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This repo provides a list of helpful resources for phprad, to make learning easier.
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- Przelewy24 Payment Gateway Plugin: A PHPRad composer plugin created for ustilizing the przelewy24 payment gateway.
- PHPRad Account Manager: A PHPRad Account Manager project file, which help users understand how to implement or configure such feature used.
- PHPRad HR Manager: A PHPRad HR Manager project file, to generate a webapp, which also help users understand how to implement or configure such feature in PHPRad. In the project we avoid using custom page and field editing.
- PHPRad Invoice App: A PHPRad Invoice App project file, to generate a webapp, which also help users understand how to implement or configure such feature in PHPRad.
Thanks to all my patreons for their support, both those listed and those not listed here, i appreciate all your efforts.
Guillaume Martin
Mohamad Aidil NDT
Youssef Hammoumi
Tomasz Rutkowski
Malik Brown
Desmond Mpofu
Florian G
Synchrosys Consultings & Software Co., Ltd.
Ondra Simons
Luis Felix
Henry Pierce
- Radsystems Tutorial - Creating a Push Notification in Radsystems Studio(Classic) - Part 1: This video explains how you can use integrate push notification in your PHPRad/Radsystems Studio project.
- PHPRad Tips and Tricks 6: How to use the Page Events properly - Part 1: This video explains how you can use the Page Events in your PHPRad Projects. This is part 1 of a 2 video series.
- PHPRad Tips and Tricks 4: Integrating Barcode into your Project - Part 1: This video explains how you can integrate barcode into your PHPRad Projects. This is part 1 of a 2 video series. Link for the final part, part 2. https://www.patreon.com/posts/32484018
- PHPRad Tips and Tricks 3: Integrating Frappe Gantt Chart to your Project - Part 1: This video explains the basic step of adding Frappe's Gantt Chart to PHPRad Projects. This is part 1 of a 3 video series.
- PHPRad Tutorial 1: Creating an invoice project with PhpRad: This video demonstrate how to create an invoice application using phprad, using basic configurations and making it advance by applying a template to it.
- PHPRad Tutorial 2: Introduction to phprad 2.7.x (what’s new in phprad 2.7.x): This video explains the new features added to phprad version 2.7.x and how to use them in your projects.
- PHPRad Tips and Tricks: Using Custom Field Expression: Tips on how to use the PHPRad Custom Field Expression.
- PHPRad Tips and Tricks: Integrating full calendar plugin into your PHPRad Project - Part 1: This video explains how to add the full calendar plugin to your PHPRad project. This is part 1 of a 3 video series.
- PHPRad Tips and Tricks: Integrating full calendar plugin into your PHPRad Project - Part 2: This video explains how to add the full calendar plugin to your PHPRad project. This is part 2 of a 3 video series. We made the full calendar plugin to pick our appointments from the database.
- PHPRAD | List & View Page Field Properties | PlainText: Learn how to work with List & View Page Field Properties (PlainText) in PHPRad
- PHPRAD | View and List Page Master Details Relation: Learn how to configure View page and List Page in Master-Details in PHPRad.
- Configuring Select Field and Dependent Lookup in PHPRad: This video teaches how to Configure Select Field and Dependent Lookup in PHPRad Studio.
- How to Configure ListPage Fields in PHPRad: This video shows how users can easily configure ListPage (fields) in PHPRad studio.
- User Record Management: This video demonstrate how to setup user record management. Where user is only allowed to edit, update, or delete his/her records.
- PHPRad User Authentication: This video demonstrate how to setup user login and registration page in PHPRad.
- PHPRad Database Views: This video demonstrate how to create and manage database views in PHPRad.
- Creating Dynamic Chart in PHPRad: This video demonstrate how to creating dynamic charts in PHPRad. Where chart component react to field change on the page and redraw it self.
- Creating Record Count Components in PHPRad: Creating Record Count Components in PHPRad.
- Creating Master Detail Pages in PHPRad: The video illustrate how to create different style of master detail relation for a particular field in a table.
- Creating Filters in PHPRad: This video shows how simple its is to create record filter in PHPRad using advance filter components.
- Creating Application Menus in PHPRad: This videos illustrate how to create Simple and Dynamic Menus in PHPRad.
- Phprad part 1 :blog system
- Blogman phprad tut
- Phprad lookuptables
- Phprad basics
- Phprad complaints system part 1
- Record management in phprad
- Using phprad helpers
- PHPRad (Intro to phprad in Spanish): Sistema Web de control de incapacidades basado en la herramienta RADD PHPRad.