This is a completely PreintegratedSubsurfaceScattering unity solution. Used for skin, if you replace the diffusion profile(need modify some code), it is possible to using for other scatter material.
- Directional curvature calculate tools
- Indirect light Preintegrated sss lut
- Direct light linear Preintegrated sss lut
- Shadow Preintegrated sss lut
Open this project in Unity, Unity version is 2019.4.17f1.
Bake curvature window in Window/BakeCurvatureWindow.
Generate preintegrated lut window in Window/GeneratePreIntegratedTexWindow.
There are some preintegrated lut in Assets/Human/Texture/lut.
this is a example.
- Penner pre-integrated skin rendering (siggraph 2011 advances in real-time rendering course)
- GPU Pro 2, Part 2. Rendering, Chapter 1. Pre-Intergrated Skin Shading
- Simon's Tech Blog
- GPU Gems 1, Real-Time Approximations to Subsurface Scattering
- Ghost of Tsushima
- 预积分皮肤渲染—次表面散射与高光反射
- Estimating Curvatures and Their Derivatives on Triangle Meshes
- trimesh2
- Crafting a Next-Gen Material Pipeline for The Order: 1886
- Pre-integrated Skin Shading Under Spherical Harmonic Indirect Lighting
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.