Interpol library interpolates a set of number values with a GSAP-like API. This is the lowest level of animate machine. Interpol don't come with dom API, it only provides real time progress of the interpolations that can be use or bind on... mesh, dom element or anything else, for ~=3kB!
Interpol still is in early development, the API can change until the first major release.
- Summary Playground
- Install
- Basic usage
- Props
- Styles helper
- Easing
- Options
- Dev examples
- Credits
- About
- License
The examples of this repo are available on codesandbox:
- Interpol basic
- Interpol colors
- Interpol dom onDrag
- Interpol ease
- Interpol graphic
- Interpol menu
- Interpol object el
- Interpol offsets
- Interpol particles
- Interpol timeline
npm i @wbe/interpol
instance usage:
import { Interpol } from "@wbe/interpol"
new Interpol({
v: [0, 100],
duration: 1000,
ease: (t) => t,
onUpdate: ({ v }, time, progress) => {
// On each frame, get updated `v` value between 0 and 100
onComplete: ({ v }, time, progress) => {
// Interpol is complete
In this example:
- The Interpol will start automatically
will be interpolated between0
during 1 secondtime
is the current time in millisecondprogress
is the current progress between0
Chaining interpol instancies with Timeline
import { Interpol, Timeline } from "@wbe/interpol"
const tl = new Timeline({
onUpdate: (time, progress) => {
// Timeline is updating
onComplete: (time, progress) => {
// Timeline is complete
// Set an Interpol instance object constructor directly
x: [0, 100],
onComplete: ({ x }, time, progress) => {
// itp 1 is complete
// Or add interpol instance to the timeline
const itp = new Interpol({
x: [100, 50],
onComplete: ({ x }, time, progress) => {
// itp 2 is complete
In this example:
- The timeline will start automatically
- Interpol 1, will interpolate
value between0
during 1 second - Interpol 2, will start when Interpol 1 is complete and will interpolate
value between100
during 0.5 second
For more flexibility, there is three ways to define a single prop
new Interpol({
// 1. a simple number, implicite from is `0`
// to use only when `from` is `0`
x: 100,
// 2. an array
// [from, to]
x: [0, 100],
// 3. an object with explicite `from` and `to` properties
// { from?, to, ease?, reverseEase? }
x: { from: 0, to: 100 },
and to
can be a number or a function that return a number.
Three ways to define a to
computed value on the same prop
new Interpol({
// 1. number
x: () => Math.random(),
// 2. array
x: [0, () => Math.random()],
// 3. object
x: { from: 0, to: () => Math.random() },
In order to refresh computed values, you can use the refreshComputedValues
const itp = new Interpol({
// ...
One of the main usage of Interpol is to animate DOM element style properties.
The API provide styles
, a core helper function to simplify the DOM manipulation.
The function uses a DOM cache to associate multiple transformation functions with the same DOM element at the same time.
declare const styles: (
element: HTMLElement | HTMLElement[] | Record<any, number> | null,
props: Record<string, string | number>,
autoUnits: boolean = true,
) => void
import { Interpol, styles } from "@wbe/Interpol"
new Interpol({
x: [-100, 0],
y: [0, 50],
opacity: [0, 1],
onUpdate: ({ x, y, opacity }) => {
// set updated interpol values to the DOM element
styles(element, { x, y, opacity })
// Is Equivalent to:
// = `translate3d(${x}px, ${y}px, 0px)`
// = opacity
& reversedEase
functions are used to interpolate the progress value. the default one is (t) => t
new Interpol({
ease: (t) => 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, 4),
GSAP like ease functions are available in Interpol as string or object:
import { Interpol, Power3 } from "@wbe/interpol"
// as typed string
new Interpol({
ease: "power3.out",
// or, import the object
new Interpol({
ease: Power3.out,
For mor details, see the full type definition types.ts
// A Value can be a number or a computed number
type Value = number | (() => number)
// The propsValues type can be a single number, an array or an object
export type PropsValues =
// 1. to
| Value
// 2. [from, to]
| [Value, Value]
// 3. { from, to, ease, reverseEase }
| Partial<{ from: Value; to: Value; ease: Ease; reverseEase: Ease }>
* Interpol constructor
interface IInterpolConstruct<K extends keyof Props> {
// inline props are an interpol list object, 3 definition types
// default: /
[x: string]: PropsValues
// Interpolation duration between `from` and `to` values (millisecond).
// ex: 1000 is 1 second
// default: `1000`
duration?: number | (() => number)
// Interpol easing function
// default: `t => t` (lineal easing)
ease?: EaseName | EaseFn
// Overwrite easing function on reverse
// default: /
reverseEase?: EaseName | EaseFn
// Make interpol paused at start (not autoplay)
// default: `false`
paused?: boolean
// Add delay before first start
// default: `false`
delay?: number
// Enable debug to get interpol logs information
// default: `false`
debug?: boolean
// Called when interpol is ready to play
// default: /
beforeStart?: (
props: Record<K, number>,
time: number,
progress: number,
instance: Interpol,
) => void
// Called on frame update
// default: /
onUpdate?: (props: Record<K, number>, time: number, progress: number, instance: Interpol) => void
// Called when interpol is complete
// default: /
onComplete?: (
props: Record<K, number>,
time: number,
progress: number,
instance: Interpol,
) => void
// Execute onUpdate method when the Interpol instance is create
// default: false
immediateRender?: boolean
import { Interpol } from "@wbe/Interpol"
const itp = new Interpol()
// Play the interpol
// play(from: number = 0): Promise<any>
// Reverse and play the interpol
// reverse(from: number = 1): Promise<any>
// Pause the interpol
// pause(): void
// Resumes playing without altering direction (forward or reversed).
// resume(): void
// Stop the interpol, will reset time, delta and progress.
// stop(): void
// Compute 'from', 'to' and 'duration' values if there are functions
// refreshComputedValues(): void
// Seek to a specific time
// seek(progress: number, suppressEvents = true): void
// progress: number between 0 and 1
interface ITimelineConstruct {
// Execute on frame update
// default: /
onUpdate?: (time: number, progress: number) => void
// Execute on complete
// default: /
onComplete?: (time: number, progress: number) => void
// Enable debug to get timeline instance logs
// default: `false`
debug?: boolean
// Disable timeline autoplay
// default: `false`
paused: boolean
import { Timeline } from "@wbe/Interpol"
const tl = new Timeline()
// add(interpol: Interpol | IInterpolConstruct, offset: number | string = "0"): Timeline
// @param interpol: Interpol object or Interpol instance
// @param offset:
// - relative to the previous interpol (string): "+=100", "-=100", "100", "-100"
// - absolute (number): 0 (from the tl beginning), 100
tl.add(Interpol, offset)
// start the timeline
// play(from: number = 0): Promise<any>
// reverse and play the timeline
// reverse(from: number = 1): Promise<any>
// paused the timeline, will keep time, delta and progress.
// pause(): void
// resume the timeline after pause.
// resume(): void
// stop the timeline, will reset time, delta and progress.
// stop(): void
// compute 'from', 'to' and 'duration' values on each adds if there are functions
refreshComputedValues(): void
// seek to a specific time
// seek(progress: number, suppressEvents = true, suppressTlEvents = true): void
// progress is a number between 0 and 1
Global option Object is available to set property for each Interpol & Timeline instance.
It's possible to disable the internal raf and use your own raf callback if needed.
import { InterpolOptions } from "@wbe/interpol"
// disable internal raf to use your own raf
const tick = (e) => {
// execute Ticker.raf() callback on your own raf
The internal Ticker instance is available for a global application use. You can add your own raf callback to the Ticker instance and choose the rank of the callback handler.
import { InterpolOptions } from "@wbe/interpol"
// Set a new raf callback to the Ticker instance
const tickHandler = (t) => console.log(t)
const rank = 1
InterpolOptions.ticker.add(tickHandler, rank)
// ...
import { InterpolOptions } from "@wbe/interpol"
// Set default duration factor for all interpol instances, 1 is millisecond / 1000 is second
InterpolOptions.durationFacror = 1
// Set default duration for all interpol instances
InterpolOptions.duration = 1000
// Set default easing for all interpol instances
InterpolOptions.ease = (t) => t * t
# install dependencies
pnpm i
# build and watch lib changes
pnpm run build:watch
# start tests and watch
pnpm run test:watch
# start dev server for all examples
pnpm run dev
# Or run a specific example
pnpm run dev --filter interpol-basic
pnpm run dev --filter {example-name}
Interpol is an open-source project created and maintained by Willy Brauner.
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).