Control Kubernetes objects from Etcd, used to prove concepts.
It may be merged with etcd-io/auger#62, or it may be moved to etcd as a new repo, or it may just stay as it is now.
Create a cluster and expose etcd port, to facilitate the creation of a cluster using kwokctl, this can be any other cluster
# brew install kwok
kwokctl create cluster --etcd-port 2379
Get the kubernetes.default service
kectl get services -n default kubernetes
kectl get leases -n kube-system
kectl get
# change the creation time to very long ago
kectl get services -n default kubernetes | sed 's/creationTimestamp: .*/creationTimestamp: "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z"/' | kectl put --path -
kubectl get services -n default kubernetes
Maybe patch subcommands can be added in the future
kectl del services -n default kubernetes