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A Self-hosted Cloud Storage & File Sharing Platform, best to serve for a medium-sized user groups. Build by Vue2.0 · Java Springboot · MongoDB. this repo is web-client part.

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Valiya: NightTown 夜镇系统


Server repo is here

A Self-hosted Cloud Storage & File Sharing Platform, best to serve for a medium-sized (under 1000) user groups.

Example scenarios for this project usage are: a group of your friends/multiple families/median-size working groups and so on.

This project has 2 parts currently, Front-End web-client server and Back-End server: Front-End web-client server is based on Vue 2.x, Element-Ui & Nginx 1.23.0 (Which is the current repo). Back-End server is based on Java Springboot & MongoDB 4.4.0.

image image

Table of Contents

What this project can do?

If you have a NAS (DS720+ etc.) or a real server or even a idle computer and you want to have a personal web-based cloud storage server for you and your friends/families/classmates..., you come to a right place!

The reason I build VanIsLord/NightTown is I have a bunch of friends who met on the Internet wants to share their music/movies/anime/manga/academic resource to each other. So I build this system for them.

The main features for this repository are:

  1. 📂 A complete cloud storage system. It has nearly all main atioatures that a file system should has. Extra: Support large/multiple files uploading with browser (No support for folder uploading yet). Support Single file/Multi files operations such as delete/download/move to other folder/share/add favorites. Support Single file/Multi files drag operations.
  2. 🛫MD5 Back-End file storage system. Same files will only be stored once in real disk with a unique MD5 marker. So you will save A LOT OF space for more file sharing & storage!
  3. 🎥 Online preview. Natively support images/videos/music/pdf/txt files' preview based on client browser. Unsupported video encode format will be transcode to H.264 with ffmpeg in Back-End with Hardware Acceleration based on Intal Quick Sync (QSV). But you CAN have more files preview support powered by kkFileView. We will use this third-party project to provide support for doc/docx/xlsx/rar files preview and so on.
  4. 🎼 A Native Web Music Player with a unique UI interface which will show Main-info & Cover from songs. it can also store user's playlist and sync-update it with all clients that this user login.
  5. 🌃 A Piazza. "a town for sharing", you can find all the files that other user sharing in this place. Get to your own cloud!
  6. 📋 A Clipboard. if you want anything from other users, name it! This complete chat system power by vue-advanced-chat can help you to communicate with any user in your user pool!
  7. 🛠Tools (still in development). Provide many useful tools for advance file opreation. Such as a helper tool for file renaming with TMDB API, so you can send your movies/anime to your Media System such as Jellyfin currently and quickly without searching the right names and seasons info on TMDB and rename each files by yourself!
  8. And maybe More in the future!

How To Install?

Currently, This project is specify built for our own server. But we will build a general version which will have config customize.

We use docker to build this project. For BETTER futrue database maintenance, we don't build MongoDB inside this project, you need to build your own and set users:

$ docker run -p 27017:27017 -v /**place to store your DB**:/data/db --name vanislord_db -d mongo:4.4.0
$ docker exec -it vanislord_db bash
$ db.createUser(
       user:"**username you want**",
       pwd:"**pwd you want**",
$ db.createUser( 
        user: "**username you want**", 
        pwd: "**pwd you want**", 
        roles: [{role:"readWrite",db:"vnetdisk"},

Cautions: Make sure you don't use any user name that in default! And DO NOT expose your database port outside your server in any kind of situation!

Now you can pull this project from Docker Hub:

$ docker run -d --privileged -p 9090:9090 -v /**place to store your File system**:/usr/local/netdisk --name **Anything you want** --device /dev/dri:/dev/dri wzl778633/vanislord_server:latest // Back-End Server

$ docker run -d -p 9070:443 --name **Anything you want** wzl778633/vanislord_web:latest //Front-End Web Server

Port Mapping is based on your own situation. If your region's network don't have support for 80 (http) & 443 (ssl) ports, the default config provides a way to work around.

You may need to change your --device input base on the enviroment you have for currect Hardware Acceleration support. (Currently we only provide support for devices which support QSV) More Info you can find in docker hub documentation

More complex for device input

After pulling completed and the containers for both Back-End and Front-End client are working correctly, try http://your IP:9070 or http://localhost:9070 to see if is showing the current web pege for login without any problems poping.

How to use this system?

// TODO May need more update in the future.

Demo or

user: test
pwd: **Ask me if you want to see the demo**

For Special Demo only. So plz DO NOT submit any files.



Currently 2 main contributors are working for this project. Tom "Van" Wang & YiXing "Star-xyz" Wu

We will welcome any contribution for this project!




A Self-hosted Cloud Storage & File Sharing Platform, best to serve for a medium-sized user groups. Build by Vue2.0 · Java Springboot · MongoDB. this repo is web-client part.





