Core app made with React Native & Expo. Download on Play-Store.
- Caching of Api-Calls and fetched images
- Encrypted local storage
- Minimal-Awesome-Prototype (MAP): All functionalities for low-priced Corporate-Social-Responsibility (e.g. Sponsor-Page, User communication, ...) according to our design guidelines (Corporate-Identity: All grayscale until user-interaction)
- UX field-tested (loading screens/indicators, transitions/animations, workflows, ...)
Don't be confused by browsing our commit-history: Our requirements have changed drastically over time, thus we ejected our Expo app to pure React-Native and moved back to a non-ejected Expo-App in 2020.
Wavect® has been a Tech-Startup from October 2018 to May 2020 to offer low-priced and personalized Corporate-Social-Responsibility campaigns to SMEs. We basically built a social-platform where people can solve so-called challenges related to environment-protection, health and solidarity and win prizes based on their interests by companies they love (e.g. exclusive rebates, products, vouchers, ...).
If you should plan to commercialize any of our software or/and business-model, we would greatly appreciate if you get in touch with us!
Our startup consisted of 5 people.
- CEO: Kevin Riedl, Bsc.
- CIO: Reza Shokri, Bsc.
- CTO: Christof Jori
- CMO: Mariella Galneder
- CFO: Ing. Daniel Gosterxeier
This project is licensed under GNU V3, so contributions/pull-requests are welcome. All contributors get listed here.
Please use Yarn instead of Npm as Npm might cause problems in combination with Expo.
yarn start android // or // yarn start ios
Run npm version {new version in major.minor.bugfix format} and then create the release build. The previous command removes the necessity to adapt the version-numbers in native code.
Please keep in mind that the repo mostly uses the real backend (= In case you want to use the local backend to debug, update the backend itself and test new features, you might need to use "Docker" and change the API-Url in the global_config.ts [/s_f_mobile/src/globalConfiguration/globalConfig.ts]. Please refer to the documentation of the base repository as it contains the docker-compose.yml.
- No need to run react-native link at any time. We use auto-linking.
If your intending to use the < Text > Component of react-native, please dont forget to use the new < AppText > Component to automatically use our Futura-Font Package.