Inspired by antfu/vitesse-lite
- Vue3, Vite 3, pnpm
- File based routing
- Unocss - The instance on-demand atomic CSS
- Use icons from any icon sets in Pure CSS
- TypeScript
- Vitest for unit and components testing
- Netlify deployment
- Tsx eslint support and format on save
- Unocss attributify
- TSX warns when using attributes that a html element does not have, you should add attr declaration in env.d.ts
- UnoCSS - The instant on-demand atomic CSS engine.
- Iconify - use icons from any icon sets 🔍Icônes
- Pure CSS Icons via UnoCSS
- Use remix icon by default
- Vue Router
- vite-plugin-pages - file system based routing
- VueUse - collection of useful composition APIs
npx degit widcardw/vue-tsx-starter-lite my-project
cd my-project
pnpm i