You will need node package manager npm
for starters. If you want to simulate the app on android or build apk bundles, also install Android Studio
- Clone the repository
git --verbose
- Install the dependencies
npm i
- Add private tokens to the environment
The private tokens needed to access some APIs like supabase or google maps API are stored in a .env
file (root folder). The structure of the file should resemble the following:
VITE_GUN_TESTUSER_PASS=<gundb password>
VITE_GOOGLE_API_KEY=<google maps api key>
email if you want to share some of these keys with the main build.
- Run development server
npm run dev
Now you can test the app on a web brower at http://localhost:3000
- Testing builds
First, build a deployment version of the app,
npm run build
For testing on android, sync the web build and open in android studio.
npx cap sync
npx cap open android
then you can build the an apk from the android studio, transfer to a phone and test. Probably faster way to do, but this is my workflow for now
- Android Studio
- Make sure you have Google Play services SDK tool installed. We need this for location services
- Create a device, tested with Nexus 5, Android R/API level 30.