paper maybe :
Clone the repo and use pip to install;
git clone cd dp4gp pip install -e .
Fairly simple to use. Simply build a normal Gaussian Process regression model in GPy, using any kernel you would like. Then pass it to the dp4gp method of your choice.
from dp4gp import dp4gp import numpy as np import GPy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline X = np.arange(0,10,0.1)[:,None] Y = np.sin(X)+np.random.randn(len(X),1)*0.4 kern = GPy.kern.RBF(1.0,lengthscale=2.0,variance=1.0) model = GPy.models.GPRegression(X,Y,kern,normalizer=None) #model = GPy.models.SparseGPRegression(X,Y,kern,normalizer=None) model.Gaussian_noise = 0.3 dpgp = dp4gp.DPGP_cloaking(model,ac_sens,epsilon=1.0,delta=0.01) #dpgp = dp4gp.DPGP_inducing_cloaking(model,ac_sens,epsilon=1.0,delta=0.01) dpgp.plot(plot_data = True,extent_lower={0:0},extent_upper={0:20},Nits=100,confidencescale=[1.0]); plt.ylim([-5,5])