see mcl
- 2022/May/08 fix get{X,Y,Z} and get_{a,b}.
- 2021/Dec/15 rewritten by TypeScript (Thanks to asa-taka)
- 2021/Nov/11 unify index.js of Node.js and browser (Thanks to Futa HIRAKOBA)
- 2021/Aug/28 improve performance of
- 2021/Jun/22 add index.d.ts
- 2021/Mar/02 improve performance
- 2020/Nov/10 setup function has changed.
- add
mulVec(xVec, yVec)
where xVec is an array of G1 or G2 and yVec is an array of Fr, which returnssum of xVec[i] yVec[i]
. - G1.setHashOf is compatible with hash-to-curve-09 BLS12381G1_XMD:SHA-256_SSWU_RO_
- support only BN254, ZKSNARK, BLS12-381 to remove mcl_c512.js
- add mcl.precomputedMillerLoop2 and mcl.precomputedMillerLoop2mixed
The version v0.6.0
breaks backward compatibility of the entry point.
- Node.js :
const mcl = require('mcl-wasm')
- React :
const mcl = require('mcl-wasm')
- HTML :
<script src=""></script>
node test/test.js
// Ethereum 2.0 spec mode
.then(() => {
mcl.setETHserialization(true) // Ethereum serialization
mcl.setMapToMode(mcl.IRTF) // for G2.setHashOf(msg)
a = new mcl.Fr()
a.setStr('255') // set 255
a.setStr('0xff') // set 0xff = 255
a.setStr('ff', 16) // set ff as hex-string
a.getStr() // '255'
a.getStr(16) // 'ff'
// byte array serialization
b.deserialize(a.serialize()) // b.isEqualTo(a)
// hex string of serialization()
// serialization like Ethereum 2.0 only for BLS12-381
it is big cost to to verify the order
call once after init() if you want to disable it
cf. sub group problem
see test.js
modified new BSD License
2019/Jan/31 add Fp.mapToG1