xorphitus dotfiles
execute envs/${my_env}/setup.sh
or setup.sh
Rust components
- rls
- rust-src
- rust-analysis
- clippy
- rustfm
OS packages
- rust-analyzer
- cmigemo
- multimarkdown
- rg
- PlantUML
and execute the followings
M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts
M-x nerd-icons-install-fonts
For AI packages:
- OS package installation
- ollama
- Install AI models for Olamma and run
ollama serve
- Set
to Pass
Create ~/home/.gitconfig
file as following.
path = /path/to/dotfiles/.gitconfig
smtpserver = example.com
smtpserverport = 587
smtpencryption = tls
smtpuser = xorphitus@example.com
helper = cache
autocrlf = input
defaultBranch = main
Install bat
as a pager.