wildfly-clustering-vert.x provides a distributed SessionStore for Vert.x Web using the distributed session management functionality of WildFly. This brings the same distributed session management functionality from WildFly to the Vert.x ecosystem, including:
- Session attribute replication via an embedded cache or persistence to a remote Infinispan cluster.
- Configurable session replication/persistence strategies, i.e. per session vs per attribute.
- Similar semantics to that of a local SessionStore, including a high level of consistency under concurrent request access, and support for mutable session attributes.
- Ability to limit the number of active sessions to retain in local memory
- Configurable session attribute marshallers.
Clone this repository.
$ git clone git@github.com:wildfly-clustering/wildfly-clustering-vert.x.git $ cd wildfly-clustering-vert.x
Build using Java 17 or higher and Apache Maven 3.8.x or higher.
$ mvn clean install
To bundle a SessionStore implementation wildfly-clustering-vert.x with your application, simply include the appropriate module as a runtime dependency of your application.
Provided your classpath has no competing implementations, Vert.x will automatically load and initialise the appriate SessionStore implementation via:
Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx();
SessionStore store = SessionStore.create(vertx, new JsonObject());
To integrate this SessionStore with your application, refer to the Vert.x Web documenatation.
SessionHandler sessionHandler = SessionHandler.create(store);
Configuration of the distributed SessionStore is supplied via the JsonObject passed to SessionStore.create(...).
"deploymentName": "<1>",
"granularity": "<2>",
"marshaller": "<3>",
"maxActiveSessions": <4>,
"sessionIdentifierLength": <5>,
... implementation specific options ...
# | Property | Description |
<1> | deploymentName | Defines the logical name of the deployment/application. |
<2> | granularity | Defines the replication granularity of a session. Supported granularities are enumerated by the org.wildfly.clustering.vertx.web.SessionPersistenceGranularity enum. SESSION will marshall all attributes of a session together preserving any cross-attribute references, while ATTRIBUTE will only replicate modified attributes, but will not preserve cross-attribute references. Default is ATTRIBUTE . |
<3> | marshaller | Specifies the marshaller used to serialize and deserialize session attributes. Supported marshallers are enumerated by the org.wildfly.clustering.vertx.web.SessionAttributeMarshaller enum and include: JAVA , i.e. Java serialization; JBOSS , i.e. JBoss Marshalling; PROTOSTREAM , i.e. protobuf. Default marshaller is JBOSS . |
<4> | maxActiveSessions | Defines the maximum number of sessions to retain within the data container, for embedded Infinispan; or within the HotRod near-cache, for a remote Infinispan cluster. By default, embedded Infinispan will use an unbounded data container, while HotRod will disable its near-cache. |
<5> | sessionIdentifierLength | Defines the session identifier length. Defaults to 18. |
This implementation stores session attributes and metadata within an embedded Infinispan cache and defines the following additional configuration properties:
... Generic options ...
"resource": "<5>"
"cache": "<6>"
# | Property | Description |
<6> | resource | Defines the classpath resource name or URL of the Infinispan XML configuration. |
<7> | cache | Defines the name of the cache configuration from which an application/deployment specific cache will be configured. |
This implementation stores session attributes and metadata within a remote Infinispan cluster and defines the following additional configuration properties:
... Generic options ...
"uri": "<5>"
"configuration": "<6>"
"properties": {
"name": "value"
# | Property | Description |
<6> | uri | Defines a HotRod URI, which includes a list of infinispan server instances and any authentication details. For details, see: https://infinispan.org/blog/2020/05/26/hotrod-uri/ |
<7> | configuration | Defines an Infinispan cache configuration (as XML or JSON) to be installed on the server from which the deployment/application specific cache will be created. |
<8> | properties | Defines a set of adhoc properties used to configure the Infinispan HotRod client. See: https://docs.jboss.org/infinispan/15.1/apidocs/org/infinispan/client/hotrod/configuration/package-summary.html |