DOTWEB3.0 or DOTWEB3.0 Programming Language is for Webapplication/RemoteWebapplication-Type-2
and it is invented by wilmix jemin j in CHDollar(CH$) P.L @ 2013
Definition: "DOTWEB3.0 is an interactive , System
programming, OOPS, Multipurpose, Advanced Technology
focused on Webapplication/RemoteWebapplication-Type-2 , web and GUI development".
DOTWEB3.0 stands for Success ,security, and prosperity and it is ranked as it is ranked
as WORLD Rank Z'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
(infinitive power infinitive) and so,on.
and DOTWEB3.0 is (infinitive power infinitive) times greater than JAVA/j2ee.
Remote webserver application is an application operates with
client-server.but it will post and get objects from server that can be
exchanged through out sessions or with in two computers ; where as one act as client
and other act as server.
eg) When you enter details using CH$ program that creates a data object
called as .dsn file; that can be exchanged through out sessions.
Difference between webserver and remoteserver means remotserver
has remote-client connection but webserver don't have.
Data flow is unknown using DOTWEB3.0 architecture. where as in
webserver and application server like tomcat,JSTAR SERVER,Jboss server, etc; here dataflow is known.
JSTAR webserver is used only for webdesign so we don't focus remote webapplication with high security.
JSTAR is focused on normal remote webdesign.
In webserver data will be sent between client(browser) and server
is known to users.so this indicates webserver has no security but remoteserver using DOTWEB3.0 architecture
has more security according to research.
Remoteserver uses http + socket connection where as webserver uses only http connection
Remote web application server => webserver + Applicationserver + datasecurity.
So DOTWEB3.0 is most advanced in security side. but it has more framework and latest technology
and follows shortest code than any technology and including advanced business and many advantages
over other technologies. When you host DOTWEB3.0 or Chdollar Servers in any of your today
available hosting provider. You can see DOTWEB3.0 or Chdollar website at your mobile phone
or at internet.
When it was Invented? Who invented it?
JWEB project took place from year 2017 and invented in DOTWEB3.0 by wilmix jemin j .
And DOTWEB3.0 is the main reason for creating remoteserver.
but DOTWEB3.0-cdollar is invented in java p.l.
What will happen when you create remoteserver in java?
It will take 2 years to complete.
DOTWEB3.0 can create a remoteserver in 4 hours.
It uses DOTWEB3.0-java runtime to run the programs.
Using DOTWEB3.0 we can easily construct Remoteserver for security side than java.
Like DOTNET P.L , DOTWEB3.0 Programming Language consists of 6 Programming Langauges they are given below.....
a) JWEB -J$
This is about more detail about J$part1,JWEBP2 ,JWEBP3.
This is about more detail about JWEB ADVANCED BUSINESS.
This is about more detail about JWEB CLOUD computing.
This is about more detail about JWEB with DOTWEB3.0-JAVA
This is about more detail about JAVA7 (OAKJAVA7).
f) JAVA8
This is about more detail about JAVA8
=>It is Good to create any compilers..and Advanced Operating systems,easy to focus, learnable, interaction,AdvancedBusiness, and utilities. => => => It has simpilified code => =>it is learnable ,easy to use, and let developers to focus only C#/OAKJAVA7/C++/CH$ Programming Language => it can be used to execute .exe files.
Only DOTNET, CH$ , GDollar,JAVA8, OAKJAVA7, JWEB-JAVA ,C/C++ Professionals ,SLING,NDOTWEB3.0,JSWORD,JAVAFrameworks Professionals
will follow this DOTWEB3.0 Programming Language.