Requires SonarQube 6.3
This plugin analyzes and checks the package structure of your modules.
Rules are based on the rules defined by the jDepend library.
The ratio of the number of abstract classes (and interfaces) in the analyzed package compared to the total number of classes in the analyze package. The range for this value is 0% to 100%, with A=0% indicating a completely concrete package and A=100% indicating a completely abstract package. -
Afferent coupling
The number of other packages that depend upon classes within the package is an indicator of the package's responsibility. -
Efferent coupling
The number of other packages that the classes in the package depend upon is an indicator of the package's independence. -
The ratio of efferent coupling (Ce) to total coupling (Ce + Ca) such that I = Ce / (Ce + Ca). This value is an indicator of the package's resilience to change. The range for this value is 0 to 100%, with I=0% indicating a completely stable package and I=100% indicating a completely instable package. -
Number of classes
The number of concrete and abstract classes (and interfaces) in the package is an indicator of the extensibility of the package. -
Package cycles
All elementary package cycles are and reported on all particing packages, listing the classes participating in the package cycle. The elementary cycles detection is based on Donald B. Johnson's algorithm for finding all the elementary circuits of a directed graph. -
Missing (java language only)
Reports missing files on all classes the in analyzed package.
Issues raised by rules can be registered on the following locations:
Package level only
Only registers an issue if a package level component exists (for example: for Java projects). -
Classes level only
Registers the issue on (relevant) classes in the package. -
Package level, fallback to class level (default setting)
Register an issue on the package level if possible, else register the issue on classes.
When registering an issue on classes the following can be configured:
All classes (default setting)
Register the issue on all (relevant) classes in the package. -
First class only
Register the issue on the first (relevant) class in the package.
Metrics are added to the 'Complexity' measures.
- Package cycles
Number of elementary package cycles.
- Java
Java is supported through the SonarQube Java Parser (and the SonarQube SSLR)