a DID managing tool to communicate your public and private data with sovereignty
git https://github.com/xunorus/starkid
nvm use 20
yarn parcel src/index.html --port 4444 --https
nvm use 20
yarn parcel src/index.html --dist-dir public --public-url ./
firebase deploy --only hosting:starkid
v0.15 v0.15 fix crop img v0.14 fix storing contacts and send button v0.13 fix did record v0.12 fix qr link and did calls v0.11 url fixes v0.10 bug fixes v0.9 working chat! v0.8 starkid console and xmtp server, agenda v0.7 fixed priv encypt/decrypt for storage v0.6 chat UI updates v0.5 chat UI v0.4 qr scans v0.3 short address fix for starknet 64 character addresses