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=== Plugin Name ===
Contributors: kseaborn
Plugin Name: Zotpress
Plugin URI:
Donate link:
Tags: zotero, zotpress, citation manager, citations, citation, cite, citing, bibliography, bibliographies, reference, referencing, references, reference list, reference manager, academic, academia, scholar, scholarly, cv, curriculum vitae, resume, publish, publications
Author URI:
Author: Katie Seaborn
Requires at least: 3.5
Tested up to: 4.2.2
Stable tag: 5.5.5
License: Apache2.0

Zotpress displays your Zotero citations on WordPress.

== Description ==

[Zotpress]( "Zotpress for WordPress") brings your Zotero library and scholarly blogging to WordPress. [Zotero]( "Zotero") is a free, cross-platform reference manager that integrates with your browser and word processor.

= Features =
* Displays your individual and group Zotero items through in-text citations, bibliographies, and searchable libraries
* Supports thumbnail images through WordPress's Featured Image
* Supports selective CSS styling via IDs and classes
* Provides a range of additional features, such as allowing visitors to cite and download citations
* And more!

Compatible with Firefox, Safari, Chrome, IE7, IE8, and IE9. Made with jQuery, jQuery UI, jQuery doTimeout, and Live Query.

Special thanks to Joe Alberts for substantial contributions to the code, comprehensive testing, and design ideation. Thanks also to contributors Christopher Cheung and Jason S. for their development support and advice. Finally, my sincere gratitude goes out to all who have donated in support of this plugin.

= Requirements =
jQuery included in your theme (Zotpress will do this for you if it isn't already included), and an HTTP request method supported by WordPress enabled on your server: cURL, fopen with Streams (PHP 5), or fsockopen. In your server config file, X-Frame-Options should be set to SAMEORIGIN. Optional: OAuth enabled on your server.

== Installation ==

1. Upload the folder `zotpress` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
1. Import your Zotero library.
1. In the Browse page, look up the keys of the items, collections or tags you wish to display. Or, use the Zotpress Reference Widget to generate shortcodes.
1. Place the shortcodes in your blog entry or page, or enable the Zotpress sidebar widget.

= Shortcode =
You can display your Zotero citations in a number of ways. To display a list of five citations from the collection with the key "ZKDTKM3X", use this shortcode:

[zotpress collection="ZKDTKM3X" limit="5"]

You can also use in-text citations:

[zotpressInText item="{U9Z5JTKC,36-45}"]

This shortcode will display the following in-text citation for the citation with the key "U9Z5JTKC": (Seaborn, 2011, p. 36). The full citation can be displayed in an auto-generated bibliography using the [zotpressInTextBib] shortcode.

Check out the "Help" page on your installation of Zotpress for more information and a full listing of parameters for all shortcodes.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

The F.A.Q. can be found on the "Help" page of every Zotpress installation. If you have a question that isn't answered there, feel free to post a message in the [forums]( "Zotero forums on").

== Screenshots ==

1. Browse your Zotero citations by account, collection or tag. Add custom images to citations. Special characters are supported.
2. Search for items and build bibliography and in-text shortcodes using the "Zotpress Reference" meta box widget.
3. Display your Zotero items on your blog. Write scholarly posts with in-text citations and autogenerated bibliographies.

== Changelog ==

= 5.5.5 =

* Bug fix for searchbar filters.

= 5.5.4 =

* Minor update to date formatting.
* Searchbar links are now hyperlinked.
* Updated searchbar labels.

= 5.5.3 =

* Browse page bug fixed.
* Added "download" attribute to Library shortcode (dropdown-only).

= 5.5.2 =

* Added support for "cite" to Library shortcode (dropdown-only).
* Fixed "target" attribute for DOI links.
* Updated styles for download and cite links.
* Default style option label clarified for importing.

= 5.5.1 =

* Fixed ampersand error for tags (must re-import).
* Fixed author filter error with same last name. New format: (last, first)

= 5.5 =

* New! Autocomplete search bar option for "zotpressLib" shortcode.
* Updated DOI hyperlinking function.
* Fixed item import bugs related to quotes and empty queries.
* Thanks to @mlwk for a thorough, 2+ level nested collections fix.
* Thanks to Joe Alberts for fixing the permission denied error reporting.
* Added support for "month-month year" format to zp_date_format.

= 5.4.2 =

* Fixed code-breaking error that occurred for some users.

= 5.4.1 =

* Fixed display bug for single libraries on Browse page.
* Set nonce lifetime to 12 hours.

= 5.4 =

* New! "zotpressLib" shortcode for displaying your library on the front-end of your website.
* Fixed "set image" bug for single-account setups.
* Fixed "remove image" bug.
* Optimized nested collections display.
* Optimized notes with display for single notes and anchors.

= 5.3.3 =

* Better error messages.
* Table updates now check for existence of table first.
* Corrected HTML for nested lists of collections and validation.

= 5.3.2 =

* Security enhancements for import script.
* Fixed minor shortcode and import bugs and warnings throughout.

= 5.3.1 =

* Fixed custom tags interference issue.
* Added plugin icons.

= 5.3 =

* New "brackets" in-text citation shortcode attribute.
* Re-structured import and admin scripts.
* Expanded in-text formatting.
* Added submenu to admin sidebar.
* Added ability to set default accounts on Browse and Accounts and selectively import on Browse.
* Applied fix for array_multisort warning.
* Minor style updates throughout.

= 5.2.10 =

* Added support for multiple last names to author filtering.
* Removed survey link.
* Minor style updates to the metabox.

= =

* Fixed minor sort error for in-text bibliographies.

= 5.2.9 =

* Author attribute is now strict, e.g. "Gret" will not return "Gretel."
* Sort attribute now understands most common date formats.
* Added "nick" version of "nickname" attribute to in-text shortcode.
* Fixed widget display issues for new posts.

= =

* Fixed zp_get_year warning messages.

= 5.2.8 =

* Fixed in-text bibliography sorting errors.
* Fixed in-text citation display for no authors and no dates.
* Fixed image table issue that caused collection and/or item display bugs.
* Updated add account form labels.

= 5.2.7 =

* Added notice of research survey.
* Fixed inclusive filtering bug for multiple collections.
* Fixed prepare issues with metabox.

= 5.2.6 =

* Fixed import bug related authors with one name / full name meta.
* Fixed import bug related to non-English characters for in-text citations.
* Fixed abstract percent sign display bug.
* Added longer delay to in-text anchor highlight effect.

= 5.2.5 =

* Confirmed that Zotpress works with WP 4.0.
* New! "forcenumber" attribute numbers bibliographies, even when the style doesn't.
* New! Clicking in-text anchors highlights the corresponding entry in the bibliography.
* New! DOIs are automatically hyperlinked.
* New! Authors (and below) can only see Browse and Help pages.
* Notice: Database update to fix overwriting images during selective import.

= 5.2.4 =

* Fixed in-text citation title formatting issues.
* Fixed incorrect duplicates for items cited in-text.

= 5.2.3 =

* Fixed broken image URLs.

= 5.2.2 =

* Fixed displayed duplicates generated by multiple download links.
* Removed old code.
* Minor content and style updates on the Help page.

= 5.2.1 =

* Fixed selective import bugs related to duplicate items.
* Updated table structure to optimize script.

= 5.2 =

* IMPORTANT! You must re-import your Zotero library/libraries in Zotpress when you install this version or your shortcodes will not display correctly.
* Fixed selective import bug for libraries with more than 50 top-level collections.
* Optimized import script and enforced Zotero API Version 2.
* Increased time length before timeout for import scripts.
* Fixed database updating bug and sort/order bug.

= 5.1 =

* Zotpress now requires version 3.5 of WordPress.
* New! In-text citation attributes "and" and "separator" for greater flexibility in format and style.
* New! Bibliography shortcode attributes "showtags" for displaying a citation's tags and "target" for HTML5 compliance.
* New! Enable or disable Zotpress Reference Widget for specific post types.
* Updated import script, including compliance testing and friendly error messages.
* Updated style names, e.g. mla is now modern-language-association.
* Updated look and feel to match WordPress 3.8+.
* Multiple bug fixes.

= 5.0.10 =

* Fixed display issue for multiple in-text citations per shortcode.
* Updated the Help/FAQ page.
* Restructured request class and enforced Zotoro API Version 1.
* Fixed style update errors related to undefined variables.
* Added "citeable" as an alternate for the "cite" attribute.

= 5.0.9 =

* Fixed incorrect abstracts issue.
* Fixed "years", "authors" and "nick" shortcode attributes.
* Help information for finding Group IDs has been updated.
* Lowercase style names enforced.

= 5.0.8 =

* New! Import functionality check added.
* New! Reset Zotpress feature on Options page.
* New! Added security measures to prevent direct access.
* New! Import items, collections and tags separately.
* Updated import script; sessions removed.
* Fixed minor shortcode bugs.
* Removed extraneous code.
* Minor style updates.

= 5.0.7 =

* New! Import script now uses WordPress functionality for improved compatibility.
* New! "Link" attribute for tag and collection lists.
* Updated help page to include how to use in-text brackets.
* In-text format updates, including new "etal" attribute.
* URLs are now converted two-ways to account for prior encoding.
* Updated styles for a more consistent look.

= 5.0.6 =

* Fixed incompatibility bugs with jQuery UI; some style updates, too.
* Fixed "abstract" attribute bug.
* Fixed in-text %num% numbering bug.
* In-text shortcodes are now unique to posts.
* Fixed hyperlink bug for special characters.
* Fixed search when no default account set.
* New! In-text citations are now hyperlinked to the generated bibliography.

= 5.0.5 =

* New! Can now display abstracts using the "abstract" parameter.
* Blank author fields now filled with other author (e.g. editor) information.
* Added support for %num% formatting option (in-text).
* Fixed front-end style update script for large (50+) items.
* Fixed "datatype" filtering error.
* Fixed typos in the Help page.
* Added default account constraint to Zotpress Reference results.

= 5.0.4 =

* Fixed table install, update and uninstall issues.
* New import and sync scripts for large libraries.
* Zotpress admin now accessible to Editors.
* Styles updated and Help page shortcode documentation redesigned.

= 5.0.3 =

* Fixed import and sync for large libraries.
* Removed autoupdate feature. Please use the sync feature for the time being.
* Fixed metabox widget error.
* Minor bug fixes.

= 5.02 =

* Fixed display of styles with numbered lists, e.g. IEEE, nature, etc.
* Fixed critical in-text citation bug when multiple accounts are synced.
* Long URLs in citations will now wrap.

= 5.01 =

* Critical patch for case-sensitive tables and import functionality.

= 5.0 =

* Happy new year! Zotpress is now optimized for Wordpress 3.5.
* Near-complete rewrite of the code for greater loading speeds across the board.
* Revamped Browse page and Reference Widget with autocomplete and a new shortcode builder.
* Expanded Zotpress In-Text capabilities, including multiple items and formatting.
* New shortcode parameters, including ones for filtering and providing RIS links for citing.
* Greater shortcode flexibility, including support for multiple items and new sort options.
* Many more additions and bug fixes. Explore and enjoy the new Zotpress!

= 4.5.4 =
* Fixed "downloadable" bug.
* Updated Help page.

= 4.5.3 =
* Styles for metabox tabs added.
* In-Text Bibliography fixed (for real this time).

= 4.5.2 =
* New! Options page to set blog-wide defaults (more settings coming).
* New(ish)! Post-specific style defaults.
* In-Text Bibliography display fixed AGAIN!

= 4.5.1 =
* In-Text Bibliography display fixed (or, made better).
* New! Set default citation style (for all posts, via Zotpress Reference Metabox Widget).

= 4.5 =
* New: Shortcode Creator in the Zotpress Reference Metabox Widget.
* "Show Image" and "Sort" bugs fixed.

= 4.4.1 =
* Security fix!

= 4.4 =
* A number of security measures added.
* Fixed "Help" page shortcode for in-text citations and private vs. public groups: oops!
* The Zotpress shortcode now accepts lists for these parameters: collection, item.
* Notes can now be shown, if made publicly available through Zotero.
* Zotpress Reference should now show up on custom post type writing/editing pages.
* Zotpress Reference now working with the latest versions of Chrome and Safari.

= 4.3 =
* Introducing "Zotpress InText", a new shortcode that let's you add in-text citations, and then auto-generates a bibliography for you. jQuery must be enabled. Only supports APA style; requests can be made in the forums. Use information can be found in your Zotpress installation's "Help" page.
* Recaching and auto-checking for new or updated Zotero data back in action.
* The "collection" shortcode parameter now working.
* Zotero XML data gathering functions optimized.
* Tags with spaces are now working again for the "tag" shortcode parameter.
* Tag shortcode parameter now accepts nonexistent tags.

= 4.2.7 =
* Error display error fixed.

= 4.2.6 =
* Fixed bullet image issue.

= 4.2.5 =
* Fixed sidebar issue: having an author is no longer required.

= 4.2.4 =
* Fixed sidebar widget error and display issue.
* Added more information to and sorting of citations listed in the Zotpress Reference widget.

= 4.2.3 =
* More friendly XML error messages, including ability to (at least try) repeating the Zotero request.
* Spite-ified most images for quicker display.
* Citation images can now be deleted.

= 4.2.2 =
* Bugfix: Typo!

= 4.2.1 =
* Bugfix: Limit issue resolved.

= 4.2 =
* Bugfix: Styles now working again.
* Bugfix: Now only grabbing top level items.
* Bugfix: Sidebar widget working again.
* Metabox widget refined: Limit removed, account info integrated, and tags and collections alphabetized.

= 4.1.1 =
* Bugfix: Can now sort by ASC or DESC order.

= 4.1 =
* Bugfixes: Filtering by author and date reinstated.
* New: Titles by year. (New parameter: title)

= 4.0 =
* Switched method of requesting from jQuery to PHP. Should mean a speed increase (particularly for Firefox users).
* Many shortcode parameters have been changed; these parameters are now deprecated: api_user_id (now userid), item_key (now item), tag_name (now tag), data_type (now datatype), collection_id (now collection), download (now downloadable), image (now showimage).
* New shortcode parameter "sortby" allows you to sort by "author" (first author) and "date" (publication date). By default, citations are sorted by latest added.

= 3.1.3 =
* Temporary fix for web servers that don't support long URLs. Unfortunately no special caching for these folks. New solution in the works.

= 3.1.2 =
* Added backwards compatibility measure with respect to the new api_user_id / nickname requirement.
* Fixed citation display positioning bugs.
* Applied new caching method to sidebar widget.

= 3.1.1 =
* Fix: Sidebar widget bug.

= 3.1 =
* New way of caching requests. Speed increase for requests that have already been cached.
* No more multiple accounts per shortcode. A "user_api_id" or "nickname" must be set.
* No more collection titles. You can use the Zotero Reference meta box to find and add this information above collection shortcode calls.

= 3.0.4 =
* Fixed display images issue.
* Separated out sidebar widget code from main file.

= 3.0.3 =
* Groups accounts citation display fixed.

= 3.0.2 =
* Meta box fixed in IE and Safari.
* Styles fixed in IE and Safari.

= 3.0.1 =
* Sidebar widget fixed.
* Styles in IE refined.
* Conditional OAuth messages implemented.

= 3.0 =
* New "Zotpress Reference" widget, meant to speed up the process of adding shortcodes to your posts and pages by allowing you to selectively search for ids directly on the add and edit pages.
* OAuth is now supported, which means that you don't have to go out of your way to generate the required private key for your Zotero account anymore (unless your server doesn't support OAuth, of course).
* I've changed the way Zotpress's admin splash page loads. Before, the page would hang until finished loading the latest citations from Zotero. This is a friendlier way of letting you know what Zotpress is up to.
* Manual re-caching and clear cache options added, for those who desire to refresh the cache at their leisure.
* Citations that have URLs will now have their URLs automatically hyperlinked.
* More IDs and classes added for greater CSS styling possibilities.
* Improved handling of multiple Zotpress shortcode calls on a single page.
* Code reduced and refined plugin-wide, which should equal an overall performance improvement.
* "Order" parameter no longer available, at least for now; see
* "Forcing cURL" option abandoned. If your server supports it, cURL will be used; otherwise, Zotpress will resort to file_get_contents(). 

= 2.6.1 =
* Can now give group accounts a public key.
* Downloads can now be accessed by anyone (assuming you've enabled downloading).

= 2.6 =
* Important: Reduced multiple instantiations of JavaScript.
* Download option added to Widget.
* Proper download links for PDFs implemented.

= 2.5.2 =
* Fixed image display for author/year citations.

= 2.5.1 =
* Fixed single citation display bug.

= 2.5 =
* Re-wrote display code.
* Tidied up JavaScript.
* Fixed update table code.

= 2.4 =
* Can now display by year.
* New option to display download links, should they be available.

= 2.3 =
* Fixed Group "invalid key" error.

= 2.2 =

= 2.1 =
* Now cURL-friendly again.

= 2.0 =
* Zotpress completely restructured.
* Most requests now made through PHP. Shortcode requests made through PHP/jQuery combo for user-friendliness on the front-end.
* Cross-user caching implemented. Updates request data every 10 minutes and only if request made.
* Increased security now that private keys are no longer exposed through JavaScript.
* Can now filter by Tag in admin.

= 1.6 =
* Critical request method issue fixed.

= 1.5 =
* Groups citation style issue fixed.

= 1.4 =
* Caching enabled, which should speed things up a bit.

= 1.3 =
* Added cURL, which is (maybe?) quicker, (definitely?) safer, and (more likely to be?) supported. Requests default to cURL first now.

= 1.2 =
* Optimized JavaScript functions. Fixed some grammatical errors on the Help page. More selective loading of JavaScript. And most importantly ... added a Zotpress widget option. This also means you can have more than one Zotpress call on a single page.

= 1.1 =
* Fixed up the readme.txt. Added a friendly redirect for new users. Made IE8-compliant. Moved some JS calls to footer. Now selectively loads some JS. Made tags and collections into lists for easier formatting.

= 1.0 =
* Zotpress makes its debut.

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.2 =
Lots of little issues fixed. Plus, you can now use a Zotpress widget instead of shortcode.

= 1.3 =
Implemented cURL, which should help those having read/write issues on their server.

= 1.4 =
Speed increase with newly added caching feature.

= 1.5 =
Important: Groups citation style issue fixed.

= 1.6 =
Critical request method issue fixed.

= 2.0 =
Zotpress overhaul. Security and performance increases.

= 2.1 =
Now cURL-friendly again.

= 2.2 =

= 2.3 =
Fixed Group "invalid key" error.

= 2.4 =
Can now display by year. Option to display download links.

= 2.5 =
Re-wrote display code and tidied up JavaScript. Fixed update table code.

= 2.5.1 =
Fixed single citation display bug.

= 2.6 =
Important: JavaScript reductions; download option added to Widget; proper PDF download links.

= 2.6.1 =
Downloads can now be accessed by anyone.

= 3.0 =
Major release! OAuth, convenient "Zotpress Reference" meta box, friendly lag handling, numerous bug fixes, and more!

= 3.1 =
Speed increase and a new way of caching. No more multiple accounts per shortcode. No more auto-display of collection title.

= 4.0 =
Requests now processed by PHP instead of jQuery. Shortcode parameters re-envisioned (but backwards-compatible). Can now sort by author and date.

= 4.1 =
Bugfixes: Filtering by year and author reinstated. New: Titles for year.

= 4.2 =
Bugfixes and metabox widget refinements.

= 4.3 =
Zotpress InText and various fixes.

= 4.4 =
Security measures added. Fixed "Help" page info. Zotpress shortcode now accepts lists for these parameters: collection, item. Notes can now be shown. Zotpress Reference on custom post type writing/editing pages and working with the latest versions of Chrome and Safari.

= 4.5 =
Shortcode Creator. "Show Image" and "Sort" bugs fixed.

= 4.6 =
* New! Context menu (aka right-click menu) insert citation function for CKEditor-enabled blogs.

= 5.0 =
* Fixed for Wordpress 3.5! Many new and improved features.

= 5.01 =

* Critical patch for case-sensitive tables and import functionality.

= 5.02 =

* Fixed display of styles with numbered lists, e.g. IEEE, nature, etc.
* Fixed critical in-text citation bug when multiple accounts are synced.
* Long URLs in citations will now wrap.

= 5.0.3 =

* Fixed import and sync for large libraries.
* Removed autoupdate feature. Please use the sync feature for the time being.
* Fixed metabox widget error.
* Minor bug fixes.

= 5.0.4 =

* Fixed table install, update and uninstall issues.
* New import and sync scripts for large libraries.
* Zotpress admin now accessible to Editors.
* Styles updated and Help page shortcode documentation redesigned.

= 5.0.5 =

* New! Can now display abstracts using the "abstract" parameter.
* Blank author fields now filled with other author (e.g. editor) information.
* Added support for %num% formatting option (in-text).
* Fixed front-end style update script for large (50+) items.
* Fixed "datatype" filtering error.
* Fixed typos in the Help page.
* Added default account constraint to Zotpress Reference results.

= 5.0.6 =

* Fixed incompatibility bugs with jQuery UI; some style updates, too.
* Fixed "abstract" attribute bug.
* Fixed in-text %num% numbering bug.
* In-text shortcodes are now unique to posts.
* Fixed hyperlink bug for special characters.
* Fixed search when no default account set.
* New! In-text citations are now hyperlinked to the generated bibliography.

= 5.0.7 =

* New! Import script now uses WordPress functionality for improved compatibility.
* New! "Link" attribute for tag and collection lists.
* Updated help page to include how to use in-text brackets.
* In-text format updates, including new "etal" attribute.
* URLs are now converted two-ways to account for prior encoding.
* Updated styles for a more consistent look.

= 5.0.8 =

* New! Import functionality check added.
* New! Reset Zotpress feature on Options page.
* New! Added security measures to prevent direct access.
* New! Import items, collections and tags separately.
* Updated import script; sessions removed.
* Fixed minor shortcode bugs.
* Removed extraneous code.
* Minor style updates.

= 5.0.9 =

* Fixed incorrect abstracts issue.
* Fixed "years", "authors" and "nick" shortcode attributes.
* Help information for finding Group IDs has been updated.
* Lowercase style names enforced.

= 5.0.10 =

* Fixed display issue for multiple in-text citations per shortcode.
* Updated the Help/FAQ page.
* Restructured request class and enforced Zotoro API Version 1.
* Fixed style update errors related to undefined variables.
* Added "citeable" as an alternate for the "cite" attribute.

= 5.3 =

* New "brackets" in-text citation shortcode attribute.
* Re-structured import and admin scripts.
* Expanded in-text formatting.
* Added submenu to admin sidebar.
* Added ability to set default accounts on Browse and Accounts and selectively import on Browse.
* Applied fix for array_multisort warning.
* Minor style updates throughout.

= 5.4 =

* New! "zotpressLib" shortcode for displaying your library on the front-end of your website.
* Fixed "set image" bug for single-account setups.
* Fixed "remove image" bug.
* Optimized nested collections display.
* Optimized notes with display for single notes and anchors.

= 5.4.1 =

* Fixed display bug for single libraries on Browse page.
* Set nonce lifetime to 12 hours.

= 5.4.2 =

* Fixed code-breaking error that occurred for some users.