This manual is a work in progress.
You run evaalscore
from a working directory. Create a project
directory under it and a file called distance
in the project
directory. The file distance
contains one line of text: either "localdistance" or "wgs84distance", depending on the reference system used for the coordinates. It must be either a local system with unit in meters or else WGS84. In the latter case, the coordinates must be in the order lon,lat.
You need a groundTruth.txt
file to get a minimum sets of statistics. Using this file, EvaalScore displays some path characteristics, like total lenght and number of points per floor.
The files buttonsPressed.log
and positions.log
are created by the stepLogger app. When those files are present, EvaalScore makes its whole sets of statistics and prints them. It additionaly creates output files qgis_errors.txt
and error.report
If you plan to use maps to obtain a graphic report, you need to put a file called legend.png
inside the project
directory. You also need to have georeferenced maps and to create a scenario describing the positioning of the maps, legend and statistics on the graphic report.
Maps are used as background images on the output of evaalsore
, that is files path.pdf
, score.pdf
and path.ogg
. All of these need maps as background on which both the reference points and the estimated path are drawn.
You need PNG maps with well-visible lines. In practice, for Qgis this means that the PNG file size should generally be around 500kB with around 4000 pixels on the widest dimension. Smaller images risk having too ragged lines, while larger will have too thin lines. For EvaalScore you need smaller images, generally around 100kB in size with around 1000 pixel along the widest dimension.
You should start from a high quality source, ideally a vector map, and convert to a high-density PNG image, for example with 12k pixels on the widest dimension. Then run the shrink-png
bash script to reduce the size of this initial image to what is appropriate for Qgis. Experiment with the initial PNG image size and the number of iterations needed to reduce the image size to the ideal size. shrink-png
uses a default number of 4 iterations, which means shrinking to 60%: look at the comment in the source for how to change the number of iterazions.
Once you have loaded the image into the Qgis georeferencer and having georeferenced it, you can produce an image.png.points
file. Copy it together with image.png
into the project
directory. Repeat the procedure for all maps you need for this project. Then, from the working directory, run evaalscore
and choose Exit from the menu: this defines the create_corners
function. Now, for each image.png
file, run create_corners image project
: this creates the image.png.corners
file. If for some reason you have no image.png.points
file, you can create the image.png.corners
file by hand: look at the comments inside evaalscore.m
for the format of the file.
Use create_corners to create an image.corners
for each image.png
, which creates an image.corners
file with the lon,lat coordinate of the four corners of the image. After this is done, the image.png
points` file is no more needed, and you can shrink the images to make thin lines more visible.
Shring all the maps using shrink-png
so that lines are more clearly visible in the small images that EvaalScore uses for its output: path.pdf
, score.pdf
and path.ogg
all have maps as background on which both the reference points and the estimated path are drawn.
If you have the map images and you have defined a scenario you miss the data files, you can create dummy ones for testing how the graphics output will look like.
You can create a dummy groundTruth.txt
file using the following code, after having read the first two columns from image.corners into the corners variable
pkg load matgeom
corners = [
N = 30;
refp = zeros(N,4);
refp(1,:) = [1, rand(1,2).*ranc+minc, floor];
until(isPointInPolygon(refp(1,2:3), corners))
for p = 2:N
refp(p,:) = [p, refp(p-1,2:3)+randn(1,2).*ranc*10/N, floor];
until(isPointInPolygon(refp(p,2:3), corners))
fid = fopen("groundTruth.txt", 'w');
fprintf(fid, "%3d%12.6f%12.6f%3d\n", refp');
If you have a groundTruth.txt
file but either buttonsPressed.log
or positions.log
do not exist in the project directory, the Evalscore menu does not offer to use that directory. However, if dirname
is set and dopath==true
, when calling evaalscore
, it uses groundTruth.txt
as a starting point to create dummy buttonsPressed.log
and positions.log
files in their place so that a path.pdf
file can be created. In this case, statistics that EvaalScore prints out and includes in the score.pdf
report make no sense as the dummy files created emulate an error-free run.
It is also possible to generate a dummy path with errors for testing how score.pdf
will look like. Calling create_dummy_positions(dirnanme, 5)
will create buttonsPressed.log
and positions.log
files with random errors and a score.pdf
report with meaningful yet dummy statistics.