A proxy pool which you can get an avaiable proxy http server.
When we run a crawler for data collecting purpose, we always get blocked. This module may help you get out of the trouble.
start_page = 'http://www.xicidaili.com/nt/'
target_parttern = r'href=\"(\/nt\/\d+)\"\>'
ip_parttern = r'\<td\>(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\<\/td\>'
port_parttern = r'\<td\>(\d{2,5})\<\/td\>'
collector = Collector(start_page=start_page,
"IP": ip_parttern,
"PORT": port_parttern
collector = proxy_pool.Collector()
collector.collect_proxies() # init or update proxy info
collector.get_one_proxy() # get the proxy