This repository contains shared files, information, links etc. to reduce boilerplate content throughout my open-source repositories.
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Römerstrasse 3a, A-6070 Ampass
Day of birth (yyyy-mm-dd): 1997- 02 - 07
+43 650 30 566 44
I like challenges and love expanding my horizon. “Life just has to be meaningful enough to justify its suffering.” (Peterson J.)
▪ 10/2016 – 07/2019 University of Applied Sciences, Kufstein – Web Business & Technology
▪ 08/2018 – 12/2018 Stetson University, Computer Sciences with minor in Digital Arts (exchange)
▪ 2012 – 2016 Commercial academy (HAK) in Innsbruck, AT
▪ 05/2020 – now Software-Engineer at InfPro (Fulltime)
▪ 02/2019 – now Hardware-Software / Internet-of-Things Engineer (self-employed)
▪ 10/2018 – now Startup ‘Wavect’ consisting of 5 people: Low-priced & personalized CSR
▪ 10/2019 – 03/2020 Mandatory military service as certified ambulance man & Data Engineer
▪ 10/2019 – 01/2020 Austrian-Startups-volunteer: Project Management
▪ 07/2019 – 09/2019 Internet-of-Things Engineer at IKB (Fulltime Internship)
▪ 07/2015 – 09/2019 IKEA vendor in lamp/organizing department (Saturday job)
▪ 03/2019 – 06/2019 Software Engineer at M-Pulso (Fulltime Internship)
▪ 09/2018 – 02/201 9 CMO & Software-Engineer at Startup ‘Code|ng’ (Blockchain, Distributed Ledger, ...)
▪ 03/2017 – 02/2019 Programmer at Kufstein University of Applied Sciences (<40 h/month)
▪ 09/2017, 08/2016 & 2015 Web-/VBA(S)-/Batch & Office-files Developer at TILAK Innsbruck (holiday job)
▪ GitHub
▪ LinkedIn 947219158
▪ Much experience with Java EE (incl. Android), Batch/Bash, Php, TypeScript (React(-Native), Node, ...)
▪ Made multiple projects with Python, C/C++ (also in combination with Arduino/Raspberry), Dart (Flutter), Go
▪ Used for smaller projects Rust, VBA/S, C# (with Unity), Assembly (8085), Whitespace, Brainfuck
▪ Arduino/Raspberry Pi Home automation (Own Home-Assistant, Smart-Mirror...)
▪ LoRaWAN Infrastructure Managed & extended a LoRaWAN infrastructure for several IoT sensors with
Docker Swarm; also used: NoSQL, SQL, React, Node-RED, Mosquitto/MQTT, ...
▪ Android Apps Survive the Day, Flying Fishes (see GitHub or Playstore), Wavect (React-Native)
▪ Websites Created appr. 20 websites since the age of 12, e.g.
▪ 2x performance-based scholarship issued to students with the best average grading in past semesters.
▪ Winner-Team of the Innovation Days 2018 (IKB challenge) by elaborating a new home automation concept
▪ Winner of MLH-Local Hack Day in Florida 2018: Implemented a voice assistant which simulates a depressed
▪ Languages German (C2), English (C1), Italian (B1/B2)
▪ Economic knowledge Accounting, business studies, law, politics, ...
▪ Presenting Confident and convincing presenter (held talks at several conferences)
▪ Social work Ambulance man (certified in 2019/20), Volunteer fire brigade (2009 – 2018 )
▪ Sport Founded a small society to spread Calisthenics (abolished)