- Clone this repository
- Use the following commands to start a virtual environment in this repository locally, .gitignore is set to ignore 'venv'.
python -m venv venv
- Activate the virtual environment
. venv/scripts/activate
- Once the venv is active, upgrade pip to minimum requirements
python -m pip install --upgrade 21.1.2
- Install requirements.txt to the venv
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- To run the app, move into the app directory in your terminal and use the command:
python app.py
- You should see the app running on local host, accessible at Though a randomized address may show in the terminal.
Open your browser to You should get a JSON responce of "Hello World". Your connection has been made!
Endpoints are available as /int:id/. The request will return the values you entered.
Entering /0/omega is the only endpoint that will return a new message.