Play a random laugh track on a random moment on the Raspberry PI.
The audio can be played through the 3.5mm jack or be transmitted over FM.
python3 is needed, installed on most raspberry pi's by default.
Clone the Random-Laugh-Track repository using following command.
git clone
- Audio playback.
For playing sound through the 3.5mm jack you need OMXPlayer.
sudo apt-get install omxplayer
For transmitting the FM Signal you need the fm_transmitter github repo by Marcin Kondej (markondej).
cd Random-Laugh-Track
git clone
Follow the install steps in "How to use it" on the fm_transmitter repository.
(make sure you have a jumperwire on GPIO4 to acts as an antenna).
commands from fm_transmitter repo:
cd fm_transmitter
CD out of the fm_transmitter directory.
cd ..
- Run the script.
Run the shell script in the Random-Laugh-Track directory using following command.
(For transmitting FM you need root access).
or (When FM transmitting is used)
sudo ./
To stop the script press ctrl-c.
In the config.txt file you can change the settings.nano config.txt
(or any other text editor).
Default config file:
#jack = Audio output thru 3.5mm jack.
#fm = Transmit audio over FM.
output = fm
#If the output is set to FM set here the frequency in MHz.
#The GPIO4 pin is used to transmit the signal.
frequency = 102.1
#Settings for when the laugh track occures.
#minimum_seconds = the shortest time the laugh track could occure.
#maximum_seconds = the longest time the laugh track could occure.
minimum_seconds = 1
maximum_seconds = 30