A collection of raster tools.
The docker-compose file expects the following folders to exist:
Check if they exist and if you are the owner. If they do not exist, create them
with mkdir
, and if they are not owned by you, use sudo chown
First, clone this repo and make some required directories:
$ git clone git@github.com:nens/raster-tools $ cd raster-tools
Create a docker-compose.override.yaml to map local filesystems:
version: '3'
- /some/local/path:/some/container/path
Then build the docker image, providing your user and group ids for correct file permissions:
$ docker-compose build --build-arg uid=`id -u` --build-arg gid=`id -g` lib
The entrypoint into the docker is set to pipenv run, so that every command is executed in the pipenv-managed virtual environment. On the first docker-compose run, the .venv folder will be created automatically inside your project directory:
$ docker-compose run --rm lib bash
Then install the packages (including dev packages) listed in Pipfile.lock:
(docker) $ pipenv sync --dev
Now you are ready to run the raster tools in the container.
Install dependencies:
$ sudo apt install\ python3-dev\ python-pip\ libgdal-dev\ libpq-dev\
Upgrade python packages:
$ sudo pip install --upgrade pip pipenv setuptools
Clone this repository and step into it.
- Run
PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=1 pipenv sync --dev
- Add the absolute path to
to the PATH in/etc/environment
Use fillnodata to fill nodata regions in rasters. The input to the algorithm is the edge surrounding the region. The raster saved as the target argument only contains the complementary cells.
For rasterization of landuse tables from a postgres datasource a special wrapper command is available at bin/rasterize-landuse, use --help for args.
Run the following scripts for streamline calculation:
flow-fil # depression filling flow-dir # direction calculation flow-acc # accumulation flow-vec # make shapefiles flow-rst # make rasters from shapefiles