Pipeline for COVID-19 variation analysis from whole genome sequences.
$ git clone https://github.com/wtsi-hpag/covidPileup.git
$ cd covidPileup
$ bash install.sh
If everything compiled successfully you must see the final comment: "Congrats: installation successful!"
The genome aligner BWA (http://bio-bwa.sourceforge.net) and SMALT (http://www.sanger.ac.uk/science/tools/smalt-0) are downloaded and compiled by covidPileup.
$ /full/path/to/covidPileup/src/covidPileup -nodes <nodes> -SNP <plot> -GAP <plot> \
-country <country_name> -cover <n_cover> -length <reference_length> \
reference.fasta COVID-19_genomes.fasta sample-pileup
nodes: Number of CPUs requested [ default = 30 ]
length: Reference genome length [ default = 40000 ]
cover: Threshold coverage number to report specific SNPs [ default = 5 o] \
country: Specific SNPs in the country [ default = UK ]
"EU" and Europen countries like "France", "Italy" et al should work;
"UK" and "England", "Scotland", "Wales" et al should work;
SNP: Output 4 image files on SNP pileup [ default not plot ]
1. sample-pileup.pileupSNP.png; 2. sample-pileup.frequeSNP.png
3. sample-pileup.uniqueSNP.png; 4. sample-pileup.regionSNP.png
GAP: Output 2 image files on GAP pileup [ default not plot ]
5. sample-pileup.pileupGAP.png; 6. sample-pileup.frequeGAP.png
Other output files:
sample-pileup.name - country names and sample number for earch country
sample-pileup.snps - all the SNPs detected by the pipeline
sample-pileup.spec - country specific (unique) SNPs
$ /full/path/to/covidPileup/src/covidPileup -nodes 30 -SNP plot -GAP plot -country UK\
reference.fasta COVID-19_genomes.fasta sample-pileup
or using SMALT
$ /full/path/to/covidPileup/src/covidPileup -nodes 30 -SNP plot -GAP plot -country UK
-align smalt reference.fasta COVID-19_genomes.fasta sample-pileup
The names in the fasta file have to follow the format used by Gisaid
The aligner SMALT is much slower than BWA, but it offers better alignments for sequences \
(1) with a lot of "N"s; (2) lower sequence similarity such as bats or pangolins \
Personally, I would recommend SMALT, which takes 2-3 hours with 60 CPUs for 50K genomes.
If you had made a run previously with a temporary directory: \
/lustre/team117/zn1/project/covid/tmp_rununik_71885/ \
You may use the already existing alignment file to save time: \
$ /full/path/to/covidPileup/src/covidPileup -nodes <nodes> -SNP <plot> -GAP <plot> \
-country <country_name> -cover <n_cover> -length <reference_length> \
-data /lustre/team117/zn1/project/covid/tmp_rununik_71885/align.dat \
reference.fasta COVID-19_genomes.fasta sample-pileup
Note: "-data ?" expects a full path.