This project aims to deliver CasaOS ( as a docker container.
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Yundera : - Easy to use cloud server for open source container applications.
Mesh-Router - providing easy management of for domain accessible containers and compatible with CasaIMG.
- Docker must be installed on the host (works on Windows and Linux host)
- At least 150MB of RAM
The image is now available on DockerHub! You can either pull the official image or build it yourself.
docker pull nasselle/casa-img:latest
docker run -d \
-p 8080:8080 \
-e REF_NET=meta \ # optional, the network to attach the container created by CasaIMG
-e REF_PORT=80 \ # optional, the published port for the WEB-UI of a new container installation
-e REF_DOMAIN=nas.localhost \ # optional, the published hostname for the WEB-UI of a new container installation
-e DATA_ROOT=/c/DATA \ # mandatory, path where the data are located (Windows /c/path/DATA or Linux /path/DATA)
-e USER=admin:password \ # optional, automatically register user with specified credentials
-v C:\DATA:/DATA \ # mandatory, where persistent data and app volume will be stored
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ # mandatory, allows CasaIMG to control the docker host
--name casaimg nasselle/casa-img:latest
Create a docker-compose.yml
file with the following content:
image: nasselle/casa-img:latest
- "8080:8080"
REF_NET: meta # optional
REF_PORT: 80 # optional
REF_DOMAIN: nas.localhost # optional
DATA_ROOT: /c/DATA # mandatory, path where the data are located (Windows /c/DATA or Linux /path/DATA)
USER: "admin:password" # optional, automatically register user with specified credentials
- C:\DATA:/DATA # mandatory, where persistent data and app volume will be stored
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock # mandatory, allows CasaIMG to control the docker host
To start the service with Docker Compose, run:
docker-compose up -d
Once the container is running, open http://localhost:8080 in your browser to access the web interface.
CasaIMG provides environment variables to configure how new containers started by CasaOS can be accessed. This is particularly useful when running your NAS behind a router and want to make services accessible.
Variable | Description | Example | Default |
REF_NET | Docker network to attach new containers to | meta |
bridge |
REF_PORT | Default published port for container web interfaces | 80 |
Container's default |
REF_DOMAIN | Base domain for automatic subdomain generation | |
none |
is set, CasaOS automatically assigns subdomains to new containers using the pattern: {container-name}.{domain}
For example, with
nginx container →
plex container →
nextcloud container →
- Behind a Reverse Proxy (Recommended)
REF_DOMAIN: "" # All apps will get a subdomain under
REF_NET: "proxy" # Attach to your reverse proxy network
REF_PORT: "443" # Default HTTPS port (configure you proxy to handle https requests)
Configure your reverse proxy (like Traefik, Nginx Proxy Manager) to handle *
2Local Network Only
REF_DOMAIN: "nas.local" # Local domain for LAN access -> will gives nginx.nas.local
REF_PORT: "80" # Default HTTP port
- When using domains, ensure your DNS or reverse proxy is properly configured to route traffic to the correct containers
- The domain feature works best with a reverse proxy that supports automatic SSL certificate generation
- If no domain is specified, containers will be accessible via IP:PORT
- REF_PORT defines the default external port for web interfaces of new containers
- Container-specific ports can still be configured individually through CasaOS interface
Would you like me to clarify or expand any part of this section?
This project uses modified versions of the CasaOS repositories to add features useful for the Docker image, such as domain/port/network support configured by environment variables. If you want to use the original CasaOS project, you can change the submodules to point directly to the original repositories:
# Modified version (current)
# Original version
Option 1: Fresh clone (recommended)
git clone --recurse-submodules --remote-submodules
cd casa-img
Option 2: If already cloned
git submodule update --init --recursive
Run these commands once to properly configure submodule handling:
# Configure submodule behavior
git config submodule.recurse true
git config push.recurseSubmodules check
git config submodule.recurseSubmodules true
# Update all submodules to their correct branches
git submodule update --init --recursive --merge
# to cleanup (reset) the submodule
git submodule deinit -f .
git submodule update --init --recursive
npx dockflow build
This project integrates various CasaOS components as submodules. Each submodule is tracked at a specific version to ensure stability and compatibility.
Component | Branch | Version | Upstream Repository |
CasaOS | main | v0.4.15 | IceWhaleTech/CasaOS |
CasaOS-AppManagement | casa-img | v0.4.16-alpha2 | IceWhaleTech/CasaOS-AppManagement |
CasaOS-AppStore | main | no version | IceWhaleTech/CasaOS-AppStore |
CasaOS-Gateway | main | v0.4.8 | IceWhaleTech/CasaOS-Gateway |
CasaOS-LocalStorage | main | v0.4.5-2 | IceWhaleTech/CasaOS-LocalStorage |
CasaOS-MessageBus | main | v0.4.5 | IceWhaleTech/CasaOS-MessageBus |
CasaOS-UI | casa-img | 0.4.20 | IceWhaleTech/CasaOS-UI |
CasaOS-UserService | casa-img | v0.4.8 | IceWhaleTech/CasaOS-UserService |
CasaOS-CLI | main | v0.4.4 | IceWhaleTech/CasaOS-CLI |
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