I used Python and its popular libraries such as NumPy and Pandas, as well as the PyTorch Deep Learning library. I then applied them to build Neural Networks and Deep Learning models.
Tensors: Tensors are an essential part of PyTorch; there are complex mathematical objects in and of themselves. Fortunately, most of the intricacies are not necessary. In this section, I compared them to vectors and numpy arrays.
Derivatives: In this section, took a look at simple derivatives and partial derivatives. And went over a cool hack that allows you to calculate the derivative of a function for multiple values using PyTorch Library.
Dataset: In this section, I constructed a basic dataset by using PyTorch and learnt how to apply basic transformations to it. Also, used a prebuilt dataset and then used some prebuilt dataset transforms.
1D Training One Parameter: In this section, I trained a model with PyTorch by using data that I created. The model only has one parameter: the slope
1D Training Two Parameter: In this section, I trained a model with PyTorch by using the data that I created. The model will have the slope and bias. And l reviewed how to make a prediction in several different ways by using PyTorch
Stochastic Gradient Descent: In this section, I practiced training a model by using Stochastic Gradient descent and compared it with Batch Gradient Descent we used in earlier section.
Mini-Batch Gradient Descent: In this section, l practiced training a model by using Mini-Batch Gradient Descent.
PyTorch Way: I created a model the PyTorch way in this section, this helps as models get more complicated.
Training and Validation Data: In this section, I learnt to select the best learning rate by using validation data.
Early Stopping: In this section, I performed early stopping and save the model that minimizes the total loss on the validation data for every iteration. (Note: Early Stopping is a general term. We will focus on the variant where we use the validation data. You can also use a pre-determined number iterations.)
Multi Linear Regression: I performed Linear Regression involving multiple parameters as well as output using nn,Modules.
Logistic Regression Prediction: In this section, we will cover logistic regression using PyTorch.
Logistic Regression Training: I see what happens when we use the root mean square error cost or total loss function using random initialization for a parameter values and also by selecting a bad initialization value for the parameter values and then try to solve issue with cross entropy.
Softmax Regression: In this section, I used Softmax to classify three linearly separable classes, the features are in one dimension and then I used a single layer Softmax to classify handwritten digits from the MNIST database.
Neural Network: In this section, I used a single-layer neural network to classify non linearly seprable data in 1-D database. Also, I explored how many neurons it takes to classify a noisy XOR data with one hidden layer neural network. Then I used a single layer neural network to classify handwritten digits from the MNIST database.
Activation Functions: I compared different Activation Functions i.e. Sigmoid, Relu & Tanh by using them on MNIST.
Deeper Neural Network: In this section, I created a Deeper Neural Network with nn.ModuleList()
Dropout: I see how adding dropout to my model decreases overfitting
Intialization: I tested PyTroch Default Initialization, Xavier Initialization and Uniform Initialization on the MNIST dataset. Also I tested the Uniform Initialization, Default Initialization and He Initialization on the MNIST dataset with Relu Activation
Momentum: In this section, I deal with several problems associated with optimization and see how momentum can improve your results. I also generated data that will produce a Loss Function with a High Condition Number. I created two models; one with the momentum term and one without the momentum term & then I saw how different values for the momentum parameters affect the convergence rate of a neural network.
Batch Normalization: I built a Neural Network using Batch Normalization and compare it to a Neural Network that does not use Batch Normalization. I used the MNIST dataset to test my network
Convolution Intro: I studied convolution and reviewed how the different operations change the relationship between input and output. I learnt two important components in building a convolutional neural network. The first is applying an activation function, which is analogous to building a regular network. Other is max pooling which reduces the number of parameters and makes the network less susceptible to changes in the image.
Convolution Neural Network: In this section, I used a Convolutional Neural Network to classify handwritten digits from the MNIST database. I also reshaped the images to make them faster to process