- Contoso Finance is a N-tier application. A frontend, API and a database
- This is a script that creates the needed services on Azure to host the Contoso Finance
- Reference steps can be found here
- Run the file
in vscode to create the environment.
- Create a new SQL Hosting Server in the Azure portal. During creation, set the size of the new hosting server in GB to 100.
- You should have a new SQL Hosting Server resource provisioned in the Azure portal
Deploy a new Azure SQL Database instance in the Azure portal using the following configuration:
Database Name: ContosoFinanceWebDB
Max Size in MB: 250
Resource group: ContosoFinanceApp
Location: Local
Copy the connection string for later reference
- A deployed SQL Database in the Azure portal portal and a copy to the connection string
Duration: 15-30 minutes
In this exercise, you will provision a website using the Azure portal. The Web App will leverage the SQL DB running in Azure. This is the front-end website that customers will see when browsing for a Mortgage or other financial services products.
Create a new Azure Web App in the Azure portal portal using the following configuration:
App Name: Specify a unique and valid URL (until the green check mark appears)
Resource group: ContosoFinanceApp
- A functioning web app deployed in the Azure portal portal
Create a new Azure Storage Account in the Azure portal portal using the following configuration:
Name: unique value for the storage account (ensure the green check mark appears)
Resource Group: ContosoFinanceApp
- A storage account deployed in the Azure portal Portal
Add a new App setting for the Contoso Financial Web Application with the following values:
Key: AzureQueueConnectionString
Value: enter the Connection String for the Storage Account that was just created
Locate Connection Strings below App settings in the Azure Global Add a new Connection String with the following values:
Name: ContosoFinance
Value: enter the Connection String for the SQL Database in Azure you just updated
Type: SQL Database
- The application settings for the web app should be configured to reference the newly created storage account and Azure SQL Database
- Deploy the web app from the following GitHub repository: https://github.com/wshamroukh/contosofinanceweb
- Navigate to the URL of your Azure Web App and click the Products link. The products catalog should load.
Note: You may get an error about CORS. This can be ignored, as it will be configured later in the lab.
Duration: 15-30 minutes
In this exercise, you will provision an Azure API App using the Azure portal. This API application is part of the front-end Web Applications and makes recommendations to the user on products the company wishes to highlight. The API App will leverage the SQL Database deployed previously.
Create a new Azure API App using the same resource group as the web app
Configure Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) on the new app to use ALLOWED ORIGINS
The new API app should be deployed in the same resource group as the web app
CORS should configured to allow all origins for the API app
- Deploy the following application to the new API App: https://github.com/wshamroukh/contosofinanceoffers
- The API app should be populated with the code from the GitHub repository
Add a new App Setting for the Contoso Financial Web Application with the following values:
Key: offersAPIUrl
Value: enter the HTTPS URL for the Offers API App with /api/get appended to the end
Example: https://contosofinanceapi.azurewebsites.net/api/get
- The web app should now show special offers when loaded from the home page
Duration: 15-30 minutes
Contoso wants to automate the process of generating applications in PDF format and using Azure Functions. In this exercise, you will provision a Function App using the Azure portal. This Function App will watch the Azure Storage Queue for a message that the web application has submitted, process the application creating a PDF and storing it in Azure Blob Storage.
Create a new Azure Function in the Azure portal portal using the same resource group as the web app
Deploy the code from the following repository: https://github.com/wshamroukh/contosofinancefunction
Scroll down to the Application settings and click +Add new setting to add a storage connection. This storage account will be used to write the PDFs to blob storage.
Name: contosofinancestorage (must be this name exactly)
Value: paste the connection string for the storage account created earlier in the lab
Locate Connection Strings below Application settings, and click +Add a new Connection String with the following values:
Name: ContosoFinance (must match exactly -- case sensitive)
Value: enter the Connection String for the SQL Database
Type: SQL Azure
- The function code should be deployed and configured to connect to the Azure SQL Database and the Storage Account for the Contoso Web App
Duration: 15-30 minutes
In this exercise, you will provision the admin website to be used by employees to review applications submitted.
Create a new web app in the Azure portal portal that will be used for the admin web app
Add a new connection string so it can connect to the Azure SQL Database for the web app
Name: ContosoFinance
Value: enter the Connection String for the SQL Database
Type: SQL Database
- The web app should be deployed with the connection string configured correctly in application settings
- Deploy the web app from the following GitHub repository: https://github.com/wshamroukh/contosofinanceadmin to the newly deployed web app
- The web app should load, and any orders that are submitted through the web app should show in the admin portal with the ability to download the PDF