The Modular Megafauna Model (MMM) is a dynamic, mechanistic, and process-based abstraction of large herbivore populations through space and time. Herbivores feed, grow, reproduce, and die on a daily simulation cycle. The amount of forage as well as relevant environment variables need to be supplied by the calling program, for instance by a dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM).
The megafauna model itself is spatially inexplicit, but operates in different singular spatial units, which can be mapped to spatially meaningful cells by the calling framework. Likewise, the megafauna model is ignorant of calendar dates, but is only aware of the Julian day of the year.
As the name suggests, modularity is a primary design goal. Processes and model components can be switched on and off, replaced, and expanded. Since this C++ library is Free Software, the scientific community is encouraged to use, study, change, and redistribute the source code.
Come join the MMM user and developer room on Matrix:!
Project documentation:
This project follows the Pitchfork Layout.
: Doxygen documentation.examples/
: Exemplary instruction files.external/
: Embedded external projects, which remain unmodified.include/
: Public API header files.LICENSES/
: Folder with licenses, compliant with REUSE.src/
: Source and (private) header files of the project. Subdirectories correspond to C++ namespaces.tests/
: Unit tests and test
: Different helper tools for the developer.
To check if the modular megafauna model works by itself correctly, you should compile it and run the unit tests. You will need Cmake (3.10 or later) and a C++ compiler supporting the C++11 standard. It should work well with GCC, the GNU C++ compiler (4.8 or later).
Open a Unix shell in the root of this repository and run:
mkdir -p build
cd build
make megafauna_unit_tests
If the unit tests all pass successfully, you are good to go!
you can compile the demo simulator.
This independent program is a very simple grass simulator that hosts the megafauna library.
It should work out of the box with the instructions files in the examples/
Again, open a terminal in the repository root folder and run:
mkdir -p build
cd build
make megafauna_demo_simulator
./megafauna_demo_simulator "../examples/megafauna.toml" "../examples/demo_simulation.toml"
Congratulations, you have run your first simulation!
The output files are tab-separated text (.tsv
) files.
The simulator does not want to have you lose your results and will refuse to overwrite existing output files.
So if you want to run it again, you will first need to remove the previously created output tables: rm *.tsv
A very simple RMarkdown file to visualize the demo output is provided in the build
It is called demo_results.Rmd
You can open and render it in RStudio.
Alternatively, you can compile the RMarkdown file into an HTML file without RStudio. You will need to have R (version 3, 4, or later) and Pandoc installed.
Open a terminal in the build
directory and execute R
to get into an interactive R session.
In the R console, you execute the following commands:
quit(save = "no")
This should have produced the HTML file demo_results.html
, which you can open in your web browser.
The results should show a rising population curve, which means that the example herbivore has been able to survive and reproduce.
You can compare it to the expected output (“artifacts”) produced in the last Continuous Integration (CI) run on GitLab (download “demo_simulation:archive” through the three-dots menu).
Feel free to play with the MMM parameters in megafauna.toml
and the Demo Simulator parameters in demo_simulation.toml
The Modular Megafauna Model library requires a single instruction file to set general simulation parameters and herbivore (HFT = Herbivore Functional Type) parameters. The instruction file is in TOML v0.5 format; see there for a description of the syntax. String parameters are generally case insensitive.
All possible options are listed in the example file under examples/megafauna.toml. You will find all parameters explained in detail in the Doxygen documentation of the two classes Fauna::Parameters and Fauna::Hft. The parameter names and cascaded categories are kept as consistent as possible between the C++ classes and the TOML file.
Note that the example HFT in examples/megafauna.toml is intentionally fictional. The parameter values do fall in a range realistic for an ungulate grazer, but for your study you will want to parametrize your organism of interest based on physiological data from the literature.
Both HFTs and HFT groups are represented as arrays of tables in the TOML syntax. You can define any number of HFTs, but they need to have unique names. Any HFT can be assigned to any number of groups to inherit parameters from that group. However, you cannot cascade groups, and an HFT cannot inherit from another HFT.
In general, the user is forced to specify all parameters. This way one instruction file is always complete and self-explanatory. Default values in the C++ code might change between model versions. However, the model should still yield the same results with the same instruction file.
You can find the automatically compiled documentation of the latest release here:
As a bare minimum, you will need to have CMake (version 3.10 or higher) and Doxygen (version 1.8.16 or higher) installed.
Open a Unix shell (terminal) in the root directory of the megafauna library, and execute the following lines. On Windows, you can use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (Windows 10 or higher) or try to compile it with the CMake GUI and/or an IDE.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DBUILD_DOC=ON ..
make megafauna_docs
Don’t worry if warning messages appear. Usually, most of the documentation
will be fine.
Now open the created file docs/index.html
in a web browser.
- Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Graphviz to compile PlantUML diagrams. See here for details.
- LaTeX to render mathematical formulas offline, and BibTeX for the bibliography.
Originally this megafauna model was developed for the dynamic global vegetation model LPJ-GUESS.
On the Lund subversion server there exists a branch megafauna
that integrates this library into LPJ-GUESS.
The educational version of LPJ-GUESS does not integrate MMM.
LPJ-GUESS is proprietary and closed-source.
Please contact the maintainers of LPJ-GUESS to kindly ask for access.
Other dynamic vegetation models can include the megafauna model as an external library, too. Learn more in the Doxygen documentation.
Flexibility and extensibility were high design goals for developing the megafauna model. Hopefully you will find it possible to implement the necessary code changes/extensions for your particular research questions. You will need basic skills with Git and C++ (C++11 standard) in order to contribute.
On the index/main page of the Doxygen documentation you will be directed to the resources you need to contribute. Please also read through the file
Continuous Integration (CI) runs through in this mirror repository:
Note that for running the model, you don’t need to change the source code. Most parameters can be set in the instruction file.
Known bugs and improvements are collected in the GitHub issue tracker. If you discover a new bug, please use the issue tracker to report it. If you can fix it yourself, fork this repository, fix the bug, and request a pull into the main repository. Compare Understanding the GitHub flow.
- Wolfgang Traylor (, Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (SBiK-F)
- Dangal, Shree R. S., Hanqin Tian, Chaoqun Lu, Wei Ren, Shufen Pan, Jia Yang, Nicola Di Cosmo, and Amy Hessl. 2017. “Integrating Herbivore Population Dynamics into a Global Land Biosphere Model: Plugging Animals into the Earth System.” Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 9 (8): 2920–45.
- Illius, A. W., and T. G. O’Connor. 2000. “Resource Heterogeneity and Ungulate Population Dynamics.” Oikos 89 (2): 283–94.
- Pachzelt, Adrian, Anja Rammig, Steven Higgins, and Thomas Hickler. 2013. “Coupling a Physiological Grazer Population Model with a Generalized Model for Vegetation Dynamics.” Ecological Modelling 263: 92–102.
- Zhu, Dan, Philippe Ciais, Jinfeng Chang, Gerhard Krinner, Shushi Peng, Nicolas Viovy, Josep Peñuelas, and Sergey Zimov. 2018. “The Large Mean Body Size of Mammalian Herbivores Explains the Productivity Paradox During the Last Glacial Maximum.” Nature Ecology & Evolution.
- This project follows the REUSE standard:
- Every file has its copyright/license information either in a comment at the top or in a separate text file with the extension
. - All license texts can be found in the directory
. - Project information and licenses for Git submodules can be found in the text file
- Every file has its copyright/license information either in a comment at the top or in a separate text file with the extension
- The Modular Megafauna Model is Free Software under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later.
- The software documentation, the accompanying images, and configuration files are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.
The Catch2 test framework (
) is licensed under the Boost Software License. -
The CMake-codecov scripts in
are licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License. -
The version of the PlantUML file (
), which is used to render UML diagrams in the Doxygen documentation, is under the MIT license. -
The cpptoml library (
) is licensed under the MIT license.