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Client Install

npm install --force (?why force? not sure)
npm start

if the above doesn't work, try this, or upgrade node to the latest version
NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK=true npm start

Running server locally

cd graphql
npm install

export PGHOST=35.188.171.*** # lookup from yumyum-v2
export PGPASSWORD=3DdeM*****  # look it up 

# configure db connection
npm start 

then visit  http://localhost:8080/graphiql

type in a query like 
query MyQuery {
  allVenues(filter: {metro: {equalTo: "bayarea"}, name: {equalTo: "Angler SF"}}) {
    edges {
      node {
        slots (date:"2023-07-14",party_size:2, timeOption:"lunch")

To test both front and backend locally
export REACT_APP_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:8080/graphql
and restart the frontend server

install code gen
npm i -D @graphql-codegen/cli
npm run generate

If the above fails, likely due to schema changes.
We need to run the server locally first to update the schema file.

server side graphql

Run Unit Tests

cd graphql; ln -s ../src/generated .

npm test

Run one specific unit test 

npm test tests/integration/abc/resy.test.ts

TOCK protocol buff proto generation 
brew install protobuf
npm install -g protoc-gen-js
npm install -g google-protobuf

The above reverse engineering was performed by using 
1) to analyize the octect stream to determine the protobuf structure
2) fiddler for macos to determine/save the input payload (both Safari and Chrome developer console failed to handle the binary data properly)

New Emerging Reservation Systems
- Spoton:
- Sevenrooms

How to update db

# follow data/11-05-2022/README.txt  to generate a number of per city json. check those in
# for each 
# Go to admin tab (after logging in)
## click "Import from Michelin JSON"
## visually inspect
## Click "import!" . no GUI feedback
# run npm test tests/reservation-tbd.test.ts

hopefully the above gets automated some day.


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