Propositional Logic in Obsidian
- yaodongC/awesome-instruction-dataset - A collection of open-source dataset to train instruction-following LLMs (ChatGPT,LLaMA,Alpaca)
- text-gen/gpt-3-prompt-templates - This repo contains a collection of templates for use with the gpt-3 text generation model.
- Jeadie/awesome-chatgpt-plugins - A curated list of awesome ChatGPT plugins, demos and Posts
- travistangvh/ChatGPT-Data-Science-Prompts - A repository of 60 useful data science prompts for ChatGPT
- aminblm/awesome-chatgpt-suggestions - List of prompts for chatGPT for various assistances with tasks.
- Elele-Team/free-for-students - This is a full updated list of tools and software that are free for students!
- WebBreacher/WhatsMyName - This repository has the JSON file required to perform user enumeration on various websites.
- fatihturker/PI-AGI - Welcome to PI AGI, a groundbreaking project aiming to revolutionize the world of Artificial Intelligence by developing a base for role-based AGIs (Artificial General Intelligences) that are personaliz
- taishi-i/awesome-ChatGPT-repositories - A curated list of resources dedicated to open source GitHub repositories related to ChatGPT
- PR0CK0/StableDiffusionEndToEndGuide - An End-to-End Guide for Learning Stable Diffusion - From Noob to Expert
- mrsaeeddev/free-ai-resources - ๐ FREE AI Resources - ๐ Courses, ๐ท Jobs, ๐ Blogs, ๐ฌ AI Research, and many more - for everyone!
- hollobit/GenAI_LLM_timeline - ChatGPT, GenerativeAI and LLMs Timeline
- 0xk1h0/ChatGPT_DAN - ChatGPT DAN, Jailbreaks prompt
- investler/Free-Resources-for-IT-Students - As a student pursuing a degree in Information Technology, you need to constantly upgrade your knowledge and skills. Fortunately, there are numerous resources available to you for free. Here is a compr
- merklefruit/SaaS4Devs - Awesome collection of content for developers trying to bootstrap their SaaS
- Cranot/chatbot-injections-exploits - ChatBot Injection and Exploit Examples: A Curated List of Prompt Engineer Commands - ChatGPT
- tvooo/awesome-plaintext - ๐ Tools, applications and other resources for living a life in plain text
- dukeluo/awesome-awesome-prompts - An awesome list for collecting awesome lists related to prompt engineering.
- Correia-jpv/fucking-awesome-chatgpt - Curated list of awesome tools, demos, docs for ChatGPT and GPT-3. With repository starsโญ and forks๐ด
- awesome-gptX/awesome-gpt - ๐ An awe-inspiring collection of resources, encompassing a wide range of tools, documents, resources, applications, and use cases related to ChatGPT.
- fffaraz/awesome-github - A curated list of awesome GitHub tools, libraries, resources, and shiny things.
- stepthom/text_mining_resources - Resources for learning about Text Mining and Natural Language Processing
- kevinamiri/Instructgpt-prompts - A collection of ChatGPT and GPT-3.5 instruction-based prompts for generating and classifying text.
- tborychowski/awesome-mac - Mac awesome MacOS Apps
- forReason/GPT-Prompt-Templates - this library contains templates and forms which can be used to simply write productive chat gpt prompts
- cedrickchee/chatgpt-universe - ChatGPT Universe is fleeting notes on ChatGPT, GPT, and large language models (LLMs)
- terminalcommandnewsletter/everything-chatgpt - ๐ Explore what happens under the hood with the ChatGPT web app, its backend API calls and more. And some speculation, of course.
- OpenMindClub/awesome-chatgpt - โก Everything about ChatGPT
- marcin-laskowski/awesome-chatgpt-plugins - A curated list of ChatGPT plugins.
- ambr0sial/unleashedgpt - UnleashedGPT: Yet Another ChatGPT Jailbreak
- jqueryscript/awesome-chatgpt-plugins - An awesome & curated list of best plugins for ChatGPT
- ancs21/awesome-openai-whisper - A curated list of awesome OpenAI's Whisper
- pluja/web-whisper - OpenAI's Whisper Audio to text transcription right into your web browser! An open source AI subtitling suite.
- steven2358/awesome-generative-ai - A curated list of modern Generative Artificial Intelligence projects and services
- ggstrader/obsidian-meta-vault - A repository for custom Obsidian.md dashboards, daily notes, etc.
- bramses/chatgpt-md-templates - A companion folder of templates for ChatGPT MD.
- jtmuller5/The-HustleGPT-Challenge - Building Startups with an AI Co-Founder
- goodrahstar/my-awesome-AI-bookmarks - Curated list of my reads, implementations and core concepts of Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning by best folk in the world.
- radi-cho/awesome-gpt4 - A curated list of prompts, tools, and resources regarding the GPT-4 language model.
- Renumics/awesome-open-data-centric-ai - Curated list of open source tooling for data-centric AI on unstructured data.
- spnw/free-music-plugins - A list of free audio and MIDI plugins for music production
- MeadowlarkDAW/Meadowlark - A (currently incomplete) open-source Digital Audio Workstation
- stingalleman/awesome-audiovisual - Curated list of audiovisual projects
- balavenkatesh3322/audio-pretrained-model - A collection of Audio and Speech pre-trained models.
- BillyDM/awesome-audio-dsp - My curated list of audio DSP and plugin development resources
- mahshidaln/AI-for-music - Resources on AI applications in the music domain
- Yuan-ManX/ai-audio-datasets - AI Audio Datasets (AI-ADS) ๐ต, including Speech, Music, and Sound Effects, which can provide training data for Generative AI, AIGC, AI model training, intelligent audio tool development, and audio appl
- csteinmetz1/ai-audio-startups - Community list of startups working with AI in audio and music technology
- meetpateltech/AI-Infinity - A set of AI tools that will help you explore the infinite possibilities of AI.
- sraodev/awesome-macOS - A curated list of awesome macOS open source applications for macOS. This list contains a lot of native, and cross-platform apps Inspired by awesome-... stuff.
- Bluemoondragon07/Obsidian-amazing-snippets -
- questianon/sdupdates - A mega collection of all resources and news related to Stable Diffusion. Focused around AUTOMATIC1111's webui (https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui)
- yokoffing/ChatGPT-Prompts - ChatGPT and Bing AI prompt curation
- SmisoMazibuko/Book-of-Prompts - The Book of Prompts: A collection of prompts for large language models like ChatGPT. Collaborate, share, and refine prompts for various domains. Join the community and help build the ultimate resource
- malaya-zemlya/gpt-jailbreaks - A repository of methods of bypassing GPT and ChatGPT content filters
- AnbuKumar-maker/ChatGPT-Machine-Learning-Prompts -
- Yutong-Zhou-cv/Awesome-Text-to-Image - (เท`๊ณยดเท) A Survey on Text-to-Image Generation/Synthesis.
- jonathandinu/ai4artists - A list of AI Art courses, tools, libraries, people, and places.
- onmyway133/awesome-machine-learning - ๐ฐ A curated list of machine learning resources, preferably CoreML
- awesome-stable-diffusion/awesome-stable-diffusion - Curated list of awesome resources for the Stable Diffusion AI Model.
- Niraj-Lunavat/Artificial-Intelligence - Awesome AI Learning with +100 AI Cheat-Sheets, Free online Books, Top Courses, Best Videos and Lectures, Papers, Tutorials, +99 Researchers, Premium Websites, +121 Datasets, Conferences, Frameworks, T
- hades217/awesome-ai - A curated list of artificial intelligence resources (Courses, Tools, App, Open Source Project)
- altryne/awesome-ai-art-image-synthesis - A list of awesome tools, ideas, prompt engineering tools, colabs, models, and helpers for the prompt designer playing with aiArt and image synthesis. Covers Dalle2, MidJourney, StableDiffusion, and op
- visenger/awesome-mlops - A curated list of references for MLOps
- eon01/awesome-chatgpt - ๐ง A curated list of awesome ChatGPT resources, including libraries, SDKs, APIs, and more. ๐ Please consider supporting this project by giving it a star.
- wqhadija/gorgeous-chatgpt-prompts - Keep your mind sharp and your nerves on edge with this mysterious prompt that will keep you guessing until the end.๐ค
- Qiamast/ChatGPT-Awesome-Prompts - A collection of creative prompts for the GPT-3 model on GitHub to help improve productivity and efficiency in open-source projects. Join the community and help create more awesome prompts.
- saharmor/awesome-chatgpt - Selected ChatGPT demos, tools, articles, and more โจ
- ai-collection/ai-collection - The Generative AI Landscape - A Collection of Awesome Generative AI Applications
- ferdavid1/AIMV - AI model that generates a Music Video from a .wav file, using Instrument Classification, Speech Transcription, and Video Generation.
- cobanov/awesome-diffusion - A curated list of awesome Diffusion notebooks, tools, software, tutorials and resources.
- Ezagor-dev/Midjourney_Prompt - Midjourney
- filipecalegario/awesome-generative-ai - A curated list of Generative AI tools, works, models, and references
- willwulfken/MidJourney-Styles-and-Keywords-Reference - A reference containing Styles and Keywords that you can use with MidJourney AI. There are also pages showing resolution comparison, image weights, and much more!
- gjohnpaull/midjourney-templates -
- everyday-cc/ai - A.I. Every Day
- the-akira/Computer-Science-Resources - A list of resources in different fields of Computer Science
- udayqq/Ai-File-Organizer -
- dominiksipowicz/AI-bookmarks - Resources, news, tools, and materials related to AI
- bigcash/awesome-ai-list-guide - The guide of awesome list about AI
- jqueryscript/ChatGPT-Resources - Curated list of awesome libraries, extensions, tools, apps for ChatGPT.
- re50urces/Awesome-AI - A curated list of awesome things related to artificial intelligence tools
- fwends-net/obsidian-templates - Templates for Obsidian
- alignedai/chatgpt-prompt-evaluator - This shows the results from using a second, filter LLM that analyses prompts before sending them to GPT-Chat
- Kamigami55/awesome-chatgpt - Curated list of ChatGPT related resource, tools, prompts, apps / ChatGPT ็ธ้ๅช่ณช่ณๆบใๅทฅๅ ทใๆ็จ็็ฒพ้ธๆธ ๅฎใ
- progrmoiz/awesome-chatgpt - Prompts, resources, demos, and everything
- amusi/awesome-ai-awesomeness - A curated list of awesome awesomeness about artificial intelligence
- juliamrch/Obsidian-templates - A set of business and creativity Obsidian templates in French
- humanloop/awesome-chatgpt - Curated list of awesome tools, demos, docs for ChatGPT and GPT-3
- Maks-s/sd-akashic - A compendium of informations regarding Stable Diffusion (SD)
- Discord-Client-Encyclopedia-Management/Discord3rdparties - A non-exhaustive collection of third-party clients and mods for Discord.
- riramar/Web-Attack-Cheat-Sheet - Web Attack Cheat Sheet
- C3n7ral051nt4g3ncy/C3n7ral051nt4g3ncy - $ whoami --> C3n7ral051nt4g3ncy (aka OSINT Tactical)
- warpdotdev/Warp - Warp is a modern, Rust-based terminal with AI built in so you and your team can build great software, faster.
- gruhn/awesome-naming - A curated list for when naming things is done right.
- trungdq88/Awesome-Black-Friday-Cyber-Monday - Awesome deals on Black Friday: Apps, SaaS, Books, Courses, etc.
- B0sintBlanc/Osint-Bookmarklets - This is a place for all things OSINT & Bookmarklets!
- paulosabayomi/web-links-analysis-reports - The repository containing the log files of the links analysis reports of web pages, basically broken links report
- Brunty/awesome-checker-services - โ List of links to the various checkers out there on the web for sites, domains, security etc.
- C3n7ral051nt4g3ncy/Obsidian - Obsidian Ancestry Investigations
- C3n7ral051nt4g3ncy/OSINT_Inception-links - Current links from the OSINT Inception start-me project
- cipher387/awesome-grep - List of GREP modifications and alternatives for a variety of purposes
- cipher387/regex-for-OSINT - A list of application tools and information resources to help you effectively use regular expressions in OSINT (Open Source Intelligence)
- cipher387/Advanced-search-operators-list - List of the links to the docs for different services, which explain using of advanced search operators
- cipher387/Dorks-collections-list - List of Github repositories and articles with list of dorks for different search engines
- cipher387/API-s-for-OSINT - List of API's for gathering information about phone numbers, addresses, domains etc
- digitaldisarray/OSINT-Tools - ๐ Some of my favorite OSINT tools.
- BushidoUK/OSINT-SearchOperators -
- abhisheknaiidu/awesome-github-profile-readme - ๐ A curated list of awesome GitHub Profile which updates in real time
- rippedpiracy/docs -
- sajayprakash/megathread - A list of useful apps, extensions, guides I use and recommend.
- joebuhlig/alfred-obsidian-projects - Alfred Workflow for managing project folders and note files in Obsidian.
- 255kb/stack-on-a-budget - A collection of services with great free tiers for developers on a budget. Sponsored by Mockoon, the best mock API tool. https://mockoon.com
- AchoArnold/discount-for-student-dev - This is list of discounts on software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) and other offerings for developers who are students
- lovelacecoding/Helpful-Tech-Resources - A collection of helpful and educational resources I found on social media
- Tosoju/awesome-piracy-archived - A curated list of awesome warez and piracy links [but i stopped updating it]
- ScribeMD/template-repo - Template Repository for ScribeMD
- markdown-templates/markdown-snippets - ๐ Markdown snippets for your documentation files.
- Louis3797/awesome-readme-template - An awesome README template for your projects!
- LappleApple/feedmereadmes - Free README editing+feedback to make your open source projects grow. See the README maturity model to help you keep going.
- alfred-workflows/awesome-alfred-workflows - A curated list of awesome alfred workflows
- hl2guide/Awesome-Visual-Studio-Code-Extensions - A list of awesome Visual Studio Code extensions.
- slhck/sanitize-filenames - macOS workflow to sanitize filenames
- maguowei/awesome-stars - My Awesome List
- dipakkr/A-to-Z-Resources-for-Students - โ Curated list of resources for college students
- doanhthong/awesome-pkm - A curated list of awesome tools to take notes and build your own PKM. PRs are welcome.
- piyushmaurya23/free-for-student - A list of developers tools & services which are free for students. This repo will also contains list of free tier services.
- shalvah/Free-for-students - Because software is expensive and money is elusive,
- HugoBlox/theme-second-brain - ๐ง ๅก็็็ฌ่ฎฐๆณ๏ผ้ขๅๆชๆฅ็็ฌฌไบๅคง่ Your future-proof second brain and digital garden for free! Make it truly yours with unlimited customization!
- krantiparida/awesome-audio-visual - A curated list of different papers and datasets in various areas of audio-visual processing
- danieldurnea/FBI-tools - ๐ต๏ธ OSINT Tools for gathering information and actions forensics ๐ต๏ธ
- pe3zx/my-infosec-awesome - My curated list of awesome links, resources and tools on infosec related topics
- stevemao/awesome-git-addons - ๐ A curated list of add-ons that extend/enhance the git CLI.
- dictcp/awesome-git - A curated list of amazingly awesome Git tools, resources and shiny things
- OlivierLaflamme/Cheatsheet-God - Penetration Testing Reference Bank - OSCP / PTP & PTX Cheatsheet
- Envoy-VC/awesome-badges - ๐ A curated list of GitHub badges for your next project
- Olwiba/Kickass-markdown - A collection of Github markdown tricks for writing kickass READMEs, Pull Requests & Comments.
- markdown-templates/markdown-emojis - ๐ฅ All the emojis ๐
- atapas/markdown-cheatsheet - A single place for all the markdown syntaxes I have learned so far.
- etsy/MIDAS - Mac Intrusion Detection Analysis System
- J2TEAM/awesome-AutoIt - โญ A curated list of awesome UDFs, example scripts, tools and useful resources for AutoIt.
- ohenley/awesome-ada - A curated list of awesome resources related to the Ada and SPARK programming language
- damon-kwok/awesome-package-manager - โ Awesome package manager resources
- priyankavergadia/google-cloud-4-words - The Google Cloud Developer's Cheat Sheet
- phillipadsmith/awesome-github - A curated list of GitHub's awesomeness
- trustedsec/Obsidian-Vault-Structure -
- jimbrig/Template-Vault - Template Obsidian.md Vault
- cwinfosec/redteam_obsidian_templates - Red Team Templates For Obsidian.md
- faroukx/obsidian-homepage - Obsidian homepage - Minimal and aesthetic template (with my unique features)
- MarkMindCkm/obsidian-markmind - A mind map, outline for obsidian,It support mobile and desktop
- linyows/github-wiki-search -
Search wiki of the repository on Github
- WebBreacher/obsidian-osint-templates - These templates are suggestions of how the Obsidian notetaking tool can be used during an OSINT investigation. The example data in those files should allow you to make some connections (see what I did
- GNU-Linux-libre/Awesome-Browser-Search-Engine - Awesome Browser Search engine streaming live git Privacy Alternative Alternatives ๆ็ดขๅผๆๅคงๅ จ ๆต่งๅจๅคงๅ จ
- scriptingislife/Awesome-Custom-Search-Engines - A collection of custom search engines that can be used in the address bar to speed up workflow.
- thospfuller/awesome-search-engine-optimization - A curated list of backlink, social signal opportunities, link building strategies and tactics, along with educational opportunities to help improve search engine results and ranking.
- Ph055a/OSINT_Collection - Maintained collection of OSINT related resources. (All Free & Actionable)
- misuroz/Music-Composition-with-Cakewalk-CAL - Hundreds of tools for composers that will save a lot of time when writing music, skipping routine tasks and providing inspiration.
- raindropio/developer-site - Official documentation for Raindrop.io API
- tussanakorn/spotify-dashboard-with-tableau - Spotify Dataset with Tableau
- matiassingers/awesome-readme - A curated list of awesome READMEs
- roshanlam/ReadMeTemplate - Done with your project but having a hard time writing a ReadMe? Check Out This Repo. If you like it then use it
- muesli/readme-scribe - A GitHub Action that automatically generates & updates markdown content (like your README.md)
- jorgebucaran/awsm.fish - A curation of prompts, plugins & other Fish treasures ๐๐
- rzashakeri/beautify-github-profile - This repository will assist you in creating a more beautiful and appealing github profile, and you will have access to a comprehensive range of tools and tutorials for beautifying your github profile.
- sirredbeard/awesome-unix - All the UNIX and UNIX-Like: Linux, BSD, macOS, Illumos, 9front, and more.
- cuongnd9/awesome-linux-apps - ๐ A list of awesome applications for ๐ง Linux distributions.
- jubalh/awesome-os - A list of operating systems and stuff
- itech001/awesome-linux-resources - linux resources for the begainners and advanced users.
- myugan/awesome-linux-customization - ๐ An awesome list of customization tools for your UN*X/Linux desktop.
- plenaryapp/awesome-rss-feeds - Awesome RSS feeds - A curated list of RSS feeds (and OPML files) used in Recommended Feeds and local news sections of Plenary - an RSS reader, article downloader and a podcast player app for android
- Correia-jpv/fucking-awesome-actions - A curated list of awesome actions to use on GitHub. With repository starsโญ and forks๐ด
- girliemac/a-picture-is-worth-a-1000-words - I am trying to describe complex matters in simple doodles!
- YOURLS/awesome - ๐ A curated list of awesome things related to YOURLS
- machiav3lli/alt3rnative - Resources of knowledge and tools from and for the digital world.
- noteflakes/awesome-music - Awesome Music Projects
- tvvocold/FOSS-for-Dev - A hub of Free and open-source software for developers
- moul/awesome-ssh - ๐ป A curated list of SSH resources.
- Kollate/truegit-test - A sample blog powered by Truegit
- jondot/awesome-devenv - A curated list of awesome tools, resources and workflow tips making an awesome development environment.
- llZektorll/Template_Hub - Obsidian Template Hub started on the 13th of June 2022. It was set up to gather as many note templates as possible.
- jobindjohn/obsidian-publish-mkdocs - A Template to Publish Obsidian/Foam Notes on Github Pages (uses MkDocs)
- vinirossa/regex-expressions - A list of useful regular expressions.
- netsession/regexSnippets - Regex Snippets
- monizb/vscode-regex-snippets - Official repository for Regular Expression Snippets Extension on VSCode
- jeffreyshen19/RegEx-Snippets - Organized list of useful RegEx snippets
- BolajiAyodeji/awesome-technical-writing - ๐ A curated list of awesome resources: articles, books, videos, tools, podcasts about technical writing.
- DolbyIO/awesome-audio - A curated list of awesome audio technology resources for developers
- ransurf/obsidian-resources - I can't seem to upload .md files on WordPress, so this will have to do.
- dogancelik/awesome-bookmarking - ๐ Everything bookmarking related
- dropndot/awesome-wordpress - A curated list of Awesome WordPress Theme, Plugins and Framework development Resources and WordPress Communities.
- lukecav/awesome-elementor - A collection of third party add-ons for the Elementor page builder plugin.
- learn-anything/websites - Awesome Websites
- myles/awesome-static-generators - A curated list of static web site generators.
- lindelof/awesome-web-effect - A series of exquisite and compact web page cool effects
- b-long/awesome-static-hosting-and-cms - A collection of awesome static hosting & CMS providers
- automata/awesome-jamstack - Carefully curated list of awesome Jamstack resources
- mislavcimpersak/awesome-dev-fun - A curated list of awesome fun libs/packages/languages that have no real purpose but to make a developer chuckle.
- Kikobeats/awesome-github - An exquisite list of awesome
- GoogleCloudPlatform/awesome-google-cloud - A curated list of awesome stuff for Google Cloud.
- learn-anything/curated-lists - Curated lists on various topics
- BubuAnabelas/awesome-markdown - ๐ Delightful Markdown stuff.
- vkarampinis/awesome-icons - A curated list of awesome Web Font Icons
- noahbuscher/inspire - Collection of frontend dev and web design links ๐ก
- iipc/awesome-web-archiving - An Awesome List for getting started with web archiving
- pawelborkar/awesome-repos - A curated list of GitHub Repositories full of FREE Resources.
- agarrharr/awesome-static-website-services - ๐ ๐ A curated list of awesome static websites services
- marcobiedermann/search-engine-optimization - ๐ A helpful checklist/collection of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tips and techniques.
- dexteryy/spellbook-of-modern-webdev - A Big Picture, Thesaurus, and Taxonomy of Modern JavaScript Web Development
- sdras/awesome-actions - A curated list of awesome actions to use on GitHub
- owainlewis/awesome-artificial-intelligence - A curated list of Artificial Intelligence (AI) courses, books, video lectures and papers.
- benhays42/WebOasis - A Fork of weboas.is
- rShetty/awesome-podcasts - Collection of awesome podcasts
- jbhuang0604/awesome-computer-vision - A curated list of awesome computer vision resources
- dypsilon/frontend-dev-bookmarks - Manually curated collection of resources for frontend web developers.
- planetjekyll/awesome-jekyll - A collection of awesome Jekyll goodies (tools, templates, plugins, guides, etc.)
- planetjekyll/awesome-jekyll-themes - A collection of awesome (gem-packaged) Jekyll themes - Add your theme!
- bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers - Curated list of design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools and much more
- sdmg15/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit - ๐ Some useful websites for programmers.
- JanVanRyswyck/awesome-talks - Awesome online talks and screencasts
- moimikey/awesome-devtools - ๐ค A curated list of in-browser bookmarklets, tools, and resources for modern full-stack software engineers.
- CodeverDotDev/bookmarks - ๐ โญ Collection of public dev bookmarks, shared with โค๏ธ from www.codever.dev
- Dmytro-Shulha/obsidian-css-snippets - Most common appearance solutions for Obsidian now in a single place. Initially collected by Klaas: https://forum.obsidian.md/t/how-to-achieve-css-code-snippets/8474
- m1rkwood/google-photos-takeout-scripts - Useful scripts to get out of Google Photos
- neutraltone/awesome-stock-resources - ๐ A collection of links for free stock photography, video and Illustration websites
- webiaio/awesome-markdown - awesome markdown writing tools
- yowainwright/awesome-writing-tools - A curated list of awesome tools for improving written communication
- dok/awesome-text-editing - Collection of text editing resources and libraries for the web
- dreftymac/awesome-yaml - YAML awesomeness
- mundimark/awesome-txt - A collection of awesome .TXT / Text tools, formats, services, tips & tricks and more.
- jlevy/the-art-of-command-line - Master the command line, in one page
- Idnan/bash-guide - A guide to learn bash
- alebcay/awesome-shell - A curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos. Inspired by awesome-php.
- sunilkumarvalmiki/Anonymous-Developemnt-Resources - this Repo contain's A list of useful development resources . . . .
- ibraheemdev/modern-unix - A collection of modern/faster/saner alternatives to common unix commands.
- darpa-i2o/memex-program-index - A list of memex-related tools and their repository URLs
- dougpark/dayone - Better Touch Tool create a DayOne journal entry
- tIsGoud/save-safari-tabs-to-day-one - Save all your Safari tabs in a Day One 2 entry.
- davzoku/awesome-custom-search-engines - ๐๐จ List of custom search engines & shortcuts to improve your daily workflow
- matthewrankin/tagdayone - Go-based CLI to add tags to JSON Day One journal entries
- philochang/All-DayOne-Journal-to-Evernote - If you want to quit using DayOne and begin using Evernote as you primary journal app, try this.
- ejb/DayOneMap - Turn your Day One journal into a dynamic map
- kmarchand/dowcAlfredWorkflow - Alfred2 workflow for word count searches in a Day One journal
- akeemphilbert/joplin-dayone - Joplin Plugin that makes it easier to transition from Day One Journal
- jensbrehmen/sirishortcuts - Siri Shortcuts collection
- jbwhaley/Clip-To-Day-One - An OS X system service that sends selected text to a new Day One entry.
- jbwhaley/DayOne-Quick - A simple workflow for Alfred 2 which facilitates dead-quick addition of entries to DayOne.app.
- vijayvardhan94/Personal-Analytics-Resources - List of categorized resources in the field of Personal Analytics. Simply put, personal analytics is an extension of quantified self that includes tracking and analyzing more parameters compared to jus
- roaldnefs/awesome-prometheus - A curated list of awesome Prometheus resources, projects and tools.
- johnjago/awesome-free-software - Curated list of free as in freedom software
- academic/awesome-datascience - ๐ An awesome Data Science repository to learn and apply for real world problems.
- saheethao/imessage-exporter -
- n0shake/Public-APIs - ๐ A public list of APIs from round the web.
- Kikobeats/awesome-api - A curated list of awesome resources for design and implement RESTful API's.
- best-of-lists/best-of - ๐ Discover best-of lists with awesome open-source projects on all kinds of topics.
- ml-tooling/best-of-jupyter - ๐ A ranked list of awesome Jupyter Notebook, Hub and Lab projects (extensions, kernels, tools). Updated weekly.
- ml-tooling/best-of-python - ๐ A ranked list of awesome Python open-source libraries and tools. Updated weekly.
- krzjoa/awesome-python-data-science - Probably the best curated list of data science software in Python.
- rockerBOO/awesome-neovim - Collections of awesome neovim plugins.
- Azim-Vau/crack-pro - NEW FACEBOOK COINING TOOL
- chentsulin/awesome-graphql - Awesome list of GraphQL
- alkashef/timeline-visualization - Visualization of parallel timelines in Excel
- stethoscope-js/stethoscope - ๐ฉบ Track, visualize, and embed your health and life data โ location, health, work, play, and more
- dbohdan/structured-text-tools - A list of command-line tools for manipulating structured text data
- nobiot/Zero-to-Emacs-and-Org-roam - Step by step guide from zero to installing and setting up Emacs and Org-roam on Windows 10
- simon987/awesome-datahoarding - List of data-hoarding related tools
- ivbeg/awesome-data-takeout - Awesome list of data export pages/tools for most common online services
- trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge - A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
- MadhuNimmo/awesome-reddit-channels - A list of Reddit channels every programmer should follow
- iCHAIT/awesome-macOS - ๏ฃฟ A curated list of awesome applications, softwares, tools and shiny things for macOS.
- herrbischoff/awesome-macos-command-line - Use your macOS terminal shell to do awesome things.
- serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps - ๐ Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. https://t.me/s/opensourcemacosapps
- hal9ai/awesome-dataviz - ๐ A curated list of awesome data visualization libraries and resources.
- emptymalei/awesome-research - ๐ฑ a curated list of tools to help you with your research/life; I built a front end around this repo, please use the link below [This repo is Not Maintained Anymore]
- cyberglot/awesome-answers - Curated list of inspiring and thoughtful answers given on stackoverflow, quora, etc.
- woop/awesome-quantified-self - ๐ Websites, Resources, Devices, Wearables, Applications, and Platforms for Self Tracking
- ad-si/awesome-music-production - A curated list of software, services, and resources to create and distribute music
- jnv/lists - The definitive list of lists (of lists) curated on GitHub and elsewhere
- orsinium-labs/generated-awesomeness - List of autogenerated awesome lists.
- learn-anything/chrome-extensions - Awesome Chrome Extensions
- ChromeDevTools/awesome-chrome-devtools - Awesome tooling and resources in the Chrome DevTools & DevTools Protocol ecosystem
- awesome-foss/awesome-sysadmin - A curated list of amazingly awesome open-source sysadmin resources.
- ForbiddenProgrammer/awesome-cybersecurity-news - List of sources for cybersecurity news
- sindresorhus/awesome - ๐ Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
- infoslack/awesome-web-hacking - A list of web application security
- ebertti/awesome-telegram - Collection great groups, channels, bots and libraries for Telegram
- DenisIzmaylov/awesome-telegram-bots - Collection of examples, libraries and starter-kits for Telegram Bots
- DopplerHQ/awesome-bots - The most awesome list about bots โญ๏ธ๐ค
- awesome-scripts/awesome-userscripts - ๐ A curated list of Awesome Userscripts.
- InQuest/awesome-yara - A curated list of awesome YARA rules, tools, and people.
- hassnainfareed/awesome-ethical-hacking-resources - ๐ ๐ Awesome list about all kinds of resources for learning Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing.
- PaulSec/awesome-sec-talks - A collected list of awesome security talks
- inputsh/awesome-linux - ๐ง A list of awesome projects and resources that make Linux even more awesome. ๐ง
- coreb1t/awesome-pentest-cheat-sheets - Collection of the cheat sheets useful for pentesting
- W00t3k/Awesome-Cellular-Hacking - Awesome-Cellular-Hacking
- yeyintminthuhtut/Awesome-Red-Teaming - List of Awesome Red Teaming Resources
- vitalysim/Awesome-Hacking-Resources - A collection of hacking / penetration testing resources to make you better!
- sbilly/awesome-security - A collection of awesome software, libraries, documents, books, resources and cools stuffs about security.
- jivoi/awesome-osint - ๐ฑ A curated list of amazingly awesome OSINT
- hslatman/awesome-threat-intelligence - A curated list of Awesome Threat Intelligence resources
- carpedm20/awesome-hacking - A curated list of awesome Hacking tutorials, tools and resources
- tiimgreen/github-cheat-sheet - A list of cool features of Git and GitHub.
- enaqx/awesome-pentest - A collection of awesome penetration testing resources, tools and other shiny things
- hong6914/awesome_software_securities - Sites and URLs on software and securities that I hope to learn from you guys
- DaniilHarik/dayone-journal-py - Day One journal tools for Python
- facebookarchive/three20 - Three20 is an Objective-C library for iPhone developers
- mbrio/ulysses-style-dayone -
- mirchaemanuel/a80-cli - A80 command line tools - OpenAI API and other tools
- iammordaty/key-tools - ๐ต KeyTools is a library that allows you to convert musical keys between notations. In addition, KeyTools allows you to calculate matching keys for harmonic mixing.
- VladimirKalachikhin/GooglePhotosURLs - create list of Google Photos from the Google Photo's album url
- ueberdosis/alldocs.app - Online text file converter
- pH-7/Html2Text - A very simple (but efficient) "HTML to plain text" converter โ๏ธ
- MoritzLost/TextformatterPageTitleLinks - A Textformatter module for Processwire that will automatically add links to titles of other pages in a text.
- DavidBelicza/PHP-Science-TextRank - โก ๐ TextRank (resource-efficient and low-cost automatic text summarisation) for PHP
- carmelosantana/prompts - Stable diffussion prompt generator.
- productivity-rocks/ai-optimizer-website - Website of the all in one ChatGPT/OpenAI optimizer!
- Invis1ble/media-intelligence - A library for processing and analyzing media content, providing tools for audio, video and text analysis.
- varunsridharan/action-dynamic-readme - ~ Dynamic ReadME Generator ~
- ergebnis/day-one-to-obsidian-converter - ๐ Provides a composer package with a console command for converting DayOne journals to Obsidian notes.
- norberttech/md-link-linter - ๐โ CLI tool that iterates through all markdown files in given path checking if links used in them are still valid.
- BookStackApp/BookStack - A platform to create documentation/wiki content built with PHP & Laravel
- erusev/parsedown-extra - Markdown Extra Extension for Parsedown
- realodix/urlhub - โ๏ธ URL shortener web application based on the Laravel PHP Framework.
- crwlrsoft/url - Swiss Army knife for urls.
- gharlan/alfred-github-workflow - GitHub Workflow for Alfred
- gilbarbara/alfred-workflows - Collection of Alfred workflows
- terrylinooo/githuber-md - Markdown editor plugin for WordPress.
- thephpleague/html-to-markdown - Convert HTML to Markdown with PHP
- benbalter/wordpress-to-jekyll-exporter - One-click WordPress plugin that converts all posts, pages, taxonomies, metadata, and settings to Markdown and YAML which can be dropped into Jekyll (or Hugo or any other Markdown and YAML based site e
- Cecilapp/Cecil - A simple and powerful content-driven static site generator.
- edwardcodelab/bookmark2wiki - to send bookmark from browser to dokuwiki
- maize-tech/laravel-markable - Integrate likes, bookmarks, favorites, reactions and custom made marks into your application
- seblucas/cops - Calibre OPDS (and HTML) PHP Server : web-based light alternative to Calibre content server / Calibre2OPDS to serve ebooks (epub, mobi, pdf, ...)
- linuxserver/Heimdall - An Application dashboard and launcher
- shaarli/netscape-bookmark-parser - PHP library to parse Netscape bookmark files
- kafene/netscape-bookmark-parser - a php script (function) to parse netscape format bookmark files
- astralapp/astral - Organize Your GitHub Stars With Ease
- Colllect/Colllect - Your visual bookmark manager
- davidgoy/reflect - Static site generator for WordPress.
- nnsdev/spotify-stats - Spotify Statistics for your top tracks and artists all-time/past 4 weeks/past 6 months with ability to create playlists.
- RSS-Bridge/rss-bridge - The RSS feed for websites missing it
- salahineo/bookmarks-manager - Bookmarks Manager For Your Links
- giventofly/teikirize-bookmarks - Your self host solution for bookmarks saving.
- mashb1t/spotisights - statistic dashboards for Spotify
- DenverCoder1/readme-typing-svg - โก Dynamically generated, customizable SVG that gives the appearance of typing and deleting text for use on your profile page, repositories, or website.
- DenverCoder1/github-readme-streak-stats - ๐ฅ Stay motivated and show off your contribution streak! ๐ Display your total contributions, current streak, and longest streak on your GitHub profile README
- dmlogic/photo-indexer - Download and index photos from Google Photos
- barryanders/grav-plugin-blackhole - The static site generator for Grav CMS
- getgrav/grav - Modern, Crazy Fast, Ridiculously Easy and Amazingly Powerful Flat-File CMS powered by PHP, Markdown, Twig, and Symfony
- prsnbrg/files_audio_converter - Convert audio files from one format to another directly from the web interface.
- kapdap/freshrss-extensions - Unofficial FreshRSS extensions created by @Kapdap.
- balthisar/xExtension-RedditSub - A FreshRSS Extension to Show a Reddit Subreddit as Part of the Article Title
- cn-tools/cntools_FreshRssExtensions - This repository contains my unofficial FreshRSS extensions
- diskoverdata/diskover-community - Diskover Community Edition - Open source file indexer, file search engine and data management and analytics powered by Elasticsearch
- shangril/crero - CMS for record labels, written to propel Crem Road records initially. Sell your physical releases at fixed price or in a "name your price" manner. Streaming or free download of online music. Digital m
- nextcloud/flow_notifications - โช๏ธ๐ Send notification action for Nextcloud Flow
- othmar52/slimpd - PHP/JS based MPD-web-client for large music collections
- axelhahn/pimped-apache-status - Pimped Apache status page; PHP web application that renders server-status page and makes it readable; even for load balanced websites
- amnuts/opcache-gui - A clean, effective and responsive interface for Zend OPcache
- jonlabelle/ci-markdown - CI Markdown is a CodeIgniter library for parsing Markdown to HTML.
- mnapoli/FrontYAML - YAML Front matter parser
- phpsysinfo/phpsysinfo - phpSysInfo: a customizable PHP script that displays information about your system nicely
- koel/koel - ๐ฆ A personal music streaming server that works.
- Kwaadpepper/Omen - Yet another Laravel file manager
- singlequote/laravel-filemanager - A laravel filemanager package
- sergix44/XBackBone - A lightweight file manager with full ShareX support and more
- mshossain110/LaravelDrive - Private file storage and share with user build with laravel and vue inspired by google drive
- janloeffler/import-day-one - WordPress plugin for importing entries from Day One export file
- erusev/parsedown - Better Markdown Parser in PHP
- pimcore/pimcore - Core Framework for the Open Source Data & Experience Management Platform (PIM, MDM, CDP, DAM, DXP/CMS & Digital Commerce)
- ArneTR/standardnotes_day_one_importer - Day One JSON Export Importer for Standard Notes
- beingmrkenny/VesperToDayOne -
- cfinke/OSX-Messages-Exporter - Exports iMessages and SMS's to files.
- aaronpk/iMessage-Export - Archive your iMessage history to HTML, CSV or SQL
- keirp/chat_export - A python script to export Facebook Messenger and iMessage data into a CSV with only names and timestamps.
- santwer/BearSchedule - Simple and clear project management tool. With which it is possible to display one or more projects graphically.
- zelon88/HRCloud2 - A full-featured home hosted Cloud Drive, Personal Assistant, App Launcher, File Converter, Streamer, Share Tool & More!
- warifp/FacebookToolkit - a tool to get Facebook data, and some Facebook bots, and extra tools found on Facebook Toolkit ++.
- paragonie/awesome-appsec - A curated list of resources for learning about application security
- kruizer23/filespector - FileSpector is a GUI tool for quickly finding all text occurrences in multiple files in a directory, matching a specific file extension pattern.
- FMXExpress/Generative-AI-Prompts - Generative AI: Text To Image Prompts Generator for Windows built in Embarcadero Delphi.
- FMXExpress/DreamBooth-Desktop-Client - Windows, macOS, and Linux desktop client for fine tuning Dreambooth models using Replicate's API.
- mschlegel81/Image_Generation - Simple image generation and manipulation program
- sderose/Text - Utilities for managing text files, esp. for NLP and corpus linguistics use
- jlord/git-it-electron - ๐ป ๐ Git-it is a (Mac, Win, Linux) Desktop App for Learning Git and GitHub
- tmo1/sms-db - sms-db is a tool to build an SQLite database out of collections of SMS and MMS messages in various formats. The database can then be queried using standard SQLite queries, and the messages in the data
- BooneJS/OhLife2DayOne - Convert OhLife entries to Day One
- goerz/activity_logger - Scripts to log and analyze computer usage
- davorg-cpan/svg-timeline - Create timelines with SVG
- ShazStar/privrepo - Personal Repo for Jailbreak needs.
- ichigo-afk/awesome-terminal - Awesome Terminal Hacks. powershell, windows terminal and much more
- dfinke/PowerShellGemini - PowerShell integration for Google's versatile Gemini Pro API
- RocketGod-git/PowerShell-for-Hackers - This repository is a collection of powershell functions every hacker should know
- actions/runner-images - GitHub Actions runner images
- jmtornetta/extract-bookmarks - Exports and extracts bookmarks from Windows browsers into a folder that can be easily archived by launchers like Windows Search, Cortana, Launchy, Wox, Everything and PowerToys Run.
- moe-k/GoogleTakeout - Script to reorganize photos and videos taken from Google Photos takeout download
- ANSSI-FR/ADTimeline - Timeline of Active Directory changes with replication metadata
- kacos2000/Win10 - Win 10/11 related research
- secretGeek/AwesomeCSV - ๐ถ๏ธA curated list of awesome tools for dealing with CSV.
- quickgrid/ai-resources - Research Paper Summaries, Setup & Performance Notes, Resource Links on AI, Deep Learning, NLP, Computer Vision for my learning.
- tobiasfrck/lyrics_fingerprint - This processing sketch creates a fingerprint for lyrics.
- pavgos22/song-genre-ai - A Python project for classifying music genres based on song lyrics using a Naive Bayes classifier, featuring data preprocessing and a user-friendly GUI for predictions.
- WaveGenAI/WaveAI - A model that can generate music based on prompt and lyrics.
- Al0010/pexels.com-bulk-downloads-videos - Download bulks videos on pexels.com with this simple Python script.
- the-jeebus/suno_ai_downloader - A python script to save Songs and data from Suno
- SunoApi/SunoApi - SunoAPI Unofficial Suno AI client, currently supports the generation of music, access to music information and other functions.
- aiengineeringforgrandmas/gemini-prompt-engineer-toolkit - โกPowered by Goggle TPUs and the latest (Aug 27, 2024) Gemini 1.5 Pro and Flash Models to generate high-quality engineered prompts, analyze text and images, and create datasets for fine-tuning AI model
- gptscript-ai/gemini-aistudio-provider -
- lulu-wang/Creative-Writing-AI-Webapp - Creative writing sentence generator using user input prompts. Coded with OpenAI API, Stable Diffusion, HTML/CSS and Python (Flask) backend.
- RMNCLDYO/gemini-ai-toolkit - Unlock the potential of Google's Gemini AI models with this versatile toolkit. Offering seamless chat, text generation, and multimodal interactions, supporting various file types, including PDF's, ima
- Amm1rr/WebAI-to-API - Claude, Gemini to API : ) (Don't need API KEY)
- qdrant/fastembed - Fast, Accurate, Lightweight Python library to make State of the Art Embedding
- OpenAutoCoder/Agentless - Agentless๐ฑ: an agentless approach to automatically solve software development problems
- deepdoctection/deepdoctection - A Repo For Document AI
- AkshitIreddy/CUPCAKEAGI - ๐ง๐ Welcome to CupcakeAGI, where we bake up some sweet and creamy AGI goodness! ๐ฐ๐ค
- modal-labs/devlooper - A program synthesis agent that autonomously fixes its output by running tests!
- richardyc/Chrome-GPT - An AutoGPT agent that controls Chrome on your desktop
- AI-Citizen/SolidGPT - Developer AI Persona Search Agent
- geekan/MetaGPT - ๐ The Multi-Agent Framework: First AI Software Company, Towards Natural Language Programming
- Pythagora-io/gpt-pilot - The first real AI developer
- All-Hands-AI/OpenHands - ๐ OpenHands: Code Less, Make More
- stitionai/devika - Devika is an Agentic AI Software Engineer that can understand high-level human instructions, break them down into steps, research relevant information, and write code to achieve the given objective. D
- mpoon/gpt-repository-loader - Convert code repos into an LLM prompt-friendly format. Mostly built by GPT-4.
- PBorocz/raindrop-io-py - API interface to the Raindrop Bookmark Manager.
- BLACK-SCORP10/url-status-checker - Status Checker is a Python tool for swiftly checking the status of URLs. It categorizes responses by HTTP status codes, offering clear insights into website health. With async requests, color-coded ou
- beyimjan/shell-whiz - โโจ AI assistant for the command line
- rsaryev/talk-codebase - Tool for chatting with your codebase and docs using OpenAI, LlamaCpp, and GPT-4-All
- Avaiga/taipy - Turns Data and AI algorithms into production-ready web applications in no time.
- gpt-engineer-org/gpt-engineer - Platform to experiment with the AI Software Engineer. Terminal based. NOTE: Very different from https://gptengineer.app
- ScrapeGraphAI/Scrapegraph-ai - Python scraper based on AI
- gavi/chatgpt-markdown - Converts chatgpt exported data to markdown so you can use it in Obsidian
- kdeldycke/meta-package-manager - ๐ wraps all package managers with a unifying CLI
- Lightning-AI/litgpt - 20+ high-performance LLMs with recipes to pretrain, finetune and deploy at scale.
- rmusser01/tldw - tl/dw (Too Long, Didn't Watch): Your Personal Research Multi-Tool - a naive attempt at 'A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer'
- jiacai2050/shellgpt - Chat with LLM in your terminal, be it shell generator, story teller, linux-terminal, etc.
- voidful/awesome-chatgpt-dataset - Unlock the Power of LLM: Explore These Datasets to Train Your Own ChatGPT!
- modelscope/data-juicer - A one-stop data processing system to make data higher-quality, juicier, and more digestible for (multimodal) LLMs! ๐ ๐ ๐ฝ โก๏ธ โก๏ธ๐ธ ๐น ๐ทไธบๅคงๆจกๅๆไพๆด้ซ่ดจ้ใๆดไธฐๅฏใๆดๆโๆถๅโ็ๆฐๆฎ๏ผ
- open-compass/opencompass - OpenCompass is an LLM evaluation platform, supporting a wide range of models (Llama3, Mistral, InternLM2,GPT-4,LLaMa2, Qwen,GLM, Claude, etc) over 100+ datasets.
- kometenstaub/csv-to-md - Batch CSV to Markdown converter.
- lzakharov/csv2md - Command line tool for converting CSV files into Markdown tables.
- radi-cho/datasetGPT - A command-line interface to generate textual and conversational datasets with LLMs.
- VikParuchuri/textbook_quality - Generate textbook-quality synthetic LLM pretraining data
- refuel-ai/autolabel - Label, clean and enrich text datasets with LLMs.
- nschloe/deadlink - ๐ Checks and fixes URLs in code and documentation.
- yasyf/gpt-do - GPT-powered bash commands.
- AntonOsika/CLI-Co-Pilot - CLI tool that uses GPT4 to turn natural language commands into their Bash/ZShell/PowerShell equivalents
- toolleeo/cli-apps - The largest Awesome Curated list of CLI/TUI applications with source data organized into CSV files
- ricklamers/shell-ai - LangChain powered shell command generator and runner CLI
- yoda-pa/yoda - Wise and powerful personal assistant, available in your nearest terminal
- yashsinghcodes/wik - wik is use to get information about anything on the shell using Wikipedia.
- gorilla-llm/gorilla-cli - LLMs for your CLI
- mahmoud/glom - โ๏ธ Python's nested data operator (and CLI), for all your declarative restructuring needs. Got data? Glom it! โ๏ธ
- freedmand/semantra - Multi-tool for semantic search
- TheR1D/shell_gpt - A command-line productivity tool powered by AI large language models like GPT-4, will help you accomplish your tasks faster and more efficiently.
- chapmanjacobd/library - 80+ CLI tools to build, browse, and blend your media library: an index for your archive.
- inclinedadarsh/termhand - TermHand is a command-line tool that generates terminal commands from natural language prompts.
- theghostrat/NaturalShell - NaturalShell, an AI-driven command-line tool, effortlessly translates natural language into shell commands. Say goodbye to complex syntax and hello to intuitive interaction with your system.
- Jing-yilin/E2M - E2M API, converting everything to markdown (LLM-friendly Format).
- vburckhardt/markdown-llm-corrector - Tool for correcting spelling and improving the style of markdown files using Language Model (LLM) and WatsonX
- paulpierre/markdown-crawler - A multithreaded ๐ธ๏ธ web crawler that recursively crawls a website and creates a ๐ฝ markdown file for each page, designed for LLM RAG
- haseeb-heaven/code-interpreter - An innovative open-source Code Interpreter with (GPT,Gemini,Claude,LLaMa) models.
- stochasticai/xTuring - Build, customize and control you own LLMs. From data pre-processing to fine-tuning, xTuring provides an easy way to personalize open-source LLMs. Join our discord community: https://discord.gg/TgHXuSJ
- unclecode/crawl4ai - ๐ฅ๐ท๏ธ Crawl4AI: Open-source LLM Friendly Web Crawler & Scrapper
- fiatrete/OpenDAN-Personal-AI-OS - OpenDAN is an open source Personal AI OS , which consolidates various AI modules in one place for your personal use.
- georgian-io/LLM-Finetuning-Toolkit - Toolkit for fine-tuning, ablating and unit-testing open-source LLMs.
- kennethleungty/Llama-2-Open-Source-LLM-CPU-Inference - Running Llama 2 and other Open-Source LLMs on CPU Inference Locally for Documentย Q&A
- Marker-Inc-Korea/AutoRAG - RAG Deploy -> Optimize -> Deploy again. Get high performance RAG service with less effort
- Shubhamsaboo/awesome-llm-apps - Collection of awesome LLM apps with RAG using OpenAI, Anthropic, Gemini and opensource models.
- cpacker/MemGPT - Letta (fka MemGPT) is a framework for creating stateful LLM services.
- phidatahq/phidata - Build AI Assistants with memory, knowledge and tools.
- assafelovic/gpt-researcher - LLM based autonomous agent that conducts in-depth web research on any given topic
- wiz-craft/wiz-craft - A CLI-based dataset preprocessing tool for machine learning tasks. Features include data exploration, null value handling, one-hot encoding, and feature scaling, and download the modified dataset effo
- smartlegionlab/climan - Cross-platform config and manager for click console utilities.
- nschloe/tiptop - ๐ฅ๏ธ Command-line system monitoring
- jarun/buku - ๐ Personal mini-web in text
- PyrokineticDarkElf/Google-Maps-Timeline-to-Obsidian - This Python script will convert your Google Maps Timeline history in to markdown files for use in Obsidian.
- cetninarius/google-contacts-to-obsidian - This Python script enables the download of Google contacts using the Google People API and converts each contact into a .md file format. This is particularly useful for visualizing your connections in
- dvp-git/gemini-information-extractor - A simple single interface information extractor app using the latest gemini-vision-pro model
- haseeb-heaven/gemini-vision-pro - Google Gemini Vision Web application with Speech and Text
- hiliuxg/geminichat - A chatbot, powered by google gemini pro , gemini pro vision and ui is maked by streamlit.
- kyegomez/forest-of-thoughts - A forest of autonomous agents.
- kyegomez/tree-of-thoughts - Plug in and Play Implementation of Tree of Thoughts: Deliberate Problem Solving with Large Language Models that Elevates Model Reasoning by atleast 70%
- SunoAI-API/Suno-API - Create Music in Seconds with SunoAPI.
- gradio-app/gradio - Build and share delightful machine learning apps, all in Python. ๐ Star to support our work!
- QuivrHQ/quivr - Open-source RAG Framework for building GenAI Second Brains ๐ง Build productivity assistant (RAG) โก๏ธ๐ค Chat with your docs (PDF, CSV, ...) & apps using Langchain, GPT 3.5 / 4 turbo, Private, Anthropic,
- archinetai/audio-data-pytorch - A collection of useful audio datasets and transforms for PyTorch.
- dylanljones/pyrekordbox - Inofficial Python package for interacting with the database and other files (XML, ANLZ, MySettings) of Pioneers Rekordbox DJ software
- nicfit/MishMash - Music database, etc.
- antlarr/bard - Bard Music Manager - A database to manage your music, find duplicates and fix tags
- tuvvshe/python_audio_processing - python audio processing
- CRenko/Python_audio_analyze -
- bbye98/minim - A collection of music service (iTunes, Qobuz, Spotify, TIDAL) APIs for media information retrieval and semi-automated music tagging.
- kixelo/AudioProcessing-with-Python - Reversing, Overlaying nad Mixing Music audio with Pydub
- PaulsGitHubs/Audio-File-Meta-Data-Properties-Editor-for-Python- - This is an audio file metadata property editor written in python.
- samarasleal/Python-AudioProcessing -
- Azur3-bit/Terminal-MusicPlayer -
- andreimatveyeu/awesome-python-audio - Awesome Python resources related to audio and music
- materialvision/augment_audio_tools - Simple python scripts to augment a dataset of audio
- nomonosound/fast-align-audio - A fast python library for aligning similar audio snippets passed in as NumPy arrays
- Lallapallooza/fast-audiomentations - โก Blazing fast audio augmentation in Python, powered by GPU for high-efficiency processing in machine learning and audio analysis tasks.
- rioharper/VocalForge - Your one-stop solution for voice dataset creation
- nomadkaraoke/python-audio-separator - Easy to use stem (e.g. instrumental/vocals) separation from CLI or as a python package, using a variety of amazing pre-trained models (primarily from UVR)
- lucidrains/audiolm-pytorch - Implementation of AudioLM, a SOTA Language Modeling Approach to Audio Generation out of Google Research, in Pytorch
- maphouse/analyze-tag-songs - Python script for analyzing and tagging music files by key and BPM
- mimbres/neural-audio-fp -
- carlosholivan/musicaiz - A python framework for symbolic music generation, evaluation and analysis
- TuneNN/TuneNN - A transformer-based network model for pitch detection
- iver56/audiomentations - A Python library for audio data augmentation. Inspired by albumentations. Useful for machine learning.
- wlamason/github-stars - โญCreate a searchable view of your github stars. Runs daily with github actions.
- zwq2018/Auto_star - auto star for repo lists
- iXce/deezerexport - Export your Deezer playlists in a breath
- AbanteAI/rawdog - Generate and auto-execute Python scripts in the cli
- daugaard47/ChatGPT_Conversations_To_Markdown - ChatGPT Conversations to Markdown is a Python script that converts your exported ChatGPT conversations into readable and well-formatted Markdown files.
- MaxStrange/AudioSegment - Wrapper for pydub AudioSegment objects
- jiaaro/pydub - Manipulate audio with a simple and easy high level interface
- Adrian-Winter/Meta-Music-Toolbox - A collection of handy tools such as adding Key & BPM to your music library
- a-rich/DJ-Tools - DJ tools for downloading, processing, and sharing music / rekordbox data.
- pollinations/musicgen-remixer -
- inikishev/beat-manipulator - beat swapping powered by AI
- dodiku/MixingBear - Package for automatic beat-mixing of music files in Python ๐ป๐
- Holzhaus/serato-tags - Serato DJ Pro GEOB tags documentation
- VikParuchuri/marker - Convert PDF to markdown quickly with high accuracy
- VikParuchuri/surya - OCR, layout analysis, reading order, table recognition in 90+ languages
- descriptinc/audiotools - Object-oriented handling of audio data, with GPU-powered augmentations, and more.
- tyiannak/pyAudioAnalysis - Python Audio Analysis Library: Feature Extraction, Classification, Segmentation and Applications
- huggingface/transformers - ๐ค Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
- psobot/wub-machine - Automatic Dubstep/Electro-House remixer app, powered by the Echo Nest Remix API.
- drensin/Remixatron - Infinite Jukebox on the command line in Python. It groups musically similar beats of a song into clusters and then plays a random path through the song that makes musical sense, but not does not repea
- okio-ai/nendo-example-apps - Examples of apps built with Nendo, the AI Audio Tool Suite
- danswer-ai/danswer - Gen-AI Chat for Teams - Think ChatGPT if it had access to your team's unique knowledge.
- mir-aidj/all-in-one - All-In-One Music Structure Analyzer
- sakemin/cog-musicgen-chord - Chord conditioning implemented MusicGen
- sakemin/cog-musicgen-remixer - Music remixer based on MusicGen-Chord
- Syrins/Gemini-Beta - Like Google's Gemini demo, it harnesses the power of AI to answer questions based on visual input. By integrating GPT-4 Vision for image understanding, Whisper for voice recognition and Resemble AI fo
- mdiller/rock-assistant - An obsidian + GPT ai assistant thing
- SageMindAI/autogen-agi - AutoGen AGI: Advancing AI agents using AutoGen towards AGI capabilities. Explore cutting-edge enhancements in group chat dynamics, decision-making, and complex task proficiency. Join our journey in sh
- ynop/audiomate - Python library for handling audio datasets.
- keunwoochoi/kapre - kapre: Keras Audio Preprocessors
- urinieto/msaf - Music Structure Analysis Framework
- SuperKogito/spafe - ๐ spafe: Simplified Python Audio Features Extraction
- danilobellini/audiolazy - Expressive Digital Signal Processing (DSP) package for Python
- MTG/music-explore - App to explore latent spaces of music collections
- dodiku/AudioOwl - Fast and simple music and audio analysis using RNN in Python ๐ต๏ธโโ๏ธ ๐ฅ
- Newmu/Music-Analyzer - Converting music to a ML friendly format and analyzing it.
- SekouD/lyricsmaster - LyricsMaster is a library for downloading lyrics from multiple lyrics providers.
- ST2-EV/lyrixy - lyrixy( lyrics + audio of the song ) = lyric music video
- okio-ai/nendo - The Nendo AI Audio Tool Suite
- microsoft/promptbase - All things prompt engineering
- Zeyu-Li/github-index-generator - Generate the list of your GitHub Repos ๐ค
- imoneoi/openchat - OpenChat: Advancing Open-source Language Models with Imperfect Data
- Parisson/Telemeta - Collaborative content management system for musicology
- Gazoo101/lyric-manager - A lyric management tool to process raw lyric files using an external alignment model to produce .aligned_lyrics files.
- mrsobakin/lyrics-dl - ๐ต The ultimate CLI tool for downloading lyrics for songs, inspired by other awesome *-dl projects.
- azusalad/addlyrics - Searches various websites and tags lyrics to local mp3 files.
- yogeshwaran01/lyricy - A command line lyrics utility tool which search and add lyrics to your offline songs. ๐ต
- spyer/lyrics2mp3 - Parse lyrics and add them into mp3 files (via id tags). Lyrics can then be viewed on iPhone, iTunes and other players.
- stellyes/spotify-distrokid-link - Python 3.9 script utilizing Selenium to link an Instagram profile with a list of ISRC codes.
- andreamust/MusicMetaLinker - MusicMetaLinker - Entity Linking and Knowledge Augmentation library for music metadata
- avalloneandrea/apiseeds-lyrics - A MusicBrainz Picard plugin to fetch lyrics from Apiseeds Lyrics
- goncalor/music-tools - A set of tools to work with and manage music files
- jeandeaual/picard-plugins-scripts - MusicBrainz Picard plugins
- FormosaNick/audio-metadata-report -
- mkagenius/audioGPT - summarize audio (mp3) using openAI api
- beefoo/media-tools -
- quodlibet/mutagen - Python module for handling audio metadata
- ImranR98/AutoLyricize - Automatically find and embed song lyrics.
- cvzi/genius-downloader - A lyrics downloader for genius.com
- taajik/lyricser - Adding lyrics to songs using Genius API, editing lyrics, reading lyrics and more.
- oobabooga/text-generation-webui - A Gradio web UI for Large Language Models.
- google-research/text-to-text-transfer-transformer - Code for the paper "Exploring the Limits of Transfer Learning with a Unified Text-to-Text Transformer"
- soxoj/maigret-maltego - Maltego transformation for searching of accounts by username
- corb555/GeoFinder - Verify and correct place names in a GEDCOM genealogy file
- NVIDIA/Megatron-LM - Ongoing research training transformer models at scale
- raphaelsty/knowledge - Open-source personal bookmarks search engine
- different-ai/embedbase-ava - Obsidian + Embedbase = Ava
- hayabhay/frogbase - Transform audio-visual content into navigable knowledge.
- bellingcat/octosuite - GitHub Data Analysis Framework.
- senran101604/sagemode - ๐Sagemode: Track and Unveil Online identities across social media platforms๐ต๏ธโโ๏ธ
- Alfredredbird/tookie-osint - Tookie is a advanced OSINT information gathering tool that finds social media accounts based on inputs.
- IccTeam/OwlTrack - This tracking tool can provide information about the phone number you enter. Not only that, this tool is able to scan telephone numbers with up to 5 different methods.
- kantord/SeaGOAT - local-first semantic code search engine
- merlinepedra/BLACKBIRD -
- adbar/trafilatura - Python & Command-line tool to gather text and metadata on the Web: Crawling, scraping, extraction, output as CSV, JSON, HTML, MD, TXT, XML
- yoheinakajima/instagraph - Converts text input or URL into knowledge graph and displays
- lamini-ai/lamini -
- Chareste/SpotifyHistoryParserExtended - A parser for the Extended Streaming History (all time) sent to you by Spotify.
- AbanteAI/mentat - Mentat - The AI Coding Assistant
- messa/bloom - Index text files + print files matching some phrase
- glvnst/txtscan - command-line program that reports on general statistics and interesting characters inside text files
- mitmedialab/text_analyses_tools - Matching phrases between source and query text files
- brunoarine/findlike - Command-line tool that finds lexically similar documents in relation to a reference text file or ad-hoc query
- ppw0/minhash - find similar text files quickly
- realjanpaulus/duplipy - Text duplicate detection.
- rz-k/Duplicate-Finder - With this tool you can find duplicate words in lines of a text file and display the number of duplicates. And cleans them if needed.
- laramies/theHarvester - E-mails, subdomains and names Harvester - OSINT
- kcubeterm/achoz - Search through all your personal data efficiently like web search.
- nostalgia-dev/nostalgia - Utilize your personal data like Google!
- NickSto/life-browser - View a timeline of your own history through your personal data.
- karlicoss/promnesia - Another piece of your extended mind
- markmelnic/plot-browsing-history - Visualize your chrome browsing history using google takeout data.
- DovarFalcone/google-takeout-location-parser - Easily parse location .json files provided by the Google Takeout service
- Scarygami/location-history-json-converter - Convert the Location History JSON File from Google Takeout into a useable format
- jameelkaisar/Quantified-Self-App - Capstone Project for Modern Application Development I Course (IIT Madras)
- nasa-jpl-memex/memex-explorer - Viewers for statistics and dashboarding of Domain Search Engine data
- hugolmn/quantified-self - Personal data collection and reporting
- OpenInterpreter/open-interpreter - A natural language interface for computers
- michaelNinh/arxiv-search-summarize - Keyword search Arxiv and summarize papers with OpenAi's chatGPT.
- paulpierre/RasaGPT - ๐ฌ RasaGPT is the first headless LLM chatbot platform built on top of Rasa and Langchain. Built w/ Rasa, FastAPI, Langchain, LlamaIndex, SQLModel, pgvector, ngrok, telegram
- Sinaptik-AI/pandas-ai - Chat with your database (SQL, CSV, pandas, polars, mongodb, noSQL, etc). PandasAI makes data analysis conversational using LLMs (GPT 3.5 / 4, Anthropic, VertexAI) and RAG.
- socketteer/loom - Multiversal tree writing interface for human-AI collaboration
- XpressAI/xai-gpt-agent-toolkit - Xircuits toolkit for creating and experimenting with BabyAGI/AutoGPT-style agents
- IntelligenzaArtificiale/Free-Auto-GPT - Free Auto GPT with NO paids API is a repository that offers a simple version of Auto GPT, an autonomous AI agent capable of performing tasks independently. Unlike other versions, our implementation do
- superhj1987/awesome-mac-things - some useful mac things:scripts, shells, doc, shortcut keys
- mage-ai/mage-ai - ๐ง Build, run, and manage data pipelines for integrating and transforming data.
- seanpixel/Teenage-AGI -
- WenServices/ClassifyAI - AI Service that classifies data with given or passed model structure response to use in code
- clampro/obsidianURLchecker - Checks your notes for URLs and logs the ones that are not reachable
- miile7/obsidian-strip-internal-links -
- AayushG159/NotionToObsidian - A simple tool which migrates all your notion notes to be obsidian ready
- madeyexz/markdown-file-query - Semantic QA with a markdown database: Query any markdown file using vector embedding, Pinecone vector database and GPT (langchain). A weaker version of privateGPT
- SillyTavern/SillyTavern-Extras - Extensions API for SillyTavern.
- jsmsj/GdriveCloneWeb - A self hostable flask app to clone public/private google drive links to your personal teamdrive or google drive. Can be hosted locally under 3 minutes. Live demo at https://gdrivecloneweb-1-i4395649.d
- muellerberndt/mini-agi - MiniAGI is a simple general-purpose autonomous agent based on the OpenAI API.
- vzhd1701/csv2notion - Import/Merge CSV files into Notion database
- Cobertos/md2notion - A better Notion.so Markdown importer
- Saik0s/DevAssistant - Personal Task-Driven Autonomous Agent
- zetavg/LLaMA-LoRA-Tuner - UI tool for fine-tuning and testing your own LoRA models base on LLaMA, GPT-J and more. One-click run on Google Colab. + A Gradio ChatGPT-like Chat UI to demonstrate your language models.
- farizrahman4u/loopgpt - Modular Auto-GPT Framework
- avocardio/GPT-agents - Browsing-enabled GPT agents with different personalities.
- kreneskyp/ix - Autonomous GPT-4 agent platform
- momegas/megabots - ๐ค State-of-the-art, production ready LLM apps made mega-easy, so you don't have to build them from scratch ๐คฏ Create a bot, now ๐ซต
- miranthajayatilake/nanoQA2 - ChatGPT on your own data
- xtekky/gpt4free - The official gpt4free repository | various collection of powerful language models
- jina-ai/thinkgpt - Agent techniques to augment your LLM and push it beyong its limits
- aimhubio/aim - Aim ๐ซ โ An easy-to-use & supercharged open-source experiment tracker.
- robindekoster/chatgpt-custom-knowledge-chatbot - This open source chatbot project lets you create a chatbot that uses your own data to answer questions, thanks to the power of the OpenAI GPT-3.5 model.
- geeks-of-data/knowledge-gpt - Extract knowledge from all information sources using gpt and other language models. Index and make Q&A session with information sources.
- libraryofcelsus/Aetherius_AI_Assistant - A completely private, locally-operated Ai Assistant/Chatbot/Sub-Agent Framework with realistic Long Term Memory and thought formation using Open Source LLMs. Qdrant is used for the Vector DB.
- PrefectHQ/marvin - โจ Build AI interfaces that spark joy
- arc53/DocsGPT - Chatbot for documentation, that allows you to chat with your data. Privately deployable, provides AI knowledge sharing and integrates knowledge into your AI workflow
- huggingface/transfer-learning-conv-ai - ๐ฆ State-of-the-Art Conversational AI with Transfer Learning
- mindflowai/mindflow - ๐ง AI-powered CLI git wrapper, boilerplate code generator, chat history manager, and code search engine to streamline your dev workflow ๐
- jlsutherland/doc2text - Detect text blocks and OCR poorly scanned PDFs in bulk. Python module available via pip.
- YohannLeee/ChatGPT-Server - chat with ChatGPT via iMessage on Mac OS X
- Significant-Gravitas/AutoGPT - AutoGPT is the vision of accessible AI for everyone, to use and to build on. Our mission is to provide the tools, so that you can focus on what matters.
- serp-ai/ChatGPT-Plugins - Repo for giving ChatGPT the ability to use web browsing, python code execution, and custom plugins
- GhadeerElmkaiel/Notion_to_Obsidian - An automatic way to move notes from Notion to Obsidian (Create a .md file)
- visualcurrent/Notion-2-Obsidan - Conversion routines to convert all Notion .md exports to full Obsidian compatibility
- gwen001/github-search - A collection of tools to perform searches on GitHub.
- marekjm/docs-formatter - Docs formatter
- gojefferson/dumbdown - Extremely simplified markdown parsing and HTML construction
- has-abi/docparser - Extract text from your DOCX documents.
- NVIDIA/NeMo-text-processing - NeMo text processing for ASR and TTS
- Lipairui/textgo - Text preprocessing, representation, similarity calculation, text search and classification. Let's go and play with text!
- NVIDIA/NeMo - A scalable generative AI framework built for researchers and developers working on Large Language Models, Multimodal, and Speech AI (Automatic Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech)
- jbesomi/texthero - Text preprocessing, representation and visualization from zero to hero.
- roniemartinez/dude - dude uncomplicated data extraction: A simple framework for writing web scrapers using Python decorators
- biolab/orange3-text - ๐ ๐ Text Mining add-on for Orange3
- cortega26/PDF-Text-Analizer - This repository houses a script that can download PDFs from a specified URL, convert them to text, and perform text analysis. This analysis includes identifying the language, eliminating stopwords, an
- jboynyc/textnets - Text analysis with networks.
- jfilter/clean-text - ๐งน Python package for text cleaning
- brucewlee/lftk - [BEA @ ACL 2023] General-purpose tool for linguistic features extraction; Tested on readability assessment, essay scoring, fake news detection, hate speech detection, etc.
- obsei/obsei - Obsei is a low code AI powered automation tool. It can be used in various business flows like social listening, AI based alerting, brand image analysis, comparative study and more .
- gtoffoli/commons-textanalysis - Text-analysis support for Django clients, talking through HTTP API to an extended spaCy deployment.
- graphbrain/graphbrain - Language, Knowledge, Cognition
- 1994nikunj/nlp-toolkit-desktop-app - The code is a collection of NLP analyses, including text cleaning, most common words, n-grams generation, co-occurrence matrix generation, wordcloud generation, topic modeling (using Latent Dirichlet
- rhasspy/gruut - A tokenizer, text cleaner, and phonemizer for many human languages.
- UtilityHotbar/showmd -
- Malfrats/xeuledoc - Fetch information about a public Google document.
- d0c-s4vage/lookatme - An interactive, terminal-based markdown presenter
- raul23/convert-to-txt - Convert documents (pdf, djvu, epub, word) to txt
- se7enack/ai-computing-assistant - Coeus is an A.I. Computing Assistant for MacOS that can answer just about any question you may have reading back the responses if you choose. It also creates realtime images using A.I., all by leverag
- openai/chatgpt-retrieval-plugin - The ChatGPT Retrieval Plugin lets you easily find personal or work documents by asking questions in natural language.
- JeanMichelChien/Obsidian-keyword-extractor - Use NLP Rake-NLTK algorithm to tag automatically Obsidian note files and link ideas together easily
- promptslab/Awesome-Prompt-Engineering - This repository contains a hand-curated resources for Prompt Engineering with a focus on Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT), ChatGPT, PaLM etc
- michaelthwan/searchGPT - Grounded search engine (i.e. with source reference) based on LLM / ChatGPT / OpenAI API. It supports web search, file content search etc.
- MrAnayDongre/Machine-Learning-Collection - Repo for Implementing Research Papers & Projects related to Machine Learning
- deepset-ai/haystack - ๐ AI orchestration framework to build customizable, production-ready LLM applications. Connect components (models, vector DBs, file converters) to pipelines or agents that can interact with your d
- awekrx/ChatGPT-MidJourney-prompt - This is a ChatGPT based prompt generation model for MidJorney. The purpose of this model is to simplify the creation of images and increase their creativity. By introducing a partial hint, ChatGPT cre
- GerevAI/gerev - ๐ง AI-powered enterprise search engine ๐
- haseeb-heaven/gpt-3-tokenizer - ChatGPT-3-Tokenizer is tokenizer which calculates tokens and price of input query.
- haseeb-heaven/asset-generator - A powerful application to generate AI-generated Assets using DALL-E,Stable Diffustion and DeepAI.
- smaranjitghose/AIAudioTranscriber - A minimalistic web app to generate transciption for audio built using Python
- Maitreyapatel/speech-conversion-between-different-modalities - Generative Adversarial Networks for different impaired speech conversions
- m-bain/whisperX - WhisperX: Automatic Speech Recognition with Word-level Timestamps (& Diarization)
- haseeb-heaven/auto-filer-pro - AI AutoFiler Pro is a tool that automates the process of creating files, sorting data, reading and viewing them, and finding data using artificial intelligence
- MatthewRoush/Transcribe-MP3 - Generate synced and unsynced lyrics for .mp3 songs using openai-whisper.
- CrimeIsDown/trunk-transcribe - Transcription of calls from trunk-recorder using OpenAI Whisper
- KostasEreksonas/Audio-transcriber - Simple Python audio transcriber using OpenAI's Whisper speech recognition model
- ahmedbesbes/audiolizr - A bentoML-powered API to transcribe audio and make sense of it
- hay/audio2text - Python command line utility wrappers for Whispercpp and other speech-to-text utilities
- saharmor/whisper-playground - Build real time speech2text web apps using OpenAI's Whisper https://openai.com/blog/whisper/
- chrislemke/ChatFred - Alfred workflow using ChatGPT, DALLยทE 2 and other models for chatting, image generation and more.
- timonmat/ChatObsidian - AI QA interface to your obsidian notes
- anonymous-pits/pits - PITS: Variational Pitch Inference for End-to-end Pitch-controllable TTS without External Pitch Predictor
- showlab/Tune-A-Video - [ICCV 2023] Tune-A-Video: One-Shot Tuning of Image Diffusion Models for Text-to-Video Generation
- tdeerenberg/Musort - A command-line tool for effortlessly organizing and renaming your music files based on metadata
- rakuri255/UltraSinger - AI based tool to convert vocals lyrics and pitch from music to autogenerate Ultrastar Deluxe, Midi and notes. It automatic tapping, adding text, pitch vocals and creates karaoke files.
- stargatedaw/stargate - Innovation-first digital audio workstation (DAW), instrument and effect plugins, wave editor
- arkrow/PyMusicLooper - A python program for repeating music endlessly and creating seamless music loops, with play/export/tagging support.
- djfun/audio-visualizer-python - a little GUI tool to render visualization videos of audio files
- chavinlo/riffusion-manipulation - tools to manipulate audio with riffusion
- Natooz/MidiTok - MIDI / symbolic music tokenizers for Deep Learning models ๐ถ
- burliEnterprises/tensorflow-music-generator - generates music (midi files) using a Tensorflow RNN
- alishdipani/Neural-Style-Transfer-Audio - This is PyTorch Implementation of Neural Style Transfer Algorithm which is modified for Audios.
- SuperKogito/pydiogment - ๐ฃ Python library for audio augmentation
- axeldelafosse/stemgen - ๐ Stemgen is a Stem file generator. Convert any track into a Stem and have fun with Traktor.
- luuil/Tensorflow-Audio-Classification - Audio classification with VGGish as feature extractor in TensorFlow
- marcogdepinto/emotion-classification-from-audio-files - Understanding emotions from audio files using neural networks and multiple datasets.
- lagmoellertim/unsilence - Console Interface and Library to remove silent parts of a media file ๐
- KinWaiCheuk/nnAudio - Audio processing by using pytorch 1D convolution network
- WyattBlue/auto-editor - Auto-Editor: Efficient media analysis and rendering
- pytorch/audio - Data manipulation and transformation for audio signal processing, powered by PyTorch
- soundata/soundata - Python library for downloading, loading & working with sound datasets
- bmcfee/pyrubberband - python wrapper for rubberband
- spotify/basic-pitch - A lightweight yet powerful audio-to-MIDI converter with pitch bend detection
- marl/crepe - CREPE: A Convolutional REpresentation for Pitch Estimation -- pre-trained model (ICASSP 2018)
- wayne391/sf_segmenter - Music segmentation algorithm, based on SF (structural feature)
- facebookresearch/demucs - Code for the paper Hybrid Spectrogram and Waveform Source Separation
- MLNLP-World/AI-Paper-Collector - MLNLP็คพๅบ็จๆฅๆดๅฅฝ่ฟ่ก่ฎบๆๆ็ดข็ๅทฅๅ ทใFully-automated scripts for collecting AI-related papers
- tuneflow/tuneflow-py - ๐ง +๐ง Build your music algorithms and AI models with the next-gen DAW ๐ฅ
- DamiPayne/AI-Music-Composer - A project that trains a LSTM recurrent neural network over a data-set of MIDI files.
- microsoft/muzic - Muzic: Music Understanding and Generation with Artificial Intelligence
- deezer/spleeter - Deezer source separation library including pretrained models.
- llSourcell/AI_For_Music_Composition - This is the code for "AI for Music Composition" by Siraj Raval on Youtube
- salu133445/musegan - An AI for Music Generation
- salu133445/muspy - A toolkit for symbolic music generation
- samim23/polymath - Convert any music library into a music production sample-library with ML
- KoboldAI/KoboldAI-Client - For GGUF support, see KoboldCPP: https://github.com/LostRuins/koboldcpp
- aashutoshrathi/awesome-bashrc - ๐ Collection of bash snippets/aliases that will save your time on the terminal
- nikutopian/DocumentQA - Ingest and Index Documents, Search Documents and support Natural Language Question Answering
- paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx - A community-supported supercharged version of paperless: scan, index and archive all your physical documents
- misbahsy/chat-your-data-self-hosted - This repo guides you through building a chatbot on your own data with self hosted LLM
- approximatelabs/sketch - AI code-writing assistant that understands data content
- acheong08/EdgeGPT - Reverse engineered API of Microsoft's Bing Chat AI
- dr413677671/PromptGallery-stable-diffusion-webui - A prompt cookbook worked as stable-diffusion-webui extenstions.
- 526christian/AI-Image-PromptGenerator - A flexible UI script to help create and expand on prompts for generative AI art models, such as Stable Diffusion and MidJourney. Get inspired, and create.
- wshuyi/demo-notion-markdown-exporter -
- LlmKira/Openaibot - โก๏ธ Build Your Own chatgpt Bot|๐ง Discord/Slack/Kook/Telegram |โ ToolCall|๐ Plugin Support | ๐ป out-of-box | gpt-4o
- acheong08/ChatGPT - Reverse engineered ChatGPT API
- mahmoudfazeli/finetuned_gpt3_virtual_assistants - "Finetuned GPT-3 Virtual Assistants" is an open-source project that enables the creation of virtual assistants for websites or applications using GPT-3. The project includes a script for fine-tuning G
- eli64s/readme-ai - README file generator, powered by AI.
- javi22020/Prompt-Generator - Use this project to create your own random prompts for Stable Diffusion! Besides, you'll be able to add your own adjectives, objects and styles in the code.
- jhrcook/openai-expt - Experimenting with the OpenAI model APIs.
- jordanweaver/midjourn-prompts - Tool for generating Midjourney prompts using custom word banks.
- rbbrdckybk/ai-art-generator - For automating the creation of large batches of AI-generated artwork locally.
- Haidra-Org/AI-Horde - A crowdsourced distributed cluster for AI art and text generation
- jaketae/storyteller - Multimodal AI Story Teller, built with Stable Diffusion, GPT, and neural text-to-speech
- mediocreatmybest/gaslightingeveryone - Let's gaslight everything; containers, ML, scripts, and everyone! #AUSPOL can wait.
- farique1/diffusion-browser - An easy way to view the images and metadata generated by Stable Diffusion's Automatic1111 WebUI
- WiNE-iNEFF/Simple_Prompt_Generator - Simple prompt generator for Midjourney, DALLe, Stable and Disco Diffusion, Flux and etc.
- llSourcell/AI_Artist - AI Artist for Machine Learning for Hackers #5
- 526christian/SD-Prompt-Generator - moved to new repo: https://github.com/526christian/AI-Image-PromptGenerator
- poloclub/diffusiondb - A large-scale text-to-image prompt gallery dataset based on Stable Diffusion
- ssube/onnx-web - web UI for GPU-accelerated ONNX pipelines like Stable Diffusion, even on Windows and AMD
- 0ut0flin3/Talk2GPT - GPT-3 client for Windows and Unix with memories management that supports both text and speech in any language. Includes a free text2image
- Sanster/IOPaint - Image inpainting tool powered by SOTA AI Model. Remove any unwanted object, defect, people from your pictures or erase and replace(powered by stable diffusion) any thing on your pictures.
- bkerler/mtkclient - MTK reverse engineering and flash tool
- LAION-AI/Open-Assistant - OpenAssistant is a chat-based assistant that understands tasks, can interact with third-party systems, and retrieve information dynamically to do so.
- nxvvvv/warp-plus - Get free WARP+ GBs in CloudFlare's!!
- marqo-ai/marqo - Unified embedding generation and search engine. Also available on cloud - cloud.marqo.ai
- SerjSX/pSearch - Searching tool written in Python for Piracy related websites.
- Yachay-AI/byt5-geotagging - Confidence and Byt5 - based geotagging model predicting coordinates from text alone.
- x0rz/tweets_analyzer - Tweets metadata scraper & activity analyzer
- sb-haz/twitter-wrapped - Brings the Spotify Wrapped concept to Twitter.
- AdvitDeepak/messages-wrapped - NLP analysis and dashboard of user's messages (Instagram, iMessage, Android)
- sturdy-dev/semantic-code-search - Search your codebase with natural language โข CLI โข No data leaves your computer
- neuml/txtai - ๐ก All-in-one open-source embeddings database for semantic search, LLM orchestration and language model workflows
- jina-ai/jina - โ๏ธ Build multimodal AI applications with cloud-native stack
- wgledbetter/do2obs - DayOne Journal to Obsidian Notes
- natelandau/obsidian-metadata - Batch updates to metadata in an Obsidian vault
- THUDM/CodeGeeX - CodeGeeX: An Open Multilingual Code Generation Model (KDD 2023)
- blackberry/pe_tree - Python module for viewing Portable Executable (PE) files in a tree-view using pefile and PyQt5. Can also be used with IDA Pro and Rekall to dump in-memory PE files and reconstruct imports.
- tom-doerr/zsh_codex - This is a ZSH plugin that enables you to use OpenAI's Codex AI in the command line.
- jina-ai/clip-as-service - ๐ Scalable embedding, reasoning, ranking for images and sentences with CLIP
- SingularReza/drive-folder-copier - A simple script to copy folders to Team Drives/Shared Drives in Google Drive
- Cloud-CV/EvalAI - โ๏ธ ๐ ๐ ๐ Evaluating state of the art in AI
- runpod/serverless-workers - โ๏ธ | REPLACED BY https://github.com/runpod-workers | Official set of serverless worker provided by RunPod as endpoints.
- TheLastBen/fast-stable-diffusion - fast-stable-diffusion + DreamBooth
- onflapp/TextSerPlugins - Plugins for TextSer App
- jina-ai/dalle-flow - ๐ A Human-in-the-Loop workflow for creating HD images from text
- abhishek-nigam/raindrop-backup-bookmarks - A simple tool I use to backup my bookmarks from Raindrop.io service
- xxxbrian/Discord-ChatGPT-Bot - Run a ChatGPT Bot in Discord with Docker
- danielunderwood/notes-scripts - Scripts for organizing and reformatting markdown notes
- davycloud/obtool - A command lint tool for Obsidian
- quinn-p-mchugh/obsidian-bulk-editing-utils - Scripts for bulk editing markdown files in Obsidian
- DamianFlynn/py-obsidian-parser - Obsidian parser, used to create the content for Hugo SSG
- jstrieb/github-stats - Better GitHub statistics images for your profile, with stats from private repos too
- intelowlproject/IntelOwl - IntelOwl: manage your Threat Intelligence at scale
- theahmadov/slash - The Slash OSINT Tool
- devsecboy/DomainRecon - Based on URL and Organization Name, collect the IP Ranges, subdomains using various tools like Amass, subfinder, etc.. And check for uphost and Run Masscan to grap CNAME entries, take the screenshot o
- C3n7ral051nt4g3ncy/WebOSINT - W3b0s1nt (WebOSINT) is a Python tool/script for passive Domain Intelligence gathering.
- ydkhatri/MacForensics - Scripts to process macOS forensic artifacts
- joweich/chat-miner - Parsers and visualizations for chats
- stepva/chatalysis - Analyse and visualise your chats - currently supporting Facebook Messenger and Instagram
- thewhiteh4t/nexfil - OSINT tool for finding profiles by username
- obsidianforensics/unfurl - Extract and Visualize Data from URLs using Unfurl
- arshadkazmi42/is-broken-link-github - Github Links Broken Status Checker
- laxmanbalaraman/Broken-Links-Finder - A web application to find all the dead links in a website
- danhje/dead-link-crawler - An efficient, asynchronous crawler that identifies broken links on a given domain.
- butuzov/deadlinks - Health checks for your documentation links. https://pypi.org/project/deadlinks
- InQuest/omnibus - The OSINT Omnibus (beta release)
- jofpin/trape - People tracker on the Internet: OSINT analysis and research tool by Jose Pino
- megadose/holehe - holehe allows you to check if the mail is used on different sites like twitter, instagram and will retrieve information on sites with the forgotten password function.
- rsvensson/iadownloader - Auto-download files and collections from Internet Archive
- oduwsdl/archivenow - A Tool To Push Web Resources Into Web Archives
- alopezrivera/anchorage - Save your bookmark collection in the Internet Archive, or locally.
- omilab/internet-archive-link-extractor - Tool for extracting external links of a URL from Internet Archive snapshots
- p1ngul1n0/blackbird - An OSINT tool to search for accounts by username and email in social networks.
- avgupta456/github-trends - ๐ Level up your GitHub profile readme with customizable cards including LOC statistics!
- paramt/url-checker - A GitHub action to test for broken links
- jagrit007/Telegram-CloneBot - [USE ALPHA BRANCH] Simple Bot to clone Google Drive Files (or Folders) to your Team Drive[or Normal Drive]. P.S This is not a Mirror Bot. Enjoy โ๐ป
- Neppu-Nep/TgFolderClone - Telegram bot for using folderclone
- jonathanTIE/googledrive-copy-downloader - Python script to download google drive files even if the daily limit of download has excedeed.
- gruns/furl - ๐ URL parsing and manipulation made easy.
- Sachin-v3rma/Astra - Astra is a tool to find URLs and secrets inside a webpage/files
- Acidham/search-alfred-workflows - Search Alfred Workflows
- alexwlchan/alfred_shortcuts_github - An Alfred workflow that links to GitHub repos I use regularly
- polo2ro/imapbox - Dump imap inbox to a local folder in a regular backupable format: html, json and attachements
- shockz-offsec/DriveMyFiles - DriveMyFiles offers through an intuitive and easy to use interface, the possibility to easily backup manually or automatically to Google Drive the files/directories you want by selecting them through
- shashankdeshpande/github-profile-generator - Generate README for GitHub profile using this web app!
- J-E-J-S/autograph-obsidian - Automatic knowledge graph generation for Obsidian.md
- elliotgao2/tomd - Convert HTML to Markdown.
- dec0dOS/amazing-github-template - ๐ Useful README.md, LICENSE, CONTRIBUTING.md, CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md, SECURITY.md, GitHub Issues, Pull Requests and Actions templates to jumpstart your projects.
- webalorn/md2book - Convert markdown files to beautiful books using a simple configuration file
- executablebooks/mdformat - CommonMark compliant Markdown formatter
- springload/Wrangler.py - A Python static site generator
- imanzarrabian/StarsToRain - Simple Python script that exports all Github Stars for a given user into an HTML file importable by Raindrop.io
- wyounas/homer - Homer, a text analyser in Python, can help make your text more clear, simple and useful for your readers.
- nodiscc/github-stars-backup - [mirror] Backup a list of github starred repositories for the specified user.
- wmariuss/awesome-devops - A curated list of awesome DevOps platforms, tools, practices and resources
- redimp/otterwiki - A minimalistic wiki powered by python, markdown and git.
- feluelle/auto-markdown-badges - Auto-generated markdown badges. ๐ง๐ผ
- Linbreux/wikmd - A file based wiki that uses markdown
- Bwc9876/menagerie - A static site generator made for MarkDown, HTML, JsonSchema, XMLSchema, and more
- melipass/lastfm-to-markdown - GitHub Actions workflow that automatically updates the covers from your last.fm's weekly chart everyday, inside your profile repository's README.md file. Useful for customizing your profile in repos n
- Yelp/osxcollector - A forensic evidence collection & analysis toolkit for OS X
- selimrbd/py-obsidianmd - Python interface to your Obsidian notes
- bboerzel/raindrop-to-obsidian -
- EvanLi/Github-Ranking - โญGithub Rankingโญ Github stars and forks ranking list. Github Top100 stars list of different languages. Automatically update daily. | Githubไปๅบๆๅ๏ผๆฏๆฅ่ชๅจๆดๆฐ
- daijro/EssayGen - Essay generator
- casualsnek/onthespot - qt based music downloader written in python
- 9gits/windsribe-account-generator-confirmation -
- mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings - ๐ Automatic documentation from sources, for MkDocs.
- Rust1667/a-FMHY-search-engine - CLI based search engine for FMHY (https://fmhy.net/)
- radam9/bookmarks-converter - Parse db/html/json bookmarks file from (Chrome - Firefox - Custom source) and convert it to db/html/json format.
- dubs3c/Bookie - Save all your bookmarks!
- adriansteffan/obsidian-to-jekyll - This is a simple python script that converts Obsidian notes to a format that is compatible with Jekyll themes that support wikilinks and backlinking like Jekyll Garden or Digital Garden Jekyll Templat
- archivy/archivy - Archivy is a self-hostable knowledge repository that allows you to learn and retain information in your own personal and extensible wiki.
- guomo/ObsidianHelper - Simple scripts to generate local hierarchies for us with the popular obsidian not taking tool.
- Jachimo/obstagtools - Obsidian YAML+Markdown document tagging tools
- lhaze/obsidian-github-formatter - Utility tool to reformat markdown files of an Obsidian Vault to be naturally readable via GitHub Web.
- PabloLION/free-lightweight-obsidian-publisher -
- DobyTang/LazyLibrarian - This project isn't finished yet. Goal is to create a SickBeard, CouchPotato, Headphones-like application for ebooks. Headphones is used as a base, so there are still a lot of references to it.
- openai/whisper - Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision
- tuan3w/obsidian-template - Starter templates for Obsidian
- grtfou/github-stars - List stars of Github account to markdown file
- MichaelCurrin/url-manager - Centralize, view, edit, label and organize collections of your favorite URLs ๐ ๐
- yannickperrenet/bookmarkdown - โ Parse your browser's exported HTML bookmark file to Markdown.
- DavidMetcalfe/Chrome-Bookmarks-Parser - Back up and parse Google Chrome's Bookmarks.bak file
- FlyingWolFox/Netscape-Bookmarks-File-Parser - Parser and creator for Netscape Bookmarks file format that is used when exporting bookmarks from browsers
- bookmarks-tools/bookmarks2db - ๐ examples of storing bookmarks data in a database (Neo4j, PostgreSQL using mptt and ltree)
- JeffCarpenter/export-stars - Export (your) GitHub stars to a CSV file
- obheda12/GitDorker - A Python program to scrape secrets from GitHub through usage of a large repository of dorks.
- Zerokei/TextConverter - A tool to convert text from obsidian markdown format into mkdocs markfown format.
- atsuoishimoto/python-raindropio - Python wrapper for Raindrop.io API.
- searxng/searxng - SearXNG is a free internet metasearch engine which aggregates results from various search services and databases. Users are neither tracked nor profiled.
- s0md3v/Zen - Find emails of Github users
- vaibhavk97/GoBooDo - A Google book downloader with proxy support.
- costis94/bookcut - Command Line Interface tool to download, organise and search free ebooks from your terminal in a moment.
- jtauber/wrk-reader - exploring how to read old Cakewalk WRK files
- charludo/barely - barely is a lightweight, but highly extensible static site generator written in pure python.
- levkoch/levboard - A stats.fm integration for building custom charts.
- turicas/rows - A common, beautiful interface to tabular data, no matter the format
- CrowdStrike/automactc - AutoMacTC: Automated Mac Forensic Triage Collector
- mac4n6/APOLLO - Apple Pattern of Life Lazy Output'er
- file-validator/file-validator - The first Python validation package uses type, mime, extension, magic numbers, and size to validate files. โ
- faynopi/raindropcli - ๐งUnofficial raindrop.io command-line interface written in python.
- lucas-nelson-uiuc/spotipy_analysis - Streamlit dashboard for interactively reviewing your Spotify listening history.
- zekroTJA/stargrab - Securely mirror your starred repositories.
- tom-doerr/codex-readme - Revolutionize your project documentation with the Codex-README generator, utilizing OpenAI's Codex for intelligent README creation.
- ramiboutas/coverletters - Download multiple cover letters in minutes. No registration required. Totally free
- mikepqr/resume.md - Write your resume in Markdown, style it with CSS, output to HTML and PDF
- OmkarPathak/ResumeParser - A simple resume parser used for extracting information from resumes
- Textualize/textual - The lean application framework for Python. Build sophisticated user interfaces with a simple Python API. Run your apps in the terminal and a web browser.
- mnrkbys/ma2tl - macOS forensic timeline generator using the analysis result DBs of mac_apt
- rahulbanerjee26/githubProfileReadmeGenerator - Generate a cool README/About me page for your Github Profile
- kittinan/spotify-github-profile - Show your Spotify playing on your Github profile
- rahul-jha98/github-stats-transparent - Automatically generate summary GitHub statistics images for your profile using Actions, no server required
- isacmlee/csv-to-playlist -
- th3c0d3br34ker/github-readme-info - โจ This GitHub action helps to add cool Stats to your GitHub profile README.
- YousufSSyed/Raindrop.io-Scripts - Python scripts to interact with the raindrop.io Bookmarking Service.
- rchangmh/bookmarks-management - Manage your links saved in Pocket and Raindrop.io.
- lorey/github-stars-by-topic - โญ Generate a list of your GitHub stars by topic - automatically!
- CodeDotJS/allstars - โจ A tiny tool to export all your starred repositories.
- karlicoss/ghexport - Export your Github activity: events, repositories, stars, etc.
- seemoo-lab/opendrop - An open Apple AirDrop implementation written in Python
- luong-komorebi/Awesome-Linux-Software - ๐ง A list of awesome Linux softwares
- jmathai/elodie - An EXIF-based photo assistant, organizer and workflow automation tool.
- Dionis-90/my-g-photo - This is a console application that gets media files and media metadata from your Google Photo storage to your local storage.
- thomasleplus/gphotos-archive - Archiving tool for Google Photos
- gilesknap/gphotos-sync - Google Photos and Albums backup with Google Photos Library API
- metabrainz/picard - MusicBrainz Picard audio file tagger
- beetbox/beets - music library manager and MusicBrainz tagger
- mopidy/mopidy - Mopidy is an extensible music server written in Python
- OrkoHunter/keep - A Meta CLI toolkit : Personal shell command keeper and snippets manager
- OrfiDev/orpheusdl-soundcloud -
- techboy-coder/mmdl - MMDL (Mega Music Downloader) - A tool to easily download music.
- emarkou/Audio-auto-tagging - Convolutional Neural Network for auto-tagging of audio clips on MagnaTagATune dataset
- iheanyi/bandcamp-dl - Simple python script to download Bandcamp albums
- OrfiTeam/OrpheusDL -
- agent255/clspotify - Spotify song downloader without injecting into the windows client
- jbh-cloud/spotify_sync - A schedulable, configurable CLI downloader for Spotify accounts
- azuline/repertoire - whoops never finished this lol, don't look it's old and embarrassing
- rstemmer/musicdb - ๐ง A music manager with focus on remote access to your music by having a WebUI and providing an audio stream.
- nicolargo/glances - Glances an Eye on your system. A top/htop alternative for GNU/Linux, BSD, Mac OS and Windows operating systems.
- zabbix/community-templates - Zabbix Community Templates repository
- vpistis/OrganizeMediaFiles - a collection of Python scripts that help you organize media files into a directory tree "year/month" based on metadata , using exiftool
- saulpw/visidata - A terminal spreadsheet multitool for discovering and arranging data
- Py-Contributors/awesomeScripts - A Collection of Awesome Scripts in Python to Ease Daily-Life. Create an issue If you have some great ideas for the new script. Leave a โญ
- gleitz/howdoi - instant coding answers via the command line
- axiros/terminal_markdown_viewer - Styled Terminal Markdown Viewer
- joeyespo/grip - Preview GitHub README.md files locally before committing them.
- mfarragher/obsidiantools - Obsidian tools - a Python package for analysing an Obsidian.md vault
- lorey/obsi - ๐ supercharge your note-taking with index pages, Anki decks, calendar pages, and more.
- artiomn/markdown_articles_tool - Parse markdown article, download images and replace images URL's with local paths
- Alir3z4/html2text - Convert HTML to Markdown-formatted text.
- danymat/Obsidian-Markdown-Parser - This repository will give you tools to parse and fetch useful informations of your notes in your Obsidian vault.
- devidw/obsidian-to-hugo - Process Obsidian notes to publish them with Hugo. Supports transformation of Obsidian wiki links into Hugo shortcodes for internal linking.
- ramisedhom/obsidian-plugins-categorization - The purpose of this project is to categorize the Obsidian.md community or third-party plugins. This effort is mainly to help myself and others to find the proper plugin for personal needs..
- andrejli/ObsidianYarn - Generator Obsidian Markdown files from and to files
- Twigonometry/writeup-converter - Script for grabbing markdown files and Obsidian attachments from one folder and copying them to another.
- AnweshGangula/PKMigrator - Tools to migrate between various Personal Knowledge Management Utilities
- obsidian-html/obsidian-html - Python code to convert Obsidian notes to proper markdown and optionally to create an html site too.
- daprofiler/DaProfiler - DaProfiler is an OSINT tool allowing you to collect certain information about yourself in order to rectify by rgpd requests the traces you may have left on the net. DaProfiler is indeed able to recove
- librosa/librosa - Python library for audio and music analysis
- krissrex/obsidian-html - A simple tool to convert an Obsidian vault into HTML
- snooppr/snoop - Snoop โ ะธะฝััััะผะตะฝั ัะฐะทะฒะตะดะบะธ ะฝะฐ ะพัะฝะพะฒะต ะพัะบััััั ะดะฐะฝะฝัั (OSINT world)
- mxrch/GHunt - ๐ต๏ธโโ๏ธ Offensive Google framework.
- Nick-Gottschlich/Social-Amnesia - Forget the past. Social Amnesia makes sure your social media accounts only show your posts from recent history, not from "that phase" 5 years ago.
- blacklanternsecurity/spiderfoot-neo4j - Import, visualize, and analyze SpiderFoot scans in Neo4j, a graph database
- KanekiWeb/Email-Osint - ๐ EMAIL OSINT is an OSINT Tool for emails. It helps you gather information about the target email.
- X0RBYT3/OSINT-Tools - An Online Collection of Open Source Intelligence Tools
- thenurhabib/tenssens - Tenssens framework focused on gathering information from free tools or resources. The intention is to help people find free OSINT resources.
- soxoj/maigret-adapter - Connect Maigret with other tools
- antonio-hickey/gDash - gDash ( g- ) Open Source Intelligence Dashboard
- thewhiteh4t/pwnedOrNot - OSINT Tool for Finding Passwords of Compromised Email Addresses
- C0MPL3XDEV/E4GL30S1NT - E4GL30S1NT - Simple Information Gathering Tool
- s1z5d/raindrop-integrations - A set of scripts that connect various apps to Raindrop.io
- auroracramer/dayone-audio-summarizer - Generating summarizations of DayOne audio journals in Markdown format
- Bastian-Kuhn/DayOne2Html - Script to Convert DayOne Json into HTML
- voidfiles/awesome-rss - Awesome links related to RSS, ATOM, and Syndication formats.
- hellerve/programming-talks - Awesome & interesting talks about programming
- fokion/google_drive_extractor - Extract and migrate photos and videos when you takeout your data from Google
- brainynai/googlePhotosFlattener - I used Google takeout to get my photos, but I wanted to extract just the photos, eliminate duplicates, and flatten to a single folder.
- gusevdaniel/google-photo-takeout -
- tobiasschuerg/Photo-Organizer - Tool to help organizing large (unorganized) collections of photos, such as from Google Takeout.
- normanlorrain/gt-cleanup - Restructure the photos from Google Takeout into a folder structure, removing duplicates and extra files.
- MaeglynD/bulk-modify - i hate google photos so god damn much
- brraghav/simpleTools - This Repository is intended to create and maintain simple Tools that anyone can use without having to code. The tools can be as simple as extracting few keywords from text, but with lot of options and
- scraggo/bookmarks-markdown-utils - Collection of command-line tools for Chrome, OneTab, Evernote, and FireFox bookmark management. The tools are mostly to convert proprietary formats to markdown and organizing and add tags.
- Enveloppe/obsidian-mkdocs-publisher-python - Publish your obsidian vault through a python script
- dermesser/photosync - Now that Google deprecated the Photos<->Drive synchronization, I need another way to back up my photos locally. This program downloads all photos from your Google Photos account and organizes th
- mtalcott/google-photos-deduper - Locally run web app and Chrome extension to remove duplicates from Google Photos
- agentOfChaos/divergence-viewer - Provide a visual hash of the current timeline, useful for theoretical time travellers
- sigma67/spotify_to_ytmusic - Clone a Spotify playlist to YouTube Music
- aaronsw/html2text - Convert HTML to Markdown-formatted text.
- onlyhavecans/tootlogger - Command-line tool to archive your Mastodon toots to DayOne
- Granddave/en2jrnl - A journal converter from Evernote to Jrnl
- chuwy/dnevnichok - Poorman's Day One
- michabirklbauer/instagram_json_viewer - Transforms Instagram's *.json / backup data - that you get via the Data Download Tool - to a readable format!
- Adoliin/insta-data-styled - A program to format your Instagram's "messages.json" into a beautiful and readable web format.
- D-Kats/InstagramJSON2HTML - A python script to parse the Instagram 'messages.json' file and create an HTML report with all the conversations of the account under examination.
- kvnal/Instagram_Messages_Reader - Instagram's "messages.txt/.json" into Readable Format Converter.
- vibhavnirmal/InstaChatSave - Instagram messages easy to read after downloading json file
- LorenKociko/instagram-messages-json-to-txt - Script that extract all the text messages from the messages.json file and stores them into a user-friendly format.
- RishiTiku/InstagramJSONToReadableText - This script can convert messages.json in your Instagram dump to readable separate text files for each user you've chatted with.
- jeffshek/open - The most boring open source you've ever seen ....
- tompropst/dayone-parser -
- kalyan02/dayone - Python/Django server to publish to web from your Classic Dayone journal directly
- voigt/dayone-to-ghost - A Python script which creates importable files for Ghost from your DayOne Journal
- brandonlou/DayOne2Joplin - ๐ Convert notes from Day One to Joplin
- wcerfgba/searx - A modified version of searx (the privacy-respecting metasearch engine) to only search an allowlist of sites, to build functionality similar to Rollyo and Bing Custom Search.
- jheddings/dayone2notion - Import content from Day One into Notion
- chapmanjacobd/everydayvirtualvacation - An iCal file to transport you to a new place every day until you die
- lucianmarin/logparser - Command line parser for common log format.
- nueh/extractDOJ - This is a python script to extract plain text from a Day One journal.
- kalebhermes/day_one_quick_log - Quickly capture your smaller thoughts throughout the day, and have them logged into a single, timestamped journal entry at the end of the day.
- simonelnahas/DayOne2-import-from-CSViMoodJournal - a python script for importing entries into DayOne2 from CSV export from iMoodJournal
- k-donn/pyqt-journal-times - A PyQt app to visualize Day One entries
- rross101/dayonejournalsplitter - Day One Journal Entry Splitter
- feoh/DayMinusOne - A utility to convert the DayOne journal JSON format to Markdown (suitable for import into Joplin and elsewhere)
- Tam-Lin/MacJournaltoDayOne---Python - A MacJournal -> Day One importer, written in Python
- sushil79g/Facebook-message-to-CSV-exporter - This script helps in producing the chat dataset(in csv format) of your facebook chat
- seanbreckenridge/google_takeout_parser - A library/CLI tool to parse data out of your Google Takeout (History, Activity, Youtube, Locations, etc...)
- jacopofar/location-data-to-heatmap - Create an animated heatmap from a Google location data Takeout export
- xbwei/Visualizing-Social-Media-Data - A set of visualization tools to help understand patterns and relationships of social media data.
- ryanseys/iphone-sms-stats - Parses an SQLite database from an iPhone and runs statistical analysis on these messages.
- mattdutson/imessage-to-html - A script for converting macOS iMessage history into a searchable HTML file, written for my lovely wife Itzel
- tdyydt/DayOne-stats - Show statistics of Day One journals
- cnicolai/bullet-journal-day-one - Add images of bullet journal to Day One while transcribing the content
- mfisher911/movies-to-dayone - Look up movie details and store as Day One Journal entries
- k-donn/journal-times - A way to visual Day One entries
- dionysus11-source/dayonetoTxt - Change JSON file of dayone app to txt for Bear App
- jheddings/dayone-import - Utilities for importing entries into the Day One journal app.
- aivantg/journalbot - A bot that helps send slack messages directly to DayOne, a journaling app
- alxhslm/journey2dayone - Python script to convert Journey diary entries to Day One format
- Ruthenic/facebook-message-parser - parses the message json provided by facebook's data export and turns it into a human readable format, along with reversing it to be oldest to newest, as opposed to newest to oldest
- sethrj/iphone-message-export - Hackish tool to export Messages and attachments from an unencrypted iphone backup
- alexyorke/fb-export-to-slack - Export your Facebook Messenger data, and import the messages into Slack
- karlicoss/fbmessengerexport - Export/access you Messenger/Facebook chat messages
- dduan/Tweet-Importer-For-Day-One - Imports Tweet Archive To Day One
- SnShine/Wordpress-to-DayOne - ๐ ๐ Imports wordpress blog entries to DayOne journal
- Goobaroo/wp2dayone - Wordpress to Day One import.
- nitinthewiz/pyDayOne - A cross-platform python app to show your Day One entries and let you make new ones. Tested in Windows.
- elkrause/convert_dayone_json_2_markdown_files - simple Python script to convert DayOne exported JSON file with photos in separate markdown files and photo files in subfolders
- Chris3Arcadia/Evernote-to-DayOne - Python script for converting Evernote notes to Day One journal entries using Day One's official command line interface.
- ohrie/convert-dayone2latex - ๐ Converts a DayOne Journal v1 to LaTeX book.
- soleaf/EvernoteToDayone2 - Move notes from Evernote to DayOne2 on Mac
- jackeyGao/dayone2PDF - ๐๐Convert your dayone journal to pdf book.
- Essux/Quantified-Self-Reports - Personal activity reports that go directly to your inbox.
- ggjersund/django-quantified-self - A minimalistic "Quantified self" Django application for collecting, storing, displaying and exporting personal data.
- tslmy/GoQuantifyYourself - Visualizing Quantified Self data with R.
- em429/selfspy - Log everything you do on the computer, for statistics, future reference and all-around fun! (ported for python3)
- novoid/twitter-json_to_orgmode - Converts the Twitter export files (JSON format) into an Emacs Org-mode file
- DongjunLee/quantified-self - Self-knowledge through numbers
- macedotavares/obsidian-utilities - An Alfred workflow focusing on quick entry and logging.
- plotly/dash - Data Apps & Dashboards for Python. No JavaScript Required.
- kalliope-project/kalliope - Kalliope is a framework that will help you to create your own personal assistant.
- vijaysattigeri/InstagramJsonMessageReader - This python script reads Instagram's JSON export file (messages.json) and prints in a user readable format
- siddhxrth/imessage-analyze-and-export - command line interface (CLI) to analyze and export imessage conversations into .csv files containing messages, timestamps, and IDs ๐ฒ
- drbh/imessage-exporter - This project aims to help people better analyze thier messaging application and is a continuation of work done for this article: https://towardsdatascience.com/what-your-imessage-data-says-about-you-d
- uttamo/messenger-data-analysis - Analyse Messenger data exports from Facebook
- public-apis/public-apis - A collective list of free APIs
- Textualize/rich - Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal.
- PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR - Awesome multilingual OCR toolkits based on PaddlePaddle (practical ultra lightweight OCR system, support 80+ languages recognition, provide data annotation and synthesis tools, support training and de
- MK-Ware/Forensic-Tools - A collection of tools for forensic analysis
- MasterScrat/Chatistics - ๐ฌ Python scripts to parse Messenger, Hangouts, WhatsApp and Telegram chat logs into DataFrames.
- vinta/awesome-python - An opinionated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- PicoJr/thread-time - SVG timeline from JSON
- ferran7e/facebook-parser - Parses exported Facebook JSON data.
- hulk66/timeline - Timeline - A photo organizer
- quickstats/quickstats-django - Simple stats for my own use.
- google/timesketch - Collaborative forensic timeline analysis
- wq/django-data-wizard - ๐งโ๏ธ Import structured data (e.g. Excel, CSV, XML, JSON) into one or more Django models via an interactive web-based wizard
- NicholasMamo/multiplex-plot - Multiplex: visualizations that tell storiesโA Python library to create and annotate beautiful network graph visualizations, text visualizations and more.
- brettkromkamp/typed-tree - TypedTree provides a tree data structure that allows adding type information to both nodes and edges; useful for visualisation purposes
- jakubvalenta/automatic-diary - Create one timeline from various digital sources
- FWMSH/timelineViewer - Build interactive, multi-touch timelines using a spreadsheet
- janw/imessage-parser -
- great-expectations/great_expectations - Always know what to expect from your data.
- novoid/Memacs - What did I do on February 14th 2007? Visualize your (digital) life in Org-mode
- novoid/date2name - Handling time-stamps and date-stamps in file names
- tfeldmann/organize - The file management automation tool.
- karlicoss/HPI - Human Programming Interface ๐ง๐ฝ๐ค
- karlicoss/orger - Tool to convert data into searchable and interactive org-mode views
- dogsheep/dogsheep-beta - Build a search index across content from multiple SQLite database tables and run faceted searches against it using Datasette
- dogsheep/dogsheep-photos - Upload your photos to S3 and import metadata about them into a SQLite database
- dogsheep/google-takeout-to-sqlite - Save data from Google Takeout to a SQLite database
- dogsheep/healthkit-to-sqlite - Convert an Apple Healthkit export zip to a SQLite database
- bcbernardo/aw-watcher-ask - An ActivityWatch watcher to pose questions to the user and record her answers.
- leerob/facebook-data-analyzer - ๐Python script to analyze the contents of your Facebook data export
- simonwongwong/Facebook-Messenger-Statistics - Discover fun stats about your Facebook Messenger usage such as: most used words, most active year, most active hours, etc. using this Jupyter Notebook
- sinwindie/OSINT - Collections of tools and methods created to aid in OSINT collection
- maguowei/starred - creating your own Awesome List by GitHub stars!
- xjh22222228/awesome-web-editor - ๐จ Open source WEB editor summary
- 82Flex/DCRM - Darwin Cydia Repo Manager - v4 redesigned in Django.
- plant99/felicette - Satellite imagery for dummies.
- pixelbubble/ProtOSINT - ProtOSINT is a Python script that helps you investigate Protonmail accounts and ProtonVPN IP addresses
- TebbaaX/GRecon - Another version of katana, more automated but less stable. the purpose of this small tool is to run a Google based passive recon against your scope.
- Ciphey/Ciphey - โก Automatically decrypt encryptions without knowing the key or cipher, decode encodings, and crack hashes โก
- soxoj/maigret - ๐ต๏ธโโ๏ธ Collect a dossier on a person by username from thousands of sites
- soxoj/socid-extractor - โ๏ธ Extract accounts info from personal pages on various sites for OSINT purpose
- Zarcolio/sitedorks - Search Google/Bing/Ecosia/DuckDuckGo/Yandex/Yahoo for a search term (dork) with a default set of websites, bug bounty programs or custom collection.
- martinvigo/email2phonenumber - A OSINT tool to obtain a target's phone number just by having his email address
- IAmBlackHacker/Facebook-BruteForce - Bruteforce attack on Facebook account using python script
- mhxion/awesome-discord-communities - A curated list of awesome Discord communities for programmers
- DataSploit/datasploit - An #OSINT Framework to perform various recon techniques on Companies, People, Phone Number, Bitcoin Addresses, etc., aggregate all the raw data, and give data in multiple formats.
- smicallef/spiderfoot - SpiderFoot automates OSINT for threat intelligence and mapping your attack surface.
- architdate/drivedl - Download files from Google Drive (inclusive of teamdrives, shared with me and my drive) concurrently.
- bhavsec/reconspider - ๐ Most Advanced Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Framework for scanning IP Address, Emails, Websites, Organizations.
- shmilylty/OneForAll - OneForAllๆฏไธๆฌพๅ่ฝๅผบๅคง็ๅญๅๆถ้ๅทฅๅ ท
- paralax/awesome-honeypots - an awesome list of honeypot resources
- JoyGhoshs/FbBruteforcer - Facebook Bruteforce python Script You Can Use It In Windows If You Have Python 2.7 installed On Your Windows also You Can Use It in Kali linux
- jekil/awesome-hacking - Awesome hacking is an awesome collection of hacking tools.
- Uberi/speech_recognition - Speech recognition module for Python, supporting several engines and APIs, online and offline.
- bitly/data_hacks - Command line utilities for data analysis
- Miserlou/Zappa - Serverless Python
- selfspy/selfspy - Log everything you do on the computer, for statistics, future reference and all-around fun!
- evilwindowdog/itunesfs - Script for generating an iTunes Connect package (.itmsp) straight from the file system
- thomasfinch/CyLogos - Logos syntax for Cycript
- sorin-ionescu/tilde - These are scripts that I use. Not all are written by me.
- yeliu84/python-wechat - WeChat.py is a library which provides an easy access to the WeChat (Weixin) app's chat log.
- glasslion/fontdump -
- mihaip/feed-scraping - Collection of feed scraping scripts
- YixuanLi/densenet-tensorflow - DenseNet Implementation in Tensorflow
- FutureSharks/rpi-security - A security system written in python to run on a Raspberry Pi with motion detection and mobile notifications
- PoorBillionaire/USN-Journal-Parser - Python script to parse the NTFS USN Journal
- miguelgazela/Projects - [Python] Trying to complete all projects from http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/topic/78802-martyr2s-mega-project-ideas-list/
- pybrain/pybrain -
- fivesheep/chnroutes - scripts help chinese netizen, who uses vpn to combat censorship, by modifying the route table so as routing only the censored ip to the vpn
- ujjwalkarn/DataSciencePython - common data analysis and machine learning tasks using python
- gorakhargosh/watchdog - Python library and shell utilities to monitor filesystem events.
- PeterDing/iScript - ๅ็ง่ๆฌ -- ๅ ณไบ ่พ็ฑณ xiami.com, ็พๅบฆ็ฝ็ pan.baidu.com, 115็ฝ็ 115.com, ็ฝๆ้ณไน music.163.com, ็พๅบฆ้ณไน music.baidu.com, 360็ฝ็/ไบ็ yunpan.cn, ่ง้ข่งฃๆ flvxz.com, bt torrent โ magnet, ed2k ๆ็ดข, tumblr ๅพ็ไธ่ฝฝ, unzip
- jeanphix/Ghost.py - Webkit based scriptable web browser for python.
- what-studio/profiling - Was an interactive continuous Python profiler.
- emre/storm - Manage your SSH like a boss.
- getredash/redash - Make Your Company Data Driven. Connect to any data source, easily visualize, dashboard and share your data.
- worldveil/dejavu - Audio fingerprinting and recognition in Python
- CouchPotato/CouchPotatoServer - Automatic Movie Downloading via NZBs & Torrents
- RobinMeis/Siri-API - Siri-API is a tool which opens Apples Siri for your own wishes WITHOUT the requirement of a Jailbreak. You can predefine keywords which execute your own python code when they are found in a request.
- jodal/pyspotify - Python bindings for libspotify (no longer working as of May 2022)
- selwin/python-user-agents - A Python library that provides an easy way to identify devices like mobile phones, tablets and their capabilities by parsing (browser) user agent strings.
- vgel/summarize.py - A python script for summarizing articles using nltk
- viewfinderco/viewfinder - Viewfinder client and server code
- detailyang/awesome-cheatsheet - ๐ป awesome cheatsheet
- wifiphisher/wifiphisher - The Rogue Access Point Framework
- donnemartin/gitsome - A supercharged Git/GitHub command line interface (CLI). An official integration for GitHub and GitHub Enterprise: https://github.com/works-with/category/desktop-tools
- Theano/Theano - Theano was a Python library that allows you to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays efficiently. It is being continued as PyTensor: www.github.com
- donnemartin/data-science-ipython-notebooks - Data science Python notebooks: Deep learning (TensorFlow, Theano, Caffe, Keras), scikit-learn, Kaggle, big data (Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, HDFS), matplotlib, pandas, NumPy, SciPy, Python essentials, AW
- binux/pyspider - A Powerful Spider(Web Crawler) System in Python.
- nvbn/thefuck - Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
- askedrelic/journal - Python CLI tool to help with keeping a work/personal journal
- jhhjhh/wm-design - WM design repo, mostly styl files
- wmayner/pyphi - A toolbox for integrated information theory.
- onekey-sec/ubi_reader - Collection of Python scripts for reading information about and extracting data from UBI and UBIFS images.
- beeldengeluid/linkedtv-editortool - Final version of the LinkedTV (linkedtv.eu) Editor Tool
- holypriest/edit-scripts - A bunch of scripts to automate tasks of an editorial office
- venkateshshukla/th-editorials-python - Python application for getting The Hindu editorials
- reinecke/EditMaker - Python Editorial Tools
- kalupa/editorial-scripts - Editorial.app backup files
- jendrikseipp/rednotebook - RedNotebook is a cross-platform journal
- nivlaaa/flickr-mosaic -
- sacmwg/draft-ietf-sacm-information-model -
- venkateshshukla/th-editorials-server - Get the editorials published in The Hindu, the leading english daily in India
- matthewdunlap/editorial - Editorial Workflows
- analogmethod/editorial - Basic editorial site using mezzanine
- fleshgordo/120days - 120days of *buntu - book documentation
- mlcommons/ck - Collective Knowledge (CK) is an educational community project to learn how to run AI, ML and other emerging workloads in the most efficient and cost-effective way across diverse models, data sets, sof
- mkarneim/editorial-crypto - Encryption and Decryption for Editorial Documents
- tonybeltramelli/Deep-Spying - Spying using Smartwatch and Deep Learning
- rtcweb-wg/security-arch - Security architecture document
- HBCompass/Bly - Bly Editorial Workflow Project
- codelucas/flask_reddit - Reddit clone in flask + python + nginx + https. View site:
- recipy/recipy - Effortless method to record provenance in Python
- clips/pattern - Web mining module for Python, with tools for scraping, natural language processing, machine learning, network analysis and visualization.
- kudanai/libDayOne - simple python module to interact with Day One journals
- mcholl/productivityscripts -
- bodhiconnolly/python-day-one-client - A Day One Client written in Python for CSSE1001 Assignment 3.
- IsaacJG/emajourn - Email to Day One
- Bissenmann/txt-analysis - Text Analysis of DayOne Journal using Python Natural Language Processing module
- jmscsns/DayOneLogging - Simple code that (will) concatenate text files into a single Day One entry
- jmscsns/DayOneIt - Takes txt and jpg files and creates Day One entries
- TPei/DayOne_Editor - DayOne Editor written in Python
- sambev/reportermd - Convert ReporterApp entries to markdown. Also import said markdown files into DayOne.
- yjpark/dayone2evernote - Export Day One entries into Evernote
- lardissone/DayOneLogger - Log anything you add to a folder to Day One. Ideal to use with IFTTT.
- underscorephil/dayonelib -
- jrnl-org/jrnl - Collect your thoughts and notes without leaving the command line.
- mq1tran/introducing-python-scripts -
- ShambhalaLogan/The-Ultimate-Insult-Creator -
- Harrisonkamau/python-peers - A group of Pythonistas. Here, you will find Python challenges.
- briarfox/uiStyle - Style pythonista ui.view
- tddbc/python_pytest - skeleton for Pythonista
- zmitchell/Pythonista-Dropbox-Picker - A Python script to allow Pythonista to download files from Dropbox
- balachandrana/pythonista_textlayout - A compact text based alternative to pyui
- Bob-Arctor/mleaning-pythonista - machine learning stuff on pythonista
- ludwa6/walt_pythonista - moving code from github to pythonista, 1st step
- kobsy/pythonista-scripts -
- robjsliwa/pythonista-textadv -
- mcavatar/PythonistaScripts -
- netdude78/pythonistaTimecard - Timecard app written in python & pythonista for mobile tracking of time in/out at work
- brosensteiner/PythonistaScripts -
- ncarding/NavViewTemplate - Template for a Pythonista Navigation View app
- morganpdx/pythonista - pythoning all day every day
- FlawlessFalcon/Pythonista - Python Modules learning
- dotarac/Pythonista -
- chyld/pythonista -
- Rudra24/Pythonista -
- skrohmer/Pythonista -
- ruboerner/pythonista - First attempt to learn Python
- jessemillar/pythonista - A repo to hold my Python scripts
- jonlong/pythonista - Pythonista scripts
- patpatpatpatpat/pythonista - Repo for playing with Python
- ankurbt/pythonista - some primary work with python
- weikefei/pythonista -
- elpiniki/pythonista - Dive into Python
- pghpy/python-intro -
- hakutsuru/dbss - managing sql-server database snapshots
- quchunguang/dotsublime -
- wizardofozzie/alphabear-solver -
- bpuderer/python-snippets27 - python 2.7 code snippets and quickstarts
- lukaskollmer/archive_scripts - A small collection of Python scripts to archive certain data from the internet
- jsbain/shellista-bashhistory - Bash-like history, and history substitution for shellista
- mygeekdaddy/camera_photo_merge - Pythonista script that prompts you to take two pictures and then automatically merges the two images into a single image and saves it to your camera roll.
- kish1/krawll - Web crawling made easy for Pythonistas. Just supply extractor and terminator functions to this higher-order function and let krawll do the rest.
- ganeshskudva/Python_projects - Projects done to learn Python
- lyndsysimon/python-prospects - [WIP] Scrapes various sites around the web to find active Pythonistas and tie profiles to identities.
- pythonista-cloud/server - The index powering pythonista-cloud, the package manager for Pythonista.
- jsongraph/jsongraph.py - JsonGraph library for Pythonistas
- ltddev/MyPythonista - All Pythonista apps and coding
- lukaskollmer/pythonista - Attempt at a central pythonista module to access, enhance and modify the behavior of the app itself
- pythonista-cloud/sample - An example package for pythonista-cloud
- 10c8/paper - Develop applications for Pythonista using web tools.
- Cethric/Pythonista-Objective-C-Runtime-Library -
- controversial/Pythonista-theme-utils - A library for working with themes in Pythonista
- JadedTuna/pythonista-pc - Pythonista modules ported to PC
- marcus67/pyzipista - Tool to create a self-extracting Pythonista application
- humberry/photo_text - Pythonista
- SebastianJarsve/Pythonista-Pixel-Editor - A simple pixel art editor for pythonista.
- n8henrie/n8pythonista - This repo is no longer actively maintained. I found that Gists are better for this kind of thing. If you're looking for an updated version of something you find here, search my Gists or give me a shou
- cclauss/Pythonista_scene -
- xielingwang/pyScheme - it's just a simple project for learning how a interpreter works.
- tkmru/biwx - binary editor
- philchristensen/Pythonista-Artnet - A proof-of-concept integrating Pythonista with Storyboards and python-artnet, ultimately abandoned in favor of a pure-C approach (sigh)
- ChewingPencils/drafts_to_gist - A Drafts App URL action to create gists.
- SebastianJarsve/Pythonista-Webbrowser -
- pysmath/wc_sync -
- cclauss/Ten-lines-or-less - Python scripts that are short but useful or interesting
- ywangd/pythonista-tools-installer - Pythonista script installation made easy
- madscheme/introducing-python - An introduction to Python
- deepthawtz/faker - A Python library for generating fake user data.
- laike9m/ezcf - Import configuration file for Pythonista
- ywangd/stash - StaSh - Shell for Pythonista
- perone/stallion - Stallion - A Python Package Manager
- swaroopch/byte-of-python - Beginners book on Python - start here if you don't know programming
- poise/python - THIS COOKBOOK IS DEPRECATED โ Chef cookbook to install Python and related tools
- HeyItsJono/Pythonista - Various scripts crafted in Pythonista
- horrorho/iloot - OpenSource tool for iCloud backup extraction
- juniorbird/d1ista - Tools for DayOne on mobile and desktop
- nathangrigg/dayone_export - Export Day One entries using a Jinja template
- hackappcom/iloot - OpenSource tool for iCloud backup extraction
- durden/dayonetools - Set of tools to import data into Day One journaling application
- gutechsoc-hackathon/Django -
- mendi/More_Spotify - A Spotify songs dataset was available in Kaggle. 1.2 million songs, suitable for clasification, dimensionreduction, data cleaning, data wrangling, etc.
- Sumidu/whispertranscribe - An r-based tool to transcribe audio.
- trinker/textclean - Tools for cleaning and normalizing text data
- juliasilge/tidytext - Text mining using tidy tools โจ๐โจ
- vmarcosp/findr - ๐ A simple and intuitive find & replace command-line interface.
- onivim/oni2 - Native, lightweight modal code editor
- apexatoll/audio_tag - ๐ต ๐ท AudioTag: Ruby library for reading and writing audio file metadata ๐ต ๐ท
- mm53bar/obsidian_utils - Various scripts and utilities for Obsidian.md
- superiorlu/AITreasureBox - ๐ค Collect practical AI repos, tools, websites, papers and tutorials on AI. ๅฎ็จ็AI็พๅฎ็ฎฑ ๐
- lfzawacki/musical-artifacts - Helping to catalog, preserve and free the artifacts you need to produce music.
- mattnigh/ChatGPT3-Free-Prompt-List - A free guide for learning to create ChatGPT3 Prompts
- alexrudall/ruby-openai - OpenAI API + Ruby! ๐คโค๏ธ
- michaeltelford/broken_link_finder - Finds a websites broken links and reports back to you with a summary
- hahwul/deadfinder - ๐ดโโ ๏ธ Find dead-links (broken links)
- dkhamsing/awesome_bot - โ Validate links in awesome projects
- markdownlint/markdownlint - Markdown lint tool
- gollum/gollum - A simple, Git-powered wiki with a local frontend and support for many kinds of markup and content.
- noraj/OSCP-Exam-Report-Template-Markdown - ๐ Markdown Templates for Offensive Security OSCP, OSWE, OSCE, OSEE, OSWP exam report
- Lackoftactics/facebook_data_analyzer - Analyze facebook copy of your data with ruby language. Download zip file from facebook and get info about friends ranking by message, vocabulary, contacts, friends added statistics and more
- GabrieleVir/Timeline-generator - A generator of timelines
- prat0318/json_resume - Generates pretty HTML, LaTeX, markdown, with biodata feeded as input in JSON
- blackcandy-org/blackcandy - A self hosted music streaming server
- piotrmurach/tty-markdown-cli - CLI tool for displaying nicely formatted Markdown documents in the terminal
- chronicle-app/chronicle-etl - ๐ A CLI toolkit for extracting and working with your digital history
- fezfox/dylogger -
- donnierayjones/dayone-jpeg-metadata - Export DayOne journal entries into jpegs with metadata
- bachya/Sifttter-Redux - IFTTT to Day One service
- zsbenke/dayone-to-wordpress - Ruby script to migrate from Day One to WordPress.
- jverkoey/jekyll-dayone - A Day One Jekyll plugin for associating Day One entries with Jekyll posts.
- MattbookPro/Day.fm - Log your Last.fm Top Weekly Artists and Tracks to your Day One journal
- mnich0ls/day-one-csv-importer - Imports existing journal entries to DayOne
- morisunshine/DayOne - Ruby Module to create Day One Journal entries
- simonjefford/rdayone - A ruby gem for accessing Day One (http://dayoneapp.com/) journals
- smarj/Convert-Journal-Markdown - Import Day One JSON export into Ulysses
- papatangosierra/livejournal-archive-tools -
- acdpnk/.scrpt -
- donnierayjones/dayone-html -
- JacobEvelyn/friends - Spend time with the people you care about. Introvert-tested. Extrovert-approved.
- quantitare/quantitare-categories - Category specifications for Quantitare scrobbles
- Homebrew/brew - ๐บ The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)
- tsu-nera/journal-generator - Personal Journal Generator
- quantitare/quantitare - A self-hosted personal dashboard
- rubycocos/csvreader - csvreader library / gem - read tabular data in the comma-separated values (csv) format the right way (uses best practices out-of-the-box with zero-configuration)
- ninoseki/apullo - A scanner for taking basic fingerprints
- dkhamsing/dkhamsing.github.io -
My GitHub Page
- griffrawk/momento2dayone -
- xdotcommer/momento2dayone - Import Momento plain text export into Day One
- mufeedvh/code2prompt - A CLI tool to convert your codebase into a single LLM prompt with source tree, prompt templating, and token counting.
- o2sh/onefetch - Command-line Git information tool
- sharkdp/hyperfine - A command-line benchmarking tool
- subbu963/bott - bott: Your Terminal Copilot
- pdeljanov/Symphonia - Pure Rust multimedia format demuxing, tag reading, and audio decoding library
- darkskygit/ChatImporter - import chat records from your im and store into single sqlite database
- llm-edge/hal-9100 - Edge full-stack LLM platform. Written in Rust
- Insprill/intellectual - Alternate frontend for Genius focused on privacy and simplicity
- hilbigan/ngrm - Find similar files based on byte sequences
- whitfin/runiq - An efficient way to filter duplicate lines from input, ร la uniq.
- tasleson/duplihere - Copy & Paste finder for structured text files.
- austinvhuang/openmemex - Open source, local-first knowledge platform.
- rustworkshop/gitopolis - Manage multiple git repositories
- jgdavey/prose - Reformat text pleasantly
- domnikl/raindrop2obsidian - convert raindrop.io highlights to Obsidian notes
- getcollective-ai/collective - Automate non-novel work
- Cormanz/smartgpt - A program that provides LLMs with the ability to complete complex tasks using plugins.
- huggingface/tokenizers - ๐ฅ Fast State-of-the-Art Tokenizers optimized for Research and Production
- aalekhpatel07/text-cleaner - A WASM-based Yew web app to manipulate text by some commonly used operations.
- BurntSushi/ripgrep - ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore
- devzbysiu/dox - Index and search your documents
- Dhravya/readme-generator - A very easy-to-use README generator that works in your terminal. Never stress about readme again!
- teesloane/esker - static site generator for obsidian
- Kruemmelspalter/FileSpider - FileSpider is a software for organizing and editing documents consisting of a main file and optionally different assets like images.
- lencx/ChatGPT - ๐ฎ ChatGPT Desktop Application (Mac, Windows and Linux)
- Thatguyjs/idaro - An easy-to-use static site generator for Markdown pages
- chungquantin/edma - EDMA is an interactive terminal app for managing multiple embedded databases system at once with powerful byte deserializer support.
- sonnylazuardi/chat-ai-desktop - Unofficial ChatGPT desktop app for Mac & Windows menubar using Tauri & Rust
- rust-lang/mdBook - Create book from markdown files. Like Gitbook but implemented in Rust
- extrawurst/gitui - Blazing ๐ฅ fast terminal-ui for git written in rust ๐ฆ
- TheTechRobo/discord-urls-extractor - Rust program for extracting most URLs from Discord scrapes. Works with Discord History Tracker, discard2, and DiscordChatExporter.
- warpdotdev/workflows - Workflows make it easy to browse, search, execute and share commands (or a series of commands)--without needing to leave your terminal.
- eikendev/urlprobe - A tool for probing URLs for their status code from the command line (to check for broken links in a given list of URLs) ๐ฆ๐ฅ
- ptasz3k/md-link-check - Check for broken links in markdown documents
- mattias-p/linky - Extract and check links from Markdown files.
- pemistahl/grex - A command-line tool and Rust library with Python bindings for generating regular expressions from user-provided test cases
- fastn-stack/fastn-old - ๐ง (Alpha stage software) FTD Package Manager & Static Site Generator ๐ง
- jason1105/mdtools - A little tools to edit markdown file. Such as adding tags, making footlinks.
- zoni/obsidian-export - Rust library and CLI to export an Obsidian vault to regular Markdown
- crowdagger/crowbook - Converts books written in Markdown to HTML, LaTeX/PDF and EPUB
- lycheeverse/lychee - โก Fast, async, stream-based link checker written in Rust. Finds broken URLs and mail addresses inside Markdown, HTML, reStructuredText, websites and more!
- ReagentX/imessage-exporter - Export iMessage data + run iMessage Diagnostics
- fezcode/bm - Bookmark Manager
- jpochyla/psst - Fast and multi-platform Spotify client with native GUI
- agersant/polaris - Polaris is a music streaming application, designed to let you enjoy your music collection from any computer or mobile device.
- izderadicka/audioserve - Simple personal server to serve audiofiles files from folders. Intended primarily for audio books, but anything with decent folder structure will do.
- lsd-rs/lsd - The next gen ls command
- Canop/broot - A new way to see and navigate directory trees : https://dystroy.org/broot
- bootandy/dust - A more intuitive version of du in rust
- denisidoro/navi - An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line
- ClementTsang/bottom - Yet another cross-platform graphical process/system monitor.
- ajeetdsouza/zoxide - A smarter cd command. Supports all major shells.
- jqnatividad/qsv - Blazing-fast Data-Wrangling toolkit
- trashhalo/obsidian-extract-url - Plugin to extract markdown out of urls
- sharkdp/bat - A cat(1) clone with wings.
- meilisearch/meilisearch - A lightning-fast search API that fits effortlessly into your apps, websites, and workflow
- felixqueisler/Obsidian-FileLink-Styling - Improves the way linked files are displayed in Obsidian, making them beautifully distinct from notes.
- ReconVirus/Historium - Historium is a tool that lets you create and view a timeline of your notes based on tags. You can organize your notes by date, topic, or any other criteria,
- PeARSearch/PeARSearch.github.io - Website for PeARS project
- asifm/data-science-handbook - Draft of a handbook for aspiring data scientists. WIP.
- carlos-gg/digitalgarden - Personal knowledge garden dedicated to AI, ML, AI for Earth Sciences, AI for good, Machine Learning and Data Science
- ppeetteerrs/obsidian-zola - A no-brainer solution to turning your Obsidian PKM into a Zola site.
- guilhermeborgesbastos/live-resume - ็ฎๅๆจก็ Create a professional website & resume that helps you stand out from the crowd using our fast and easy personal web application, designed to highlight your skills and experience.
- Ileriayo/markdown-badges - Badges for your personal developer branding, profile, and projects.
- AboutRSS/ALL-about-RSS - A list of RSS related stuff: tools, services, communities and tutorials, etc.
- hungsu/typomagical-obsidian - An Obsidian theme for typographic appreciators, with support for Style Settings by mgmeyers
- oleeskild/digitalgarden -
- b2a3e8/jekyll-theme-console - A jekyll theme inspired by linux consoles for hackers, developers and script kiddies.
- bitbrain/jekyll-dash - ๐ Light and dark blog theme for Jekyll, inspired by Dash UI for Atom.
- sujaykundu777/devlopr-jekyll - (FREE SITE GENERATOR) - A Customizable/Hackable portfolio jekyll theme where you can blog using Markdown or CMS ๐ in minutes built for developers. (with CMS) โจ
- hydecorp/hydejack - A boutique Jekyll theme for hackers, nerds, and academics
- Albejr/ngx-timeline - Component for rendering timelines from the your data.
- tandpfun/skill-icons - Showcase your skills on your Github readme or resumรฉ with ease โจ
- pmandera/duometer - Near-duplicate detection tool
- ai-driven-dev/ai-driven-dev-community - A collection of tools, prompts, snippets and agents for developers that use AI, daily.
- jooni22/f2md - This script takes all files with a specific extension (specified with the -n argument) from a folder and subfolders and writes them to a markdown file. You can also exclude specific folders (using the
- Correia-jpv/fucking-awesome-cli-apps - ๐ฅ ๐ ๐น ๐ A curated list of command line apps. With up-to-date repository starsโญ and forks๐ด
- go-dedup/fsimilar - find/file similar
- OpenBMB/ChatDev - Create Customized Software using Natural Language Idea (through LLM-powered Multi-Agent Collaboration)
- sparanoid/automator-workflows - A collection of Automator workflows (services) that speed up your design / development process. Compatible with LaunchBar 6 actions
- AlexW00/cli-gpt - ๐ฌ Simple TUI for ChatGPT.
- guarinogabriel/Mac-CLI - ๏ฃฟ macOS command line tool for developers โ The ultimate tool to manage your Mac. It provides a huge set of command line commands that automatize the usage of your Mac.
- learnbyexample/Command-line-text-processing - โก From finding text to search and replace, from sorting to beautifying text and more ๐จ
- Akianonymus/gdrive-downloader - Download a gdrive folder or file easily, shell ftw.
- evilsh3ll/datahoarder-website-to-markdown -
- tsuyoshicho/action-textlint - Run textlint with reviewdog on pull requests to improve document writing experience.
- opensemanticsearch/open-semantic-search - Open Source research tool to search, browse, analyze and explore large document collections by Semantic Search Engine and Open Source Text Mining & Text Analytics platform (Integrates ETL for document
- wangkuiyi/mdfmt - Auto reformat Markdown files
- setup-your-mac/Setup-Your-Mac - Setup Your Mac aims to simplify initial device configuration by leveraging swiftDialog and Jamf Pro Policy Custom Events to allow end-users to self-complete Mac setup post-enrollment.
- rgcr/m-cli - ๏ฃฟ Swiss Army Knife for macOS
- cfenollosa/bashblog - A single Bash script to create blogs. Download, run, write, done!
- gridsound/daw - GridSound (0.46.0) wants to be an open source online digital audio workstation following the new WebAudio API ๐๐น๐ตโจ -- If you can, please sponsor us a little on our Patreon โค๏ธ
- HeyCLI/heyCLI_client - HeyCLI allows you to use your command line terminal in natural language
- jthat/zsh-namelink - zsh plugin for synchronized mapping of filesystem entries to the named directory hash
- blackhatethicalhacking/XSSRocket - XSSRocket it is a tool designed for offensive security and XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) attacks.
- six2dez/reconftw - reconFTW is a tool designed to perform automated recon on a target domain by running the best set of tools to perform scanning and finding out vulnerabilities
- MenkeTechnologies/zpwr - ZPWR => World's Most Advanced UNIX Terminal Environment
- k4m4/terminals-are-sexy - ๐ฅ A curated list of Terminal frameworks, plugins & resources for CLI lovers.
- mishakorzik/UserFinder - OSINT tool for finding profiles by username
- urlstechie/urlchecker-action -
๐ GitHub action to extract and check urls in code and documentations.
- victoriadrake/link-snitch -
GitHub Action to scan your site for broken links so you can fix them ๐
- ruzickap/action-my-markdown-link-checker - A GitHub Action for checking broken links in Markdown files
- uriel1998/muna - Clean a series of links, resolving redirects and finding Wayback results if page is gone. Originally written to aid with importing from ArchiveBox.
- gaurav-nelson/github-action-markdown-link-check - Check all links in markdown files if they are alive or dead. ๐โ๏ธ
- developeranaz/Mega-index-heroku - Mega nz heroku index, Serves mega.nz to http via heroku web. It Alters downloading speed and stability
- luckman212/obsidian-plugin-downloader - Search, download and explore the growing library of Obsidian plugins!
- lycheeverse/lychee-action - Github action to check for broken links in Markdown, HTML, and text files using lychee, a fast link checker written in Rust.
- Josee9988/project-template - An awesome ๐๐ถ๐๐ต๐๐ฏ ๐ง๐ฒ๐บ๐ฝ๐น๐ฎ๐๐ฒ for any project!๐ Quickstart your projects and get control over your community.๐ฅ It includes ๐ข๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ ๐ญ๐๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐๐ญ๐๐ฌ, ๐ฅ๐๐๐๐ฅ๐ฌ, ๐ฉ๐๐ซ๐ฌ๐จ๐ง๐๐ฅ๐ข๐ณ๐๐ ๐ซ๐๐๐๐ฆ๐, ๐๐ข๐ญ๐ก๐ฎ๐ ๐๐จ๐ญ๐ฌ, and much more!! ๐คฉ
- jeffreytse/jekyll-deploy-action - ๐ช A Github Action to deploy the Jekyll site conveniently for GitHub Pages.
- aitemr/awesome-git-hooks - ๐ A collection of awesome Git Hooks
- CompSciLauren/awesome-git-hooks - โ A curated list of awesome git hooks
- S3Jensen/iRET -
- GhostWriters/DockSTARTer - DockSTARTer helps you get started with running apps in Docker.
- AbdBarho/stable-diffusion-webui-docker - Easy Docker setup for Stable Diffusion with user-friendly UI
- KevCui/download-github-stars - ๐ Download Github user's stars information to local md/json file
- edoardottt/awesome-hacker-search-engines - A curated list of awesome search engines useful during Penetration testing, Vulnerability assessments, Red/Blue Team operations, Bug Bounty and more
- ldeluigi/markdown-docs - Action/docker image that transforms your markdown into a static website. No need for particular configuration: it just works.
- jsmrcaga/action-netlify-deploy -
- nico-castell/PopOS-Setup - A script to set up Pop!_OS in the best way possible
- Correia-jpv/fucking-awesome-zsh-plugins - A collection of ZSH frameworks, plugins, themes and tutorials. With repository starsโญ and forks๐ด
- Correia-jpv/fucking-terminals-are-sexy - ๐ฅ A curated list of Terminal frameworks, plugins & resources for CLI lovers. With repository starsโญ and forks๐ด
- abdulbadii/history-tidying - Tidying up Bash command history by putting good control in erasing certain lines.
- shinokada/dotties - Dotties is a simple dotfile management script. It saves specified dotfiles in the home directory to a secret Gist. I also can clone them from the Gist, and more.
- mathiasbynens/dotfiles - ๐ง .files, including ~/.macos โ sensible hacker defaults for macOS
- zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions - Fish-like autosuggestions for zsh
- agarrharr/awesome-cli-apps - ๐ฅ ๐ ๐น ๐ A curated list of command line apps
- Geektrovert/AwsTerm - A collection of awesome terminal utilities
- xwmx/nb - CLI and local web plain text noteโtaking, bookmarking, and archiving with linking, tagging, filtering, search, Git versioning & syncing, Pandoc conversion, + more, in a single portable script.
- spaceship-prompt/spaceship-prompt - ๐โญ Minimalistic, powerful and extremely customizable Zsh prompt
- scmbreeze/scm_breeze - Adds numbered shortcuts to the output git status, and much more
- IvanGlinkin/Fast-Google-Dorks-Scan - The OSINT project, the main idea of which is to collect all the possible Google dorks search combinations and to find the information about the specific web-site: common admin panels, the widespread f
- ItsMeAbhishekRai/Termux-All-Packages-Install - All Packages Install On Termux In One Click
- pwatk/google-photos-takeout - Sort and organise Google Photos Takeout using exiftool
- unixorn/awesome-zsh-plugins - A collection of ZSH frameworks, plugins, themes and tutorials.
- ruanyf/simple-bash-scripts - A collection of simple Bash scripts
- davidbosman/Day-One-OSX-Gallery - Display a photo gallery on OS X based on Day One's pictures
- holzschu/a-Shell-commands - shell commands, pre-compiled to webAssembly, ready to use in a-Shell
- dustinkirkland/hollywood -
- kshigeyama/mdImportDayOne - MarkDown ( and other text files ) import DayOne Journal bash Script
- SnShine/Twitter-to-DayOne - Fetches all your tweets of the day and makes a DayOne entry.
- kitykity/socImport - Send Twitter/Instagram/Facebook posts to Day One Journal
- kitykity/dotw - Day One <- Twitter
- kitykity/dowp - Day One <- WordPress
- kitykity/doig - Day One <- Instagram
- kitykity/DayOneRandom - Day One doesn't have a random post button (yet!), but this web page will allow you to go to any random post that you've put into it. Requires a little work each time you write a post, but it's worth i
- dduan/git2dayone - A script for logging git commit messages in the app Day One
- ExpertAnonymous/PhoneInfoga - PhoneInfoga is one of the most advanced tools to scan phone numbers using only free resources.
- ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh - ๐ A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python,
- Am0rphous/Awesome - Awesome collection of resources ๐ Work in progress๐ฅ
- willianjusten/awesome-audio-visualization - A curated list about Audio Visualization.
- SansGuidon/bookmarks -
โ ๏ธ Mirrored from https://gitea.zoemp.be/sansguidon/bookmarks ! ๐ +5K awesome resources for geeks and software crafters ๐บ - barba99/barba_music - #este script descarca de facebook spotify y youtube
- hackerspider1/EchoPwn - Recon Automation for hackers by hackers
- source-foundry/Hack - A typeface designed for source code
- hackersanddesigners/momentary-zine -
- friggog/Localisations - Localisations for Cydia Tweaks
- PocketMine/Cydia-Repository - PocketMine Cydia Repository
- open-webui/open-webui - User-friendly AI Interface (Supports Ollama, OpenAI API, ...)
- jaymakes11/prompts4all - A free and open-source library of AI prompts.
- your-papa/obsidian-Smart2Brain - An Obsidian plugin to interact with your privacy focused AI-Assistant making your second brain even smarter!
- Vontigo/Vontigo - ๐ธ Vontigo is an open-source CMS built with SvelteKit, featuring ๐ค AI-powered (ChatGPT) content generation. With fast page loads and seamless routing, Vontigo offers a user-friendly interface with cust
- Niek/chatgpt-web - ChatGPT web interface using the OpenAI API
- ShipBit/slickgpt - SlickGPT is a light-weight "use-your-own-API-key" web client for the OpenAI API written in Svelte. It offers GPT-4 integration, a userless share feature and other superpowers.
- bits-by-brandon/whisper-ui - A GUI interface for Open AI Whisper based on Tauri and Sveltekit
- nevernotmove/obsidian-stats - Display obsidian plugin download statistics.
- stemrollerapp/stemroller - Isolate vocals, drums, bass, and other instrumental stems from any song
- marcusolsson/obsidian-projects - Plain text project planning in Obsidian
- breadthe/sd-buddy - Companion desktop app for the self-hosted M1 Mac version of Stable Diffusion
- abhijit-hota/rengoku - [WIP] Set your bookmarks ablaze
- jajosheni/N95 - Personal Website template made in svelte. Repo got the name from Kendrick Lamar's song
- alombi/alombi.xyz - old website
- AuroraEditor/AuroraEditor - Aurora Editor is a IDE built by the community, for the community, and written in Swift for the best native performance and feel for macOS.
- DanielFiller30/ScriptManager - Easy to use menu bar-tool for your mac, to run shell-scripts.
- Renset/macai - Swift powered native macOS client for Ollama, ChatGPT and compatible API-backends
- mas-cli/mas - ๐ฆ Mac App Store command line interface
- MustangYM/OSXChatGpt - Easy to use OpenAI ChatGPT on your mac !
- justjake/Gauss - Stable Diffusion macOS native app
- akaalias/Streamline - Streamline is a stream-of-consciousness writer for Obsidian
- KittenYang/ChatGPT-Mac-MenuBar - Chat with OpenAI's ChatGPT in mac menu bar like a pro.
- itsliamdowd/WaybackBrowserMacOS - Pick a date and explore websites from the early days of the internet to now all in an easy-to-use browser format! ๐ป
- rsyncOSX/RsyncOSX_archived - A macOS GUI for rsync.
- JohnSundell/Ink - A fast and flexible Markdown parser written in Swift.
- ParetoSecurity/pareto-mac - Automatically audit your Mac for basic security hygiene.
- luckymarmot/ThemeKit - macOS theming library
- insidegui/VirtualBuddy - Virtualize macOS 12 and later on Apple Silicon, VirtualBuddy is a virtual machine GUI for macOS M1, M2, M3
- loopwerk/Parsley - A Markdown parser for Swift, using Github Flavored Markdown and Metadata
- bingzheung/txtool - Text Tool
- Ahmed-Ali/JSONExport - JSONExport is a desktop application for Mac OS X which enables you to export JSON objects as model classes with their associated constructors, utility methods, setters and getters in your favorite lan
- vigneshrajsb/Day-One-Journal-Clone -
- chanmadsen/JournalCoreDataDayOne -
- balasaida/MessageExporter -
- Rightpoint/BonMot - Beautiful, easy attributed strings in Swift
- hartlco/DayOneToMarkdownFiles - Create markdown files out of DayOne Json export
- CognitiveCodes/NeuralGPT - Personalized all-purpose AI assistance platform based on hierarchical cooperative multi-agent framework which utilizes websocket connectivity for LLM<->LLM communication
- ilaria-manco/multimodal-ml-music - List of academic resources on Multimodal ML for Music
- ashishpatel26/Best-Audio-Classification-Resources-with-Deep-learning - List of articles related to deep learning applied to music
- ybayle/awesome-deep-learning-music - List of articles related to deep learning applied to music
- masonlr/obsidian-starter-templates - ๐ Starter templates for Obsidian.md
- dev-plvlml/Cakewalk-MIDI-Instruments - A bunch of Cakewalk (tm) MIDI instrument definitions
- thehale/expressive-resume - A beautiful resume/cover letter LaTeX template pair that are extraordinarily easy to use.
- mszep/pandoc_resume - The Markdown Resume
- saadq/resumake.io - ๐ A website for automatically generating elegant LaTeX resumes.
- iameddieyayaya/AI-LyricsGenerator - Using AI (OpenAI API) to generate lyrics based on prompts.
- gcui-art/album-ai - AI-First Album: Chat with your gallery using plain language! LLM Vision + RAG + Album/Gallery.
- gcui-art/suno-api - Use API to call the music generation AI of suno.ai, and easily integrate it into agents like GPTs.
- Amery2010/TalkWithGemini - Deploy your private Gemini application for free with one click, supporting Gemini 1.5 Pro, Gemini 1.5 Flash, Gemini Pro and Gemini Pro Vision models. ไธ้ฎๅ ่ดน้จ็ฝฒๆจ็็งไบบ Gemini ๅบ็จ, ๆฏๆ Gemini 1.5 ProใGemini 1.5
- babaohuang/GeminiProChat - Minimal web UI for GeminiPro.
- enricoros/big-AGI - Generative AI suite powered by state-of-the-art models and providing advanced AI/AGI functions. It features AI personas, AGI functions, multi-model chats, text-to-image, voice, response streaming, cod
- miurla/morphic - An AI-powered search engine with a generative UI
- nteract/nteract - ๐ The interactive computing suite for you! โจ
- ishaan1013/sandbox - A cloud-based code editing environment with an AI copilot and real-time collaboration
- transitive-bullshit/twitter-search - Instantly search across your entire Twitter history with a beautiful UI powered by Algolia.
- pionxzh/chatgpt-exporter - Export and Share your ChatGPT conversation history
- jina-ai/reader - Convert any URL to an LLM-friendly input with a simple prefix https://r.jina.ai/
- curtisgray/wingman - Wingman is the fastest and easiest way to run Llama models on your PC or Mac.
- langfuse/langfuse - ๐ชข Open source LLM engineering platform: LLM Observability, metrics, evals, prompt management, playground, datasets. Integrates with LlamaIndex, Langchain, OpenAI SDK, LiteLLM, and more. ๐YC W23
- jerry-sky/obsidian-link-adapter-plugin - Obsidian plugin that converts links to and from GFM format.
- supermemoryai/markdowner - A fast tool to convert any website into LLM-ready markdown data. Built by https://supermemory.ai
- Kishikawa1286/url-to-markdown - Create Markdown for a page from a list of URLs. This helps create a lightweight LLM knowledge base.
- tarasglek/scrape2md - scrape web content into readable markdown for llms and human readers
- Nutlope/turboseek - An AI search engine inspired by Perplexity
- continuedev/continue - โฉ Continue is the leading open-source AI code assistant. You can connect any models and any context to build custom autocomplete and chat experiences inside VS Code and JetBrains
- mendableai/firecrawl - ๐ฅ Turn entire websites into LLM-ready markdown or structured data. Scrape, crawl and extract with a single API.
- rashadphz/farfalle - ๐ AI search engine - self-host with local or cloud LLMs
- ItzCrazyKns/Perplexica - Perplexica is an AI-powered search engine. It is an Open source alternative to Perplexity AI
- dream-num/univer - Univer is an open-source productivity tool dev kit helping you integrate spreadsheets, docs and slides into your applications.
- janhq/jan - Jan is an open source alternative to ChatGPT that runs 100% offline on your computer. Multiple engine support (llama.cpp, TensorRT-LLM)
- husjon/obsidian-file-cleaner-redux - A plugin for Obsidian to help clean up files in your vault
- ras0q/obsidian-graph-banner - An Obsidian plugin to display a relation graph view on the note header.
- c0mm4nd/command-windows - CommandWindows is a desktop opeating system copilot based on multi-modal large language model, supporting all-platforms which have application window
- anoopkcn/obsidian-reference-map - Reference and citation map for literature review and discovery
- czottmann/obsidian-logstravaganza - A simple Obsidian plugin that proxies
calls and copies log messages and uncaught exceptions to a file in your vault. - BjarneRentz/obsidian-gemini-generator - Small Obsidian plugin that uses Googles Gemini to genrate notes
- arenasys/obsidian-ai-chat -
- taichimaeda/markpilot - AI-powered inline completions and chat view for Obsidian
- SystemSculpt/obsidian-systemsculpt-ai - Enhance your Obsidian App experience with AI-powered tools for note-taking, task management, and much, MUCH more.
- mark-when/obsidian-plugin - Markwhen obsidian plugin
- e-roy/gemini-pro-vision-playground - A simple playground Web UI for using the Gemini Pro Vision and Gemini Pro AI models with Next.js
- gsaivinay/claude-prompt-optimizer - An open-source Claude 3 prompt optimizer
- leptonai/search_with_lepton - Building a quick conversation-based search demo with Lepton AI.
- langgenius/dify - Dify is an open-source LLM app development platform. Dify's intuitive interface combines AI workflow, RAG pipeline, agent capabilities, model management, observability features and more, letting you q
- jgentes/mixpoint - Mixpoint is a multi-track audio mixing app for the browser
- lobehub/lobe-chat - ๐คฏ Lobe Chat - an open-source, modern-design AI chat framework. Supports Multi AI Providers( OpenAI / Claude 3 / Gemini / Ollama / Azure / DeepSeek), Knowledge Base (file upload / knowledge management
- yoeven/ai-video-search-engine -
- yakGPT/yakGPT - Locally running, hands-free ChatGPT UI
- mckaywrigley/chatbot-ui - Come join the best place on the internet to learn AI skills. Use code "chatbotui" for an extra 20% off.
- dangchinh25/obsidian-gpt - This plugin lets the user Q&A with their own notes, powered by OpenAI.
- nicucalcea/obsidian-magic-tasks - Use AI to break down complex tasks in Obsidian
- skycover/aicom-obsidian - AI Companion for Obsidian and llama.cpp
- echo-saurav/obsidian-ai-note-suggestion - An plugin for Obsidian.md for effortlessly get note suggestions base on semantic meaning as you type, eliminating the need for complex tagging. Simplifying note-taking
- buszk/obsidian-ai-editor -
- A-F-V/obsidian-arcana - Supercharge your Obsidian note-taking through AI-powered insights and suggestions
- solderneer/obsidian-ai-tools - Adding powerful semantic search, generative answers, and other AI tools to Obsidian, using Supabase + OpenAI.
- pfrankov/obsidian-local-gpt - Local Ollama and OpenAI-like GPT's assistance for maximum privacy and offline access
- different-ai/file-organizer-2000 - AI-powered organization and chat assistant for Obsidian
- eatgrass/obsidian-gemini-assistant - Your AI assistant in obsidian
- Syr0/R.E.L.A.X. - Regex Obsidian Plugin
- alphaolomi/primelyrics - A finder any๐lyrics for your music.๐ถ
- ChrisMBarr/LyricConverter - The universal translator & converter for song presentation files!
- eatgrass/obsidian-lyrics - Enhance your Obsidian audio player by adding a interactive lyrics display feature.
- jtCodes/lyrictor - High-performance lyric video editor accessible on any browser
- arwes/arwes - Futuristic Sci-Fi UI Web Framework.
- blairmcalpine/tracklist - List a Spotify artist's songs in a simple, easy to view order.
- Vinzent03/obsidian-sort-and-permute-lines - Sort and Permute lines in whole file or selection.
- iXialumy/obsidian-sort-headings - Plugin to sort headings in Obsidian
- nulltea/obsidian-hackmd - ๐ Publish your Obsidian notes to HackMD!
- BuilderIO/gpt-crawler - Crawl a site to generate knowledge files to create your own custom GPT from a URL
- Borewit/audio-tag-analyzer - Extracts metadata music metadata found in audio files
- Borewit/music-metadata-browser - Browser version of music-metadata parser Supporting a wide range of audio and tag formats.
- kellnerd/musicbrainz-scripts - Bookmarklets and Userscripts for MusicBrainz.org
- ROpdebee/mb-userscripts - Collection of userscripts for MusicBrainz
- Sv443/geniURL - REST API that searches for song metadata, including the lyrics URL, translations and more from genius.com - supports JSON and XML
- 8liam/FMLyrics - ๐ค๐ง A web-based app that displays lyrics for your last.fm currently playing track
- amatya-aditya/obsidian-image-slider - An obsidian plugin that helps to make an image slider in obsidian notes.
- l1xnan/obsidian-better-export-pdf - Obsidian PDF export enhancement plugin
- HananoshikaYomaru/obsidian-3d-graph - ๐ A 3D graph for Obsidian!
- trganda/obsidian-attachment-management - Attachment Management of Obsidian
- jerlendds/osintbuddy - Node graphs, OSINT data mining, and plugins. Connect unstructured and public data for transformative insights
- HananoshikaYomaru/Obsidian-Frontmatter-Generator - A plugin for Obsidian that generates frontmatter for notes
- agentlabs-inc/agentlabs - Universal AI Agent Frontend. Build your backend we handle the rest.
- autogram-is/url-tools - Helper classes for validating, filtering, and normalizing URLs in bulk
- thedevdavid/digital-garden - An open source blog (digital garden) template for developers
- smol-ai/GodMode - AI Chat Browser: Fast, Full webapp access to ChatGPT / Claude / Bard / Bing / Llama2! I use this 20 times a day.
- songkg7/o2 - Converts obsidian markdown syntax to other platforms.
- April-Gras/obsidian-auto-timelines - Simple timeline generator plugin for story tellers using obsidian
- drl990114/MarkFlowy - Modern markdown editor application, Build fast and efficient workflows.
- nt92/memex - We all have a BOATLOAD of data strewn across different apps. This is my attempt to unify my data into a common warehouse and do cool stuff with it.
- JohannLai/gptcli - ๐ฅ All in one ChatGPT CLI, build your own AI cli tools just like GitHub Actions workflow gptcli. ๅ ็ฝฎ AI commmit๏ผ่ชๅจ็ๆ commit message๏ผใAI Command๏ผ่ช็ถ่ฏญ่จ่ฝฌๅฝไปค่ก๏ผใ็ฟป่ฏใgitmoji ็ญๆไปถใ็ง็บงๅๅปบไปปๆ่ชๅฎไน ChatGPT CLI ๅทฅๅ ท๏ผๅฐฑๅๅๅปบไธไธช
- mattvr/ShellGPT - Upgrade your terminal with GPT-4. Ask questions, automate commands, pipe I/O, etc. Made with Deno.
- jina-ai/auto-gpt-web - Set Your Goals, AI Achieves Them.
- ConnectAI-E/AutoGPT-Next-Web - ๐ค Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser.ไธ้ฎๅ ่ดน้จ็ฝฒไฝ ็็งไบบAutoGPT ็ฝ้กตๅบ็จ
- ophidian-lib/core - A Component Framework for Obsidian Plugins
- typpo/arkose - GPT-enhanced document editor
- ajp1708/obsidian-chatgpt-view - Small plugin in order to open up a view of the ChatGPT webpage directly in obsidian
- jeffsieu/txthlpr - Perform repetitive formatting tasks on text without the pain of repetition. Like CyberChef but more generalized.
- josh-may/journal-gpt - A chatbot for your Obsidian journal - like a digital librarian for your notes. Built with langchain, typescript/javascript and pinecone.
- reorx/obsidian-people-link - Easily create links to people within your documents.
- lextoumbourou/obsidian-title-as-link-text - An Obsidian plugin to set the Markdown Link Text using a title
- bramses/eleven-labs-obsidian - eleven labs integration w obsidian
- ivan-lednev/obsidian-persistent-links - More robust internal links for Obsidian!
- mii-key/obsidian-links - manipulate & manage obisidian links
- badgooooor/hugging-md - ๐ค๐ HuggingFace assisted Obsidian plugin
- logancyang/obsidian-copilot - THE Copilot in Obsidian
- e2b-dev/E2B - Secure open source cloud runtime for AI apps & AI agents
- ega4432/notion-to-markdown-action - Custom action to export Notion database to local as markdown files and images.
- morethanmin/morethan-log - ๐ A static blog using notion database
- toeverything/AFFiNE - There can be more than Notion and Miro. AFFiNE(pronounced [ษโfain]) is a next-gen knowledge base that brings planning, sorting and creating all together. Privacy first, open-source, customizable and r
- EasyChris/obsidian-to-notion - Share obsidian markdown file to notion and generate notion share link ๅๆญฅobsdianๆไปถๅฐnotion๏ผๅนถ็ๆnotionๅไบซ้พๆฅ๏ผๅฏไปฅๆนไพฟ็ๅไบซobsidian็ๆไปถใ
- different-ai/embedbase - A dead-simple API to build LLM-powered apps
- vasilecampeanu/obsidian-weaver - Weaver is a useful Obsidian plugin that integrates ChatGPT/GPT-3 into your note-taking workflow. This plugin makes it easy to access AI-generated suggestions and insights within Obsidian, helping you
- nathsou/plugpt - OpenAI GPT chat interface with custom plugins
- KnowledgeCanvas/knowledge - Knowledge is a tool for saving, searching, accessing, exploring and chatting with all of your favorite websites, documents and files.
- mlc-ai/web-llm - High-performance In-browser LLM Inference Engine
- ohmplatform/FreedomGPT - This codebase is for a React and Electron-based app that executes the FreedomGPT LLM locally (offline and private) on Mac and Windows using a chat-based interface
- reworkd/AgentGPT - ๐ค Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser.
- ycnmhd/obsidian-graph-presets - Markdown-based graph controls
- polyipseity/obsidian-terminal - Integrate consoles, shells, and terminals inside Obsidian.
- domeccleston/sharegpt - Easily share permanent links to ChatGPT conversations with your friends
- Feavy/notion-to-obsidian - Create obsidian graph from notion.so page using Notion API
- prompt-engineering/click-prompt - ClickPrompt - Streamline your prompt design, with ClickPrompt, you can easily view, share, and run these prompts with just one click. ClickPrompt ็จไบไธ้ฎ่ฝปๆพๆฅ็ใๅไบซๅๆง่กๆจ็ Promptใ
- laobubu/MarkdownIME - A fresh way to write well-formatted text, by typing markdownized stuff on web.
- TimMikeladze/markdown-to-api - ๐ Generates a minisearch powered GraphQL API from a directory of markdown files. Additional metadata like tags or descriptions can be added to the files in the form of YAML front matter, which will th
- JP1016/Markdown - ๐Clean & Modern MarkDown Generator, ๐Offline Support and Easy Generation of Markdown โก๏ธโ๏ธ https://github.com/JP1016/Markdown-Electron/releases
- adifyr/obsidian-chat-view - An elegant chat view for Obsidian pages.
- Oneirocom/Magick - Magick is a cutting-edge toolkit for a new kind of AI builder. Make Magick with us!
- sevazhidkov/prompts-ai - Advanced playground for GPT-3
- pacholoamit/chatgpt-prompts - A NodeJS ChatGPT prompts library that contains more than 140+ awesome prompts
- DiscreteTom/bimark - Auto create bidirectional links between markdown files.
- velebit/obsidian-save-console-log - Obsidian plugin that redirects the developer console log to a file
- MatthewCochrane/obsidian-embedding-search - Index and Search your notes using embeddings for semantic search.
- L7Cy/obsidian-dynamic-timetable - Calculate the estimated completion time from the estimated task time and dynamically create a timetable.
- rizerphe/obsidian-companion - Autocomplete your obsidian notes with AI, including ChatGPT, through a copilot-like interface.
- longy2k/obsidian-bmo-chatbot - Generate and brainstorm ideas while creating your notes using Large Language Models (LLMs) from Ollama, LM Studio, Anthropic, Google Gemini, Mistral AI, OpenAI, and more for Obsidian.
- futantan/OpenGpt - Create your own ChatGPT App in seconds.
- gcloudlab/QA - ๐ค้จ็ฝฒๅจVercel็ChatGPT้ๅ็ซ็น๏ผgpt-3.5-turbo๏ผ
- sambarrowclough/chatcopilot - An open source modern ChatGPT clone with authentication
- Jordan-Gilliam/ai-template - Mercury - Train your own custom GPT. Chat with any file, or website.
- akshata29/entaoai - Chat and Ask on your own data. Accelerator to quickly upload your own enterprise data and use OpenAI services to chat to that uploaded data and ask questions
- polterguy/magic - An AI-based Low-Code and No-Code software development automation framework
- deepsarda/Aeona - A Multipurpose GPT Chatbot with AI Image Generator, Counting , Logging, Leveling, Reaction Roles, Boost Tracker, Welcomer, Ticket.
- mharrvic/redhorse-ai-transcriber - Audio transcriber using Openai whisper ML deployed to Banana.dev
- conneroisu/Text-Dataset-Aid-Plugin - This is a obsidian plugin to help with the creation of personal jsonl datasets for text generation models.
- nguyenvanduocit/obsidian-ai-assistant -
- sschepis/flint - Flint is an Obsidian extension for generating and executing markdown-based AI directives using GPT-4
- carlsverre/obsidian-libllm - Exposes LLM backed APIs like OpenAI GPT via a set of utility functions that other plugins can use.
- bsaoptima/obsidianGPT - Obsidian plugin that connects search and knowledge organisation in one.
- micahke/obsidian-gpt3-notes - An Obsidian plugin to generate notes based on GP3 output.
- qgrail/obsidian-ai-assistant - AI Assistant Plugin for Obsidian
- antoKeinanen/obsidian-advanced-merger -
- Tagada216/markdown-chat-gpt - An obsidian plugin to use chat GPT in obsidian file
- bramses/chatgpt-md - A (nearly) seamless integration of ChatGPT into Obsidian.
- ztjhz/BetterChatGPT - An amazing UI for OpenAI's ChatGPT (Website + Windows + MacOS + Linux)
- M7mdisk/obsidian-gpt - Ask GPT from your notes and get personalized answers based on your knowledge base.
- Quilljou/transmart - Automate your i18n localization with AI
- yiglas/obsidian-file-publisher -
- mixasite/obsidian-mixa - Publish your notes and blog posts directly from Obsidian with Mixa
- djmango/obsidian-transcription - Obsidian plugin to create high-quality transcriptions from markdown linked audio files
- InterwebAlchemy/obsidian-ai-research-assistant - Prompt Engineering Research Tool for AI APIs
- olrenso/obsidian-home-tab - A browser-like search tab for your local files in Obsidian.
- MatissJurevics/Gene-AI - An AI assistant plugin for Obsidian
- tuneflow/tuneflow - ๐ง +๐ง Build your music algorithms and AI models with the next-gen DAW ๐ฅ
- stevenwaterman/musetree - AI Music Generation for the Real World
- riffusion/riffusion-app-hobby - Stable diffusion for real-time music generation (web app)
- transitive-bullshit/bing-chat - Node.js client for Bing's new AI-powered search. It's like ChatGPT on steroids ๐ฅ
- giselle197/obsidian-external-links-in-document - panel of External Links
- darkmavis1980/markdown-index-generator - Parses a MarkDown document and creates an index with links using the document headings
- facebookresearch/shumai - Fast Differentiable Tensor Library in JavaScript and TypeScript with Bun + Flashlight
- 0xrusowsky/bookmarks-to-obsidian - A lil project to sync Twitter bookmarks with an Obsidian vault.
- hdykokd/obsidian-textlint - A plugin for Obsidian that integrates textlint
- textlint/textlint - The pluggable natural language linter for text and markdown.
- maksim77/obsidian-mactagger-plugin -
- BambusControl/obsidian-unicode-search - Simple Unicode character search for Obsidian.md
- kxxt/obsidian-advanced-paste - Advanced pasting functionality for obsidian
- OwenKruse/gpt-helper - Obsidian GPT integration
- fayeed/github-banner - Build custom GitHub banners for your Github profiles, to add some flair to your Readmes. Like the project, star the project.
- joselatines/readme-project-generator - Web tool designed to significantly reduce the time it takes to create readme files. By simply entering your information, the generator will create a beautiful template that can be easily copied and pa
- woochanleee/project-tree-generator - ๐ฆ Project Tree Generator
- otelo2/Obsidian-AI - ChatGPT powered assistant for Obsidian "inspired by" Notion AI
- CIMSTA/obsidiosaurus - Obsidian -> Docusaurus Converter
- friebetill/obsidian-file-diff - View the difference between two files within Obsidian.
- LilaRest/obsidian-custom-classes - A minimal Obsidian plugin that allows you to add your own HTML classes to chosen Markdown elements directly from your notes.
- souvikinator/notion-to-md - Convert notion pages, block and list of blocks to markdown (supports nesting and custom parsing)
- ulisesantana/obsidian-pending-notes - Obsidian plugin for searching links without notes in your vault.
- cottom/chatgpt-prompt-helper - help your ChatGPT conversation with prompt
- KonghaYao/ai-tag - It's an AI Tag (Prompt) generator for magic drawer! We have many tags and support to generate prompts easily!
- ddPn08/flat - All-in-one image generation AI (to be...)
- daveschumaker/artbot-for-stable-diffusion - A front-end GUI for interacting with the AI Horde / Stable Diffusion distributed cluster
- archive-pos/terminai - Generate cli commands with natural language
- coffee-cup/obsidian-vault-parser - Vault parser for the Obsidian note taking app
- interstellard/chatgpt-advanced - WebChatGPT: A browser extension that augments your ChatGPT prompts with web results.
- chaosreactor/chaosreactor - Chaos Reactor makes generative AI accessible to all ๐งช
- abhagsain/ai-cli - Get answers for CLI commands from ChatGPT right from your terminal
- jamesmeisler/twitter-stats - User Twitter Stats
- cnrad/d - ๐ Minimal dashboard tracking stats of your various social medias
- ivoinestrachan/instagram-wrapped - Lets unwrapped the year of photos and videos
- abmenzel/messenger-wrapped - Explore your Facebook Messenger chat history, in a manner inspired by Spotify Wrapped
- Zachatoo/obsidian-achievements - Add achievements to Obsidian to help guide the user to build good habits in Obsidian.
- Ellpeck/ObsidianSimpleTimeTracker - Multi-purpose time trackers for your notes!
- fnumatic/obsidian-plugin-dynamic-toc - An Obsidian plugin for creating Tables of Contents that stay updated with your document
- wakatime/obsidian-wakatime - Obsidian.md plugin for automatic time tracking and metrics generated from your Obsidian usage activity.
- Mocca101/obsidian-plugin-groups - A plugin that allows you to easily group and manage your other plugins in Obsidian.
- tinacms/tinacms - A fully open-source headless CMS that supports Markdown and Visual Editing
- duolingo/metasearch - Search aggregator for Slack, Google Docs, GitHub, and more ๐
- guopenghui/obsidian-text-compiler - Compile text to another format
- AleksiVirkkala/obsidian-perspective-plugin - Plugin that makes it possible to give multiple definitions for single concept and switch between them easily
- lexwebb/obsidian-story-graph -
- dashedstripes/obsidian-to-hugo - An Obsidian Plugin to export notes to Hugo
- alangrainger/obsidian-google-photos - Connect to Google Photos from Obsidian
- jensmtg/influx - An alternative backlinks plugin, which displays relevant and formatted excerpts from notes with linked mentions, based on the position of mentions in the notes' hierarchical structure (bullet level in
- benhughes/obsidian-link-exploder -
- 1stprinciples/auto-tagger-obsidian -
- jmilldotdev/obsidian-gpt - Obsidian plugin for getting language model completions from Openrouter
- bramses/summarize-with-gpt3-obsidian - Summarize text with GPT-3 in Obsidian (progressive summarization)
- rajputd/obsidian-metrics - a simple app to track metrics on obsidian usage
- PassionPenguin/obsidian-coded-card -
- deepfates/silicon - Add some intelligence to your notes with Silicon AI for Obsidian
- pkgxdev/pkgx - run anything
- ixth/obsidian-stylist - Obsidian plugin that allows to add classes and styles on markdown blocks
- Make-md/makemd -
- bobheadxi/clippings - ๐ฑ An opinionated and minimal highlights and references importer and manager for Obsidian
- rien7/obsidian-colorful-tag - Make your tag more beautiful and powerful!
- dobrovolsky/obsidian-structure -
- Seraphli/obsidian-link-embed - This plugin allow you to convert URLs in your notes into embeded previews.
- KosmosisDire/obsidian-webpage-export - Export html from single files, canvas pages, or whole vaults. Direct access to the exported HTML files allows you to publish your digital garden anywhere. Focuses on flexibility, features, and style p
- CobyPear/obsidian-diy-sync - Obsidian.md plugin + expressjs server for syncing and publishing markdown content
- ivre/obsidian-ivre-plugin - Grabs data from IVRE and brings it into Obsidian notes
- vilmacio/gslides-maker - Generate Google Slides from Wikipedia content
- Stage-Whisper/Stage-Whisper - The main repo for Stage Whisper โ a free, secure, and easy-to-use transcription app for journalists, powered by OpenAI's Whisper automatic speech recognition (ASR) machine learning models.
- diciaup/assistant-cli - A comfortable CLI tool to use ChatGPT service๐ฅ
- Lightning-Universe/Echo - Production-ready audio and video transcription app that can run on your laptop or in the cloud.
- transitive-bullshit/agentic - AI agent stdlib that works with any LLM and TypeScript AI SDK.
- belay-labs/gpt-explorer - GPT-3 Explorer
- MakerXStudio/repository-website-generator - Generates a Next.js static website by converting markdown to html
- addozhang/obsidian-image-upload-toolkit - An obsidian plugin for uploading local images embedded in markdown to remote store and export markdown for publishing to static site.
- akosbalasko/obsidian-autotagger-plugin - This plugin offers smart tags for notes by performing Named Entity Recognition (NER) on the content
- yanenok/obsidian-images-plugin - Easy image layouts for Obsidian
- vertis/obsidian-image-layouts -
- kbravh/obsidian-tweet-to-markdown - An Obsidian.md plugin to save tweets as Markdown files.
- transitive-bullshit/chatgpt-twitter-bot - Twitter bot powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT API. It's aliveeeee ๐ค
- microtower00/obsidian-ai-images - This plugin allows you to generate images using AI from the obsidian editor
- different-ai/obsidian-ava - Quickly format your notes with ChatGPT in Obsidian
- javalent/fantasy-statblocks - Create Dungeons and Dragons style statblocks for Obsidian.md
- Trikzon/obsidian-frontmatter-links - An Obsidian plugin that renders links in a note's frontmatter as links.
- barnesoir/chatgpt-vscode-plugin - A VS code plugin for ChatGPT built by ChatGPT
- linkwarden/linkwarden - โก๏ธโก๏ธโก๏ธSelf-hosted collaborative bookmark manager to collect, organize, and preserve webpages, articles, and more...
- Clemens-E/obsidian-languagetool-plugin - languagetool plugin for obsidian
- AykutSarac/github-rater - ๐ Check your GitHub rating, view results and enhance your profile quality.
- SettingDust/obsidian-web-clipper - Clip web page content to Obsidian as Markdown
- warpdotdev/commands.dev - Commands.dev is a searchable, templated catalog of popular terminal commands curated from across the internet.
- Left-on-Read/leftonread - Left on Read
- harrisonpim/broken-link-checker - ๐ a github action to periodically check a site for broken links
- JustinBeckwith/linkinator - ๐ฟ Scurry around your site and find all those broken links.
- teoxoy/profile-readme-stats - Showcase your github stats on your profile README.md
- nwtgck/gh-card -
GitHub Repository Card for Any Web Site
- wei/socialify - ๐ Socialify your project. ๐ Share with the world!
- vn7n24fzkq/github-profile-summary-cards - A tool to generate your github summary card for profile README
- datopian/flowershow - ๐ Publish your obsidian digital garden or any markdown site easily and elegantly.
- raeperd/google-drive-download-action - Github action for download google drive files and folders
- marshallku/banner-maker - Create thumbnails, and banners with HTML5 canvas
- anicholson/obsidian-google-mail - Fetch emails to Obsidian (as markdown) from Gmail server
- bobheadxi/sourcegraph-knowledge-bases - ๐ Browse Markdown knowledge bases (e.g. Obsidian or Foam) in Sourcegraph
- ArianaKhit/text-snippets-obsidian - Snippets plugin for obsidian
- mottox2/obsidian-relation-pane -
- cloudhao1999/obsidian-scroll-to-top-plugin - This is a plugin for Obsidian that adds a button to scroll to the top of the current note (Not just that).
- Fevol/obsidian-translate - Translate text and entire notes in Obsidian
- Trikzon/obsidian-web-browser - An Obsidian plugin that lets you browse the web within Obsidian.
- TfTHacker/obsidian42-strange-new-worlds - Revealing the strange new world of connected thoughts in your vault.
- Wakeful-Cloud/html-translator - Translate HTML5 to Discord flavored markdown
- ebullient/obsidian-snippetor - An assist for creating CSS snippets for Obsidian
- byteshaman/useful-stuff - Basic website in which I store my favorites, useful software etc.
- getmeli/meli - Platform for deploying static sites and frontend applications easily. Automatic SSL, deploy previews, reverse proxy, and more.
- concrete-utopia/utopia - Design โค๏ธ Code
- refinedev/refine - A React Framework for building internal tools, admin panels, dashboards & B2B apps with unmatched flexibility.
- unigraph-dev/unigraph-dev - A local-first and universal knowledge graph, personal search engine, and workspace for your life.
- ShaanCoding/makeread.me - An Awesome ReadME Generator To Jumpstart Your Projects!
- G3root/readme-generator - A fully featured editor with drag and drop interface to easily build READMEs
- silverbulletmd/silverbullet - The knowledge tinkerer's notebook
- bdudelsack/github-stars-export - Generate Obsidian compatible Markdown files out of GitHub's starred repositories.
- get-icon/geticon - Web / IT project stack / tool / technique icon / logo collection & markdown / HTML generator
- jacobhq/startrack - Embed github stars into your next app
- vercel/next-app-router-playground - https://app-router.vercel.app/
- GitbookIO/gitbook - The open source frontend for GitBook doc sites
- rishavanand/github-profilinator - ๐ This tool contains mini GUI components that you can hook together to automatically generate markdown code for a perfect readme.
- hedgedoc/hedgedoc - HedgeDoc - Ideas grow better together
- ikatyang/emoji-cheat-sheet - A markdown version emoji cheat sheet
- AlexRazor1337/link-name-from-url - Obsidian plugin to help generate Markdown links from raw URLs without fetching the page.
- jaywcjlove/markdown-to-html - Converts markdown text to HTML.
- sphido/sphido - A rocket ๐ fast, light-weight and flexible static site generator.
- acmenlei/markdown-plus - A Markdown parser developed in typescript.
- scaffdog/scaffdog - ๐ถ scaffdog is Markdown driven scaffolding tool.
- lumeland/lume - ๐ฅ Static site generator for Deno ๐ฆ
- dendronhq/dendron - The personal knowledge management (PKM) tool that grows as you do!
- graphql-markdown/graphql-markdown - Flexible GraphQL Documentation Generator (Markdown)
- vuejs/vitepress - Vite & Vue powered static site generator.
- shuding/nextra - Simple, powerful and flexible site generation framework with everything you love from Next.js.
- zaki-yama/copy-title-and-url-as-markdown - Chrome Extension: Quickly copy the title & url of current tab as Markdown style
- mProjectsCode/obsidian-media-db-plugin - A plugin that can query multiple APIs for movies, series, anime, games, music and wiki articles, and import them into your vault.
- platers/obsidian-linter - An Obsidian plugin that formats and styles your notes with a focus on configurability and extensibility.
- vishnugopal/bookmarks-to-obsidian - Syncs Netscape bookmarks.html to Markdown files for use in Obsidian
- woywro/Linkly - โก Open source tool to manage bookmarks. Each link can be assigned to collection and each collection can be shared with other users.
- arn4v/markbox - Markbox (FKA Bookmarky) is tag-based bookmarking tool inspired by Pinboard.in
- pajecawav/pockly - Bookmark manager
- serogbp/startpage-react - Kanban-like bookmark manager
- adarsh500/mark - A bookmark management web app with sleek UI and cool features
- balogunpraise/bookmarkapp - A simple bookmark application using nestjs
- squarebitchris/raindropio-to-obsidian - Sync Raindrop data into Obsidian
- kcabo/bookmark-file-prettify - improve the visual appearanceof NETSCAPE-Bookmark-files
- osmoscraft/osmosmemo - Turn GitHub into a bookmark manager
- garyng/obsidian-temple - A plugin for templating in Obsidian, powered by Nunjucks.
- TfTHacker/obsidian42-brat - BRAT - Beta Reviewer's Auto-update Tool for Obsidian.
- aidenlx/obsidian-icon-shortcodes - Obsidian Plugin: Insert emoji and custom icons with shortcodes
- mgmeyers/obsidian-icon-swapper - Allows swapping out Obsidian's icons
- reorx/obsidian-telegraph-publish - Publish your Obsidian note to a Telegraph page.
- mrjackphil/obsidian-text-expand - A simple text expand plugin for Obsidian.md
- basarat/typescript-book - ๐ The definitive guide to TypeScript and possibly the best TypeScript book ๐. Free and Open Source ๐น
- invoke-ai/InvokeAI - Invoke is a leading creative engine for Stable Diffusion models, empowering professionals, artists, and enthusiasts to generate and create visual media using the latest AI-driven technologies. The sol
- hadynz/obsidian-sidekick - A companion to identify hidden connections that match your tags and pages
- lukeleppan/better-word-count - Counts the words of selected text in the editor.
- tomzorz/obsidian-link-archive - Link Archive plugin for Obsidian
- caronchen/obsidian-chartsview-plugin - Data visualization solution in Obsidian, support plots and graphs.
- trashhalo/obsidian-webhooks - Connect obsidian to the internet of things via webhooks
- AlexW00/obsidian-note-linker - ๐ Automatically link your Obsidian notes.
- qawatake/obsidian-core-search-assistant-plugin - An Obsidian plugin to enhance built-in search: keyboard interface, card preview, bigger preview
- mgmeyers/obsidian-contextual-typography -
- Benature/obsidian-text-format - Format seleted text in Obsdidian.md
- mokeyish/obsidian-enhancing-export - This is an enhancing export plugin base on Pandoc for Obsidian (https://obsidian.md/ ). It's allow you to export to formats like MarkdownใMarkdown (Hugo https://gohugo.io/ )ใHtmlใdocxใLatex etc.
- nhaouari/obsidian-textgenerator-plugin - Text Generator is a versatile plugin for Obsidian that allows you to generate text content using various AI providers, including OpenAI, Anthropic, Google and local models.
- marcjulianschwarz/obsidian-file-link - A plugin for the note taking app Obsidian to add better external file links to your notes.
- tth05/obsidian-completr - Auto-completion plugin for the obsidian editor.
- arnau/obsidian-metatable - An Obsidian plugin to display the frontmatter section as a fully expanded table.
- mgmeyers/obsidian-smart-typography - Converts quotes to curly quotes, dashes to em dashes, and periods to ellipses
- visini/obsidian-icons-plugin - Add icons to your Obsidian notes โ Experimental Obsidian Plugin
- phibr0/obsidian-commander - Commander - Obsidian Plugin | Add Commands to every part of Obsidian's user interface
- FHachez/obsidian-convert-url-to-iframe - Plugin for Obsidian.md to convert a selected URL to an iframe.
- obsidian-tools/obsidian-tools - An unofficial collection of tools that helps you build plugins for obsidian.md
- denolehov/obsidian-url-into-selection - Paste URLs into selected text "notion style"
- tadashi-aikawa/obsidian-various-complements-plugin - This plugin for Obsidian enables you complete words like the auto-completion of IDE.
- FlorianWoelki/obsidian-iconize - Simply add icons to anything you want in Obsidian.
- noatpad/obsidian-banners - An Obsidian plugin that adds banners to your notes
- chhoumann/MetaEdit - MetaEdit for Obsidian
- phibr0/obsidian-charts - Charts - Obsidian Plugin | Create editable, interactive and animated Charts in Obsidian via Chart.js
- mgmeyers/obsidian-style-settings - A dynamic user interface for adjusting theme, plugin, and snippet CSS variables within Obsidian
- RafaelGB/obsidian-db-folder - Obsidian Plugin to Allow Notion like database based on folders
- nekoshita/obsidian-auto-card-link -
- sentialx/node-bookmarks-parser - Parses Chrome HTML bookmarks files
- learn-anything/learn-anything - Organize world's knowledge, explore connections and curate learning paths
- cheap-glitch/warpgate - ๐ซ A lightweight browser extension to jump to various external bookmarks from the address bar.
- agreatfool/obsidian-utils - Command line tools to help obsidian stuff
- ganesshkumar/obsidian-plugins-stats-ui - A tool to get plugin statistics of Obsidian plugin ecosystem.
- shakedlokits/obsidian-bellboy - Opinionated file structure manager for the Obsidian knowledge base.
- nuthrash/obsidian-html-plugin - This is a plugin for Obsidian (https://obsidian.md). Can open document with .html and .htm file extensions.
- otaviocc/obsidian-microblog - Micro.publish is an Obsidian plugin to publish notes directly to Micro.blog, written in TypeScript.
- tkat0/obsidian-scrapbox-flavored - Scrapbox-flavored grid view and efficient list operations for Obsidian
- czottmann/obsidian-actions-uri - A plugin for Obsidian (https://obsidian.md) that adds additional
endpoints to the app for common actions โ it's a clean, super-charged addition to Obsidian URI. - Enveloppe/enveloppe.github.io - Documentation for Enveloppe: An Obsidian GitHub Vault Publisher!
- patheticGeek/improved-potato - Chrome extension to export bookmarks sanely
- AlexW00/obsidian-3d-graph - ๐ A 3D graph for Obsidian!
- wpengine/faustjs - Faust.jsโข - The Headless WordPress Framework
- winhtaikaung/react-tiny-link - Convert your links into rich previews
- OP-Engineering/link-preview-js - โ Extract web links information: title, description, images, videos, etc. [via OpenGraph], runs on mobiles and node.
- arekminajj/spotify-you - ๐ต Spotify listening stats web application, built in Next.js
- mbeaseley/my-spotify-stats - Spotify stats and tools
- codebytere/ViziMessage - Visualize your iMessage history and interactions.
- Yukaii/messenger-JSON-viewer - Browse and view the exported Facebook Messenger data / messages.
- antonycourtney/tad - A desktop application for viewing and analyzing tabular data
- AykutSarac/jsoncrack.com - โจ Innovative and open-source visualization application that transforms various data formats, such as JSON, YAML, XML, CSV and more, into interactive graphs.
- net-runner/lynx - Lynx - Link and bookmark manager and sharing platform for the wide web. Next.js, Node.js + Hyper Express, Nx
- eramdam/starry-raindrop - Sync GitHub starred repos to a Raindrop.io collection
- themattmayfield/SpotifyDashboard -
- Spiderpig86/spottr - ๐ต Your Spotify stats all in one place.
- poulainv/tottem - Bookmark manager on steroid built with React / NextJs / Apollo Tools / Prisma 2 โย styled with TailwindCSS ๐ฑ๐บ
- benefiction/resume-reader - An interpreter for resume JSON data.
- sanvishal/wrighter - Wrighter - A Powerful Markdown Blogger & A Writing Companion | write the (w)right way
- resuminator/resuminator - Build beautiful single-page resumes; without the hassle! The easiest resume-builder out there with intuitive drag-n-drop & WYSIWYG editor
- sramezani/resume-builder - Modern real-time design and 100% free resume builder.
- sadanandpai/resume-builder - Build a standard and professional single page resume
- AmruthPillai/Reactive-Resume - A one-of-a-kind resume builder that keeps your privacy in mind. Completely secure, customizable, portable, open-source and free forever. Try it out today!
- malcodeman/resumebuilder.dev - Free resume builder for developers.
- Hallcoder/resume-builder - Awesome resume-builder coming at rescue for all these paid resume-builders out there
- JeffreyCA/lastfm-recently-played-readme - Display your recent Last.fm scrobbles on your GitHub profile README.
- eugustavo/github-badges - Application made to create badges for your readme ๐
- maurodesouza/profile-readme-generator - ๐จ Enhance your GitHub profile with this amazing tool, which allows you to create a personalized README quickly and easily. This profile README generator is the best you'll find ๐
- JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action - ๐ Automatically deploy your project to GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions. This action can be configured to push your production-ready code into any branch you'd like.
- luooooob/create-my-awesome - Github Actions for automatically generating the personal awesome list from all of the repositories you starred.
- actions-js/profile-readme - ๐ฃ Display profile activity and other cool widgets in your profile README.md
- nwtgck/actions-netlify - ๐ Netlify deploy from GitHub Actions
- chlohal/obsidian-terminal - A terminal panel for Obsidian
- kometenstaub/copy-publish-url - Copy or open the Obsidian Publish URL of a note. You can also open its Git commit history on GitHub.
- timrogers/obsidian-share-as-gist - An Obsidian (https://obsidian.md/) plugin for sharing your notes as a GitHub gist - either privately or publicly.
- Enveloppe/obsidian-enveloppe - Enveloppe helps you to publish your notes on a GitHub repository from your Obsidian Vault, for free!
- watsonbox/exportify - Export/Backup Spotify playlists using the Web API
- arifszn/gitprofile - ๐ Create and deploy a dynamic portfolio by just providing your GitHub username.
- malipramod/google-photos-migration-app - Migrates Photo/Albums from one Google Photos Account to Another with a single click.
- scriptify/thesoundofus - Connect your Google Photos and Spotify Account, select a photo album and a Spotify playlist, and the web app will create an interactive photo album with music from the time the photo was taken. Intend
- nukeop/nuclear - Streaming music player that finds free music for you
- Borewit/music-metadata - Stream and file based music metadata parser for node. Supporting a wide range of audio and tag formats.
- Trivernis/mediarepo - A media management tool
- unjs/consola - ๐จ Elegant Console Logger for Node.js and Browser
- voidcosmos/npkill - List any node_modules ๐ฆ dir in your system and how heavy they are. You can then select which ones you want to erase to free up space ๐งน
- withfig/autocomplete - IDE-style autocomplete for your existing terminal & shell
- deinsoftware/swpm - Switch Package Manager - Say goodbye to Package Manager confusion
- rpearce/parse-md - Parse Markdown file's metadata from its content
- plugins-galore/obsidian-plugins-galore - This is an Obsidian plugin to allow easily sideloading other plugins.
- 06000208/obsidian-items - Graphical metadata/yaml editing for obsidian
- chetachiezikeuzor/MySnippets-Plugin - MySnippets is a plugin that adds a status bar menu allowing the user to quickly manage their snippets within the comfort of their workspace ๐.
- blacksmithgu/obsidian-dataview - A data index and query language over Markdown files, for https://obsidian.md/.
- avirut/obsidian-metatemplates - Take advantage of YAML front-matter in generating notes from templates (for obsidian.md)
- spacedriveapp/spacedrive - Spacedrive is an open source cross-platform file explorer, powered by a virtual distributed filesystem written in Rust.
- Eugeny/tabby - A terminal for a more modern age
- onivim/oni - Oni: Modern Modal Editing - powered by Neovim
- mehmetsagir/regex-safe-website - Easy controls with Regex.
- ninoseki/mitaka - A browser extension for OSINT search
- fmhy/edit - Make changes to FMHY
- mapbox/mapbox-gl-js - Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in the browser, powered by vector tiles and WebGL
- ospfranco/sol - MacOS launcher & command palette
- WildPress/obsidian-wp - Post directly to your WordPress blog from Obsidian.
- mtopping/obsidian-raindrop - This plugin allows for basic integration with Raindrop.io, a bookmarking service and Obsidian.
- marcelscruz/dev-resources - A collaborative list of resources for developers
- DIYgod/RSSHub - ๐งก Everything is RSSible
- vrtmrz/obsidian-livesync -
- alefragnani/vscode-bookmarks - Bookmarks Extension for Visual Studio Code
- mattwilson1024/google-photos-exif - A tool to populate missing
EXIF metadata in Google Photos takeout, using Google's JSON metadata. - gregordr/ImageStore - Open source google photos alternative!
- 3846masa/upload-gphotos - Upload photo to Google Photos (Unofficial).
- mfcar/TextTools - Tools for your text
- Nerixyz/text-tools - De- and Encode tools for text.
- ozum/concat-md - CLI and API to concatenate markdown files and modify as necessary.
- obsidian-userland/publish - Open source Obsidian Publish alternative
- Vinzent03/obsidian-git - Integrate Git version control with automatic backup and other advanced features in Obsidian.md
- agreatfool/dayone2md - Dump all dayone posts to local disk md files
- hamilton/microfiche - ALPHA ~ A web extension framework for collecting rich, customized browsing history datasets.
- geoffreylitt/wildcard - A browser extension for customizing web apps with a spreadsheet view
- sentialx/multrin - Organize apps windows in tabs like in abandoned Windows Sets and more
- wilsonparson/day-one-to-markdown - Script to convert Day One journal entries to markdown files.
- lacunaverse/hawk - get a bird's eye view of you
- pyrochlore/obsidian-tracker - A plugin tracks occurrences and numbers in your notes
- airbnb/visx - ๐ฏ visx | visualization components
- agoatboi/messenger-explorer - A messages explorer for data exported from Facebook Messenger
- proyecto26/MyAPI - A template to create awesome APIs easily โก๏ธ
- apricote/Listory - Track your Spotify listens
- skeate/Leaflet.timeline - Display arbitrary GeoJSON on a map with a timeline slider and play button
- org-roam/org-roam-ui - A graphical frontend for exploring your org-roam Zettelkasten
- danobot/notorious - Offline-first note taking and knowledge management application for desktop and the web. Supports nested notebooks, tags, real-time sync, images and file attachments. Optimised for efficiency with keyb
- foambubble/foam - A personal knowledge management and sharing system for VSCode
- phastmike/tags - A simple text tagger
- antoniosarosi/dotfiles - My dotfiles repo, here you can find all my window manager configs as well as documentation and a guide on how to make your own desktop environment.
- kazuph/dayone.vim -
- SpaceVim/SpaceVim - A modular Vim/Neovim configuration
- mhinz/vim-galore - ๐ All things Vim!
- mikecel79/DISMGUI - DISM GUI is a graphical interface for the DISM command line utility written in the .NET. DISM GUI allows you to mount and dismount WIMs, manager drivers, features and packages.
- moisespr123/GoogleDriveUploadTool - A tool for Windows to upload and manage files in Google Drive. It resumes uploads in case of an error or failure. Perfect for uploading large files or if your connection is unstable.
- ZTF666/GetMeTheLyrics - Is a webapp that consumes the api provided by Lyrics.ovh to fetch and display the lyrics of a given song . This was made using NuxtJs , Axios and Vuetify.
- enzsmn/spotify-album-extract - Select a playlist and get the full album from each track.
- antfu/rex - ๐ Transform texts with RegExp like a Pro.
- nino-vrijman/raindrop-to-notion - Transforms the export from Raindrop into a .csv file which is ready to be imported in Notion.
- Kypaku/gpt-project-insight - An engine for generating recursive documentation and using it to work on a project with ChatGPT
- KyleWen33/PromptXYZ -
- LuotaoGithub/ChatGPT-Web -
- SmileBuild/ChatGPT-Web - ChatGPT page with API instand of offical pages. You can modify params, save and download the result as txt with prompt.
- sdras/hero-generator - ๐ฆธ๐ปโโ๏ธHero Generator! Create a nice hero image for your site or app
- isekaidev/stable.art - Photoshop plugin for Stable Diffusion with Automatic1111 as backend (locally or with Google Colab)
- nathanielastudillo/twitter-stats -
- doocs/md - โ WeChat Markdown Editor | ไธๆฌพ้ซๅบฆ็ฎๆด็ๅพฎไฟก Markdown ็ผ่พๅจ๏ผๆฏๆ Markdown ่ฏญๆณใ่ฒ็ๅ่ฒใๅคๅพไธไผ ใไธ้ฎไธ่ฝฝๆๆกฃใ่ชๅฎไน CSS ๆ ทๅผใไธ้ฎ้็ฝฎ็ญ็นๆง
- zzetao/awesome-github-profile - ๐ A website of awesome Github Profile READMEs
- G4brym/R2-Explorer - A Google Drive Interface for your Cloudflare R2 Buckets!
- requarks/wiki - Wiki.js | A modern and powerful wiki app built on Node.js
- xiaoluoboding/bookmark.style - ๐ช Transform any link into an elegant visual web bookmark with just one click to copy the stunning bookmark image.
- WebCrateApp/webcrate - ๐ฆ๐ Organize your web with WebCrate, a modern and beautiful bookmarking tool
- pnowy/github-stars-history - The missing github stars history!
- statping/statping - Status Page for monitoring your websites and applications with beautiful graphs, analytics, and plugins. Run on any type of environment.
- Maxr1998/SpotifyStats - A Vue.js-based web app to analyze your Spotify GDPR data-dump
- awakentrue/simple-resume-vue - Simple universal resume based on Vue
- zainaftab44/ResumeMaker - A Resume maker app developed in Vue.js to generate beautiful resumes free-of-cost.
- claudiabdm/cvfy - CV generator built with Nuxt.js, TailwindCSS, deployed on Netlify.
- salomonelli/best-resume-ever - ๐ ๐ผ Build fast ๐ and easy multiple beautiful resumes and create your best CV ever! Made with Vue and LESS.
- Benbinbin/TagDown - A bookmarks manager Chrome extension.
- massCodeIO/massCode - A free and open source code snippets manager for developers
- staniel359/muffon - Advanced multi-source music streaming + discovery client for desktop. Free, clean, no login, no ads.
- Alexandr-web/MusicApplicationPEVN - ๐ต๐ถ This is a musical project written in PEVN
- tamland/airsonic-refix - Modern web UI for Subsonic compatible servers
- xiaoluoboding/chrome-web-bookmark - One-click turn any link into a visual web bookmark, and it looks Like Twitter cards or Notion web bookmark.
- xyvs/visualtree - A tool that allows you to visualize and interact with the output of your tree command.
- zernonia/supabase-schema - Secured & Simple Supabase Schema Visualizer
- pablosirera/timeline-vuejs - Minimalist Timeline โณ with VueJS ๐
- lybekk/offPIM - Decentralized, Offline-first, Personal Information Manager (PIM) using PouchDB/CouchDB. Includes task-, note-, and contact-management, as well as journaling.
- LifeScopeLabs/lifescope-app - Search and Explore the internet of you
- bencooper222/Facebook-Messenger-Export-Display - A display of your exported Facebook messages
- chars-mc/timeline-maker - A simple and free tool to create timelines. Using JSON files and export it to PDF.
- reinzor/timeline-exporter - Google maps timeline exporter Chrome extension
- KeziahMoselle/export-github-stars - View / Sort / Export your Starred repositories.
- lun-4/obsidian2web - my obsidian publish knockoff that generates (largely static) websites
- squeek502/audiometa - An audio metadata/tag reading library written in Zig
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