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GLA Request Review Feature

Miguel Pérez Pellicer edited this page Aug 23, 2022 · 2 revisions

More info: pcTzPl-xG-p2

Available in Google Listings and Ads >= 1.13.0

  • Implemented 2 new API Routes in the plugin as well as WooCommerce Connect Server for getting the GMC Account Status using the new API specification provided by Google
  • Built the logic to compute the final Account Status for all the Google programs and Regions, as well as potential cooldown periods and account review eligibility.
  • Implemented the UX proposal showing the Account Status in the Product feed as well as a notice in case the Status is Disapproved or Warning.
  • Implemented the button and logic to request a new review from the plugin, without need to visit GMC Dashboard to do so. We implemented UX request showing a modal for checking the solved issues before confirming. We tweaked the Product Feed issues table offering a better UX experience for the user following design direction.


Plugin Controller Route (cached 20 minutes):

GET /wc/gla/mc/review

Info: The WP transient are saved in WP Option as _transient_gla_mc_account_review Plugin Route and Caching is handled in RequestReviewController.php.

WCS Route:

GET /google/manager/account-review-status/{accountId}

Google Routes:



Account Statuses

All the account statuses are grouped by regions and program types. We have a file that is in charge of merging and computing the status based on a status priority, always showing the worst status detected. This file is RequestReviewStatuses.php

At the end of the procedure we return this data structure:

Status: Current computed Account status

APPROVED If the account has no issues and review is completed successfully.
DISAPPROVED There are one or more issues that need to be resolved for account to be active for the program.
WARNING If account has issues but offers are servable. Some of the issues can make account DISAPPROVED after a certain deadline.
UNDER_REVIEW Account is under review.
PENDING_REVIEW Account is waiting for review to start.
ONBOARDING Program is currently onboarding. Upload valid offers to complete onboarding.

Cooldown: Includes the cooldown time to wait until allowing a review. Specified in timestamp format (milliseconds). Cooldown is 0 if no cooldown is needed.

Issues: Array with the issue IDs to be solved to get the Account approved.

reviewEligibilityRegions: Array with the eligible for review regions specified in two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.