An attempt at an unbloated, minimalist web server.
Run these commands to create a HTTP (unsecured) web server binary:
make # 'make' will create the binary 'server'.
To create a secure HTTPS server run these commands:
patch < patches/libressl.diff # Apply the LibreSSL patch.
edit config.h # Edit the configuration (enter your certificate details in here).
make # 'make' will create the binary 'server'.
You will need to change the 'TLSKeyFile' and 'TLSCertFile' constants to your certificate paths. See config.h for more details.
Starting a HTTP server:
./server # Start the server on the default port 80.
Starting a HTTPS server:
./server -p 443 # Start the server on port 443.
Option | Default | Description |
-d | /var/www/html/ | Sets the directory of the WWW files. |
-h | N/A | Displays a help message |
-l | Disabled | Enable request logging. |
-p | 80 | Sets the port of the server. |
-t | 20 | Sets the maximum thread count. |
-u | Enabled | Disable the default index.html creation. |
-w | Enabled | Disable all warnings. |
This software is licensed under the permissive OpenBSD license. See the COPYING
file for more information.